Look, look at your feet. This is the path you walk on. Look, look ahead. That is your future. My mother gave me so much kindness. She told me to walk with love in my arms. I was still young at that time and didn't know what it meant. She held my hand and walked with me. My dreams are always high in the sky. I'm scared I can't reach them, but I keep chasing them. I don't want to give up because it's my story. When I get anxious, I hold your hand and walk with you. Sometimes I hate that kindness. I can't be honest with my mother who is far away. Look, look at your feet. This is the path you walk on. Look, look ahead. That is your future. Sometimes I hate that kindness. I can't be honest with my mother who is far away. Look, look at your feet. This is the path you walk on. Look, look ahead. That is your future. Look, look at your feet. This is the path you walk on. Look, look ahead. That is your future. Look, look at your feet. This is the path you walk on. Look, look ahead. That is your future. Let's walk slowly towards the future.
eu nunca conheci meus pais biológicos. desde pequenos e e meus dois irmão fomos criados pela nossa avó paterna, a pessoa que nos ensonou sobre honestidade e bondade. tenho muito a gradecer a ela por tudo. hoje ela não está mais entre nós, mas seus ensinamentos ficaram no meu coração. ja se passou 9 anos desde que ela nos deixou e essa musica me lembra o carinho dela. obrigado vovó.
Pray for mommy, share happiness and make other happy for your mom, and maintain what she used to love to do, build relationship to whom with mommy used to build relationship
글로만 봐도 지진의 공포가 느껴집니다ㅜ 그나마 이곡이 위로가 되었다니 정말 다행이네요. 난 20년전 처음 일본어를 배우기 시작할때 일본인 선생님이 가르쳐주셨던 곡이라 그때의 기억이 나기도 하고 지금도 잊지않고 따라부르게 되네요. 그후로 일본어 공부는 하다말다 해서 늘지않고 초급에만 머물고 있지만요ㅎㅎ 이 곡으로 서로 다른 기억과 추억을 나눌 수 있어서 좋네요 더이상 일본에 지진이 일어나지 않기를 바라겠습니다..