Weibird, you are truly an amazing singer. Since you sang your composed song "YOU MEI YOU" live in the 22nd Golden Disk Awards, your voice instantly captured my attention. Someone who is able to sing like you should be highly appreciated, we see your passion and hard work behind all this. However, communicating with the company to portray in great details of the song visually in MV would be worthy. All the best and I hope to listen different song genres from you soon! Keep up the great work. 福茂唱片真的有很多才華洋溢的歌手,MV畫質雖不錯,但故事情節不夠豐富,創意不夠突出。希望福茂多花心思規劃,讓MV畫面和歌詞附和一些,一切都會是值得的。韋禮安加油,雖然你還年輕,但我非常盼望你手握金曲獎最佳男歌手!