又忍唔住要留言啦!怡富你呢2年既製作真係好犀利,睇得出你嘅深度旅遊用咗好多時間心機同金錢。好感激你同攝影師嘅製作可以帶比觀眾好多眼前一亮既moments. KZbin有時有啲片睇咗覺得好似浪費咗時間,但係睇你嘅片就覺得自己不斷在增長見聞,想不停睇落去!Please keep this going, be it in any popular Asian countries or other less popular countries in the world, I’ll always be your audience. Thank you!
I'm so sad to see this wonderful 7 episode series come to an end... I'm an ABC (美國華僑第二代) and my fiance is Venezuelan born Chinese (委內瑞拉華僑第二代)who left his home country because of the political crisis. I discovered your channel last year from your San Francisco ABC episode and I followed your journey ever since. I honestly learned so much about my fiance's life and the *REAL* Venezuela through your videos. I'm so glad I understand both Spanish and HK Cantonese because your videos are so funny and entertaining!! I can see all the hard work and sacrifice your team puts into each video. Thank you so much for all that you do and I hope you continue this passion. 繼續加油啊,怡富!!Love and support from the USA !! 💯🇺🇸
@Iwalkutake8 ай бұрын
One day visit Venezuela by yrself , enjoy the beautiful nature and ppl there
我係從MM嗰度發現你!好鍾意睇你旅行啲片 I even introduced your show to my Turkish boyfriend😄 so happy you now have English subtitle so I can watch with him together. 唔使成日問我你講緊啲咩😅 Hello from Canada 🇨🇦
Thank you for all your hard work on this Venezuela project. It seems that the gap between the rich and the poor is a common issue in every country/city around the world. A big round of applause to you and your brave photographer. Grazie mille!