看得十分細緻,留意不到 MV 中的男女主角和戲中男女主角的衣裝也有配襯,此安排十分細心。 電影三部曲,我看分別是戀愛火花的甜,回憶再續的甜,及最後處理現實種種的着地;也是人在二十多、三十多及四十多分別面對感情生活的波瀾;亦有點象徵着純粹愛情、愛情與感情、及感情的不同階段。我想在日落巴黎的其中一句很能說出此歌欲帶出的重點︰"Memory is a wonderful thing if you don't have to deal with the past." 相比起 MV 內三套戲中的三句對白,此更像是一個總結。回憶或者一直放在過去,小心放好,便好了。
入面Before Midnight嗰段🥲 Jesse : You're just like the little girls and everybody else. You wanna live inside some fairy tale. I'm just trying to make things better. I tell you that I love you unconditionally, I tell you that you're beautiful, I tell you that your ass looks great when you're 80. I try to make you laugh. Céline : Ok. Jesse : All right, I put up with plenty of your shit. And if you think I'm just some dog who's gonna keep coming back, then you're wrong. But if you want true love, then this is it. This is real life. It's not perfect, but it's real. And if you can't see it, then you're blind, all right, and I give up. Real life is Jesse條仆街cheated on Céline在先🥲