She asked a good question. While I enjoy their troop performances, in a way, the market decides. More people can relate to pop music. Fans are touched. I myself liked this performance more than their Shanghai opera numbers because I can relate to it more. Perhaps new choreography style is needed.
Kevin Z 她们跳的舞种本来就不一样,朱洁静跳的是现代舞,唐诗逸本来的专业就是古典舞,很多作品风格上肯定有差别,但是至于匠气我不太认同,毕竟拿过那么多大奖,得到过那么多专业评委的肯定。不知您有没有看过唐创作的《唐诗逸舞》真的很不错呢,有古典舞的底子但也融入了很多创意元素,当时看现场还带了几个平时不太看舞蹈表演的朋友一起看,看完朋友都非常喜欢。虽然我对纯古典舞也不太感兴趣,但是文化是需要继承的,也会有一定的受众。