姍姍 version 只能排 ranking 第三,sorry !.....But why ? Because of Danny 仔 version is legendary, top tier overwhelming and invincible ever....So, he Is top 1 authentic champion without any questions or doubt , right ?! Nevertheless,而 小公主 (希望快D 從 紐西蘭 resume to[ After class] , 其實🉑以 considering 再改團名為 [S.O.S ]**** {Sweetie On Stage ***} “名字比較 long lasting ! 佢 在 2021 S.A.contest 喺 ”Who is the only one able Reach to such extraordinary level, Her performance is literally stunning, Mind blowing, impressive and spot on ! Her voice is cure our heart,save our soul and sounds like story telling, Tremendous achievement, great showmanship ever....Full spectrum And reach to the apex, hi Fi level skill, 驚為天人 ! Home Run ....全壘打 Literally !! So....[小菲象] Ranking is no.2