everyone is changing, he found a different version of himself, he is still Thomas. 每个人都会成长,他成长了,思维上可能有不一样的改变和想法。 怎么就说他眼神就说他变心。 18岁的你,28岁的你,38岁的你,48岁的你, 58岁的你, 68岁的你 你还是你,随着年龄增长和人生经历,想法和性格会有一些变化。 只是可能各位还没改变,就看到了Thomas的改变,而且是在很短的时间,不能理解。 他的改变比较明显因为他都把过程用影片记录了下来。
很高興看到今天視頻,解釋心裏的疑問。我並沒有因爲你們的分開己離開訂閱。一直都支持,我相信你們是真誠直率,也很欣賞你們勤奮努力工作。每次看完都會開心及很著。 現今時候是需要多些正面能量,你們也做得到,像今天視頻,你們是最夾,說話笑容都自然就像身邊的朋友一樣。 有時事以願遺,你們還年輕,為理想,夢想出發,「人生有幾多個十年」。創造明天出發,事實你們分開後,也表達到你們內心世界很不同,希望你們再創高峰。 最希望你們在友好關係下,間中也可以一起拍視頻,好開心見到你們開心。 祈望你們身體健康,快樂,事業上再創高峰。love you both ❤❤
Omg. I found out today that you were no longer together because I watched the video of afu with another lady and they mentioned about divorce and I was like wait.. what did I miss. I've been following you guys since like 2019 and was searching for a video for explanation and found this one. This video was so sweet and honest and heartfelt especially from julie. She feels transcended and wise. I'm sorry it didn't work out but I'm glad to see you two still friends and care for each other. ❤