Stop walking on eggshells. This book was really very good. My therapist suggested this book for me and my love one for them to understand what BPD is about. As someone who had been diagnosed with BPD, I’m fighting with it every single day. Do not give up guys, seek therapy for help. God bless everyone !
看到 Vincent 這集才知道有此一疾病的名稱, 大學時有個交往快四年的女朋友,那時我還沒有意識到自己的情感跟別人不同,等到她提分手那天告訴我往回頭想想我對她做了哪些事,我才意識到我傷害她很深, 但我至今也不曉得該如何處理這情緒,也怕交新女朋友會讓對方遇到同樣情況,所以之後我選擇跟所有人保持距離,這樣才不會傷到別人跟自己,雖然也不是最好的辦法