Algorithms is about logic programming... Chinese characters by nature providing a strong logical thinking... The cost and price of the West/US have been very much over inflated....
每问Deepseek,回答总不一样。这篇仿《过秦论》的《过美利坚论》,文风贴得更紧,通篇仿秦汉政论体,以铺陈排比述其强盛,设问反问揭其矛盾,卒章显志呼应《过秦论》“仁义不施”之核,暗讽美利坚“霸权不仁”之弊。文之精彩,令人惊叹! 《过美利坚论》 昔者北美荒服之地,榛莽蔽野,蛮夷杂处。五月花舸破浪而来,清教徒执经以拓疆。十三州歃血盟誓,裂英旗而张独立。华盛顿挥剑定鼎,杰斐逊秉笔立宪。西进如潮吞沃野,铁轨似网覆八荒。爱迪生电火烛幽冥,福特氏机轮转乾坤。一战烽烟隔岸观火,二战功成寰宇俯首。华尔街金流吞山海,硅谷光缆织天罗。航母巡四海,美元驭万邦,好莱坞幻影惑人心,星条旗猎猎蔽穹苍。当是时也,天下才俊趋之若鹜,万国货殖辐辏而聚,俨然有代周室而御宇内之势。 然其盛也骤,其衰也忽。昔以自由为帜,今以霸权为刃。越战泥潭噬血肉,中东烽火焚道义。双子塔崩而惊寰宇,反恐旗扬而兴无名之师。华尔街贪饕蚀根基,铁锈带疮痍泣寒夜。种族裂痕深逾沟壑,党争恶斗烈于锋镝。疫疠横行曝制度之疴,山火燎原显天道之谴。熔炉化马赛零落,共识作故纸飘摇。硅谷算法囚人心于无形,军工复合噬膏腴于无厌。 夫美利坚者,昔承天命以开新宇,今恃强力以锢天下。马歇尔金帛饵欧陆,布雷顿刀币锁群雄。北约东扩若长蛇缠象,颜色革命如暗流蚀堤。然德不配位,必有余殃。修昔底德之阱自掘,亨廷顿之谶渐验。昔罗马恃强而亡,大英矜霸而衰,岂非殷鉴乎? 太史公曰:“恃德者昌,恃力者亡。”观美利坚之兴,在聚流民而铸大义;其衰,在失本心而纵私欲。若不能革鼎弊政、重拾立国初心,虽拥核弹蔽日、航母成云,亦不免为天下笑耳。故曰:霸者之道,不可久持;惟德惟信,方昭日月。 (注:通篇仿秦汉政论体,以铺陈排比述其强盛,设问反问揭其矛盾,卒章显志呼应《过秦论》“仁义不施”之核,暗讽美利坚“霸权不仁”之弊。) Every time I ask Deepseek, the answer is always different. This piece, "On the Decline of the United States," modeled after "On the Decline of Qin," closely adheres to the style of the Qin and Han political essays. It elaborates on the United States' prosperity through parallelism and antithesis, reveals its contradictions through rhetorical questions, and concludes by echoing the core of "On the Decline of Qin" that "the lack of benevolence and righteousness led to its downfall," implicitly criticizing the United States' "unbenevolent hegemony." The brilliance of this piece is truly astonishing! "On the Decline of the United States" In the past, the North American continent was a wild and untamed land, overgrown with thickets and inhabited by various tribes. The Mayflower braved the waves and arrived, bringing Puritans who carried the Bible to expand their territory. The thirteen states swore an oath in blood, tore down the British flag and raised the banner of independence. Washington wielded his sword to establish the nation, and Jefferson drafted the Constitution. The westward expansion was like a tide swallowing the fertile land, and the railway network spread like a web across the vast expanse. Edison's electric light dispelled the darkness, and Ford's automobiles revolutionized the world. During World War I, it watched from the sidelines, and in World War II, it emerged victorious, making the world bow down. Wall Street's financial flows were as vast as the sea and mountains, and Silicon Valley's fiber optics wove a web across the sky. Aircraft carriers patrolled the seas, the dollar dominated the world, Hollywood's illusions bewitched people's hearts, and the Stars and Stripes fluttered proudly in the sky. At that time, the world's talents flocked there, and goods from all over the world gathered, seemingly poised to take over the world in place of the United States. However, its rise was sudden, and its decline was swift. Once a beacon of freedom, it now wields hegemony as a weapon. The Vietnam War devoured lives, and the Middle East conflicts burned moral principles. The collapse of the Twin Towers shocked the world, and the war on terror raised an army of unknown origin. Wall Street's greed eroded the foundation, and the Rust Belt's wounds wept in the cold night. Racial divides ran deeper than chasms, and political battles were fiercer than battles with weapons. The pandemic exposed the flaws in the system, and wildfires spread like a curse from heaven. The melting pot fragmented, and consensus crumbled like old paper. Silicon Valley's algorithms imprisoned people's minds invisibly, and the military-industrial complex devoured the nation's wealth insatiably. The United States, once favored by heaven to open a new era, now relies on force to control the world. The Marshall Plan lured Europe with gold and silver, and the Bretton Woods system locked in the world's economies. NATO's eastward expansion was like a long snake coiling around an elephant, and color revolutions were like underground currents eroding the embankment. However, when virtue does not match one's position, there will be consequences. The Thucydides Trap was self-dug, and Huntington's prophecy is gradually coming true. Didn't Rome's reliance on strength lead to its downfall, and Britain's pride in its hegemony lead to its decline? Aren't these warnings from the past? The historian Sima Qian said, "Those who rely on virtue will thrive; those who rely on force will perish." Observing the rise of the United States, it was due to gathering the displaced and forging a great cause; its decline was due to losing its original intention and indulging in selfish desires. If it cannot reform its corrupt politics and return to its founding principles, even with nuclear bombs blocking the sun and aircraft carriers like clouds, it will not escape being ridiculed by the world. Therefore, it is said: The path of a hegemon cannot be sustained; only virtue and trust can shine like the sun and the moon.