太好了,当你释放掉负面的想法的时候,你已经离你的梦想越来越近啦! 人生总是起起伏伏,就好比我们在船上航行,我们需要时刻去掌舵调整方向。 两年前,我通过吸引力法则获得了当时的梦想工作。两年后,我开始追求新的目标和进步。前几天,我也接受到了宇宙的指引,过几天我准备去面试新的公司,去接受新的挑战! Take the risk, or loss the chance. I seek to strive, to grow, to live a happy life. 加油!!! 我等你的好消息!等我再次获得新的理想工作的时候,我也会来报喜的!
Thank you for sharing and your kindness to spread the seed of love who face downs in their life now.
@florecita20212 жыл бұрын
It has been my pleasure to shine some lights on people's life and it feels amazing to give 给予. Thank you Hwee for your kindest comment. I wish you the best ❤️