Totally! 東京物語原節子 笠智眾 喺本片最後一幕 企係寺院?望落Onomichi That’s the Onomichi I was looking forward to. Yet, my various researches suggest otherwise! Sad . 兩老被「送去」嘅熱海 我惗依家都「冇乜剩」 唯一可幸嘅係 片中兩老有家歸不得 流連上野公園 果兩條石柱仍在 我惗我都要重睇又重睇呢套深入淺出咁描述曰本戰後親情疏離嘅經典之作!!聽講Onomichi 個film museum 好值得去 除咗東京物語之外 仲有好多套戲都喺呢道拍
我有朋友鍾意長野,係plan緊去住果隻。有朋友好鍾愛黑川,有朋友s係大阪福岡住咁點呀... 我去到本護照要加頁,100次?你知知要你幾多頁,(係吾洗加頁)人地問我,我都係果句咪又係咁,有錢有時間去東京,平咪周圍走,度度差無幾又有少少吾同。第一次去伊勢神宮我嘩嘩聲,第3次去,我哦一聲。去下褔岡,近近地去櫛田神社10分鐘車打下卡咪算囉。去買下樓,冲下涼食下野 有種平常心,好似去旺角咁,吾洗特別講出黎,帶埋個露營爐去食超市特價牛又得。我朋友有永住同我講完都收左工,吾好講到又幾睇真d,晚d都冇咩野食。this country is falling,吾怕悶睇下風景,chill 下咪返黎hea
I was in Tokyo for 9 days last months. Honestly, I don't understand why people go to Japan , food is so salty, salty and salty. People are skinny, I believe it has to do Japanese taking the subway which is a long walk. They actually walk a lot in a day. However, Japanese has good manner and drivers are patient. They will make a complete stop and wait for you to cross the street. Unlike Hong Kong, Drivers try to beat pedestrian
@stoneyim9751Ай бұрын
I live in Kanazawa , not a single day that I smell a stinky Japanese , maybe there is something wrong with your nose .
@718awongАй бұрын
Eat seafood bowl with salty, did u really travel in japan lol
@davidfung829029 күн бұрын
Only ramen is relatively salty? Sashimi and sushi are fresh and tasty. I think you have ate in restaurant run by Chinese people instead.