@@shanglongli1938 还有就是,他是在中国赚的钱,在美国消费。他并没有享受到跟他一样在美国同阶级的本地人的对等待遇。在美国,如果你是正常在美国开公司做资本家,是会收到你的员工和本地人尊重的,在美国是商本位,一个正经的small business owner都会比政客收到更多尊重。这就是所谓的在美国,有钱不仅是享受,还可以代表正义,就像蝙蝠侠一样。在中国你可以富如马云,还是被群众鄙视的份。在美国你是正经资本家,尤其是白手起家的,是真的能代表美国群众心中的正义的,因为美国就是把商业这种行为看的比其他都高。可惜这位嘉宾现在层次还没到这个水准。
@@reigak6599 That's where we are going, this is exactly what I talked about, only China ties food to culture while the rest of the world don't put much importance on food. So enjoy it while you can, it's not something unique nor valuable outside of Chinese culture, and it won't be in the future.
Rocky lives in your own world too long and don't know how to live in differently and joyfully. Depend on what other's experience on you. You are good enough to walk through with God's way for you. you know who you are and get to know yourselves. 👍👍👍💪💪💪🙏🙏🙏