[WachaStars#14] Let's Spend A Day Off With Roberu! Aruran and Rikka Fight For His Love?!

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holostars - VTuber Group

holostars - VTuber Group

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@HOLOSTARS 3 жыл бұрын
アルランディスと律可がこの企画のために練りに練ったプラン! ふたりの渾身のプレゼンにご期待ください!
@infernic15 3 жыл бұрын
Izuru saying he's gonna throw hands if they call him again was glorious
@lenmarciii 3 жыл бұрын
They all look so good I can't focus on what they're saying help lol but also Miyabi morning voice and angry Son noises tskr~ After watching: That was so much fun!! Thank you so much for this amazing episode. Otsutars~!! 12:36 Suntempo bonds~ 16:58 It was really cute that Izuru wants to live with Arusan / Miyabi~ 20:26 I'm surprised that Izuru actually chose Hanakishi over his big brothers (remembering the AsIz vs. Babudon game lol). But it was cute that he thinks Hanakishi would listen to him well. His Temma impression was gold, thank you Izuru! lol 24:02 MIYABI'S MORNING VOICE. TSKR. And because I desperately want that soap opera to become reality: 33:19 start 37:07 seating arrangements PLEASE MAKE THIS SCHOOL DRAMA A REALITY 🥺🙏
@kiabpaj 3 жыл бұрын
Izuru picking HanaKishi made sense to me. After all Miyabi would be the one to listen to you, keep cheering you on and doing his best to help even if he's physically weak. Also, Temma knows how to cook (besides ramen) and is the adventurous type. Furthermore, Temma did say before he'd want a younger brother like Izuru so Temma would definitely go along with him. He's also right on about Shien since that can be seen through their twitter interactions sometimes, haha. RIP Roberu's stomach. xD
@squishycactus6523 3 жыл бұрын
24:15 Miyabi thought he slept in for a stream lol I can imagine Shien getting constantly ticked off being on a secluded island
@hiiragihasmanywaifu 3 жыл бұрын
おつスターズ!楽しかった!10万人おめでとう! Papa son date looks great, lmao izuru getting called twice, cute temma too 24:02 miyabi sleepy voice tskr 31:50 angry son to scammeroid Rikka route would lead to broke son lol Gotta wait Holostars yankee drama (GTR)
@craftK98 3 жыл бұрын
Looking at that angry roberu's face for this episode definitely an interesting one,look foward to it Edit after premiere: i had lot of fun for today's episode. Making hang out with roberu is kinda nice ngl. Rikka adding horse bet to schedule just make me wonder how many bets roberu does on stream. Also the 2 segments from both rikka and aru san, i really want that more especially the drama part,if possible can we get that drama episode for upcoming wachastars episode or maybe special episode for that coz i really want to watch it if it does happen, especially in 3D if everyone has got their 3D debut later on... P.S. Miyabi's wake up part is mood lol
@Xanek 3 жыл бұрын
Roberu's toilet problems making Izuru not want to be stuck on a island with him lol Rikka saying that he'll buy expensive food won from horse racing... all on Roberu though. Rikka's disappointment when Roberu chose Aruran though, even though Roberu justifying his answer since Rikka would take his money.
@aria_1289 3 жыл бұрын
Congrats on 100K before premiere! 🎉 This is going to fun to watch, Holostars never disappoints. Miyabi voice TSKR 🌺🙏 Blessing us all ⚰ Papa caring for son and then we have Rikka 🤣 Holostars anime when?
@weedsoldierreal 3 жыл бұрын
Lesgoo, this is basically Wachastars 100k special at this rate
@callmefuren 2 жыл бұрын
rewatching this ep after the additional details we got for the Highschool Holography to refresh my memory and I'm even more excited!! It's also amazing how this spontaneous idea is now real. The amazing character designs and knowing they studied voice acting, Holostars never fail to surprise us
@ye3623 3 жыл бұрын
I live in the countryside so I've seen a few hedgehogs in my yard. I have had the chance to pet some of them and I've learned that as long as you don't scare them they will let you pet them. If you scare them they'll stiffen their quills.
@RyoKasai25 3 жыл бұрын
Izuru's hands are rated E for everyone.
@poniponika6118 3 жыл бұрын
@MySecret404 3 жыл бұрын
When izuru san has to pick between hanakishi and babudon somehow, i just understand why he pick hanakishi over babudon more lol.. Totally understand it..This kind of game is fun.. Miyabi san morning voice tskr lol
@tootlini 3 жыл бұрын
Roberu needs to direct an anime, like he's actually so good at this?! I would watch the anime he makes
@ももちゃん-k9l 3 жыл бұрын
メンバーが絡む企画はやっぱり面白い! ホロスタのこーゆーとこよ!が詰まってて楽しかった😊 そして学園モノはもうドラマCDでお願いします…!! ストーリー最高過ぎて物として欲しい…!! ご検討お願いします😌
@ryzu28 3 жыл бұрын
I have this idea about that holostars drama where as the story progress, they slowly shows the dark/scary side of Miyabi. And so in the end, it makes sense why he ended up being in the same class filled with yankees. After all he wasn’t called Miyabai for nothing.
@kisaragi-we5nn2kp9v 6 ай бұрын
@camerajin 3 жыл бұрын
I hope they do a 3D drama with Robe's plot lol
@broboez9866 3 жыл бұрын
Poor Shinove-san
@onicore 3 жыл бұрын
that school drama is something i absolutely need now... please! 😭 also... Miyabi sleepy voice... tskr......
@myu_Nosomari 3 жыл бұрын
@weebgod6314 3 жыл бұрын
this is gonna be good
@せんぷぅじ 3 жыл бұрын
今回も面白かったです!! ロベさんの創作の足しになればと思い、私の考えたヤンキー学園におけるホロスタメンバーのキャラクターを置いていきます。 ※いいアイディアがあったら加筆します。 なお、ヤンキー学園のキャラクターなので、メンバー本人とは関係ない設定となっております。ドラマCD待ってます! ・みやびさん なぜかこのクラスに似合わない気弱で真面目な性格。いじめられているわけではなくむしろ仲良し。律可さんの幼なじみで家が裕福。普通のクラスに通っていたが、友達になろうとしてくるのはお金目的の友達ばかり。 このクラスに来て普通の友達に出会うことができた。 ロベさんと仲良くなった後の律可さんとの喧嘩イベントあり。 ・イヅルさん 物静かでオラオラいくシエンさんとオウガさんの影で毒を吐く。 弟が2人、妹が1人いて一緒に暮らしている。年下に対して面倒見がいい。小学校の時に両親を亡くしている。世話をしてくれる叔父叔母は優しい。ロベさんと最初に仲良くなり、ほかのクラスメイトの情報を流す。 最後は保育士のなる決意をする ・アルアルアルランディスさん ロベルさんが赴任した学校の校長。性格は陽気。敵ではなく、逆に手助けしてくれる存在。ロベルさんが担任になったクラスを一番気にかけている。毎話ちょこちょこ顔を出す。 ロベルさんの熱意をかって問題児ばかりのクラスを任せてみる。教頭であるシノブさんをうまく言いくるめるのが上手い。 ・律可さん 一人っ子で親が一流企業の社長。もの静かで頭がよく、自分の手は一切汚さない。ケンカも強い。 問題を起こす度に親が揉み消しているが、それは親が勝手にやったことで、本人は必要ないと思っている。世間体が嫌い。 最後には教師になる決意をする。 ・アステルさん チャラ男担当。人を信用せず、クラスメイトもあまり信用していない。女の子大好き。歌に真剣に取り組んでおり、学校外でバンドメンバーもいる。ある日バンドメンバーの不祥事に巻き込まれるが、みやびさんに助けられ、クラスメイトとの絆を深めるイベントあり。学園祭イベントあり。将来は歌手を目指す。 ・天真さん クラスのムードメーカー。元いじめられっ子。中学は不登校で、高校デビューして変わった。体型も全然違っていた。頭は律可さんの次にいいが、クラスメイトのことになると、真っ先に飛び出したり発言する。目標がないことが悩みであり不安。昔のいじめっ子に見つかるイベントあり、それをみんなで助けるイベントあり。 ・ロベルさん このお話の主人公。学校の先生で少し昭和がちらつく熱血めの性格。 若い頃に担当していたクラスで学級崩壊を経験し、一度は仕事を辞めようと思ったが当時のクラスの子が教師になると知り、自分も負けてられないと十数年ぶりに今回の学校に赴任する。 ・シエンさん クラスで一番教師が嫌い。オラオラ系だが、おばあちゃんとかには優しくする。 中学時代、サッカー部に入っていたのだが、顧問との相性が悪く厳しい指導ばかり受けていた。そのせいで足を怪我したのだが、その時に顧問に弱すぎ、才能ないなどと笑われ、想わず殴ってしまった。 最後は夢としてサッカーの指導者になることを決める。 ・オウガさん クラスで一番体が大きく力が強い。いつも強いやつを探している。血に飢えた獣のよう。小さな動物が好き。 高校に入ったばかりの頃、付き合っていた上級生の彼女に騙され、上級生に暴力を受け金品などを要求されていた。 彼女の策略に気付いた彼は、自身を鍛え、その上級生を一網打尽にし彼女にもう一度やり直そうと言うが、断られ修羅の道へと進む。 最後はボクサーになる決意をする。 ・シノブさん 学校の教頭先生でちょっと嫌味な性格。校長の座を狙っている。問題児ばかりのクラスを無きものにし、学校の評判を上げたいとも思っている。 長文失礼しました。
@安北村 3 жыл бұрын
すごい!お疲れさまでした !
@Iamluckyandhappy 2 жыл бұрын
@gunjo-ao... 3 жыл бұрын
今回、企画全部好きでした~! ホロスタヤンキー学園楽しみにしていますよ!
@thressyandrea1238 3 жыл бұрын
100k subs lets goo!
@ZuFriX 3 жыл бұрын
Talking about the soap opera I didn't know Rikkun is So Op he control the op demon ✨
@lyc_akiyuri 3 жыл бұрын
@LivingEmerald 3 жыл бұрын
おつりスターズ! 🌟 Please make the voice drama real! That would be really awesome to hear 🙏
@さとゆー-j1j 3 жыл бұрын
企画も面白かったし、月9を考えるコーナー、実際にやって欲しい程めっちゃ良かったです! ドラマの内容を考えるコーナー単体でも楽しそうでした!
@rukakuran 3 жыл бұрын
awesome cant wait~, just done watching this and it was really great it didn't feel like almost hour went by enjoyed this a lot thank you so much Aruran, Rikaa, Roberu, loved hearing poor Miyabi's morning voice, everything was really great here i Really want the school drama to become reality sounds like so much fun, and congrats on 100k~
@kayeee.018 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the fun episode today! Holostars anime when? ww
@kyoukadayooo 3 жыл бұрын
This episode is so fun to watch~ Thank you for another wachastars episode! Omg roberu is such a genius coming up with the delinquent school drama, it would be amazing if it actually was an actual production/voice drama!! Thank you to arurandeisu, rikka and roberu for today’s episode~!
@rierier1 3 жыл бұрын
That was a really fun episode!!! I like the plan made by Arusan, I would choose his too than Rikka's if it would make me backtrack and go 'Eh? I'm the one being treated right?' every time lol. And those calls for the other members... we got to hear Miyabi's morning voice as well as interesting answers from Izuru and Temma. That soap drama idea at the end was just gold though, would love a voice drama actually adapted from that!!
@rurararan 3 жыл бұрын
おつスターズ! ホロスターズヤンキー学園本当に見たいです!
@ventusblaze5491 3 жыл бұрын
Oh damn, I didn't notice these were actually translated, time to binge everything
@mayuuu89 3 жыл бұрын
we would love to see the parody ww congratulations on 100k👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
@tiramints2789 3 жыл бұрын
that Holostars School idea is really good ! I hope they're going to make something with it XD even if it's a voice drama, take my money!
@roshi_yosh9372 3 жыл бұрын
This was a super fun episode! I really loved the idea with the school drama - it would be really entertaining to see it come out as something similar to hololive's Holo no Graffiti! The calls to the other members was a really fun game too! all in all, I really enjoyed this episode! Otsustars~
@misslucywucy 3 жыл бұрын
Didn't had the chance to see this at the premiere, time to watch it!
@Scuffed_Cirno 3 жыл бұрын
thank you for providing translations.
@田中-e8o 3 жыл бұрын
@gracusa 3 жыл бұрын
Cant wait for the holostars error detention ver man
@shiinashiro 3 жыл бұрын
Otsustars!! It was very fun! Kinda hoping that the voice drama comes true 🙏
@papercut_w 2 жыл бұрын
With these kinds of etude, I can totally see a lot of potential with everyone having their 3D next year. Ganbare holostars :)
@Honey-yg2cl 3 жыл бұрын
Let's make a petition to make the soap opera come true
@こんにゃくばたけ大福 3 жыл бұрын
@tootlini 3 жыл бұрын
these three are so funny together omg my face hurts from laughing so much
@professorpenne9962 3 жыл бұрын
cant wait
@juliane7634 3 жыл бұрын
@DaeKai 3 жыл бұрын
Hoping for at least a voice drama of this soap opera !
@blepdelle 3 жыл бұрын
⚠️Spoilers for the following episode⚠️ (•v • ) ( =u=) (-o- ) Aruran and Rikka as Emcee, Roberu as guest. 14:50 I think the question is "which do you prefer more?" 19:06 Option 2 Babudon (Shien and Roberu) 33:50 aaa the drawing from Aran is cutee 42:13 oh no roberu being narcisisstic 45:49 Aruran: "How about you, Rikkun?"*
@raiza0116v 3 жыл бұрын
@keion13579 3 жыл бұрын
@M4TTYN 3 жыл бұрын
godspeed to our boys! 🙏
@wolfysc2170 3 жыл бұрын
happy 100k!!
@1su_ree 3 жыл бұрын
this episode was really fun ~~! also please make the holostars school drama real 😆🙏
@162603200749 3 жыл бұрын
100k congrats🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
@fauxvier8519 3 жыл бұрын
Rikka so damn funny!
@rin_etoware_2989 3 жыл бұрын
holostars school anime? come on NHK make it happen
@sandyj234 2 жыл бұрын
@おばさん-s9c 3 жыл бұрын
Holostars yanki drama when???
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