Hasik Bishek Hasik Bishek Hashek Hashek Hashek Hashek Hashek Hashek Hashek Hashek Hashek Hashek Hashek characterized by a woman who is not a woman Hasik Bishik Thallani The moment my heart hurts Don't spoil me too much, it's better than love, I'll fly Pamper me with a grain that increases love in the heart Al-Ali stopped sleeping and then gave Urmi the tea Pamper me, put me on a stagecoach, and let us turn around in the light We eat kibbeh at the woodshop and have our dessert at Asos and Shallati Then we go to Hasina and see Hassan and Melia Naiba I tell you problem problem three times problem Don't talk to me, my father is coming after me Translated by Nancy Qanqar