Walked Up Shooting for Pheasants with Spaniels

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Pettycord Gundogs

Pettycord Gundogs

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Пікірлер: 22
@alanarmer8069 11 ай бұрын
@applejack120 6 жыл бұрын
Great stuff love watching the dogs, Ted made a great retrieve on one of those that drifted way off, just love it.
@SpanielshuntingtrialingNZ 6 жыл бұрын
A long retrieve by Ted on the wounded bird, got to love that dog!
@ketkiddy 5 жыл бұрын
I absolutely LOVE watching these but the whistle send my Springer absolutely doolally when she hears it in the house LOL
@Pettycordgundogs 5 жыл бұрын
Should be better this year as I have gone over to a silent whistle!
@samsmith7150 6 жыл бұрын
Great dog work and shooting!!!
@richardthomas9055 6 жыл бұрын
Inpatiently awaiting next installment cheers for replying Nick
@Pettycordgundogs 6 жыл бұрын
richard thomas Coming on Sunday!
@oest69 6 жыл бұрын
Nice one 👍🏆
@mike315lx 6 жыл бұрын
Great video!
@lorenzamehaline4791 6 жыл бұрын
again a good vidéo, j wait for the next one !! the french hunter
@Pettycordgundogs 6 жыл бұрын
Lorenza Méhaline Should be another on out on Sunday!
@richardthomas9055 6 жыл бұрын
Great long retrieve on runner, ? Nick if you shoot and retrieve in front do you not run the risk of flushing birds ahead of you,
@Pettycordgundogs 6 жыл бұрын
richard thomas Hi Richard, You are quite right but to be quite honest the overall importance to us is the dog work and getting a shot bird back to hand. You will inevitably flush loose birds when sending the dogs out in front but I don’t mind that as it means the dogs have to be trained and be able to handle such situations...it is all good training for them. Thanks for your kind comments regarding the long retrieve, I was really pleased the way Ted handled the situation....another lesson learnt!
@samstraughan8428 6 жыл бұрын
How many pheasents did you put down?
@Pettycordgundogs 6 жыл бұрын
Sam Straughan We shoot on a variety of different grounds so we never know what number of birds are put down. Cheers Nick
@lukemorgan4864 6 жыл бұрын
Looks like you had a great day Nick! Would love a day out shooting like this, any spaces for next season in the COT syndicate? lol
@Pettycordgundogs 6 жыл бұрын
Luke Morgan Hi Luke....glad you liked the video. Sorry but the COT is a classic case of “deadman’s shoes”!
@elblammo 6 жыл бұрын
Sir, I have subscribed to your channel. I found it quite accidentally, that being said , you have dusted off the cobwebs of some old memories. My father who hunted over German short hair pointers, and who swore they were the best bird dogs took myself at the the ripe old age of 8 years old to the family farm for opening day of pheasant season in Illinois. That year we had a cocker spaniel named Brownie. and my father gave the responsibility of handling the dog to me. with the game bag ect. Brownie was a dog given to us by another family who for some reason could no longer keep him. bear with me that was 48 years ago. Anyways my father did not put much faith in a unproven dog that wasn't a short hair pointer.The first flush went well with my father taking the bird with a second shot from his double barrel. And yes I love old double barrels. Well anyways Brownie took off and retrieved the bird to my feet. That was the start of many years of pleasure,hunting with a cocker spaniel. My dad was quoted as saying "well I love short hair pointers but.... well cocker spaniels have made a place in my heart". When I turned 14 and passed my hunter safety course and was able to hunt myself for the first time, I made my way to the family farm to hunt,alas without Brownie who had passed away. We buried him under a Norway spruce where the sun sets across the picked corn. With bittersweet pheasant season opening that day I walked up to the farm house sad that it wouldn't be the same, Bird hunting without Brownie wasn't going to be as good to a 14 year old boy. The back door opened and my uncle came out with his old fox double barrel and a cup of coffee for my father. I was fiddling with my stuff and getting ready, a little nervous as this was my first day with the old guys. And lo and behold out came a cocker spaniel named Sam. My Dad looked at me and quietly said" work him over some birds son". Well he wasn't Brownie but it took less than fifteen minutes for a partnership to form between myself and Sam. Many years passed with myself and Sam walking cornfields and fence rows, good retrieves and lost birds and a boy and a dog. Last week I took a beginner hunter to a local public hunting property and was walking through some knee high grass and spotted a set of dog tracks and 2 spent 16 gauge(bore) shells lying on the ground between the dog tracks and paused... my friend asked if I was"ok"and I said sorry"I was lost in a memory". I write tonight to tell you thank you for your video. And while I write my Labrador retriever peacefully snores on the sofa behind me dreaming of ducks dropping their feet and cupping their wings to land over my decoys. The years have passed but the relationship between boy and dog remains the same. Thank you again.
@tagrazales 6 жыл бұрын
I scared you shoot the dog....cute dogs
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