@Kevin Omondi they the organizers should be sensitive. To put an ethnic group under Luo/Lwo, you need consent of the people especially their cultural leaders; you also need to go by historical facts. Unity does not mean we should suppress other people's identity. Lango is a nilo hamite's group, part of a large nilotic group. They are not going to accept that they are nilo shemites Luo/Lwo group when they are known as Ateker. So this recognition has to be made official too, their culture, their identity must come out. Did you hear what the Lango man Ajal spoke in the meeting? What we know is that there are Luo/Lwo people lost in Lango, in Teso and other places. Lok me riddo jami tektek konye peke. En gin mukelo peko i kare pa Obote gin ki Tito Lutwagi eno. Langi pe gubiye ni gin giLwo kadi giloko leb Lwo ci dong kiwek obedi. Myero kacokke ma lacen pe kikelgi iiye ni gin giLuo nikwanyo ka kiketo kacakko pa jo ducu mua ki i nget nam.