Awesome job! I will definitely refer back to this in the future!
@freefieldtraining7 жыл бұрын
+Devin I hope it helps!
@freefieldtraining7 жыл бұрын
Devin Thanks again for all your graphic design help. The new intro and avatar look sweet!
@natalie-wh3mk7 жыл бұрын
were ar u a police officer at
@freefieldtraining7 жыл бұрын
+natalie40 da cidy
@chrisharpster30077 жыл бұрын
free field training fuckin awesome!
@eklypse137 жыл бұрын
lol but you can be a raging alcoholic and everything is just peachy
@freefieldtraining7 жыл бұрын
+eklypse13 nope. Friend of mine was fired for being a raging alcoholic. We just don't advertise it.
@blitz-toasted62116 жыл бұрын
So the county isn't releasing that an officer was fired over alcohol? Seems very odd. Regardless, alcohol needs to be more strictly monitored. People are dying constantly over something in a can, it's fucking ridiculous. Enjoy your authority that was given to ya bud Lol, cops are only getting worse at the moment. Unfortunately 1 good cop can't fix them all. P.s. I have officers, ems, and fire in my family buy my entire family agrees our officers are a joke. There's no way to keep the power out of their head.
@CodyLamson6 жыл бұрын
eklypse13 right? I know of many towns near me where off duty police officers, even a cheif, were caught smashing into things driving drunk etc. You can use these drugs because the government makes money off of them, but weed, nah, it's legal in your state? Lmfao! Good luck if you've ever even seen it before. It's so hypocritical and ridiculous
@Sequel76 жыл бұрын
eklypse13 no u can’t even go out drinking without permission like that
@goldenhole3216 жыл бұрын
eklypse13 most departments do not even allow their officers to drink publicly, or during the work week. Whether hose rules are enforced may vary, but in my experience they are enforced firmly.
@orangebottle96575 жыл бұрын
Wow, it seems like some depts want sheltered people who have no real life experience or street smarts.
@anonyt35544 жыл бұрын
I am hoping that because they are run by cops they realize that.
@nickmacias004 жыл бұрын
Which is why cops are always fucking stale and don’t relate to the people at all
@nickmacias003 жыл бұрын
@Moosers so how is someone who smokes weed any different than drinking alcohol? How many cops go home and drink a beer? Oh but if they go home and smoke a blunt they’re a “irresponsible drug user”😂
@cer_eal3 жыл бұрын
@Moosers unless that drug is alcohol or nicotine, naturally.
@sarahsadie0193 жыл бұрын
No they want you to be honest and have a sense of morality. Which, you should also want a cop to have if they’re going to enforce the law to civilians such as yourself.
@miketh337 жыл бұрын
can i still be a cop if i have 4 felonies and recently escaped from prison?
@freefieldtraining7 жыл бұрын
+miketh33 Yeah bro, stop on by. We'll get ya an employment packet.
@KylieAnne19957 жыл бұрын
miketh33 lmao
@sic3089417 жыл бұрын
welcome to the force
@drb2k6 жыл бұрын
You’ll fit right in.
@alexaraujo4906 жыл бұрын
miketh33 we need more police officers like u what a great man
@michaelgotti2205 жыл бұрын
A polygraph test is not admissable in court, yet police agencies use to it determine what officers they hire.
@anonyt35544 жыл бұрын
I agree they arent the most accurate....but the departments know this and that is why polygraph tests are not the sole determining factor of employment and I would think are taken as just an extra layer of precaution.
@gratefram81304 жыл бұрын
It is admissible in court. I was molested by a husband and wife. Long story short, they both took polygraphs, both lied, and on top of all the other evidence it convicted criminal cases, the psychologist and polygrapher even "rig" the test to make easier for the person testing to pass, and yet they both STILL failed. It would be hard to believe from the outside, but believe me, I know 100% they fucking lied Also, I'm not some crazy feminist bitch who thinks touching my hair is rape and that we live in "rape culture." Whatever the fuck that means...i was a boy who is now a man
@jhondoe14834 жыл бұрын
@@gratefram8130 that is a 100% false statement, in the US you can not use one as evidence unless the accused party agrees to it AFTER the results are found, that is the readily available information on the internet that anyone can look up.
@gratefram81304 жыл бұрын
@@jhondoe1483 They are admissable. You just said they are. Yes they need to have permission from the person taking the test. I never said they didn't. They are used often. Like in my case. I know, because I was there. It is never "hard" evidence, but it is cooperating evidence. If you have a pedophile who's story keeps changing, while the victims story never does and then the pedophile doesn't let the permit the polygraph to be used, that cooberates that he/she is a liar. There is also a large number of other ways it can be used in court. So unless the state of oregon is completely breaking all the polygraph laws, then they can be used. If you don't believe me, oh well
@gratefram81304 жыл бұрын
@@jhondoe1483 I would also urge to not make statements like "That's 100% false" unless you know it's 100% false. It makes you sound foolish. Just a word of advice.
@oakleydavid76194 жыл бұрын
So basically being honest will get you disqualified. Sounds about right .
@lewisdavis14913 ай бұрын
Can't smoke anything in the past 3 years but you can get blackout drunk friday-sunday and be on prescription narcotics.
@fullbattlerattle24937 жыл бұрын
I'm thinking about becoming a officer after getting out of the army, I just fear failing the lie detector test. The test are BS based off heart rate spikes/dips to certain questions. I just have a feeling being nervous to test will make it seem as though I'm lying.
@freefieldtraining7 жыл бұрын
+FullBattleRattle 249 they don't work, once you know they don't work then they stop working on you.
@lambot3g7 жыл бұрын
If everything you claim can be verified or at least not proven false you’ll be fine
@NoName-gt5mc7 жыл бұрын
Get a bottle of propranolol from your doc and pop that shit like candy before hand. Olympic shooters used it before it was banned to help regulate the shakes and other effects you have with a racing heart. I take it before I speak in public and my voice doesn't quiver and my hands don't shake. It's really nice I would image it would help you manipulate the test
@buddycamp20047 жыл бұрын
FullBattleRattle 249 keep your chin up young buck,I just retired from Camden in 05,good luck to you
@mintstandardstudios41907 жыл бұрын
This is why they ask you a few very basic questions prior to asking their actual questions such as what your name is as it establishes a baseline. Additionally, polygraphs are inadmissible in court as they are known to show false positives and negatives as well as being notoriously easy to beat.
@oltiousgoinham6 жыл бұрын
lmao..They care so much about Police officers smoking a plant on the weekend..but everyone seems to forget the damage alcohol does.
@garrikcook59406 жыл бұрын
So should we legalize pot federally? I mean they both impair the user if done to a substantial amount.
@ashc41676 жыл бұрын
oltiousgoinham because drug tests tests for drugs not alcohol. Alcohol isn’t a drug.
@andrewcosby45516 жыл бұрын
@@ashc4167 Yes it is. A drug is considered anything that alters your state of mind
@freefieldtraining6 жыл бұрын
In this context I think it is fair to say that we are talking about illicit drugs. Under that definition you are suggesting that drug tests would ir should test for Tylenol.
@sadishmal656 жыл бұрын
NickIsGroovy not ALL places have seen a significant increase in MVC's. That is to say for those places which have, it cannot be directly determined that those collisions have been a direct result of an operator being under the influence of marijuana. A recent study showed that, an increase in motor vehicle collisions, most have been a result of the use of cellular devices or other distractive tool, or impaired driving due to narcotics or alcoholic substances. That is not to say that said increase was a result of ALL collisions being connected to the causes listed above. Meaning that there is a slight possibility that a few minor collisions may or may not have been a result of marijuana use.
@heatherscott84996 жыл бұрын
Do you smoke any weed, son? No sir, just drink like a fish and take these prescription narcotics. Welcome aboard!
@JR-kr9cb5 жыл бұрын
The medical pharmaceutical sell more drugs than anybody heroin you can buy it on the street or prescribe by a doctor is the same s$$$$
@mattball70745 жыл бұрын
So true.
@mattkittredge5 жыл бұрын
don't forget steroids. I think that's a job requirement
@mattball70745 жыл бұрын
@@mattkittredge hahah yea but to be fair i see its purpose for a job like that
@mattkittredge5 жыл бұрын
@@mattball7074 never said I was against 'em 😂😂😂. Funny how nobody ever seems to get charged with that...ever... 🕵️♂️🕵️♂️️🕵️♂
@Vikingrwilly565 жыл бұрын
Just got out of the Marines and looking into joining the force. Your advice is very helpful. All the DQs seem like a broad range but moral of the story just be honest, integrity is key
@yishihara555272 жыл бұрын
No. I know people that were honest that got DQed for life while absolute scum who basically did just about everything you could imagine were hired and become decorated cops. Very dirty world.
@Green-bs4ex2 жыл бұрын
Find a different line of work. The police force is already so militant that they think it's their duty to dominate the public . Nope we don't need no more of what you have to offer.
@Vikingrwilly562 жыл бұрын
@@Green-bs4ex not what I was going for but okay bud. Was just stating im a Marine and know it helps get a leg up into LE. I don’t want the police force to be militant I’m a libertarian so no militarizing the police force is the complete opposite direction I was intending
@Green-bs4ex2 жыл бұрын
@@Vikingrwilly56 You're not acknowledging that they already are militant and need to be stopped. They are already a danger to the public because they are mentally unstable walking around paranoid and starting confrontations with people for unjustified reasons. Why do think it gives you a leg up as you say? Because they like being militant and they want more militants like you. A person coming from a military background more than likely still has a military mentality and that alone should be a disqualifier.
@Vikingrwilly562 жыл бұрын
@@Green-bs4ex they are very militant and I don’t want them to be. Not the military mentality I’m strictly connecting the two only as the soul factor that I joined the military to serve my country and want to do the same as a Leo. Not to militarize them. People join both for wrong and right reasons. People who come from military backgrounds tend to work hard and have good ethics that’s why a LOT of employers not just law enforcement hire them. Edited also having a combat skill set is also helpful to have already and have a foundation in that area also helps incase shit actually goes down. Most swat members have military backgrounds because they already have experience going into it. Being in the military shouldn’t be a disqualifier because that’s discrimination sir
@InItForTheParking6 жыл бұрын
Sad that police are so against pot yet most officers will use their "discretion" when they catch another in a DWI.
@nathanielorr89495 жыл бұрын
Technically DWI is for alcohol and DUI would be for weed as its driving under the influence of a substance.
@bigguyglock77746 жыл бұрын
A good polygraph operator will sit down before the test and go over any questions or concerns you may have before the test ever starts. Just be HONEST with them from the get go.
@marck88993 жыл бұрын
Sorry, but your remarks are B.S. The Polygraph and the CVSA are scam props. See the links: Eye Detect, pupil dilation is also the latest of these scams. There is no Pinocchio 🤥 effect when a person lies. These industries are making huge profits scamming us all. The USA 🇺🇸 Supreme Court, in an 8 to 1 majority opinion, 1998 US vs. Scheffer, ruled after exhaustive study and debate, that the Polygraph is reliable as the “toss of a coin”. The Pentagon also came to the same conclusion with the CVSA.
@jessekeiser1005 жыл бұрын
I am going interested in positions with law enforcement and appreciate your willingness to handle these conversations on video. Thank you for your effort!
@aaustinbond5 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I made the mistake of working on the private side of the military and law enforcement industry after the army before applying to be a cop a few years ago. When I applied to the department in question I had literally just finished working a case with several of THEIR people who were the ones who wanted me to apply. I was sheepishly called back by the background investigator who I knew personally and had encouraged me to do this. He told me that since I had worked as a for-profit soldier and for-profit investigator they couldn't hire me. I came to find out after asking around to other cops in other departments I knew, there was no official policy on it in any department but the answer was the same. Because of my work in private military and for-profit criminal investigations, they couldn't hire me. I have actually partnered with that department several times since then as a consultant. They may not want me to take a pay cut and work there but they sure do love borrowing all of my cool resources and decade+ of experience investigating complex criminal activity. My billable hourly rate went way up for them after that. It really sucked though, they had some great detectives who made me want to be a part of their agency. I still take a substantial amount of their money though, so I guess that's the next best thing. Wow, I'm not gonna lie, as I write this I realize how bitter I still am about that entire situation.
@freefieldtraining5 жыл бұрын
Dude, you got fucked. That sounds like some political bullshit. I'd try a different pd and out of that state for sure.
@alpsala6 жыл бұрын
I wanted to become a cop once. After 4 years in the Marines I decide to go into Massage therapy instead. Glad I made that move. I make 6 figures, relaxed atmosphere, rub down hot chicks most of the time. Now after 20 years in the massage field I've built a clientele base that is like family. No drug test, no stress, knowledge of the body. check it out.
@freefieldtraining6 жыл бұрын
My wife would lose her shit if I did that, lol
@chrisyako896 жыл бұрын
I am so a Marine, recently got out back in September. Going to school but keep having law enforcement in the back of my mind.
@bleulesyeux54166 жыл бұрын
I am a cop. I would def recommend finding other work. Not only do the citizens hate you, but departments are writing you up for things left and right. It is extremely depressing going to work these days. I tell people to apply to other jobs, it is simply not worth it anymore.
@americasariessun55366 жыл бұрын
I do not believe you make 6 figure as an lmt
@nickbadry41226 жыл бұрын
sounds like you made a better decision!
@logan54667 жыл бұрын
I like the LE hiring process education videos! The whole hiring process sounds incredibly daunting to a young outsider to the profession and having the inside knowledge on what is actually going to take place is helping out a lot! Keep it up and keep em coming PLEASE!
@freefieldtraining7 жыл бұрын
+L z I'm working on it.
@aaronhudson34136 жыл бұрын
I was more shocked with the fact that a fight disqualified you.
@titantubeultimate95705 жыл бұрын
Yeah i know right, especially as a security gaurd
@thelvl1bandit3455 жыл бұрын
Explains a lot of those videos out there where cops clearly dont know how to fight, and turn to their weapons prematurely.
@freefieldtraining5 жыл бұрын
The people who make these rules generally don't have any experience with what it means to be a cop.
@thelvl1bandit3455 жыл бұрын
@@freefieldtraining thank you for responding, i agree with what you say. As an amateur mma fighter, i think only trained fighters/grapplers should be considered for peace officer employment. If you cant restrain and cuff an untrained but resisting suspect without backup, tasers, batons, mace, etc.... you have no business being a cop or carrying a lethal weapon. I think in the police violence debate happening in our country, a perspective that is rarely expressed is the lack of self-defense training afforded to officers. Please consider:
@freefieldtraining5 жыл бұрын
We have to be realistic though. The same argument could be made that to be a peace officer you should be a lawyer, paramedic, race car driver, truck driver, and competitive shooting champion. I think it is just as stupid to exclude someone because they have been in a fight as it is to exclude them because they have raced cars or are a competitive shooter. But it is equally stupid to think people can be all those things that our jobs are equal part of.
@sociopathicsniper97196 жыл бұрын
Hair tests are good for 3 months. They use 1.5 inches of hair from the skalp down, the rest is typically discarded.
@ALiberalVeteran3 жыл бұрын
I am a recovered addict and is absolutely one if the best things That's ever happened in regards to my character and I assumed would be a great strength when going through law enforcment recruitment
@Dunkaroos2482 жыл бұрын
And you’ll be absolutely cooked if it was a narcotic issue
@WeAllWeGot3333 жыл бұрын
Crazy how getting in the military and learning real tactics is easier seriously
@youtuber55629 Жыл бұрын
Yup. I basically had to sign a peace of paper and pee in a cup then off to boot camp I went
@WeAllWeGot333 Жыл бұрын
@@youtuber55629 being a police officer isn’t even worth it it’s a fucking joke I ended up getting my cdl I make more than the police chief 😂😂😂
@zachz6994 жыл бұрын
This is why a lot of cops ages 21-28 I meet are grown up versions of the goodie ROTC kids they were in the 10th grade. They might have seen some stuff on the job and wear a little hard face but people who have had a real taste of the criminal element cops deal with can see right into their heart of hearts. It might do some good to loosen the regs up some, the burned hand teaches best.
@stnicgglemploy27942 жыл бұрын
Yeah FR! Training does not equal experience. Experience and familiarity are what you need in people dealing with criminals. Boyscouts simply have not been tested or taught like people who were "bad kids". If you don't know how to buy drugs, how to deal drugs, how gang shit works, how effective are you gonna be compared to the guy who does? It's kind of a paradox, to defeat a serious enemy you must know them and to truly know them you must be them.
@heightsofsagarmatha Жыл бұрын
@@stnicgglemploy2794 War on Drugs is partly a failure for that reason. 100,000+ ppl dead from fentanyl overdose in 2021, large proportion were DARE graduates. I
@46AFD5 жыл бұрын
Smoked in high school, they were cool with it. Forgetting about motor vehicle stops that involved not getting tckets was my disqualifier.
@stevenbrennon92843 жыл бұрын
Micheal tell me about how they found out about the motor vehicle stops that got you disqualified thsnkd
@46AFD3 жыл бұрын
@@stevenbrennon9284 any time your license is run its in the system whether or not you get a summons. How its disqualifying, I live in a town that is full of nepotism. When a son, daughter, nephew, niece, friend etc is lower on the list than you they will find and use anything against you in order to get to the lower certified person.
@1onearm-pd9qd4 ай бұрын
@@46AFD aye bro i have a question about that im almost 18 and i used to smoke when i was about early 17 ish and before that but i have stopped since then i am gonna become a police officer would i have to say that i used to do it back then or what would i have to do bc idk and all ik is i cant become a cop anyway till im 21 so i just dont know
@46AFD4 ай бұрын
@1onearm-pd9qd yes. It's best to be honest and upfront. Depending on how they do the background investigation, I'll use mine as an example. They will talk to your family, neighbors and your friends asking questions about you. Let's say you say no but someone they talk to says yes, you've portrayed yourself as a dishonest person.
@shannanschisler95772 жыл бұрын
Have you tried to treat with Weedborn CBD products?
@Aleksandra.DaGreat Жыл бұрын
This is gold! I really wanna thank you for taking the time and making these great videos. I have no one I can reach out to for any support or info - unfortunately. However, I feel much stronger and have a bigger drive because of it! These videos means the world. Thank you so much! From your fellow Chicagoan!
@Mc.Garnagle2 жыл бұрын
Strict standards for hiring LEOs is absolutely essential but I think some of it is going overboard. Departments are denying themselves good candidates by being so draconian. My grandpa was a cop for 34 years. He worked narcotics in NY from the early 60s into the 80s. He was a boxer as a kid and was very good at it. His felony conviction rate and bravery won him medals. Scumbags would shit their pants when they saw my grandpa because he had a well earned reputation. He spent a few nights in jail before he became a cop, barfight in his early 20s. Nobody cared. It wasn’t uncommon at all for a cop to have made a few mistakes before joining. It doesn’t automatically make you a bad guy.
@DVCVMVS4 жыл бұрын
I got DQ'd for admitting to smoking pot 2 years prior to applying. I was already in their reserve program for 3 months, when they offered me the full time position and opened my background pack. Just so happens they had a 3 year policy on drug use.
@Mmjacksom4 жыл бұрын
@KeemKiX5 жыл бұрын
I just wanna do something good with my life.
@lockedon89535 жыл бұрын
Same here brother
@scarecrow336 жыл бұрын
Caffeine, nicotine, opiates, cannabis, alcohol: four of these are highly addictive and contribute to thousands of deaths, but the one that isn't/doesn't is the least tolerable in most depts.. Anyone else see the issue?
@freefieldtraining6 жыл бұрын
Two are illegal
@CuTThrOaTCriS5 жыл бұрын
free field training two are legal? All those substances are legal, you dumb dude.
@Utnapiishtim5 жыл бұрын
Who is the government to tell you what you can't put in your body? Fuck them, do your job and after relax as you please whether it be shrooms, weed, adderall whatever.
@BarneyShorts2 жыл бұрын
this helped no one. its literally one of your stories you want to share. but it does have the right answers here and there.
@chrissmith66177 жыл бұрын
Great video! I have a very clean background, but I've been DQ'd at 3 different departments for various reasons. One department had a scenario based questions in the oral board, and they didn't like that I tried negotiating with a knife-wielding suspect before killing him. But like you said, each department has their own idea of who they want. The process is so long it starts to get disheartening and feels like you're wasting time. However, after watching this video, I feel inspired to try again in the future. I had to move on to something else to pay the bills, but later down the road we will see what happens!
@freefieldtraining7 жыл бұрын
+Chris Smith Stay at it. It often takes years to get an LE job. Many places will find a reason to DQ anyone under 23 as well.
@mikeytlaysgood16166 жыл бұрын
I’m a former correctional Officer.. I’m also considering Phoenix Pd.. so.. thanks for some inspiration lol.. my teenage years were the knucklehead years lol
@JuanCastro-gz2jz5 жыл бұрын
Hey brother I m looking forward to be in the force where I live and your videos are very helpful👍thanks man
@wooblaka1628 Жыл бұрын
If you’ve illegally purchased or used weed, in the past does that disqualify you? Let’s say 4 years ago? I don’t smoke weed anymore but I did in the past.
@t-rizzy20811 ай бұрын
Only if they find out
@ajfam8715 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the video’s very helpful. I’m in my background process. I’m a little older in my 30’s and I have NEVER HAD ANY SOCIAL MEDIA. I have never opened or specifically opened a Facebook, MySpace, or any other type. of account. I guess there is always a first for everything. But seriously thank again hope I can come back and tell you some good news.
@rkless_jayirl135 жыл бұрын
Someone I served with did some blow and still got in to the PD. Always wanted to be a cop (homicide) but I'm starting to veer off since this is getting too political. Guess I'll just keep getting my education on and do something else. What a shame.
@rapman5791 Жыл бұрын
Some of the biggest coke users in my area have gone on to become police officers, in fact a sgt for a pretty big sized dept that I know of in the northeast was one of the biggest blow dealers in town. Ironically he now works for a DEA task force and his number of arrests is staggering
@jordynstanley90507 жыл бұрын
You and your channel are amazing! The information you provide and the commentary you provide is some grade A material. Since you have covered education, drug testing, background checks, and disqualifiers, do you think it would be possible to make a video about the physical requirements? A lot of those videos out there (at least the ones I found) that cover the topic, are some ploy to buy a workout program of some sort. I understand that not all departments are the same, but I feel as if even a general explanation of what to expect and how to be prepared for it. Thank you for what you do, both on the streets and on the internet!
@freefieldtraining7 жыл бұрын
+Jordyn Stanley There is so much variation it is a tough topic, but I'll see what I can do
@jordynstanley90507 жыл бұрын
Thank you! I would appreciate anything you could provide and so would those who in this community!
@Lippy74 жыл бұрын
I just got charged with a misdemeanor and I’ve always wanted to be a cop so thank you for giving me some info
@devladjackson1164 жыл бұрын
Give it some time, like 3 years or something. Also, do something that would show that you are a changed person: volunteer one day a week somewhere or improve your education.
@slopcrusher34826 жыл бұрын
This video goes for fire department disqualifiers, although there’s some places that are less strict, they still have a high amount of “ disqualifiers” ( even though I’ve heard of firefighters with DUI’s) the best way to pass it, and the BIGGEST point of the video should be telling the truth, you might get suspended from applying from the fire department for a certain amount of time, but it’s a hell of a lot better than lying and getting perminatly disqualified, the biggest show of character is past history and time, if should repeat offences recently, you won’t get hired, but if you where to have a criminal history but show you turned your life around, like if you had a past of drug use, you volunteer your time for drug rehabilitation places and helping those addicted to drugs
@SamYoungRadio3 жыл бұрын
The standard hair test uses 1.5 inches of hair which only goes back 90 days. Therefore, if your hair is 18 inches long, and you test at the end of the hair strand, drugs could be detected in your hair for the next 3 years.
@nickswift78903 жыл бұрын
So could we just cut all our hair off?
@SamYoungRadio3 жыл бұрын
@@nickswift7890 They will find some hair on your body. If you have NO hair at all on your body that's very suspicious and they may even tell you to grow some pubes and come back next week for a test.
@nerdherotv93756 жыл бұрын
Thanks to your channel I gained the courage to follow my dream and so far I am currently a Police Explorer. I intend to continue down the path towards Law Enforcement to eventually become a Police Officer and ensure the safety of others thank you! Love yoir videos they really help :)
@JDZiemba1773 Жыл бұрын
My son started on the bike as a public service officer when he was 19 and then got hired as a dispatcher with the same soon as he turned 21 he was sponsored by that agency and is currently in the takes a fair amount of effort and commitment but if you get in decent shape the PT won't be a huge of luck 👍🇺🇲
@brinxloso20987 жыл бұрын
so basically if there's no past evidence on the subject lying seems to be the smart thing to do at the time
@drew72807 жыл бұрын
Brian Rodriguez Logic would dictate that. When i joined the Army they had me talk to a FBI agent to give my statement about the event
@sanJ03315 жыл бұрын
Another big factor now is your social media! Keep it clean and proper.
@Dizzymaneee3 жыл бұрын
Exactly I was watching some videos about that in the background check so just basically clean it up, go threw it delete things that will make you look bad, get rid of videos of you drinking or doing something dumb, just basically keep it clean get rid of negative stuff and like he said stop doing drugs, show them that your changing your life around
@leylaangeles768021 күн бұрын
@@Dizzymaneeethey can actually see all accounts u made in the past lol
@lowbrowdutchman40305 жыл бұрын
Same exact drug use rules as being a merchant mariner. The company you work for can random test you, the coastguard can order the whole crew to test, and the client company that hired your company can random you. Most boat companies even have snitch programs with 4-5 figure "bonuses" to report people drinking on the ship in the gulf of Mexico oil patch.
@adriansouffrant11267 жыл бұрын
Dude is Awesome!! Very helpful in cutting through the BS. Quick Fast and to the point!!
@valter19905 жыл бұрын
its easier to become a president than a cop lmao
@residentevilfreakk555 жыл бұрын
valter gjergji We have a higher moral standard than most presidents lol
@BL4CKSTEEL4 жыл бұрын
In my state they are So short on LE they hire anyone who passes the piss test, has no felonies, isn’t crippled, and is not mentally challenged. They don’t hair test. They poly but they don’t go off results just for shits n giggles. No psyche test either. Too many DQ’d on it and they couldn’t get the numbers they needed. Still can’t lol. Depends where you go everywhere is different.
@perkhere22524 жыл бұрын
Lincoln If you don’t mind me asking, which state are you in?
@RianeBane4 жыл бұрын
It's not easier, it's just that the process of becoming president is such that anybody with these issues - drug abuse, violence, etc. - will succeed at becoming president. It doesn't need to be a formal disqualifier.
@Lifechanging999994 жыл бұрын
2:56 “police departments can’t stand liars...” well how the heck do they deal with themselves? I think they cannot stand amateur liars.
@copindustry2.0972 жыл бұрын
Well i am glad i am 12 so i have some years to think about it
@jaminaylor74812 ай бұрын
please don't do drugs, man. It's not worth it.
@artofvalor93965 жыл бұрын
Great stuff! Very informative! Please keep the videos coming.
@cityduke5056 жыл бұрын
I applied, was very honest and truthful. Passed all the testing to start the academy. Was shot down for my past being "too affiliated."
@freefieldtraining6 жыл бұрын
What does "too affiliated" even mean?
@cityduke5056 жыл бұрын
free field training Well I ran around on the streets selling drug hanging, out with gangs etc. Just up to no good. I am a complete 360 now from who I was but it just a little too late now.
@joeypersinger40045 жыл бұрын
You didn't touch on exspongement things. Like I'm looking for a slot of info on that please
@anthonycronin27874 жыл бұрын
Yeah I was as well?
@rtschell896 жыл бұрын
Very informative video. I had to go back and watch it a second time. I was distracted the first time by your majestic mustache.
@devinman006 жыл бұрын
I used to have a really bad Heroin Addiction, I’ve smoked weed probably over 300 times, I’ve done LSD, Mushrooms, Molly, Painkillers, and cocaine all back probably around 7 years ago. And I’ve been 100% clean and off of Heroin just over 4 years (just had my 4 year anniversary). I haven’t used any illegal drugs since then. I’ve never been arrested or convicted as an adult. I have completely turned my life around and really want to make a future for myself in Law Enforcement. I’d love to become a undercover officer helping rid the streets of the very drugs that ruined not only my life, but my family, killed dozens of my friends, and ruined their family’s lives one day (that’s pretty much my dream, or even working for the DEA, but I seriously doubt with my past I could ever become a DEA agent). Even if I were to submit to weekly/daily drug test or honestly whatever they wanted, and monthly Polygraphs or whatever they wanted. Do you think I could ever have a chance at Becoming a police officer? There’s nothing more I would sincerely love to do than fight the drug war and help save young people’s lives that all these terrible opiates are devastating and destroying. I would greatly appreciate a honest and open minded response from any active or retired LEO’s. Or any advice or help on what I could do to better my chances. I mean even if I had to sit at a desk for 5 years to prove myself as trustworthy to the department I’d be willing to. I know I was meant to do better things in my life, and I plan to do it.
@johnrobs75566 жыл бұрын
You have absolutely no chance if you tell them anything of that "if they drug test me once a week" your not out of the woods Yet buddy I'm not buying it .... my advice tho lie to them don't say a fking word about any of that nothing to lose because the other way your fked you don't have a police record which is good
@ashc41676 жыл бұрын
Ben Dover liver too
@BB-uu9oo6 жыл бұрын
Lol @ "help fight the drug war". Good luck w that one bud. They can keep scooping water out of the ocean, but the ocean will still be there. Congrats on getting clean, but you are misguided. Better to have false aspirations than none however.
@chromeheat1875 жыл бұрын
Sorry man but the answer is absolutely no chance in having a future in law enforcement. Forget the poly and all of that. When you go and speak to the psychologist (as part of your psych eval) you will be disqualified. They aren't going to hire you and then spend the money on giving you drug tests every month or a polygraph every month. You have zero chance
@dragone5215 жыл бұрын
Just lie the polygraph is a joke just don't stress about it when you get in or they will catch you just stay calm and if you fail it's no biggie they wouldn't have hired you anyways
@FamineAndFeast6 жыл бұрын
Legally they are only allowed to test 3 months back. It all depends on the length of your hair if you were smoking during that time. 1.5 inches is all you need to get a proper follicle done. And that takes about 3 months. So shave your head and wait over 3 months and you'll be clean for sure.
@sparkybandz24813 жыл бұрын
I know this is late but actually hair samples are accurate for 5 months after that there is no way in telling if you have ever done drugs.
@blikkyikkyuh43215 жыл бұрын
if i disclose that im prescribed adderall for ADHD would i be disqualified
@Ns141425 жыл бұрын
I asked about this. And the officer told me that add meds would not disqualify me
@FireheartSamurai5 жыл бұрын
I kinda doubt it but it would depend on on which police department you’re going to apply at. It’s best to ask that police department about you using prescribe medication like Adderall for stuff like ADHD/ADD.
@minorcek5 жыл бұрын
It's funny that I've often heard being prescribed adderall wouldnt be a disqualifier even though the molecular structure of adderall is shockingly similar to methamphetamine
@The_Kirk_Lazarus5 жыл бұрын
@@minorcek Similar doesn't mean same. The biological and chemical profile for metabolism and length of time for binding to receptors in the brain are very different.
@minorcek5 жыл бұрын
@@The_Kirk_Lazarus oh, I should mention that I've used both substances and can attest that they are shockingly similar.
@andrewjasper44687 жыл бұрын
I'm 18 now and I haven't touched weed since I was 16 or 17. When I turn 21, given that I don't go near it again, should I disclose that I have had weed in the past? Or is it better left unsaid given the time gap?
@freefieldtraining7 жыл бұрын
+Andrew Jasper you have to frame it properly. In your case "have you ever used recreational drugs".... "yeah when I was a kid, like 16-17"
@goldenhole3216 жыл бұрын
Don’t lie. I was hired along with several individuals who were open and honest about past drug use. The number one thing the department looks for is integrity.
@slopcrusher34826 жыл бұрын
Explain it on the polygraph, but don’t explain it too much, if you start going into a story the tester might think your hiding something, just say “ when I was a kid around 16 or 17”
@CalAaron076 жыл бұрын
Excellent video! I do have one question though: I've always heard that hair follicle testing only detects up to 90 days. Do Police agencies use a stronger/different type of follicle test that can detect a range of years? Thanks in advance for the input.
@freefieldtraining6 жыл бұрын
The issue with testing ant how long it is good isn't just how long it has been since you have used, it is also often about how long it has been since people around you have used. So, folks that are into that lifestyle find it very hard to pass the hair test even after stopping for a few months. Best to just not do drugs at all.
@anonyt35544 жыл бұрын
@@freefieldtraining Are you saying that because you are near it you might show a positive result? That is very unfotunate when you cant really control the environment of which you live depending on your situation and you definitely can not control your roomates decisions.
@freefieldtraining4 жыл бұрын
@@anonyt3554 I didn't say life was fair, just reporting my experiences and the experience of those I know.
@anonyt35544 жыл бұрын
@@freefieldtraining Oh I know brother I was just stating that it sucks if that is the case. Guess I will have to wear a hat while I am at home lol. Thanks for the reply your the only youtuber that has consistently responded to my questions whether it is in a live stream or in the comments. I have more respect for the police than any other profession In the world you are an inspiration and an amazing source of knowledge for me. You are the only youtuber that makes in depth and detailed videos regarding how to do things related to police and security work. Your video on how to approach domestic situations and learning geography have helped me as an armed security professional many times. Once again thank you and please keep doing what you do no matter how people treat you guys these days. Be safe.
@anonyt35544 жыл бұрын
@@freefieldtrainingI did have a thought though. If as a police officer you are around marijuana smoke while dealing with it on the job, does that mean you will get fired for a positive result from the hair test if they decided to do a test for some reason? Like if your were involved in an motor vehicle collision?
@bryanquiroga39124 жыл бұрын
Hi there, I would like to be police officer, but English is my second language. I decided to join the National Guard because background history looks better with military records .When I signed my contract for the National Guard I was unfamiliar with army procedures, even I didn’t know how march. I only went to one drill weekend and they send me to basic training , that’s why in basic training I was very confuse about Military instructions. The drill sergeant begun saying that I didn’t understand English. They decided to send me back to home because they wanted to send me to English school to Texas. When I went to the National Guard office, the sergeants told me that it was weird , that they send me back to home because even I was talking with them in English. My recruiter took me to meps to take the English second language exam to see if I was able to send me to English school in Texas , but I didn’t qualify because I get higher score. My MOES in the National Guard was 19 delta, but my recruiter asked me if I would like to change my MOES 19 delta for 11 bravo to not have the same experience that I had when I went to basic training and I said yes. My recruiter was trying to make a negotiation to change my MOES , but they said to my recruiter that my process could delay until 2 years and the best way would be get discharged for 6 months . So I get general discharge, but I will come back in July. Do you think we this discharged it is going to be hard to apply for police officer?
@AnjewTate4 жыл бұрын
My friend who’s a city cop... NOT me, did pure fish scale coke with 3 guys from LA county sheriff’s dept the other day. Wanna live a “bad boy” life as a cop. Come to California, where my friend (not me) and his friends work at. Or Miami too. Same lifestyle and procedure for cops.
@FireSign10611 ай бұрын
I would discourage anyone thinking of law enforcement as a career. Don't do it. The pay is very low and the danger is high. Also, police are not supported by local authorities and not by a large section of the public. There are many safer, and better paying jobs. Please don't dedicate your precious life to serving an ungrateful society.
@MARCONIPUMA5 жыл бұрын
had no idea tom segura was a police officer
@Bsain237 жыл бұрын
What if you have a serious misdemeanor conviction, but it was removed from your record (expunged)?
@anthonycronin27874 жыл бұрын
For some reason this question is always avoided? Maybe after having one it is permanently gone?
@bubba2010firefly7 жыл бұрын
Mike what about prescription drugs? For example I was recently diagnosed with ADHD and was prescribed adderall. I know that that is a DQ for military. I that an automatic DQ for Police drug tests? adderall shows up hot in the drug test as well. So if it isn't a DQ how would you recommend I go about making sure the agency knows about it?
@freefieldtraining7 жыл бұрын
+Travis Lanham I've never dealt with that issue. I would talk to a recruiter for a pd and see what they say. I don't want to give you bad advice.
@bubba2010firefly7 жыл бұрын
Fair enough, Thank you for the prompt reply! I have another question if that's ok. I'm currently in the process to become a Police reserve officer in my College town Rexburg Idaho. It has one of the lowest crimes rates in America I think it's 13th or something like that. So we don't have recruiters or anything like that. So I don't really have someone in the PD to ask right now. So I was wondering if you have any experience policing small rural cities, because pretty much all the videos advice and research that I can find are all about big cities. So any advice you might have would be great! Keep up the great work on the videos! They have helped out a lot!!
@freefieldtraining7 жыл бұрын
+Travis Lanham I've only ever worked in a VERY urban environment. I did security out in the country many moons ago, but I don't think that is really pertinent. I really don't want to give you crap advice. You might have better luck with deputy_tatum. He is a road officer for a rural county if I'm not mistaken. Check him on KZbin and Instagram.
@bubba2010firefly7 жыл бұрын
free field training hey thank you much man! I appreciate the honesty and prompt response! keep up the good work man.
@HereComeTheRooster7 жыл бұрын
If you have a prescription for that medication then the medical review officer of the testing facility will report your test as negative for amphetamines.
@Bravo_2-z6u12 күн бұрын
Pro tip. I just got hired on with a state agency. I had some past drug use in college. I was in the army for 6 years and have a bachelors and master degree for reference. I watched this videos few years ago and just learned to wait and not get discouraged. A lot of the strictness is in the size of the department. Small city departments probably have hundreds of applicants to fill 4-5 slots so they can be really picky where as the state agency needs to fill maybe a hundred or so over the course of the training classes for the years to fill the various departments. If you have a dq you are looking for like drug use the agency page will give you a good idea of if they will accept you. If it says “no illegal drug use” that’s a dead end. If it says “no illegal drug use after 5 years” you might have a shot. Just be honest and consistent with your answers and the polygraph should be no problem as you are within the standards of hiring so nothing to worry about. If you lie that’s an another thing. If you decide to lie you aren’t what they are looking for and that speaks wider to your character a whole. They aren’t looking for perfect people just honest people who own up to their mistakes. You can always call the recruiter before you waste your time applying. Best of luck 🤙🏻
@ExclusiveGrant Жыл бұрын
LOL Hair follicle THC tests only go back about 90 days Not years
@Cybrisk4 жыл бұрын
When I got a job working at a McD's right out of high school, I would sometimes lift chocolate milks from the back on break. It sounds minor and kinda comical looking back but I've been thinking about whether or not this will disqualify me. Obviously I intend to be honest about it when I apply but is any kind of past theft from an employer a no-go? It's been about 8 years since
@woodymcwooderson75796 жыл бұрын
I'm a recovering drug addict who decided to get clean and sober over two years ago. I know that when I decide to apply I will be absolutely honest. No charges ever. Just some hard core dark places.
@woodymcwooderson75792 жыл бұрын
@@thomasryan2679 still drug free. But yeah. I get what you're saying three years later
@edgardflores49922 жыл бұрын
Did you get the job?
@woodymcwooderson75792 жыл бұрын
@@edgardflores4992 im a carpenter. Im really aware years later that I probably don't have the proper headspace for an officer. I think im more suited to a bubble where I am in no authority.
@joeypersinger63524 жыл бұрын
I truly truly feel like this is one of the really good ones
@amanb86984 жыл бұрын
Another thing for people just because your state legalized weed doesn't mean you can do it and become a cop, fireman, ems/paramedic, rise up in the military, or get a state or federal job. It is banned federally and agencies funded by the feds meaning ALL follow federal regulations. It maybe legal for use and purchase but it'll cost you that particular job. Best to avoid all illegal drugs or that is Federally controlled scheduled drugs if you want a job in Emergency Services, the Military, or Civil Service.
@gustavofring72542 жыл бұрын
2:20 What if the medicative is a stimulant prescribed for medical use? Is it possible to show a note from your doctor or pharmacist as proof that you are not a recreational user of controlled substances?
@dl69216 жыл бұрын
I'm smoking weed as I'm watching this
@aryatale52325 жыл бұрын
@CuTThrOaTCriS5 жыл бұрын
Good don’t stop, don’t be a cop. Make a difference in the world then come home and get high no biggy
@aryatale52325 жыл бұрын
@@CuTThrOaTCriS why do so many people come to this video to hate on cops?
@CuTThrOaTCriS5 жыл бұрын
Here in America there have been many cases that have come to light showing that American police departments are corrupt and hide the illegal activities to continue locking people up so they have to either pay a large amount of bail, or just sit in jail awaiting a trail.
@freefieldtraining5 жыл бұрын
You understand that you get bail money back when you show up to court right? Bail is not a bill that you pay. It is surety. The state doesn't get to keep it.
@skadasbjrn23025 жыл бұрын
I’ve been homeschooled for my high school would this effect me if I wanted to be a state trooper
@freefieldtraining5 жыл бұрын
It shouldn't if you go to college or active duty military. Nobody cares about high-school once you move your education and/or relevant job experience beyond it. Most state police agencies require a bachelor's degree anyway.
@skadasbjrn23025 жыл бұрын
Thank you brother i hope to be able to be a Florida State Trooper
@iian_6 жыл бұрын
The "drug war" is such a failed joke. So you can smoke tobacco and drink all you want but smoking weed makes you an evil person? Oh and not to mention if your doctor prescribes you opiates or other narcotics thats okay too. what a stupid and hypocritical stance. If you want to make all drugs illegal thats fine, but make tobacco, alcohol, and coffee illegal too. It should really be an all or nothing deal. As long as you are not hurting anyone what business is it of anyone else to say how to live your life.
@BringItOnChick6 жыл бұрын
They bully people to pay to their city or else.. Its part of what they do
@gendoll50065 жыл бұрын
What about prescription medications? Like what if someone has to take pain medication that doesn’t impede their motor skills, driving, etc.. I’ve heard the drug testing agency/lab can’t even tell the employer if you have a positive result as long as you show the lab your prescription, then they send it in as passed. It just seems like a total loss of so many people who would make amazing officers.
@TheBloodVodka3 жыл бұрын
What mental health issues are permitted. I have been on mood stabilizers, anti depressant and anti anxiety medication in the past when I suffered from PTSD but I have since recovered. Would previous mental health problems hurt me during the process?
@8085429916967446 жыл бұрын
What happens if I was standing next to my friend who was smoking weed. Am I infected 😩
@thelvl1bandit3455 жыл бұрын
I think the real question is why are you friendly with hardened criminals??
@Utnapiishtim5 жыл бұрын
@@thelvl1bandit345 can't tell if trolling or the "war on drugs" brainwashing got to you
@somerandom45064 жыл бұрын
This is the video that got me to quit smoking weed when I was 17. I'm not even joking you. As corny as this sounds xD...
@perkhere22524 жыл бұрын
That ain’t corny, you prolly made big bucks in high school if you was selling dat bih
@elcocaino87284 жыл бұрын
Same i love mary Jane but i have not smoked it in a few month and i wont anymore because im gonna be a cop
@glowz6213 жыл бұрын
How’s it going did you end up pursuing a career in law enforcement
@somerandom45063 жыл бұрын
@@glowz621 was only a year ago, I'm quite young. Just enlisted in the national guard as a 12W to get some carpentry and masonry experience as a back up in case law enforcement doesn't work out for me. After I get back from BCT I know a couple people up at the jail a county away I'm going to take the test and apply for the CO position while I do online schooling. I figure with the military experience and the college credits it's a good start when my town or state decides to give the civil service exam. I'm half way there! I'll keep you updated
@glowz6213 жыл бұрын
@@somerandom4506 Get it man, best of luck to you! I’m about to start college but I’m still deciding wether to be a firefighter or a sheriff.
@AnthonyGarcia-wb8xv6 жыл бұрын
how long do departments keep your background/personal history statement?
@perkhere22524 жыл бұрын
Until you kill someone and get paid leave
@stephennadal4103 Жыл бұрын
Hair follicle tests only go back 90 days
@user-mj6ts1qc4v5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the advice man. It’s been super incitefull
@jy43564 жыл бұрын
I would work on spelling my friend
@jhustler19925 жыл бұрын
In my opinion, don't smoke anything.
@Utnapiishtim5 жыл бұрын
Dont drink also
@BobGnarly4203 жыл бұрын
Life on track? I use drugs and my lifes perfectly on track i just wanna become a police officer. No need to be an as***le about it
@craig43007 жыл бұрын
Mm... DQ's... Dairy Queen... Ice cream... Mmmm...
@freefieldtraining7 жыл бұрын
+Clickbait Noodle you must be from Indiana. My neighbors there are obsessed with dq
@gunzlover0075 жыл бұрын
@@freefieldtraining aye Indianapolis!317
@SuperBuildsInMC3 жыл бұрын
@@freefieldtraining wait what does DQ have to do with Indiana? I'm from Indiana and I eat there all the time, what gave you that assessment?
@larrybrechtjr1635 жыл бұрын
Great video! Very useful and informative for prospective LEOs. If I were looking for a career in LE, I would be better off after watching this.
@CCSI3226 жыл бұрын
The fact people still try to make sense of this points to the broken nature of our systems today
@PokeNoobie7 жыл бұрын
Very helpful. On active duty looking to pursue a law enforcement career afterward
@freefieldtraining7 жыл бұрын
+Tim Faulkner good luck on your journey brother
@g-max4u3235 жыл бұрын
9:44 I'm 15 and my lord, I'm working so hard to achieve this dream
@crisobrien54034 жыл бұрын
I'm 32 and I regret taking so long to achieve this if I could just say one thing to u is dont stop and persue ur dream asap.... I'm hopefully attend the academy in August so good luck for the both of us
@anonyt35544 жыл бұрын
@@crisobrien5403 29 here and I am hoping to go in soon as well....I didnt graduate high school which has kept me from applying but I have about 8 years experience working as Security Supervisor (Armed and unarmed) as well as a Casino Manager in Las Vegas.
@MichaelWilliams-fl4hx5 жыл бұрын
9 Years ago I missed the sprint run requirement by 3 seconds so, age is a Disqualifier. Guys just 3 to 5 years younger the I was were ahead of me, the Viet Nam aged Vets just behind me and the youngest fittest guys in their 20's were up front.
@creativity.studio49672 жыл бұрын
they say "no age limit", for LAPD.
@invincible7945 жыл бұрын
This may be late but are these prone to a dq: 8 yrs old: •stole wet wipes from a Walmart 10 yrs old: •got into two fights 12 yrs old: • stole a pair of headphones from target • smoked weed like 3 times 13 yrs old: • got into a fight These are the buggiest things I’ve done. I’m gonna be going for an associates in admin of justice and once I’m done I will apply to become a police officer. Also I’m a pretty nervous guy but I want to start meditating in order to calm myself down.
@JadeTheSnort5 жыл бұрын
If you're on antidepressants, will you be DQ'd?
@jessejames53355 жыл бұрын
That's what im wondering
@jaycardona34925 жыл бұрын
You should be ...
@Ns141425 жыл бұрын
No. I applied for my city’s police department and was qualified to go on and take the physical and written exam. I asked the officer if those types of medications would disqualify me. She said no
@sunburntsilverado76654 жыл бұрын
My cousin, she’s on antidepressants, and she got hired by nopd.
@anthonyhutchins23005 жыл бұрын
"we don't want cops lying on the street"... LOL SURE!
@broup91375 жыл бұрын
What if I took half of one hit and didn’t inhale 62 years ago?
@arvind76805 жыл бұрын
Automatic DQ.
@oganarchy36676 жыл бұрын
I got my first two speeding tickets this year after never having one for years. Catching me downhill and speed limit changes.
@ashleyhongcuay41812 жыл бұрын
In the Philippines you need to finish a four year degree and be a registered Criminologist in order to apply to the Philippine National Police or take the NAPOLCOM exam in order to qualify. I think It's pretty easy to apply to become a cop in the U.S here it's quite hard.
@quazar47737 жыл бұрын
I am 15 and i wont smoke weed or drink. I really want to become a cop so no thank you
@freefieldtraining7 жыл бұрын
+Quazar that really is the easiest way.
@adriennemartin74975 жыл бұрын
Then stay away from dumb arses. You'll be fine.
@alexsmallex19635 жыл бұрын
@just a niceguy or perhaps you're annoyed that you haven't gotten laid, and all this typing of yours is merely a manifestation of that anger
@alexsmallex19635 жыл бұрын
@just a niceguy I bet you're tired of doing the knuckle shuffle, eh? It's okay, buddy, you'll get laid at some point... I hope.
@alexsmallex19635 жыл бұрын
@just a niceguy are you still projecting?
@mateo.mauro_xd4 жыл бұрын
I have never done any drugs, sigarettes or alcohol, have never been in contact with the police or justice system, but I really think I'll get a DQ for the following. When I was like 6 or 7 or something, I walked out of a store without paying for a couple of Lego bricks and the fact that that happened still bugs me. I don't remember when or where exactly it happened, but I'd feel so much better if I could have finally apologized and paid for it. It might sound trivial to some, but it sometimes keep me up at night because I'm so ashamed of what happened.
@bloopy6166 Жыл бұрын
Cigarettes with an s is wild
@juniormolina127 жыл бұрын
Awesome vid brother :-) 2 thumbs up!
@freefieldtraining7 жыл бұрын
+J 2 The R thanks!
@justinspiguzza52766 жыл бұрын
No agency asks if you have ever been in a "fight" within the written testing exam. Not true at all. The written exam tests your basic H.S. academic knowledge. The exam also tests your integrity, character, and memory (timed study session then closed book answer session). The bottom line is that the physical and written tests are usually done in the same day to weed out most applicants (about 65-70% of the original applicants). Then at that point, they give you the background packet and tell you to be very detailed and specific with all questions. When you bring the completed packet back to them, they review your answers and compare the info with everything they have researched about you (criminal background, driving record, credit report, contact your references, not limited to previous co-workers, neighbors, etc.). If all is well, then they will schedule the next step which is the polygraph exam. They ask specific questions based on the answers from your background packet and their research. They want to see integrity in the polygraph exam. Integrity is a must with a good Police Officer. That's why the polygraph is one of the first personal steps in the hiring process. 1. Physical, test, 2. written test, 3. background, packet, 4. Polygraph exam, (criminal/credit check,, and driving records will be pulled during this time). 5. If you pass the polygraph then they will schedule a physical health exam then 6. A psychiatric exam. 7. The oral board (a professional employment interview conducted with 3-4 superiors, who will purposely try to stress you out and make you feel uncomfortable). If you pass all the steps and give them your personal and honest answers to their questions then you will be offered a "non-post-certified police officer cadet position and given a date to start the 6 month long police academy. Its 40 hrs a week, m-f. You will perform physical conditioning standards throughout the academy with set minimums, but most of your academy time will be academic, learning laws, codes, and all job related processes and procedures required. If you pass the final exam, you will become "post" certified and become a peace officer. Depending on the city they usually have a field training officer to shadow you for the first 6-12 months after graduating the academy.
@freefieldtraining6 жыл бұрын
Plenty in the Midwest do. Keep in mind that testing processes vary between agencies states and areas.
@Satchel4566 жыл бұрын
Remember that in the US, even if marijuana is legal in your state, it's still illegal on a federal level, so you are still breaking the law.
@darthvader48677 жыл бұрын
My friend put himself through an academy. He has a bachelor's degree and a good background overall. No one will hire him. He's got a DUI.
@freefieldtraining7 жыл бұрын
+Darth vader expungment is always an option down the road as long as he keeps his nose clean for several years.
@ao9696 жыл бұрын
So I have a dui with court supervision in 2013 on my 20th Birthday. Next year in 2014 I began college and received an underage drinking ticket (no arrest). I'm 24 now with a clean record ever since. Will any department accept that?
@414mac5 жыл бұрын
Tell him come to Milwaukee county cops have those here