⬇ SIGN UP FOR THE MASTERMIND & GIVEAWAY ⬇ DEC 13-14 San Jose, CA 🔥First ever event not only for Goat Gang members 🔥 www.tigranevent.com/mastermind www.tigranevent.com/mastermind www.tigranevent.com/mastermind
@jonathanmurillo501Ай бұрын
I discovered your channel not long ago and the amount of game I've learned is incredible. I appreciate your knowledge! Keep these videos coming.
@TigranGertzАй бұрын
@buzzsaw.Ай бұрын
Fire video 🔥
@lowballerlawncare7961Ай бұрын
Hello, which enclosed trailer brands have you used? I'm looking at Spartan and Titanium, do you have any thoughts on these two?