Hey Rein, any idea is what the logic is with the interlude numbering?
@ReinAurre Жыл бұрын
THERE ISN'T ANY. EVER. This has been a major pet peeve of mine for *years*. Wildbow is completely inconsistent with how he does his interlude naming. Sometimes it starts with x, sometimes it starts with z, sometimes it's a, and sometimes it's just random nonsense. It's honestly just really unprofessional book organization imo, and not something that adds "character" like he seems to think it does. I've had many arguments about this in the past, some directly with him.
@hermanmunster1054 Жыл бұрын
@@ReinAurre XD o.k. that's basically what I thought was going on. XD
@hermanmunster1054 Жыл бұрын
Thid is a VERY Important pronounciation note: adaptation is pronounced Add-ap-tay-shion. NOT ad-ap-shin. How you prounounce this can let a person know how You think about language. It sounds silly but its true.
@hermanmunster1054 Жыл бұрын
March's section of interlude all is read too quickly. Don't be like him kids. Also, annunciate, remember your A sounds and check pronouciation! :-) reader one was just fine though. :-)
@hermanmunster1054 Жыл бұрын
Pronounciation note: notoriety is pronounced; No-Tor-eye-â-Tea