Low, fast, and a wide hook into the middle? That's hilariously the exact same way I play my jets that cannot turn :P Crazy how people were using comms and you have one clown ready to hit the base saying nothing O: That's the worst part of being a bomber ): Now you've lost all your energy and most vulnerable and your purpose hasn't been fulfilled. At least you got to do some ground strafing with your guns (: A stall into a hammerhead turn in a bomber? O: Brave Recommend leaving pillboxes unless you have large cannons, even with cannons, only recommend using either universal or ground belts and attacking from above, sometimes shooting through the door works! You basically caused the team to win the match, despite not hitting any bases, while ground targets are great, I wish air RB had a more fun way to decide a match I'm a big fan of the Harrier, and thus I hear about the Falkland war quite a lot, and while the Harriers did beat everything else, they failed their mission in defending their targets Which seems just like air RB, shoot down all the planes, dealt with the objective later, which isn't really what you should be doing with these planes :/
@chris_bianchi1327 күн бұрын
Holidays and weekends, I forget. (Almost), Big girl again huh? Yeah boy!
@Stefan-Forster25 күн бұрын
How annoying when people just “steal” your base... usually a specialty with the Wyverns... Sorry your team didn't coordinate better... and I wish there were more meaningful tasks for bombers than just the bases...
@WammSon25 күн бұрын
My goal with bombers is to get to the drop then after that fly back low to try and pull down suckers for my team