Most League of Legends players typically rest their fingers on the Q, W, E keys and shift their index finger rightwards to press R, similar to having fingers on A, S, D, and then moving the index finger to F to open the shop. Essentially, the setup doesn't vary except for other keybind preferences. Leagues tutorial suggests placing the pinky on Q, which is just dumb I agree, but Q, W, E to A, S, D just seems like a hassle...
@AliusSave8 ай бұрын
Its a hassle because you're used to it now. For a new player or one transitioning from FPS to MOBA it can be quite comfortable
@moonlight-ex3hh8 ай бұрын
I was the same at primary schools. WSAD for 1/2/3/4 respectively and Q/E for D/F. I came from Minecraft at that time.
@fizzyelf7528 ай бұрын
I think that imma try this. As someone who only played FPS and TPS games until I started League just over 2 years ago, this will probably help quite a lot.