Watch this before learning Japanese 🇯🇵 | Common mistakes by Japanese learners

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@orekevinn 13 күн бұрын
素晴らしいアドバイスですね!😆 僕はブラジル人で、3つ目の言語を勉強中ですが、日本語はとても難しいですねwww
@MGlanguages 13 күн бұрын
Wow! Even how you use “w” is so Japanese! 見てくれてありがとうございます!😊ケビンさんの言語学習応援してます📣!
@Agnopes 8 күн бұрын
This made me realize how much harder it is to read JP when it's in handwriting instead of computer text. 3:14. Especially your で. The true end game of reading must be Japanese doctors handwriting if they're anything like ours. Excellent point about learning from native speakers. Another channel I like watching made a similar points, though in regards to learning text books instead of anime. Text book Japanese is also unnatural according to him... understandable, but unnatural! I value kanji quite a bit because all vocab attached to one has a much much higher retention rate in my memory than other Japanese words. The special/unique symbol attached to it helps it stick. Instead of learning to write every kanji, an excellent short cut and middle ground is getting good at drawing the few particles.
@emiliiajayne 11 күн бұрын
Your English accent is so lovely and calm, you speak very elegantly! I'm from London, currently studying Japanese and Korean while living in Seoul ☺
@MGlanguages 10 күн бұрын
That’s so nice of you to say ;) You seem like a real Korean culture lover! And I can tell from your accent that you are British ;D it was so nice to knowing you! Good luck with your journey too 🇰🇷🇯🇵
@Asdfjglqeertuiiop 14 күн бұрын
@MGlanguages 14 күн бұрын
@CostcoSamurai 13 күн бұрын
Just in time for me to picking up studying Japanese again. Arigatou gozaimasu. Yoroshiku Onegaiitashimasu.
@MGlanguages 13 күн бұрын
Hi, CostcoSamurai ;D love your name! Thanks for watching and Doitashi mashite 😊
@Doyuimi 11 күн бұрын
恵みMegumi😮!!! Shizen no megumi ga hito to machi wo tsunagi shigeru gairouju to sobieru matenrou Mada onna tachi ha yasashi sa no jidai natsukashii toki.. 歌です ごめん
@jakiru8783 13 күн бұрын
Just found the channel, great tips! Been watching videos like this for awhile 😅 so I've heard them before but not everyone brings these up! How do you think phrases compare in slice of life anime? Are those still too risky to glean phrases from or are there specific anime from that genre that are great for phrases? I enjoy videos of cultural differences, even between Japan prefectures so I'd definitely watch those! One thing I'm fascinated by with Kanji that I think would help with overall study is its etymology. I don't hear this talked about much though. I know there are books for it.
@MGlanguages 13 күн бұрын
Thanks for your comment ;D yes that’s true as you said it also depends on the genre and what kind of Anime you watch. It’s quite hard to say though. But I’d say it depends how close to this modern and real world, how much closer to the reality. For example, one piece is quite a different world compared to this modern society. So there are often used Anime versions of phrases. But on the Haikyu the volleyball Anime, it's a less used Anime version of phrase. I’ll share someday if I find any updates about this! The culture part: I often get culture shocks in Japan even when I visit other prefectures :) It's interesting for me too! The etymology: it’s true. We learn those all when we are at elementary schools. But it’s getting harder when it comes to high levels of kanji. Like .. 人(easy), 難(difficult), so people often lose their motivation on that stage, I suppose. But my kanji teacher loves learning its etymology. So people who are good at Kanji, they learn its etymology for sure! That makes sense. Good luck with your journey ;D
@jakiru8783 12 күн бұрын
​@@MGlanguages Updates would be great! Oh, do most students learn the etymology of about 2000 Kanji? That makes sense students well versed in etymology are good at kanji. :O ありがとう! がんばって! ;D
@zcdawi7441 12 күн бұрын
@Verbalaesthet 11 күн бұрын
Do not learn Japanese phrases from anime. - Now you might be like: 何?! P.S. Your English pronunciation is excellent. I'm not sure I've ever heard a Japanese pronounce it that well.
@MGlanguages 11 күн бұрын
You literally made my day ; )!!! Thanks a lot!!!
@Doyuimi 11 күн бұрын
Yee u right...her accent like british already But i prefer american accent 😢 Gomen ne
@zcdawi7441 12 күн бұрын
日本語についての面白いショート動画があるから載せておきます。 アメリカ人が日本語が好かない所3選 kzbin.infoNed63QOR_OE 教科書に出てくるかっぴょいい日本語3選 kzbin.infoVj1JSNuElOc
@786soulful 6 күн бұрын
Make a video on kanji Please why not write kanji? What is the easiest way to learn kanji?
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