Loved your presentation and your generosity - which transpires in your explanations. Many thanks!
@The9thDoctor2 ай бұрын
good video, I'll add that if you're younger (under 20) you can probably just transition immediately. At least that was my experience. One day I decided to start barefoot running on concrete to help fix my running posture and I had no issues except the skin on my feet being rubbed raw. Since then I've started going on long barefoot walks again just on the sidewalk and I've had zero issues. The bottoms of my feet are strong enough now that I stepped on a nail one time and recoiled my foot before it punctured the skin.
@everydayswedenchannel2082 ай бұрын
I've solely used barefoot shoes for more than 6 years now, mostly on hard surfaces. I've noticed I tend to walk at a slower pace than most people, unless I'm in a deliberate rush somewhere. When I'm walking faster I subconsciously tend to hit the ground more on my forefoot, but when I'm walking normally I tend to heel strike, only more gently than I would have with normal shoes.
@GothicGame2 ай бұрын
Same here ;) Heel strike with barefoot isn't that bad as its reputation. I think it can even be very important, too, for the strength of your bones etc. Little impulses are needed.
@pietevanzanten96122 ай бұрын
Lems may be a good option if you want the extra cushion. They're a much thicker stack height to most barefoot shoes but still have the flexibility, zero drop, and wide toe box. I originally bought them for longer hikes, and they go pretty well.
@jordanslucas2 ай бұрын
I can second this. Lems is the perfect cushion for concrete.
@adamdoran3079Ай бұрын
Good video and very informative. Just bought a pair of Altra Escalante 4.
@donalddye2668Ай бұрын
This is a very helpful video. Thank you so very much❤
@dottyfulcrum2 ай бұрын
Transistioned cold turkey about 7 years ago. Wore "Correct Toes" toe spacers for the first 4 years inside Softstar original Run Amocs. I no longer need the spacers. I fell down the steps about 7 weeks ago and am extremely grateful that I only have Softstars in which to recover. The outsole of the ones I wear now in recovery are the ones I use as slippers: 2mm Vibram outsole with about a 2mm leather insole. No cushioning. I changed my gate to forefoot strike when I first began wearing the Softstars 7 years ago. It took about 6 months to relearn to walk correctly. I initiated this whole journey because of constant foot pain in my left foot. Within about 17 days of initiating the practice, pains in my right foot (that I was unaware of because the left foot shouted louder) went away as well. I will never go back to crappy shoes. However: I am unable to afford barefoot winter boots. In winter I put up with crappy boots for the few hours that are necessary to grocery shop or shovel the driveway. They feel weird because they are stiff, but the toe box is very wide and there is no arch "support." In summer, I usually wear huaraches that I made out of old Softstar bottoms. Yes, they are tied to my foot. They are cool in the oven that is summer, though.
@ArdenVTАй бұрын
I'm glad you mentioned "safe and appropriate to do so" for walking around outside barefoot! We have fire ants, venomous spiders, venomous snakes, and all sorts of other things around here that makes it...not walk around barefoot here--but I still see people taking that risk all the time!!
@tungerooski2 ай бұрын
I’m a big fan of Altra Escalante for walking and Vivo Gobi for an office appropriate shoe
@mkscott12Ай бұрын
I am wearing Hykes Escapes barefoot shoes and best thing I have ever done, never going back to regular shoes.
@robertzip492 ай бұрын
What do u think about lems shoes?
@livefreeallwaysАй бұрын
i can walk barefoot outside but the tile at my house is too hard. do you have any suggestions for house shoes that won't mess up my feet?
@I.B-e5h2 ай бұрын
Are vibram five fingers good for you
@anacristinachavez2 ай бұрын
Do you know of any resources to find out the effects of barefoot shoes on people with peripheral neuropathy?
@firecat3613Ай бұрын
Ever since I was a small child, I LOVED going barefoot all the time. I still go barefoot regularly. My thought about getting these shoes... Is it like going barefoot, but my feet are better protected?
@zacharyheintz652614 күн бұрын
I’ve broken three toes since I started wearing them. And my ankles are screaming but my plantar fasciitis is way better.
@Brant-FootwearАй бұрын
How can I contact you, Laura?
@hanibuni2 ай бұрын
i literally went from normal shoes to barefoots in like a day had 0 issues wdym transition period takes forever XD just wear them
@GothicGame2 ай бұрын
Like she said it depends on how much you walked barefoot before in your life...
@christianperi2 ай бұрын
@@GothicGame Exactly, if you were barefoot before around the house, then your transition will be pretty quick. Someone like me who NEVER walked barefoot, not even in the house, my Nikes were glued to my feet the whole day, My transition has taken YEARS. I'm on year 2.5, still struggle with a lot of pain, and can't be on my feet for very long. Progress is slow, but there is progress day by day and it's different for everyone.
@FisherMan-bh9dn2 ай бұрын
After decades of foot pain and doctor visits I switched to barefoot shoes and almaost immediately 90% of my pain is gone. No transition - just cold turkey. I have been forced into wearing standard shoes two recently and my feet hurt for days afterwards.
@Ascendington26 күн бұрын
@supercaarfinder2 ай бұрын
if only quality and looks were a little bit better, only then, that‘d be a no-brainer
@tungerooski2 ай бұрын
Altras look like normal shoes and quality is the same imo. The only barefoot shoes that don’t look good imo are the vibram 5 finger
@marcokokee9995Ай бұрын
barefeet shoes are not for me, i´ve been born with spastic feet, also my feet are not strong enough, also by birth, poor me. but thanks anyway, for explaing. young woman.
@SimonTimoney-747 күн бұрын
Podiatrists do not recommend barefoot shoes..that tells you all you need to know..I go hiking in the stick to my Altberg Bergen boots