標題是否搞錯左? 其實Justification By Faith 就等於 Sola Fide。新教就係信Justification By Faith (Sola Fide) 亦即因信成義/因信稱義。詳細黎講係Save by grace through faith for good work。天主教一向對Justification By Faith 有保留,認為要有good work先可以得救。新教認為只要信就已經得救,得救後會有轉變會活得更像基督,轉變係一個過程,伴隨著而來既就係good work and action。而片中神父所講既睇法同立場其實更像新教立場。
@HKSCS20017 күн бұрын
Sola Fide不是justification By Faith, 而是justification By Faith alone
@BobC-yl3tc7 күн бұрын
@ Justification by faith 意恩 思就是 Justification is by faith alone,意即要得救只能靠信仰,救贖的恩典是上帝白白送的,而不是因做好人好事所得的獎賞。Good work is the consequence of being a Christian. Being a Christian means you have received Jesus’s salvation. 所以只有做好人好事但沒有透過信仰接受救恩也不能得救。至於作為基督徒卻不做好人好事又怎能稱得上是跟隨耶穌教導的人?接受救恩得救就是受了聖靈的洗,教徒也需要聽從聖靈受衪影響才能有所轉變活出基督式樣為基督做見證。
Protestant also do a lot of acts of Charity…. They just have not read history of the church…. We have Graces in the Sacraments still though most of us Catholics do not use it. So… pray and seek a relationship with God because he wants a relationship with you. A close relationship.