Watching Percy Jackson for the first time without reading the books! episode 4 reaction & commentary

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We Could Be Heroes Designs

We Could Be Heroes Designs

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@methmibhawana3779 8 ай бұрын
As a book reader I really think you should know what Percy was thinking when he was falling: "I'd love to tell you I had some deep revelation on my way down, that I came to terms with my own mortality, laughed in the face of death, et cetera. The truth? My only thought was: Aaaaggghhhhh!"
@WeCouldBeHeroesDesigns 8 ай бұрын
OMG HAHAHA 🤣 That made me laugh, that is totally something I would think. I can’t wait to read the book after season 1 ends! Thanks so much for watching and letting me know this hilarious quote 🤍
@methmibhawana3779 8 ай бұрын
@@WeCouldBeHeroesDesigns I love watching your reactions! They are the best! Thank you for reacting to this show!
@WeCouldBeHeroesDesigns 8 ай бұрын
@@methmibhawana3779 OMG YAYYY thank you, I’m so happy you’re enjoying them!!! 🥰
@methmibhawana3779 8 ай бұрын
@@WeCouldBeHeroesDesigns Awww yayy!! I'm excited for you to read the books too❤Your reactions are the best!
@mejrpi5 8 ай бұрын
LOVE that!!!
@violetkerridge4154 8 ай бұрын
Annabeth: “Love is always conditional. That’s how it works.” Percy: *proceeds to sacrifice his life for Annabeth without a second thought*
@WeCouldBeHeroesDesigns 8 ай бұрын
OMG SERIOUSLY I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!!!! Percy showing Annabeth what true love is supposed to look like is incredible 😍 Thank you so much for watching!
@violetkerridge4154 8 ай бұрын
@@WeCouldBeHeroesDesigns there’s so much foreshadowing for people who know information abt Annabeth and Percy from the later plot in these scenes but I can’t tell u bcuz spoilers! Just know - it’s amazing!
@WeCouldBeHeroesDesigns 8 ай бұрын
@@violetkerridge4154 I knowww I can feel it that someday I’m gonna look back on these scenes and realize it was foreshadowing something in later seasons. I can’t wait to find out what!
@violetkerridge4154 8 ай бұрын
@@WeCouldBeHeroesDesigns I can’t wait for you to find out!
@penguin50279 8 ай бұрын
i loveeeee the annabeth + percy and medusa + poseidon parallel with athena punishing only the women for what the men did.
@WeCouldBeHeroesDesigns 8 ай бұрын
EXACTLY!!! That parallel is crazy. While watching episode 3 I thought it was foreshadowing Athena turning on Annabeth but the way it happened was sooo similar to what happened to Medusa. And the fact that it happened so soon after Annabeth was defending Athena to Medusa is so sad!! Annabeth deserves better!!!!! 🥺
@supersilvernova22-ut3db 8 ай бұрын
@@WeCouldBeHeroesDesigns What's really cool about it though is that when it happened with Medusa, Poseidon just washed his hands of it. But Percy atoned for his actions that affected Annabeth by sacrificing himself for her safety. He may not have actually died, but it was still a beautiful bit of poetry.
@WarGrowlmon18 8 ай бұрын
Yeah Mommy Dearest isn't exactly a fan of Percy either and she does some not so good stuff in the books to her daughter
@WeCouldBeHeroesDesigns 8 ай бұрын
@@supersilvernova22-ut3db YES totally!! Percy really tried to sacrifice himself for Annabeth and to me that definitely made up for what he did. You could see it in his face he felt so bad that his actions affected Annabeth so badly. Percy is such a good person 🤍
@typo1345 8 ай бұрын
I love them bringing up Annabeth's love for architecture (thats a big thing for her in the books) And the way Leah talks about the arch, you can literally hear her enthusiasm saying "Its held up by symmetry, its held up by math!" Thats great acting
@WeCouldBeHeroesDesigns 8 ай бұрын
YES definitely! I love that Annabeth loves architecture and Leah portrayed that so perfectly 🤩 Thank you so much for watching and commenting!
@Book_obsessed17 7 ай бұрын
I think in the Disney plus Chanel Leah says her favorite subject is math
@Nargon46 7 ай бұрын
I love how Annabeth spends the entire episode telling Percy how you have to show respect and make sacrifices and earn glory if your godly parent to even notice you, let alone help you. Then Athena goes out of her way to let a monster chase them down to kill them because Annabeth second-hand unintentionally dissed her, basically proving her right in everything she's been saying. Then you have Percy doing nothing for weeks but badmouthing and disrespecting his dad, making a sacrifice but specifically NOT to him, refusing his father's quest until he has a better motive, and all 'round telling him to bugger off, and Poseidon goes out of his way to save him anyway. It's a great resolution to all that emotional tension Percy has been going through since his mom and validates his feelings that parents, even immortal ones, should love their kids unconditionally. Poseidon literally reaches into the sky, Zeus's domain, to protect his son, and this after Percy stayed behind because, after everything that's happened, he assumes that there is no way Poseidon would heal him. It's an excellent start to his character arc for the season and makes Poseidon total Dad Goals. I love it.
@midoriya-shonen 8 ай бұрын
The way I GASPED when Percy tricked Annabeth oh my gods!!!!!!! I'm floored!!!!!!!! They really went all out with adding beautiful emotional scenes like that this episode. The pool flashback in the beginning, the midnight chat, the Percabeth banter in the Arch......I'm in love
@WeCouldBeHeroesDesigns 8 ай бұрын
EXACTLY!!! There was sooo much meaning in this episode and I think that’s why I loved it so much! All those scenes showed deep parts of their characters we haven’t seen before. Percy tricking Annabeth was such a shock and I LOVEDDD IT!!!! Thank you so much for watching and commenting 😊🤍
@pearlyj6190 8 ай бұрын
Fun fact: Walker (Percy's actor) is naturally really pale, so they normally tan him before filming but when they went to film him being sick/poisoned in this episode... yeah no that's perfect. Just a little under the eyes and you are good to go. AKA... that's walkers natural skin tone XD
@WeCouldBeHeroesDesigns 8 ай бұрын
HAHA that’s hilarious 😂 I love learning about these fun facts of the behind the scenes!
@jarrodserwa7305 8 ай бұрын
In the book Echidna said to Percy that She hates Australia because they named an animal after her. As an Australian myself I love and hate that quote.
@WeCouldBeHeroesDesigns 8 ай бұрын
Lol I would also have a love/hate relationship with that quote if I were you 😂 I love how the books have details like that though, that’s super interesting!
@WarGrowlmon18 8 ай бұрын
This ones close to the book. The major differences is they only get attacked at the Arch and Echidna waits until Percy's alone to do it. While he does get poisoned, its only at the end of the fight right before Percy takes the fall. And Athena had nothing to do with this, they had only gone there because Annabeth wanted to do some sightseeing. Zeus sent Echidna because he was angry about Medusa's Head.
@WeCouldBeHeroesDesigns 8 ай бұрын
Ohhh those changes are so interesting!! I love how they added the Athena betrayal in the show, and I love that in the books Annabeth just wanted to go to the Arch to sightsee 😄 I obviously haven’t read the book yet but I love what they’re doing with the show so far!!! Thank you so much for watching and letting me know this! 🤍
@WarGrowlmon18 8 ай бұрын
Yeah Athena's really not that great. She doesn't like Percy in general, both because she thinks his fatal flaw of personal loyalty is just gonna cause trouble and because he's her rival's son. Medusa also isn't the only person that Athena transformed into a monster for some kind of a slight, perceived or not. There's also Arachne whose spider children have terrorized generations of Athena kids as a result. But Athena's REALLY bad example of parenting is related to this magical statute of her that the ancient Romans stole. Athena sent numerous children of hers to find and retrieve it but they all fell victim to Arachne and never returned. When Annabeth hesitated to do it, Athena disowned her and revoked her cap's powers. Athena only gave it back months later when the world was quite literally at stake. Annabeth was the only child of Athena to succeed in that particular quest and survive and that ended with Arachne dragging Annabeth to Tartarus with her. When Percy couldn't pull her up, he decided to go down with her. Arachne's dead now by the way: when Arachne tried to attack them in Tartarus, Percy quickly killed her with Riptide.
@cosmicriptid 8 ай бұрын
@@WarGrowlmon18 I would recommend removing the second half of your comment or marking it as spoiler, placing it under the cut, as it is a rather massive spoiler.
@AZDfox 7 ай бұрын
​@@WarGrowlmon18massive spoilers
@midoriya-shonen 8 ай бұрын
It's moments like this when being a book reader actually kinda blinds you to some things. I didn't pick up on that Medusa/Annabeth foreshadowing at all simply because it wasn't in the book. Medusa didn't have such a sympathetic backstory for one thing, but also the Arch wasn't a temple in the books either. The kids were there because Annabeth is an architecture nerd and wanted to see it while they were on layover. Echidna and the Chimera cornered Percy while he was separated from his friends at the top, where he fought the Chimera, got poisoned, and jumped out of the Arch praying that Poseidon would do something. So the whole Athena embarrassment plot line wasn't necessary, and I totally missed the build up to it. It's such a fantastic addition though. I love that they're able to add subplots and throughlines into the story while still covering everything in the books properly. It's seriously impressive! Everyone working on this is so talented, and their passion is shining through!
@WeCouldBeHeroesDesigns 8 ай бұрын
Oh wow that’s so interesting that so much was changed for the show! To me it made perfect sense while watching it so they did an incredible job linking everything and all the plots. I totally agree, everyone working on this show is soooo amazing and their passion shows!!! 🤩
@midoriya-shonen 8 ай бұрын
@@WeCouldBeHeroesDesigns Yea it's interesting, they definitely changed/added/altered a lot about the plot but everything they did feels perfectly in line with what could've happened in the books. So even though it's not an exact retelling, it's still clearly the same story with the same characters. It's wonderful, because it means that long term fans like me get to experience this story again as if it's for the first time -- a new story with plenty of things I don't know, but still the same story I've loved since I was Percy's age. I've heard from a lot of other people that they feel the same 💖
@ianlee4565 8 ай бұрын
Before I go into my thoughts, I want to commend your incredible intuition in this reaction. Noticing the poisonous stinger way before the poison took effect, and noticing that Echidna was evil before it was actually revealed. I don’t know if it’s editing, or if you’re just super smart and super good at noticing things, or both, but either way, I was very impressed by that as I watched. I also LOVE the merch designs. I can’t wait to get my shirts because I am totally going to wear them to teach. I feel like my students are going to really like them too-especially the “you are not broken” because teaching at an alternative school kind of like those where Percy goes, a lot of my students have been told that they are broken and there is something wrong with them, so having us see them and their value is so important. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4:08- Yeah, most readers agree that Annabeth’s parents (especially her step-mom) kinda suck. There are all these memes going around with pictures of Leah Sava Jeffries-the actress who plays Annabeth-when she was about 7, and all of them are like: “Mr. and Mrs. Chase better hope that I don’t find them because how can you abandon this CHILD??” 5:00- They don’t flat out say this, but given how the people on the train see the Chimera as just a little chihuahua, it’s assumed that, yes, humans just see horses when the centaurs are running around. 12:05- So, in the books, Annabeth has a deep love of architecture. She wants to help re-design Mt. Olympus if I’m not mistaken. The whole reason they go to the Arch in the books is simply because Annabeth wanted to geek, not because it’s an Athenian Temple. It makes more sense for the plot this way, and with those few lines from LSJ, you still get Annabeth’s love of architecture as well. 17:14- That was an amazing catch in the last reaction with that line. And, you’re right-both that Athena doesn’t truly “love” Annabeth, and that it shouldn’t be the way it is. But, when your parents are all-powerful gods, I guess it comes with the territory-at least by the show’s logic. 18:27- The “Uno Reverse Card” as I like to call it was by far my favorite moment in this ep. and it makes me happy to see you like it as much as I do :). 19:29- Unfortunately, unlike Teen Wolf, I’m pretty sure that most all the monsters in PJO do, in fact, do monstrous things 😂 (at least in this first book/season.) But that’s why I love watching these reactions-you always look for the positive and the good. 20:32- totally agree that the Arch fall is EPIC. 21:08-21:52- Few things: 1- being the son of Poseidon, Percy is actually okay being “drowned” because water is his element. That whole bit is actually a bit of a (probably unintentional) homage to the first film because in the very first scene of the first film, Percy is just sitting criss-cross applesauce at the bottom of the school pool while Grover times him. I think he’s under for, like, 7 minutes or something without having to come up for air a single time?? 2- If I remember right, I think they got the actress who plays Queen Sally to voice the water spirit! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Also, today we had my first fire drill as a teacher, and my students were freaking out a little bit, so I just shouted: “So the important thing is not to panic!” in Grover’s voice as I led them out 😂. I thought you might enjoy that and get a good laugh out of it, Sarah. So excited for you to see episode 5!!!
@WeCouldBeHeroesDesigns 8 ай бұрын
Haha thank you so much!! I’ve always loved picking up on little details and guessing reveals before they happen, and this episode had a lot of fun mystery!! I am SOOOO EXCITED for your shirts to arrive!!! I’m so grateful you bought them and for the wonderful work you do with teaching. I love that you send the “you are not broken” message to your students and I am so excited my design can be a part of that!! HAHA I love that meme. Seriously how could anyone abandon a child, especially as amazing as Annabeth?! Oh cool so the humans do just see horses! I love seeing how humans and magical people see things differently. That’s so cool that Annabeth loves architecture and that makes perfect sense why she knows all that about the Arch. Yeah the parallels between Medusa’s story and Annabeth’s is CRAZY!!! I feel so bad for Annabeth! HAHAHA I love that you call it the uno reverse card 😂 That’s exactly what it is and I loved it! I love the teen wolf reference but that’s a bummer that the pjo monsters are mostly bad. I would wanna train the monsters to be friends lol OMG I would looove it if that was Sally’s voice!!! Bc the first scene of episode 4 Percy says that Sally always tells him to “Just breathe” so the fact that he heard his mom’s voice say it in the final scene, either literally or metaphorically is brilliant!!!! HAHAHA “so the important thing is not to panic” is still one of my favorite lines of the show 🤣 I should make merch out of that lol! Thank you sooo much for watching and commenting!!!! 😊🤍
@PlumeLalouve 8 ай бұрын
There is no nice monster IN THE FIRST BOOK.
@charliemallonee2792 8 ай бұрын
⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠@@WeCouldBeHeroesDesignsI’ll have you know not all monsters are evil. Hellhounds can be trained as pets! And a certain character introduced in the second book is technically a monster, and I will not hear anyone slander him for that! Sadly no, the sea spirit (Nereid) who Percy hears is played by Jelena Milinkovic. But she is described as sounding so like Sally Jackson that Percy thinks it’s her at first. So, in more than one way Percy is hearing his mother’s voice.
@ianlee4565 8 ай бұрын
@@charliemallonee2792I honestly don’t think of (SPOILER) as a monster in my headcannon because of how sweet they are and all the good they do to help Percy and the gang, but you’re absolutely right that technically speaking, they are indeed a monster, and I did not take that into account when writing. Post has been edited. Also, thanks for the clarification on the neirid. I really thought it was Viriginia Kull, but it’s a testament to the PJO casting people that they could find someone who sounds that close!
@ianlee4565 8 ай бұрын
@@PlumeLalouvetrue! I did not take the other books in the series into account when writing. Thanks!
@LivsWings_ 8 ай бұрын
I feel like I've been waiting eons to see your reaction to ep 4 but yay, it's here now. Percy tricking Annabeth with his sword had me floored too. The funny thing is Annabeth's described as someone who's always six steps ahead of everyone but in that moment she really didn't see that coming. I think that goes to show how she didn't anticipate anyone would ever sacrifice themself for her given the track record of how she's been brought up to feel like love's conditional and ugh, let me not make myself sad. Again, great reaction and I already know ep 5 will drive you crazy. Bye for now :)
@WeCouldBeHeroesDesigns 8 ай бұрын
Omg thank you so much!! I’m so happy you enjoyed this video, and hopefully my episode 5 reaction will be live within the next couple days so you won’t have to wait too long for that one!! 🤩 And OMG EXACTLY!!!! You said that so perfectly. It’s so true that Annabeth is always ahead of everyone but truly didn’t see Percy’s sacrifice coming. That’s a testament to how smart Percy was when tricking her and how sad Annabeth was raised to think that no one would care for her enough to do that. I love Percabeth so much, whether platonically or romantically!! Thank you so much for watching and commenting!! 🤍
@laneyyyyyyyyy 8 ай бұрын
just thought you should know, i was watching one of your reaction videos and my 12 yr old little brother who also loves pjo wanted to watch too, and now he asks me every day if you’ve released a new video yet so we can watch it together. he is INVESTED!!!
@WeCouldBeHeroesDesigns 8 ай бұрын
OH MY GOSH!! This just made my day, that is the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard 😄 Thank you both for watching my videos!!! I’m so happy you’re enjoying them and hopefully my episode 5 reaction will be live within the next couple days so you won’t have to wait too long for that one! Thank you so much for watching and commenting!! 🤍
@mirandacamila982 8 ай бұрын
I love your enthusiasm and how openly you show it! Feels like I'm watching the show for the first time with you hahahaha❤ this episode and the next are my favorites, I think they really show that this, beyond the fantasy and the humor and the action, has always been a story about love, of all kinds, like you said at the end of the video. The conditional vs. unconditional love theme in Percy and Annabeth is so important to me hahaha, and I think you'll love how Sally is such a big part of that! Your next reaction can't come soon enough hahaha❤
@WeCouldBeHeroesDesigns 8 ай бұрын
OMG that’s the biggest compliment and means soooo much to me!!! 🥰 That’s exactly how I always hope you feel when watching my reactions so thank you for saying that!! I LOVE that you say beyond everything Percy Jackson is a story about love. I’m only on episode 4 and I can already feel that theme so deeply! I’m so excited to see how Sally plays a part with Percabeth! I’m gonna try to get my reaction video of episode 5 uploaded within the next couple days, so hopefully you won’t have to wait long. Thank you so much for watching and commenting!!!! 🤩🤍
@raulgarcia5090 8 ай бұрын
I love seeing your reactions to this show, because Pushy Jackson with my childhood book series. when I was younger, I was not in the greatest situation with my family. My dad was a drunk. My mom was a druggie but this show got me Thrill, pain and sorrow. So seeing you reacted to show. bringing Back so many good memories of reading this book series and going through good stuff when the hard time people going through.
@WeCouldBeHeroesDesigns 8 ай бұрын
Of course!! I’m so sorry you went through all that but I’m so glad Percy Jackson was there for you then and now ❤️ I love the PJO show and world so much!! I’m glad my videos can bring you some comfort and fun!
@pearlyj6190 8 ай бұрын
I am so happy I found this channel. I love the way she reacts to everything with such hype. It truly is like sitting and watching your favourite show with your fangirl besti and I am so here for it 🥰
@WeCouldBeHeroesDesigns 8 ай бұрын
OMG that’s the biggest compliment and means soooo much to me!!! 🥰 That’s exactly how I always hope you feel when watching my reactions so thank you for saying that!! I’m so happy you’re enjoying these videos. My episode 5 reaction should be live within the next couple days! Thank you so much for watching and commenting 🤍
@keeleygarland1771 8 ай бұрын
I think you’re gonna love the next episode it’s very break away from generational trauma core
@fabienneliesch7276 8 ай бұрын
I so love to see someone react that has never read the books and does not remember the movie. I watch with my sister who never read the books but did watch the movies and remembers them. I am constantly explaining what is different and why the series is closer to the books. But it's so fun to watch someone, who doesn't know what is about to happen. I myself hope, they gonna make all 5 seasons or at least make it to season 3, cause my sister doesn't know that one and cause of the trauma and tragic, but also the percabeth moments... we will all cry, I am certain. Also Nico!!! (If you know, you know) Besides that, I am so happy to see you love Percy just as much as we do. He is all the green flaggs and he stands up for his friends. Combined with annabeth and grover... its just amazing! Love them!
@darcydiscovers 8 ай бұрын
EPISODE FOUR!! I'm gonna be so honest, as a book reader (+a bit of a book purist) I wasn't really loving this series as much as I was originally hoping, but seeing it through the eyes of people who are really enjoying it like you is really helping me like it more! Like how people who have and haven't read the books can enjoy it, and how it’s introducing new people to this wonderful franchise is awesome and now I can enjoy the series more for what it is! So, thanks for watching this series and I'm so glad you've been enjoying it so far ^^ Edit: I think maybe gonna be my only edit of this episode, but the biggest thing that bothers me from this episode is the chimera's design ={ So, a chimera has a lion's head, a goat's body, and a snake for a tail! So instead of Percy getting stung by a scorpion-like tail, he should have got bitten by a snake. The lionlike creature with a scorpion's tail is actually called a manticore, so I don't love them getting confused in the series (the books get this part correct, and even the end credits of the show has a chimera with a snake for a tail!) I think this bothers me because it's cgi - they easily could have made the tail a snake instead of a stinger. Anyway, it's definitely more a nitpicky issue but I think chimeras are an underrepresented monster in greek mythology so I wish they'd have been shown correctly if that makes sense Small edit 2: actually while I'm being nitpicky it's "venemous" not "poisonous", but I don't have that huge an issue w it in this episode as Percy is 12 and like. That's totally something Percy would get mixed up (maybe Annabeth should have corrected him! That would have been funny actually) Final edit: man I love your reactions!!! The hold fast brave the storm merch is so cool.... might have to consider that lol I love seeing your thoughts on the episodes!! Super excited to see your reaction to the next episode =} so glad I found your channel through this!
@WeCouldBeHeroesDesigns 8 ай бұрын
Omg of course!! I’m so glad you’re enjoying my reactions and that they can help at all 🤩 I’m definitely the kind of person who is here for the fun, whether it’s 100% true to the original story or a little different, I still enjoy it and have fun! But I totally understand how important these books are and how fans love the details. That’s interesting about the chimera, I would’ve loved to see the version you’re talking about! That would’ve been hilarious if in the middle of the chaos Annabeth corrected Percy 😂 And OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I’m so glad you like my reactions and merch! I’m so happy you’re here 😊 My episode 5 reaction should be live within the next couple days so hopefully won’t be too long of a wait. Thank you so much for watching and commenting!! 🤍
@cosmicriptid 8 ай бұрын
That would be such a meme moment if Percy is over here dying and Annabeth takes the time to correct his terminology.
@darcydiscovers 8 ай бұрын
@cosmicriptid yeah!!! And tbh Annabeth *would* do that lol Honestly my original thought was Echidna correcting him (as that would fit the scene in the book better) but Annabeth correcting him would fit the scene in the show better!
@cosmicriptid 8 ай бұрын
As someone else already mentioned, people's individual fatal flaws and how they affect their choices comes up a lot in the books. Percy's flaw, while not outright stated in the first book, is I think shown well enough that it is not a spoiler to say. The thing with the fatal flaws is that they are not always bad things on their own, but are so unshakable parts of their character that they can cause problems. Personal loyalty, for example. While good most of the time, we are already seeing Percy's habit of sacrificing himself to save the people around him. Multiple people tell him he will never be the hero the world needs because of this, as he is more worried about his friends then the fate of the world, and would be unwilling to harm his friends to save the world.
@anushkaagrawal1473 8 ай бұрын
Actually, what you said about Percy wuerioning the system, EVERYONE was questioning the system, some more than others, but in fear of rje gods wrath, everyine goes along with it. But i think that if goven the chance to peacefully bring some change, eveyone would totaly be up for it. Tjey just didnt want to get on the gods bad side. Cause if you lose the favour of offend a fod, you indirectly mess ip your own life. The gods punish people who speak ip and even insult them a little. Long story short, eveyone wants to be in the gods good books so theor life is unproblematic
@raymoon28 8 ай бұрын
I absolutely adore your reactions to this show and the fact you have so much to say during it! Can't wait for the next episodes!!
@WeCouldBeHeroesDesigns 8 ай бұрын
OMG Thank you so much, that means so much to me!! 🤩 I’m so happy you enjoyed this video, and hopefully my episode 5 reaction will be live within the next couple days! Thank you so much for watching and commenting!! 🤍
@WeCouldBeHeroesDesigns 8 ай бұрын
Remember to comment ALL your thoughts on episode 4!! 🤩 Episode 4 is definitely my favorite Percy Jackson episode I’ve reacted to so far!!! Everything about it was AMAZING! My absolute favorite moment is Percy tricking Annabeth and sacrificing himself for her and Grover! What did you like about the episode?? 🥰
@EddieMunsonLover34 8 ай бұрын
I can’t wait for ur reaction to ep 5
@Iliketoomanyfandoms 7 ай бұрын
Im so excited to see your reaction for episode 5, it was my favourite episode of the season 😭💕
@peabeanmilk 8 ай бұрын
@WeCouldBeHeroesDesigns 8 ай бұрын
@squarebodycasewademckenney6190 7 ай бұрын
Is that u modeling for your merch? If so wow your really pretty..... i thought u were before but seeing those just wow
@ellogirlipops 5 ай бұрын
2:12 👆this is so real
@EyeMCreative 8 ай бұрын
Lol you need to catch up with the series quick for these reactions before TikTok spoils too much stuff for you. xD
@WeCouldBeHeroesDesigns 8 ай бұрын
Lol SERIOUSLY!!! The amount of spoilers and edits I have to super quickly scroll past is getting excessive 😂 But I’ll be caught up so soon and then I can watch everything pjo I see!! Thank you so much for watching and commenting 😊
@EyeMCreative 8 ай бұрын
@@WeCouldBeHeroesDesigns yeah, it's annoying how many book fans think it's okay to just openly talk about stuff, like yeah the books have been out for awhile, but that doesn't mean everyone has read them yet and a lot of people are newly discovering the story because of the show, so we need to be patient and talk about it later or in private subreddit conversations 😂
@EyeMCreative 8 ай бұрын
Even as a book reader, I don't even watch the previews after the credits because I want to just experience the show and enjoy it without sneak peaks or anything spoiling the experience/reveals. Its a super fun show and I'm loving it, and I can go back and judge it closer later.
@lisamazzotti2581 8 ай бұрын
19:27 there absolutely are good monsters! Just not this one👀
@WarGrowlmon18 8 ай бұрын
Tyson for example!!!🤩🤩🤩
@WeCouldBeHeroesDesigns 8 ай бұрын
Oh really?? Yayyy I was wondering why they weren’t trying to befriend or train the monsters to be on their side! I love that there are good monsters. Thanks so much for watching and letting me know! 😊
@WarGrowlmon18 8 ай бұрын
@@WeCouldBeHeroesDesigns There's a few, but it's rare. Percy's got a pet Hellhound that he inherited from Daedalus. His half brother Tyson is a friendly Cyclops. There's also a friendly harpy named Ella.
@TheCoopdaddy99 8 ай бұрын
I can’t wait to see Mrs O’Leary!
@macewindu224 5 ай бұрын
the gods are so cringe.. i have a feeling you are going to like the 2010 clash of the titans film... sam worthington ( avatar) who plays perseus is bent on not embracing his half god side because he sees the nasty and hypocrisy of the gods.. he wants to live like a virtuous man and sam does a good job at playing that anger and determination.
@kiml.1565 8 ай бұрын
The Mist that makes mortals see things differently works by making you see a version of what you expect to see. Just like how they see horses instead of centaurs, or cute lil dogs instead of chimeras, because they expect to see horses... those cops aren't expecting a monster on a train, but they are fully expecting that a bunch of punk kids might do property damage. And sometimes that means that a whole BUNCH of stuff gets imagined to justify that expectation. A hole just opened itself up in the Gateway Arch and a monster set its interior on fire? Well, that makes no sense. But someone with an explosive device could do that. That kid was a terrorist! Wasn't he smuggling something in? Didn't he also derail a train? GET THAT KID! I loooved the changes from the book in this episode, and the parallels it creates with the Medusa story. And Percy pulling a baller hero move, smooth af, to trick Annabeth out of her dramatic last stand? AMAZIIIIIING.
@WeCouldBeHeroesDesigns 8 ай бұрын
Ohhhh that’s the best explanation of the Mist I’ve read so far!! That makes way more sense that humans see what they expect to see. The whole episode was SO INCREDIBLE and I agree Percy’s heroic sacrifice was so awesome!!! Thank you so much for watching and commenting! 🤩🤍
@jarrodserwa7305 8 ай бұрын
Rick over calculated where the arc was in the book. He thought that the Arch was over the river.
@WeCouldBeHeroesDesigns 8 ай бұрын
Omg seriously?? 😂 I’m obsessed with the fact that he didn’t look it up and wrote a book about it lol
@cosmicriptid 8 ай бұрын
Rick Riordan is a fantastic author when it comes to character, themes, myth integration, and so many other things. He is, however, consistently tragic when it comes to geography. With the arch definitely being the most infamous of his mistakes.
@WeCouldBeHeroesDesigns 8 ай бұрын
@@cosmicriptid That’s soooo true!! From what I’ve seen so far everything about the Percy Jackson story is so well researched and true to mythology so the arch mistake is so hilariously random to me 😂
@charliemallonee2792 8 ай бұрын
Funny you say “That’s not a chihuahua” in the bag. In the book, the Chimera was literally a chihuahua barking adorably until it revealed itself. The arch was not mentioned to be a literal shrine to Athena in the book; their train was stopping in St Louis and Annabeth just had to check it out and admire the architecture (she’s really into that). But the idea that magical stuff is everywhere unnoticed by mortals is very much a theme in the books. The Statue of Liberty was modeled after the architect’s mother: Athena. I’ll have you know not all “monsters” are evil. Some of the hellhounds really are just giant puppers who want occasional treats and head scratches. In the book, Percy jumps into the river in a desperate plea for aid, and Poseidon cushions him from the lethal fall. However, as it turns out, Rick got the geography slightly off, and Percy would’ve had to fall at around 30° to hit the water. So instead, Poseidon literally reaches out to catch him.
@WeCouldBeHeroesDesigns 8 ай бұрын
Wait seriously?? Lol that makes me so happy i kinda guessed the chihuahua. I LOVE that Annabeth loves architecture! That’s super interesting about the Statue of Liberty. Oh that’s so good to know that some monsters aren’t evil! I was wondering why they weren’t trying to befriend them and train them. Percy jumped from the arch on purpose?? That’s such an interesting change! And I’m obsessed with the fact that Rick didn’t know the river and arch were so far apart 😂 Thank you so much for watching and letting me know all this!! 😊
@Charlie-tw3lj 8 ай бұрын
Ill have to double check, but im pretty sure in the book when percy narrates himself falling, he thinks something like "I wish I could say I was thinking something cool as I fell, but all I was thinking was AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH" and thats a mood and a half
@WeCouldBeHeroesDesigns 8 ай бұрын
HAHAHAHA OMG that is 100% something my inner monologue would be thinking 🤣 That makes me love Percy’s comedic side even more! Thanks so much for watching 😊
@nicoleterego 8 ай бұрын
24:03 You're so right. It's just Percy's character. He would sacrifice himself or even the world for the sake of the people he love. It's so amazing how you pick up on these things. Excited to see your episode 5 reaction!
@WarGrowlmon18 8 ай бұрын
His fatal flaw is personal loyalty. It's part of why Athena doesn't like him in the books. Of course her daughter falling in love with her rival's son didn't help much either.
@nicoleterego 8 ай бұрын
@@WarGrowlmon18 Yep. I didn't say it because it's kind of a spoiler. Lol.
@WeCouldBeHeroesDesigns 8 ай бұрын
Thank you so much, I relate to Percy a lot so it comes naturally for me to pick up on how he thinks. I love his character so much! I’m so happy you enjoyed this video, and hopefully my episode 5 reaction will be live within the next couple days so you won’t have to wait too long for that one!! 🤩 Thank you so much for watching and commenting!! 🤍
@Timister0902 8 ай бұрын
The show is on a roll, this episode is one of my lesser favorites, but still enjoyable, it was a little too much serious talk, which isnt bad, but i enjoy this show's humor (in most cases) Something this show does fantastically well is the 1 on 1 interactions, they ALL seem to hit what they're supposed to my one piece of advice, DONT watch the short preview that comes after episode 6, I think it spoils something a little too much, I think episode 7 is gonna hit REALLY well if you don't have any sneak peaks
@WeCouldBeHeroesDesigns 8 ай бұрын
I totally agree that the comedic side of Percy Jackson is one of the best parts of the tv show!! I love the sassy moments and the 1 on 1 interaction are always so meaningful. Thanks for the tip, I won’t watch the episode 7 promo. I definitely wanna stay away from spoilers. I can’t wait to react to the full episode though! Thanks so much for watching and commenting!! 😊🤍
@baconater7947 8 ай бұрын
Oh my gods, I had been waiting for this reaction for SO LONG and its FIBALLY HERE!! Firstly, I agree, the ending was kind of abrupt but you know, its fine whatever. Secondly, yes episode 5 is AMAZING, hurry up and upload your reaction PLEASE. Just kidding, its ok. And finally, I had something else about Grover but I forgot so... keep up the great work!
@WeCouldBeHeroesDesigns 8 ай бұрын
OMG I’m so happy you’re loving my reaction videos!! Sorry it took so long to edit this vid but hopefully my episode 5 reaction will be uploaded within a couple days 🤩 I love a good cliffhanger so the ending of episode 4 was awesome to me! Thank you sooo much for watching and commenting!!! 🥰
@melpomenethemuse 8 ай бұрын
@WeCouldBeHeroesDesigns 8 ай бұрын
OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I’m so happy you’re liking my reactions and designs 🥰 Sally is the best!! Yeah I wish adults would have more compassion for kids and understanding them instead of just immediately labeling them as troubled. Sooo true the cop definitely had a fragile ego. Haha that fight scene in the arch was crazy and the fall gave me CHILLS!! I love that he sacrificed himself for Annabeth! Hehe I love this show sooo much. Thank you so much for watching and commenting!! 🤍
@LunarJeishin 8 ай бұрын
@WeCouldBeHeroesDesigns 8 ай бұрын
HAHA I LOVE THE EXCITEMENT 🤩🤍 This was definitely my favorite episode so far!!!!
@NancySnead 17 күн бұрын
I think k you should do the quote that grover says when he’s like the important thing is not to panic
@WeCouldBeHeroesDesigns 17 күн бұрын
@@NancySnead I WILL!! lol I looove that quote it cracks me up every time 🤣 Thank you so much for watching and commenting! 🫶
@NancySnead 17 күн бұрын
@@WeCouldBeHeroesDesigns of course it cracks me up too
@raulgarcia5090 8 ай бұрын
So thank you so much for doing this show.
@WeCouldBeHeroesDesigns 8 ай бұрын
Omg always!! Thank you so much for being here and watching and commenting!! I love the Percy Jackson fandom so much 🤩🤍
@Jpff2009jp 8 ай бұрын
OMG i’ve been waiting for this video SOOOOOOOOOO MUCHHHHH!!!! LOOOOVEEEEEEE YOUR VIDEOS!!!!! In the book there was an error in Rick Riordan's writing where he said that Percy fell on the river, but it's physically impossible lol. So they fixed it by making it so that the river was “catching” him.
@WeCouldBeHeroesDesigns 8 ай бұрын
OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! 🥰 Hahaha that’s cracking me up that Rick wrote something literally geographically impossible 😂 I do love how they made it look like Poseidon caught Percy in the show though. I thought that looked so cool! Thank you so much for watching and commenting!! 🤍
@Tar-Numendil 7 ай бұрын
You're going to absolutely adore The Last Olympian.
@WarGrowlmon18 8 ай бұрын
Percy to his scared friends Hazel and Frank after falling off of an Alaskan glacier years later: "oh yeah that's nothing. I once fell off of the St. Louis Arch."
@WeCouldBeHeroesDesigns 8 ай бұрын
HAHA I love that Percy references this fall in later books!! I can’t wait to meet Hazel and Frank! 🤩
@WarGrowlmon18 8 ай бұрын
Hazel's the daughter of Pluto, the Roman form of Hades. Frank is the son of Mars, the Roman form of Ares. He's also a distant descendant of Poseidon. But yeah as long as Percy's falling into water he's never gonna get hurt. Let's see now....🤔🤔🤔 there's this, the Alaskan glacier, Percy and Annabeth's Tartarus Vacation (Percy caught them both with the River Coctyus) and when he was fighting a bad guy in mid air (long story) and the guy threw him from a massive height into the ocean. Which incidentally just re-energized Percy to beat him.
@AZDfox 7 ай бұрын
@WarGrowlmon18 7 ай бұрын
@@AZDfox Ok River Song.
@movielover3285 8 ай бұрын
Also the pushing someone down the stairs comming back but its tge oposite of what it usually meanx
@daiaragreter9926 8 ай бұрын
suas reações são as melhores, como uma pessoa que não leu os livros vc consegue ser bem mais aberta sobre as coisas que acontecem. acho que ele sempre pode respirar em baixo da agua, só nunca tinha tentado
@lizzylg8 7 ай бұрын
Omg I just found your channel and I’m obsessed with your commentary, I love that you watched the same shows I watched and made the same conexions I do or made references that I 100% understand. Can’t wait for you to watch the rest of the series. 🫶🏻
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