thov tswv ntuj pab kom neb tsis txhob muaj mob lawm os me nyab aww.
@thorcha6178Сағат бұрын
Noj nceb yuav taug cav noj khoom yuav tau xaiv qab nawv thiaj tsis hmag mob nawb ok
@ZZXyooj4 минут бұрын
Take an easy and drive safe especially foreign passages depending on u!
@mogmimvaj3 сағат бұрын
Me nyab koob aw Zaum no yuav noj dab tsi Los ua zoo saib nawb txhob lam tau lam noj lam haus nawb txhob haus dej txias noj ice cream nawb vim Tim nej kub2 heev thov kom nej sawv daws mus kom kom2 zem ntsib yam zoo xwb nawb mog❤❤
@ryuhang68247 минут бұрын
Tub koob many people try to convince you to not let your wife going places but i guess you dont take the first problem seriously don't let it happen again you might not so lucky next time