Because people don’t collect for themselves anymore. They collect for social media clout.
@Cinema-skin18 күн бұрын
Exactly. Personally, I feel there is a difference between physical media channels and movie channels where the passion for filmmaking is explored. Physical media channels hustle blu rays and 4K’s for labels.
@mikeyhorror18 күн бұрын
@ Agreed. No offense to Garrett and this channel, but once I heard him say a few times that he “had” to buy a certain movie because it was part of the VSU line, I knew exactly what kind of channel I was watching. Buy movies because you like them, not because of how they’re packaged. There are people who love to collect physical media and there are people who love to watch movies and they’re not always the same people.
@Born2BeRad15 күн бұрын
@@mikeyhorror like I said. You gotta have your own rules for your own collection.
@Born2BeRad15 күн бұрын
@@mikeyhorror sometimes they do.
@keim734 күн бұрын
love your new channel focus
@Born2BeRad4 күн бұрын
@@keim73 hey thanks so much. Appreciate all your support
@keim734 күн бұрын
I'm on the same page with you when it comes to collecting.
@outpost317817 күн бұрын
Hi from the U.K. 63 and just subscribed to your channel. Have been a collector of physical media for over 5 decades and have never been swayed by public opinion. Have always loved the ‘horror’ genre,and many times over the years ‘friends’ have criticised my choice in film collecting. My advice is to collect and curate what is dear to you and you alone. At the end of the day nobody is really interested in what you collect. Just remember to be true to yourself and what makes you happy!
@Born2BeRad16 күн бұрын
Wow! Welcome aboard! Love this. Love love love having such long time collectors watching. Thank you for subbing up and keeping the love alive.
@outpost317816 күн бұрын
@@Born2BeRadAppreciate the welcome to the channel. Thank you 🙏🏻
@Born2BeRad16 күн бұрын
@ welcome bud. Happy your here!
@DrRotsShockShop15 күн бұрын
New Sub here! Primary focus is rare VHS
@Born2BeRad15 күн бұрын
Oh heck yes!!!! Love that. Keep checking out the channel. I love vhs as well. Welcome aboard man! Find me on IG too
@kevinkelley390617 күн бұрын
30, 40, 50, 60, 70 dollars for a movie how the F do they expect to keep physical media alive.
@jeffherrington15 күн бұрын
I hear the argument a lot and I don't disagree but I wonder if compared to the past in the earlier VHS days if it's more so on par and really not more expensive. I see vintage ads from time to time where the asking price for new release VHS was $50 plus. Eventually they got cheaper but really the same thing happens now as well in that if you wait on a title from Severin for instance you will eventually get it much cheaper. Course for limited editions that sell out it doesn't apply so much. Additionally, nowadays we're getting much better packaging, features, video and audio quality and more. Not arguing for the higher prices by any means but just to give it some context compared to the past.
@Born2BeRad15 күн бұрын
@@kevinkelley3906 it’s not easy
@dmc_19875 күн бұрын
Great great video! I quit playing the upgrade game a while ago. I rather buy new films I haven't seen. I don't need multiple versions of the same movie. I like the direction your channel is going.
@Born2BeRad5 күн бұрын
Hey thanks so much man. Trying to keep it evolving and fresh
@VanessaHexe10 күн бұрын
Great video, and my sentiments exactly! Quality over quantity because it's all about the movie, not the accoutrements. I'm finalizing for publication my book on this topic titled All That Splatters: The Evolution of Horror, Cult and Exploitation Fandom, and there's a chapter on collecting over the decades and the modern age of collector shaming. Back in the day, it was all about collecting for yourself and enjoying the movies, maybe picking up some memorabilia here and there, but now nothing seems as sentimental as it used to be. When I get my KZbin going, it would be cool to collaborate maybe. I feel like those of us with this take need to stick together and have some conversations about it. Cheers!
@Born2BeRad10 күн бұрын
Yes. Let me know. Congrats on the book!
@dynamiketiger19 күн бұрын
Great vid, thanks for this:) Real and genuine. I’m more of a newbie physical media collector so this was cool to hear.
@Born2BeRad18 күн бұрын
thx man.. yea dude. you have an amazing collection.... When it comes to physical media.. focus on what you love and take some advice of other like minded people on maybe some stuff you may have never seen. quality over quantity in this day and age Id say.
@dynamiketiger17 күн бұрын
@ Thanks man 👊😎
@martinohanlon882719 күн бұрын
At last the voice of common sense too many people jumping on the 4k bandwagon and pissing on bluray, dvd, and vhs. for me collecting is about the nostalgia of owning your favourite movies not owning every movie available i have one criteria when buying and that's only buy something that you'll watch again regardless of the format it's on. i still have a huge collection of vhs and dvd and always will have. Love the channel keep up the good work and always walk your own path.
@Born2BeRad16 күн бұрын
hey thanks so much! Im so shocked to see how many people are connecting w this video. hope you stick around the channel my dude!
@verisimilitude866018 күн бұрын
I love that you mix it up and I come here because you stay RAD!
@Born2BeRad18 күн бұрын
hahahah thx so much! I think that is honestly what will keep this and any other channel healthy. is the connection w the audience. appreciate you
@cobwebschannel18 күн бұрын
Absolutely love this, man!! I share a lot of these feelings for sure. I love having a physical media collection full of movies that are there for me when I want them. There’s a pride in ownership. But if I have to upgrade and rebuy over and over, that satisfaction is much more fleeting. Nah, I’d rather not.
@Born2BeRad18 күн бұрын
Thx man! Honestly, your one of the inspirations on thinking outside the box on certain topics. Its great to see you still talk phys media but def not cornered into a phys media only channel. Appreciate you watching this.. Love ya dude and hope you and the fam had a great thxgiving
@dudewholovesmovies14 күн бұрын
Great video man! This is why you are the RADDEST Man On The Tube!
@mikebragg959118 күн бұрын
I love the fact u changed things up on your channel and how honest you are with this kind of stuff, I always appreciate all your advice
@Born2BeRad18 күн бұрын
thx dude! I can see how sometimes Social Media and other collectors/creators unknowingly may make people feel obligated to get soemthing or they arent part of the Cool kids... but no matter how you collect or what you have.. If you got the RADITUDE... thats all that matters to me.. LOL appreciate your support man
@mikebragg959117 күн бұрын
@ there are a few people that come to mind
@bdubbbsmoviehub17 күн бұрын
Hell yeah. Great video Garrett! This is definitely something I’ve been thinking about recently and figuring out the best way to collect what is right for me. FOMO can be a killer, so it’s good to take a step back for a moment and think about if you truly need it, or just want it.
@Born2BeRad17 күн бұрын
💯 it’s hard. I still fall victim sometimes to the Fomo. But I’m hoping this helps pull the curtain back. I hate seeing people having emotional and financial issues for something that’s suppose to be our escape from the worlds stressors.
@ervey9618 күн бұрын
Watched this twice. I can relate. I was raised by a single father who was in love with movies/cinema. I spent a lot of my childhood in mom & pop shops renting movies and at the theaters with my dad. I to have been collecting since the anchor bay/blue underground days. For me buying and watching these movies from my childhood mainly horror take me back and make me feel closer to my dad who has since passed away. That’s why I collect for the nostalgia as well. And yes nowadays we do have to be more mindful with our purchases. Love your channel and this community thank you for the work you put in. Stay rad🤘🤘
@Born2BeRad18 күн бұрын
man i appreciate all your support w this channel! and i love hearing those stories about people growing up. Like I said the one thing I can do that maybe not everyone else is bringing to the table is discovery. As thats what really got me to fall in love w the genre and watching youtube before i had my own channel . thank you again.
@noizeloop19 күн бұрын
Great video! Feeling it for 2 years now, having to tone down the blind buys more and more, so it is more important now than ever to hear what honest creators like you, Dead Pit, Mel, MC, Piz, CHH have to say about movies that I have never seen. You all have such great passion, presence, knowledge, and provide so much fun for us! Always here for you, until the end, dude! "Stay Rad!"
@Born2BeRad18 күн бұрын
Thanks, dude! You know it! Im tryin and always looking to be honest w the peeps watching my stuff.. thx for supportin
@bmaga12318 күн бұрын
Great video, Garrett! I 100% agree with everything you said. What attracted me to your channel wasn't movie reviews. It was the vibes you provide and how real you are. You share a lot of the same passions that myself and other viewers have. Keep doing what you do, buddy! I appreciate you.
@Born2BeRad18 күн бұрын
oh man! that means alot. and i think your right.. the connection w like minded people is what I think will keep this and any other channel healthy and continued success. Appreciate you and all your support man
@CultofCinema16 күн бұрын
Love this video and its how I have decided to go with my channel as well. Things are ly getting more expensive and I worry about promoting FOMO and how that can affect viewers who may feel they need to have to keep up or catch up with other channels they want. That often ends with an eventually too much stress. I definitely understand the space issue
@Born2BeRad16 күн бұрын
hey man.. thx so much for checking this out man.. Means alot that you got something from this. Evolving is always good and keeps the creativity alive.
@hardeeentertainment-alsplace10 күн бұрын
You are correct.
@Born2BeRad10 күн бұрын
@Horror_Collector4Life10 күн бұрын
Since physical media is no longer mainstream but is now just a collector's item for hardcore collectors, it has become an expensive hobby. You can now get more steelbooks and boxes that you never dreamed of, which is actually fine. But I still wonder if it's even about the film anymore because everyone on social media shows their updates with fancy packaging but the film itself is only secondary. If you really want this format to be a part of the world for a long time, then a lot has to change, especially the mentality of current collectors. I don't count myself as part of the physical media community because I'm primarily interested in the film itself, whether it's DVD or BLURAY makes no difference, but I can't do much with 4K 🤷♂️
@Born2BeRad10 күн бұрын
Hey man. I agree on some of this and of course when it comes to a certain movie I’m a sucker for the bells and whistles too. But sometimes in other areas Im fine w what I got. Having your own rules in place w your own collection helps keep things in line w out the fomo always taking over. Thx so much for checking this out. If you haven’t. Dive into more of my stuff.
@RobertQuant3 күн бұрын
Ima keep buying Physicsl media cause I support it but ur right the prices for steelbooks 4K and blue ray need to be cheaper $65 for 1 movie is crazy insane and ripoff
@Born2BeRad3 күн бұрын
@ I’m still buying. But it’s sad to see other collectors going thought financial hardships and mental stress over physical media. The prices don’t help.
@Born2BeRad3 күн бұрын
@ thx for checkin this out man. If you like phys media. Stick around the channel
@RobertQuant3 күн бұрын
@@Born2BeRad always will always do
@DinoJazz1318 күн бұрын
110%, brother.....I'm with you....
@Born2BeRad16 күн бұрын
my man! Appreciate all the support from you.. thank you
@FromScreenToShelf18 күн бұрын
G-Man, great video! As much as I love 4Ks, what makes me the most happy about my collection is the VHS and classic DVDs I have from Anchor Bay, etc. People should collect what they love and what makes them happy. You don’t need every damn release! Save the money you don’t need to spend!
@Born2BeRad18 күн бұрын
hell ya man.. im glad this has resonated w so many people.. appreciate your support w the channel dude.
@MellowMutant18 күн бұрын
This was a such a refreshing video that resonated with me. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and experience.
@Born2BeRad18 күн бұрын
Heck yeah! Thx for checking it out. I hope I can use this video to take some weight off collectors shoulders that maybe feel the pressure of being a "legit" collector. you all coo w me lol
@georgemurrell846419 күн бұрын
It has gotten to a point that I buy what I want in my movie collection and don't bother with try to buy things just to have them. Things are getting too expensive (in general) for that. That includes movie tickets at the theater.
@Born2BeRad16 күн бұрын
hundred percent. thx so much for checkin this.. hope you stick around the channel!
@retrourk18 күн бұрын
Totally agree! Same with action figures, companies are pumping out so much stuff (exclusives, limited editions, re-releases), it gets overwhelming 🤯
@Born2BeRad18 күн бұрын
Oh man! You’re telling me. I had to really cut ties w a lot of figure collecting for that very reason.
@retrourk17 күн бұрын
@Born2BeRad Yeah, I also sold a lot of stuff, now I just pick and choose 👍🏼
@vanderhoff66fu18 күн бұрын
@Born2BeRad16 күн бұрын
@NotIfICU1st_18 күн бұрын
I'd much rather hear your thoughts or be introduced to new movies you cherish than watch reviews of physical releases. I can find those anywhere but only you have your experience to share. I encourage the new direction
@Born2BeRad16 күн бұрын
I'm glad you dig the new direction! I feel that sometimes the chase for the next physical media release can distract from the real heart of the hobby.
@mezcala100018 күн бұрын
Keep up the good work been Rockin watching your content for a while now 👌🏽
@Born2BeRad18 күн бұрын
Much appreciated! 🙌
@chrisquinlan652717 күн бұрын
Thank you! I was thinking about upgrading my Blu Ray of Black Christmas as I was watching it last night. But then I thought, hey. This Blu Ray from Scream Factory looks great. Am I going to care THAT much if I upgrade it? Like…is it really going to make that big of a difference? Yes. I’m upgrading stuff that was put out in like 2010 and the quality is noticeably not great, but I’m sorry. My copy is perfectly fine. I’ve been much pickier with the new buys. No more blind buys, no more double dips. And I am constantly thinking when I grab new things, “How many times am I going to watch that movie?”, or “How many chances am I going to get to see this movie?” Like…I might buy “Hush” and “Looking For Mr Goodbar”, since one is streaming only (At least I think), and one hasn’t had a home media release since the days of VHS. Instead of just buying everything to have it, I’m constantly thinking about the worth of owning it, and whether or not I’m going to put it to use.
@Born2BeRad16 күн бұрын
💯 I agree! Hush and goodbar I’m getting. Becasue I don’t have them. But you’re right. How much of a better edition is the black Christmas gonna be? You could get hush instead for the same price. Glad you had a takeaway from this. Don’t recognize u as one of my normal commenters so I hope you stick around and check out more of the channel man. Thanks for watching this and I’m glad I can help other collectors.
@Franksmediaandreviews18 күн бұрын
Fantastic video, my friend. A lot of us creators can resonate with this video. Keep staying RAD!
@Born2BeRad18 күн бұрын
hey man thx.. that means alot coming from you! Keep kickin ass over there and appreciate your support of the channel.. #raditude
@MylesofHorror19 күн бұрын
Great video, G. As a long time collector, but brand new KZbin creator, it's super helpful to hear your thoughts on content and vibes and values and keeping it about what you love and evolving, etc. Keep up the awesome work, rad dude🤘
@Born2BeRad18 күн бұрын
Thanks, dude! Glad the video resonated. keep doing your thing bro
@griffredux996619 күн бұрын
Definitely agree with you, man. I didn't mind Scream Factory upgrading so much because I missed out on a lot of their blus initially~so buying the 4ks was easier for me. Now Criterion is getting into it, and other companies, and it is making me tired. Heck, I have some movies still wrapped that are the blu and they announce a 4k. I just don't feel very interested in buying the same movie more than once anymore. There are few exceptions of course~but sometimes it is good to step back and just enjoy the movies and not worry about spending cash all the time.
@Born2BeRad16 күн бұрын
thx man.. im so happy to see how many people related to this vid.. thank yo for all your constant support.
@miss80smoviesandmusic18 күн бұрын
I couldn't agree more. I think being a part of these online communities, creates the idea of FOMO, which is obviously a real thing. And man, I bought into it time and time again especially early on in my YT journey. Anymore, I don't buy something unless I really REALLY want it and most importantly can afford it.
@Born2BeRad18 күн бұрын
I’m sure you def see it in your community as well. Thank you for checking this!
@obiwanjon459519 күн бұрын
110% with ya!!! over the weekend i got the Keep and preordered TCM2 & LIFEFORCE from Arrow (cause i didn’t own either on a well done 4k) but thats it. i only buy what i really want and live vicariously through you & others for releases i would only watch once. thanks for all ya do
@brockmckraken18 күн бұрын
Hah I only ordered those 3 as well! 2 of which I don't have yet.. we obviously both have great taste.. 😏
@Born2BeRad15 күн бұрын
@@obiwanjon4595 hahah thx man! Appreciate you supporting
@MrCrew7518 күн бұрын
Your videos Garrett are always 100% and to be born 1975 my heart is also about the 80's and the 90's! And to find hidden treasures from that era is so fun!! Thumbs up from Sweden👍🇸🇪 Take care!// Kimme
@Born2BeRad18 күн бұрын
Hey wow.. thank you so much for the constant support from Sweden.. that is so wild to me how far a reach can be. Appreciate you
@RONALDKottka18 күн бұрын
With you till the end love list and history of movies and to learn something I didn't know thanks rad for life
@Born2BeRad16 күн бұрын
Thx for watching and for the support!
@elicortez677319 күн бұрын
Great video, Garrett!! You're 100% we're here for YOU, bud. I love the channel and the great vibes you give, I like to hear your Radtrospective on movies new and old. Wherever you go with the channel G-man, I'll be there to support you! You're a great inspirational and Ambassador of physical media, my guy!! Keep up the great content, G!!!!
@Born2BeRad18 күн бұрын
MY MAN ELI! thx dude.. that means alot.. always trying my best to be transparent for you all.
@vanderhoff66fu18 күн бұрын
The channels I watch , I want to watch what they have to say and I'm interested in their videos I don't watch certain people just because they do one thing or do another I enjoy your channel Garrett and I watch everything you put out great job!
@Born2BeRad18 күн бұрын
hey man! Appreciate all your support! Just tryin to keep it as real as I can over here lol
@Josehorror8619 күн бұрын
Man i get you Rad. Good video man.. also you get movies to review right? That had to come in handy right? Pretty cool imo… I literally stopped buying alot of releases.. very picking and choosing carefully what to upgrade..
@Born2BeRad18 күн бұрын
hey man thank you.. I do get some movies to review and showcase. BUT, I do still buy quite a bit.... But Ive def had to be alot more picky and choosy lately due to how many things are dropped on a weekly basis.
@HeavyMetalSonicRM15 күн бұрын
DVDs definitely aren't cool. The format is one of the worst things to happen to home video, along with LCD TVs.
@Born2BeRad15 күн бұрын
They aren’t just cool. They are RAD!
@josephpokigo498819 күн бұрын
I like to watch your videos and others for the the original vids like best of' s or favorites lists, not necessarily blue ray and 4k reviews I'm going to buy the movie regardless, love your channel stay rad
@Born2BeRad18 күн бұрын
Hey man thank you so much!!!! To me is about how to continue to stay creative w talking what we all love. You keep staying rad yourself!
@DonOmegaMedia18 күн бұрын
The Keep is down to under 800 as of 1:45 pm ET. Better go ahead and grab it, B-Rad man. It'll sell out within a couple hours now that the under 1000 counter is visible.
@Born2BeRad16 күн бұрын
looks like you were right! lol
@DonOmegaMedia16 күн бұрын
@Born2BeRad The irony of posting a FOMO message on THIS video wasn't lost on me.
@thelastmoviestanding18 күн бұрын
great video bro!
@Born2BeRad18 күн бұрын
hey man thanks so much! I appreciate you kicking ass and doing it in your own way. thx for all the support! #raditude
@ryanlunn890919 күн бұрын
Very well said. Raddest channel around.
@Born2BeRad16 күн бұрын
wow man thank you so much.. that means alot.. thx again for supporting
@moviecollector62318 күн бұрын
Totally agree
@Born2BeRad16 күн бұрын
hey thx so much for checking this!
@bigideas318 күн бұрын
The choice to change this to a Firstborn and Corey Haim only channel is kinda weird, but you be you. lol. jk
@Born2BeRad18 күн бұрын
@@bigideas3 I wish!!!!
@uneedborda15 күн бұрын
Hmm....this is not necessarily a real problem unless you are a victim of marketing and mass consumerism. I used to buy a lot and for the past six years I buy about five movies a year on average. Don't get me wrong, I love film but I do not have this relationship with marketing like people do. But I would not call being a consumer a "hobby" per se, I would say you are just controlled by marketing and need to diversify your activities.
@Born2BeRad15 күн бұрын
Def some truth here.
@TheOriginalFuzz18 күн бұрын
Great video Garrett! I've been watching your channel for a few years now, and honestly, it's your personality that keeps me coming back. You just seem like a cool dude!
@Born2BeRad18 күн бұрын
wow fuzz. thank you.. means alot esp coming from you.. Honestly that is whar will keep this and any channel moving forward. Its the connection w the creator.. so thank you and im glad to see this vid has resonated so much w people.
@Cliffyboyy18 күн бұрын
90% of the new stuff coming out i will watch once and never again so now im only getting what i know i will watch alot its all a waste of money for me
@Born2BeRad16 күн бұрын
good rules.. like i said everyone should have there own set of rules for collecting. it makes a difference