We Need To Talk About Hitscan In Overwatch 2

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@Sprixyy 4 ай бұрын
I’m thinking next video will cover the report system and things of that nature. Thanks to everyone who sees this and watches the video. Regardless of opinion I thank you for your time
@TankMAIN877 4 ай бұрын
I have always thought dps in overwatch were overpowered. Honestly i hope these tank buffs fix the game because i am sick of being burnt down as wrecking ball by someone just holding down left click. Soldier,mcree,sojorn,sombra,widow and ashe all broken in this game its why no one wants to play tank in overwatch 2.
@DarthCookieOW 4 ай бұрын
​@TankMAIN877 Spoiler alert, the changes didn't do shit. The truth is, when DPS have 20% heal reduction passive, Supports can't keep Tanks alive at all anymore - this results in "Supports" that are just DPS in disguise being played a lot more, everyone focuses on damage. This spiral leads to even less heals for the single Tank. The game becomes a "hide behind corners and wait for someone getting randomly burst down on either side". This is aside from the 6v6 vs 5v5 debate (6v6 is the superior format. Solo Tanking has inherent design issues that are not fixable in a hero-shooter with a diverse cast of heroes with strengths and weaknesses)
@henriquealvarenga9244 4 ай бұрын
As a tank player, I think what "balances" the hanzo-widowmaker situation is the fact widow can't instantly delete 600+ health of a tank, on top of oneshoting your team (+ being easier to dive as a tank with the -25hp and long grapple cooldown) Not that I don't find widow infuriating, or hanzo being a storm arrow bot boring for everyone involved, but just comparing their primary fires does not do either character justice.
@commentbot9510 4 ай бұрын
“Hanzo is literally just widow but projectile” *proceeds to show gameplay of Hanzo taking an angle widow could never*
@BagelBoi4000 4 ай бұрын
Hanzo has storm arrow, I dont want to be a widow defender but thats the difference main between hanzo and widow. If hanzo misses a shot in close range he can hit the storm arrow button and melt half a tanks health (or if youre playing tracer/genji/sombra/etc still probably 100 to 150 health). In contrast if widow misses a shot in close range she either has to charge up her scope again or use her little smg. It also helps that hanzo has more health, sonic arrow and his movment is on a short cooldown for dash and 0 cooldown for wall climb. If you take widows one shot she does nothing, if you take hanzos one shot he... well he does badly but hes still playable. I also think just generally hanzo would be easier to rework into a character that doesnt need a one shot whereas the devs have painted themselves into a corner with widows design. Also while widow is awful I think widow would suck less if cuircit royale/havana/junkertown/etc were better maps.
@afterthought9538 4 ай бұрын
I'm a high Masters Hanzo main with almost 7000 hrs, and I've all but dropped him. Outside of tank-spam he doesn't get anywhere near as much value as any hitscan or in fact many projectile heroes. I'd hardly call that playable. Also consider that the tank spam he's so good at is getting indirectly nerfed by the additional tank passive (25% crit reduction) coming in the mid-season. You could say "it's just not his meta", but he actually plays even worse against the non-meta DPS, because at least he could one-shot Tracer. There's a reason why incredible Hanzo players like Arrge are fighting to maintain low Masters. I personally think they should take away one Storm Arrow in favor of buffing his primary damage +5. Hopefully we see a primary damage buff with the patch tomorrow, because that's all that can save him as a hero.
@BagelBoi4000 4 ай бұрын
@@afterthought9538 Im a big hanzo hater but the state hes in rn is fairly bad. My main issue with the character (especially as a tank player) was never really the one shot it was always how brainless storm arrow was. If storm arrow got nerfed they could bring back one shot for all I care. I thinkthe most likely scenario is they give him fire/ bleed arrows and let him do almost a 1 shot, followed up by enough burn/bleed damage to kill if they dont get healed.
@afterthought9538 4 ай бұрын
@@BagelBoi4000 I agree that Storm Arrows with the increased projectile size is really stupid for Tank busting. Unfortunately it made it the only thing Hanzo is actually good at. Heck, even Flats said the same thing. I think the 25% crit reduction for tanks will solve that issue, as 4 bodyshots with Storm Arrows is actually the limit for killing a 250 HP target. That is, if they keep this tank tank change, and if they give him back his one-shot. I wholeheartedly love your reply, because it's someone who is actually using their brain lol
@Ash-tm2sv 3 ай бұрын
I think it's also important to discuss the fact that while at higher tiers I absolutely agree with the argument that Hanzo needs to lead his shots to hit something, this is a good amount of time not the case in lower ranks. There Spamzo is king and getting randomly headdinked, while yes its likely your fault for not positioning better, it can feel extremely opressive. We've actually encountered this issue before where reapers lifesteal was giga opressive in lower ranks but fine in higher and thus was changed. I'm all for improving and getting better, but realistically most of the playerbase IS gold/plat and thats never going to change. Keeping something that feels extremely opressive for most of the playerbase because the top players are ok with it isn't healthy for the state of the game. Widow doesnt shoot randomly and as you mentioned is FAR easier to dive. That said removing his 1 shot definitely opens up his power budget and allows it to be redirected towards for example movement or just something else. Maybe something that would reward the best players for utilizing? like making his ricochet on storm arrows better? Might make him better on high ranks without making him opressive in lower ranks.
@afterthought9538 3 ай бұрын
@@Ash-tm2sv I'm fine with a rework, so long as it is actually as fun as it was. The main problem is that they did legitimately nothing for him even though they took his power, and main way to get value. He kept his main sniper weaknesses, being slow RoF, diveability, as well as slowed movement while charging shots, and what they essentially did was buff the spam part of his kit, hence why he doesn't feel rewarding or fun to play. And even if things may feel oppressive at lower ranks, it's ridiculously hard to balance things in a way that is favored by all ranks. That's why what I think was the best thing to do for Hanzo was to buff his damage to 125-130 and add damage fall-off (100 damage minimum at range to maintain Hanzo vs Widow matchup) which would necessitate him to actually play at the close to mid range. Also reduce his Storm Arrow count to 3 (damage fall-off resets with bounce), thereby reducing his tank-busting capabilities. This would actually address a lot of the low rank complaints about Hanzo, keep him decent at high ranks, while not destroying/changing his identity.
@nibIet 4 ай бұрын
A lot of people seem to not be good enough to understand where the “hitscan bias” arises from. Ive seen so many people complain about hitscans being on the leaderboards and that top players tend to gravitate towards them. Its not just because “omg hitscan op” but because hitscan is by nature always going to be more consistent and skill expressive than projectile. No matter how good you are at projectile heroes, youll always be limited by how well your opponent can dodge. Since your attacks have travel time, certain heroes would simply be able to react and move away NO MATTER HOW PERFECT your shot was. Someone whos theoretically perfect at hitscan would not be evaded by a good dodge pattern, and so it makes more sense to get good and play the heroes that allow for more skill expression and offer consistency.
@VonTuffSkii 4 ай бұрын
That’s cool but why not make is easier for projectile characters then? If hitscan is aways going to be on top why not make it easier to play projectile to keep up with it instead of nerfing them to shit
@whatamidoing8266 4 ай бұрын
@@VonTuffSkii It's because skill expression is the balancing factor- would you rather die to a soldier tracking you or a hanzo blind firing an on-angle? I think most players would prefer the former as it seemingly takes more skill to track than shoot a log. Given, I don't believe one shot characters should exist (widow included) that's my take
@joshuarowlands8399 4 ай бұрын
@@VonTuffSkii projectiles heroes are easier. You just spam your left click and you still bring value to your team but this value will never be as great as a skilled hitscan player because they can guarantee damage whereas projectile heroes will inevitably miss shots regardless of skill. Projectile heroes for the most part also have better survivability or mobility.
@nibIet 4 ай бұрын
Game balancing. The only way to make projectile characters “easier” is to buff their stats, which is hard to do without it impacting the game too heavily. If you look at the game from the perspective of someone who just picked it up as their first fps game, theyll probably find way more success playing a champ like pharah compared to something like cassidy. If you buff projectiles even more itll easily lead to a power creep where suddenly projectile champs are pretty much the only option for low elos/newcomers + the pro scene would shift to favoring shielding to counter the more slow but heavy hitting projectiles. Just more boring overall. Projectile champs are nowhere near “unplayable” theyre just not as allowing for high skill ceilings as most hitscans are. Both Echo and Sojourn has been meta in the comp scene pretty much this entire season, and the top 10 most picked dps heros in gm contain 4 projectile heros (not to mention that they have a higher wr% as well) Projectile heroes are fine and its just cope for 99.99% of the playerbase unless if you play at a pro level, and even still the issue then lies within them inherently having less room for skill expression.
@natedavis2944 4 ай бұрын
If they buff projectile heroes up like say damage all it does is make them tank busters because most projectile characters have more mobility or hp. So you add the extra damage jt makes tank miserable because ur always gonna hit ur shots on them.
@KamenRiderPhoenix 4 ай бұрын
I find your perspective of Hanzo to be too lenient. From personal experience, Widowmaker's shots are very precise and thin, while Hanzo's arrows have much wider area of damage and can hit a critical point on a target with much less accuracy needed. A new player can play a match with both heros and I can almost guarantee that because of how massive his arrows are that the new player will have more kills on Hanzo because of not only his bigger hit chance but also his arrows do a lot of damage to the body as well, and with his movement abilities like dash and wall climbing you can get right up close to anyone and dance around them and pump arrows into them
@lanso5568 3 ай бұрын
Projectile spamming heroes don't deserve to one shot in 5v5
@Boneyds Ай бұрын
Sitting in the back hitscan hero’s don’t belong in a fast paced close combat game
@engineergaming3830 Ай бұрын
they literally spam because they can't do anything else anymore
@thepoofster2251 4 ай бұрын
I think the logic behind the hanzo 1 shot being removed is due to range. Widow is punished by getting close, sombra, tracer, monkey, doom etc. Hanzo doesnt have this weakness due to having both lunge and wallclimb as well as storm arrow. If they have the ability to one shot from distance they shouldnt have reliable damage up close as well as multiple escape options. If we give hanzo back his one shot he kinda becomes unpunishable. You duel him long range and you cant peek a corner twice, but you duel up close and he can get away easily while retaining the constant threat of a 1 shot the entire time. And bonus, he has sonic to help him duel flankers Thats just my thought tho, what are yall thinking?
@clandon9624 4 ай бұрын
Make it what it is now for close and give it a minor increase in damage as the projectile travels
@thepoofster2251 4 ай бұрын
@@clandon9624 I have thought about that before, it's a clever way to get around the "lethality at any range" issue. I have also considered an exploding arrow that arms at a given travel time, this would allow for 1 shots at distance but not up close. This may encourage a really choke-spam kinda playstyle tho
@LudFoesBeanie 4 ай бұрын
You said it perfectly. No idea why the comments are acting like hanzo doesn’t have a very very versatile kit
@commandoghost5883 4 ай бұрын
@@LudFoesBeaniethe issue looked at solder and souljern those characters can literally kill faster then you can pool another arrow
@pleasedontkillme1185 4 ай бұрын
​@@commandoghost5883if you land your shots you can definitely kill them before they kill you, land the first arrow, lunge sideways while readying the second arrow etc. You can also kill extremely fast with storm of arrows. Now if you also are fighting out completely in the open then dying is on you as you dont even really want to do that on ANY dps. You want cover to peel for yourself ofcourse
@zechariahcaraballo8765 4 ай бұрын
I think projectile snipers are bad game design because of how inconsistent projectiles are, projectile heros should be stronger up close cause then its more consistent the closer they are after a certain distance with hanzo it becomes luck completely against a half decent player Also the junkrat nerf did make him so boring to fight he already was a spambot but now its his only option, I think they should nerf his spam and bring his close range combos so he has to take a risk of getting in close to deal good burst
@daniilnoun8262 4 ай бұрын
4:40 it makes perfect sense because hanzo is very mobile and can comfortably play both in your face and mid range, all while suffering no artificial penalty to his shooting ability. Widow, while hitscan, is mostly stationary while shooting and her scope zoom naturally makes close up fighting unfavorable, that's not even mentioning that her non-ADS shooting is nearly useless. Let's also not forget that Hanzo has like 10 compensatory bonus abilities, like being able to double jump, climb all kinds of walls, having an pretty decent offensive AOE ult, and a wallhack on a low cooldown, while also not having to reload. I think oneshots simply do not belong in this game, because they will always be the odd one out and sour the experience, since naturally players don't expect to get oneshot from like 90% of the roster.
@laughing5752 3 ай бұрын
Then make invulnerability less impactful
@afterthought9538 4 ай бұрын
They reduced the size of Widow's shots at the same time buffing its fall-off. I forget the exact distance. Its a nerf to low rank Widows, but a buff to high rank Widows who actually have great aim.
@Famitrack 4 ай бұрын
You’d think seeing Venture already fall into obscurity would show blizzard that : MAYBE SOMETHING IS VERY WRONG WITH THE POWER BALANCE OF HITSCAN AND PROJECTILE CHARACTERS
@bambampewpew32 4 ай бұрын
lmao that nerf unironically made me 180 back to "fuck this game I'm quitting again" LMFAO like actually braindead, especially when venture already struggled on half the maps in the game
@kirstendunzberry4920 4 ай бұрын
Venture got nerfed because their play style is based off of cheesing people with a one shot combo…
@abdx8752 4 ай бұрын
@@kirstendunzberry4920 it would be great if they would keep that energy with widow
@Pamijay 4 ай бұрын
@@kirstendunzberry4920 The only reason a new projectile DPS could be decent in high elo is if they had a broken one shot. Think about that.
@bebehillz 4 ай бұрын
@@kirstendunzberry4920 Thats an easy fix. reduce the damage numbers BUT BUFF THE COOLDOWNS!!!! Really lean into the dpsdoom rollout style and make drill 6 sec and groundeddrill 3 sec. As she is now she just sits idle alot because her cooldowns are so long its like being stuck with doom with double the cooldown time and having to stand awkwardly shooting his squirts guns...
@T-_-m-kx8ph 4 ай бұрын
I didn’t realize you were such a small creator tbh underrated fr
@Sprixyy 4 ай бұрын
We on the way to 1k :)
@OGEdger 3 ай бұрын
Overwatch should've been a game where there's either consistent damage or burst damage. Hitscan should've been consistent while projectiles should've been burst. But the problem is hitscan do both. They literally make like 90% of map areas unplayable because they're just too damn oppressive. No one can play in the open or in the air because of hitscan. Even trying to move from cover to cover could get you sent back to the spawn room.
@muneebow 4 ай бұрын
Some heroes ar easy to play. Some are hard. Some maps benefit certain heroes, some maps those same heroes are troll picks on. Overwtach is SUPPOSED to be this way. It is not meant to be a game where every single hero takes equal skill in every scenario in every map. The one thing that you need across the board is game sense. Not mechanics. Easy-to-play and low skill floor heroes STILL need game sense to play if you wanna climb ranked.
@Nero-lm6wj 4 ай бұрын
Hanzo is not widowmaker. Hanzo has a credible dueling ability (one of the better DPS duelists really) at close range. Widow is fucked once you get on top of her. They aren’t comparable. Hanzo is more like a projectile Ashe than widow really.
@Pyro-ky2rt 4 ай бұрын
What in the world did I hear.. Hanzo does not require more skill than Widow, its in the kits themselves. I was with you in saying the changes to junkrat and hanzo were dumb, and Hanzo as a sniper should be able to one shot but that doesnt mean tear down widow to be unable to one shot. You massively dumbed down her gameplay and made Hanzos sound like its 500iq when in reality most shots your hitting are in the general direction of the enemy (that is literally why they made him unable to one shot). Hanzos always been a spam hero, whether spamming logs and scatter or spamming storm into shields or chokes. Widow can be oppressive but to suggest she has no viable tank counters is so crazy lol. Like its so easy to say "hitscans just need to click your head and you die" but projectiles 'just need to hit all their projectiles' its ridiculous lol. What ACTUALLY needs to be done is we go back to 6v6. Hitscans are more oppressive than projecticles due to the nature of aiming down 1 choke and spamming dmg relatively safely. Projectile heroes functioned well by taking angles but they cannot without the space given by 2 tanks, if you take an angle and flank you get killed immediately. Gameplay is too linear now and projectile heroes suffer greatly and cant do skillful things (like every other hero, just hitscan heroes get affected the least)
@biggie6150 4 ай бұрын
People that complain about hanzo one shots are in metal ranks because thay are so bad that they haven't played against a good widow yet.
@isaacargesmith8217 4 ай бұрын
Or they hate both/snipers in general
@datgamerguy69 4 ай бұрын
right people call hanzo lucky but try that shit in any rank that isn't metal and all the sudden you can't hit as many lucky shots because they're not as stupid to be predictable
@VonTuffSkii 4 ай бұрын
Most of the people complaining about Hanzo are skilled veterans who have played him for years and are angry he’s no longer a viable option to play in ranked or not as fun casually now everyone’s gonna want you to switch since Hanzos main thing is gone now if you’re good you can still make it work but what’s the point
@DestroyerOfDoom 4 ай бұрын
So what? Are you going to say metal ranks should be disregarded? 50 of the player base should kick rocks because their opinions don't matter? Get real
@datgamerguy69 4 ай бұрын
@@DestroyerOfDoom they complain because they're not good, wanna know what helps? getting good.
@bbbbbbbbbbbrbbrb 4 ай бұрын
hanzo is NOT a skillful character and widow takes way more skill to play than he ever has. he gets a wallclimb with no cooldown, he gets infinite ammo, he gets storm arrows, he gets walls on a cooldown which you can still barely tell is there unless you see it deployed (and even then it's easy to miss), his ult is mid but it at least is area denial, his hitbox is strange and his arm literally covers his head in a lot of cases, he gets the 250 hp while widow only gets the 200, widow's alternate fire is horrible and rarely ever useful while hanzo's storm arrows are fantastic and easy to hit... it's insane that a hanzo player (who literally acknowledges the log size arrows) thinks his kit takes more skill than a widow. sorry, but i'll take hitscan aim any day over firing a log in a general direction and popping someone's skull even if it doesn't oneshot me
@balistikk3711 3 ай бұрын
I think they’re in the process of reworking hanzo. After the hp increase patch, if he 1 shots he’s either op or his shots are too hard to hit which is the opposite of what the intention of the hp buff was(more hit shots more happy chemicals). So rather than making him broken or even more unplayable than he is currently, they’re leaving him bottom tier until they can figure out a solid rework which understandably takes time. The devs make a lot of mistakes but I think they’ve overall been going in the right direction and are not neglecting him. The fix is just too complex to come out right now, and this tank buster spot is the lesser of the three evils for the time being. I also think a junk rework is coming but we’ll have to wait until they rework cass and hanzo. Just be a little patient and try out some new heroes or go to another game. Last thing: As a diamond genji/tracer/echo main, I don’t mind the way the dps passive affects projectiles. It’s still valuable when you need it. Just seems like you’re riding the hate train for views, or you aren’t able to adapt and have fun. Looks like it worked considering my essay tho lmao.
@Stiffmiester979 3 ай бұрын
I honestly think they took Hanzo's one shot partially to allow Venture to shine more. Hanzo was the perfect solution to Venture imo, then they took away his ability to shut them down before their one shot combo. Now Hanzo is... idk just not ideal for any situation. He's only good for sonic arrow and somewhat useless arrow spam now. Yeah you can still two shot people that aren't being smart or hard pocketed... sure you can still attempt to compete with Widow... but widow has the clear advantage in their matchup now. Now you NEED a headshot to compete with a widow at 50m away etc. It's absurd what they're asking of Hanzo players especially after removing one of his most powerful abilities, holding fully-drawn arrows while climbing. They butchered a hero that had some fun nuance to his playstyle because a bunch of players would rather cry than adapt to one of the easiest heros to counter in the game.
@joshuarowlands8399 4 ай бұрын
All the projectile heroes have much greater survivability compared to widow and widow is also very easy to counter with multiple heroes from all roles. If widow is dominating your team then your team is choosing to not counter swap. Even top 500 widows have a hard time going against average players who counter pick them. Unfortunately overwatch is now a game about counter swapping. Every hero has a place in certain team compositions and you need to be prepared to frequently swap to counter the enemy. I admit hitscans are more flexible in fitting into different team compositions but they can be countered just like all other heroes.
@realsdemise 2 ай бұрын
as a dedicated junk main for 4 years, i can heavily agree with this video. it's unbelievable how much this hero is unplayable, especially in the solo queue comp environment. on top of that, the amount of open sniper maps that have been added to ow2 is unreal. also removing 2cp has reduced options for junk. this hero is insanely boring with a 1 dimensional playstyle of spam behind a choke or wall and build tire. i loved junk because of the reward for being able to hit big damage quickly and his multiple different playstyles. i'm close to quitting if blizzard can't fix anything.
@gabrielnieves4103 4 ай бұрын
Projectile should generally be harder and more rewarding than hitscan imo
@testtube173 4 ай бұрын
It's usually neither of those things.
@-.Outlaw.- 4 ай бұрын
For 95% of Projectile heroes they are neither. The only super high skill Projectile heroes are echo and Genji, and tracer still takes more skill.
@Suilujz 4 ай бұрын
@@-.Outlaw.- did you know that 87% of statistics online are made up
@TSGC16 4 ай бұрын
​@@-.Outlaw.- echo is not high skill in 5v5
@-.Outlaw.- 4 ай бұрын
@@TSGC16 yes she is lmao. Ask any pro player and they’ll tell you how difficult she is to play. There’s a reason why her pick rate is low across all ranks and her winrate is only high at the highest point. Saying she isn’t high skill is pure cope.
@davedave7347 4 ай бұрын
This is why I am glad that I moved to r6. The game was dropping in skill ever since it came out, removing cool interactions from the game and trying to dumb characters, and making tanks generalist. It physically causing me to move to other games like tf2, gg and r6. I am glad but also sad that after so many hours overwatch lost it's soul
@AnakinSkywalker-gw2xv 4 ай бұрын
Great video. I main junkrat and Hanzo and it feels like not many people go into that much depth or even talk about how bad they are now because they have their own bias against them and are ok with them being in F tier. I hate that widow can oneshot from accross the map but if in someone’s face as junkrat I might not get the kill or Hanzo having to predict a Shot just for the enemy to survive and get healed back up again. Then the main way to get value is to spam. Even when they had Thor oneshots they have never been as oppressive as widow or in general just annoying at worst. Hopefully the mid season patch actually does something for them
@darkpaw3734 4 ай бұрын
The best and easiest way to answer this debate. An average hitscan player will always be more consistent than a Great projectile player. Consistency is Key
@JoeBurner1720 4 ай бұрын
I can see your point about hanzo vs widow but i think something worth mentioning is that widow is zoomed in optically and slow, while hanzo has his full fov and good movement. But i agree for the most part.
@fastlikeabearfitness5422 2 ай бұрын
The lead designer came from hearthstone, the fucking puzzle game 😂
@quincygoodman8059 4 ай бұрын
I joined overwatch because of Reinhardt. I play other tanks too, and I agree og overwatch had way more space for both tanks. now I genuinely can't even breathe. there's too much pressure on one tank
@nerdstorma8427 4 ай бұрын
I miss brawl comp because you could actually play the game. It makes no sense to have characters that just delete you with one shot in an objective based game where you're supposed to fight to contest the point. The game was at it's most "fun" when you were in 8 minute long high intensity overtime periods where the match could've gone either way. Because you actually have to work for it. These stupid characters that they prioritize are all reward and no risk. There's nothing fun about being one tapped around cover from someone who taps you in the toe from behind decorations you can't even register, miles away from the fight. It's caused the playerbase to play in the most boring way possible where we sit in place and shoot down one choke, ignoring the clock for 5 minutes.
@kirstendunzberry4920 4 ай бұрын
There is no way bro is whining about Cassidy when this is the only season he’s been great at high rank 😂. Also there’s only like 2 or 3 projectile heroes that don’t have crutch abilities and are actually skillful. There’s Genji, Echo, and Hanzo and that’s about it. Every other projectile dps has some corny ability or mechanic that requires little to no skill with characters like Mei having multiple. Hitscans also have fall off and much worse spam potential which balances out the aim. Widow is 100% stupid. But to bring up Cassidy when characters like Mei, phara, and junkrat are far more hated is crazy 💀
@hammbaby 4 ай бұрын
yea compaining about cass is crazy when he legit was dogshit for 8 seasons straightc (he was good when he got mag nade and had long range but that got nerfed after like 2 weeks)
@Boneyds Ай бұрын
@@hammbaby cass was only garbage for the first two seasons of ow2 when people found out that you can do a brain dead combo with the magnetic grenade and also get value sitting in the back clicking then you saw cass going up. Cass is brain dead I agree he can express a lot of skill but the character is very accessible and because of that they give him a shit load of health damage resistance when rolling and ulting to only bring back the stupid flashbang that now makes the hero undivable hitscan hero’s have their own bs similar to projectile hero’s but difference between hitscan and projectile hero’s is that hitscan is limited to a few playstyles while projectile hero’s can play in many ways other than spamming
@engineergaming3830 Ай бұрын
pharah,junk and mei have a harder time killing you from further away than cas dx
@kirstendunzberry4920 Ай бұрын
@@engineergaming3830 you can also spam chokes on all of them, and they all have crutch abilities/mechanics or insane mobility that lets them get into advantage positions easily.
@kirstendunzberry4920 Ай бұрын
@@Boneyds Cass is accessible because he’s simple, but in order to climb it requires way more skill than a large portion of the cast. Everyone likes to pretend like hit scan is easy because it’s consistent, but fail to acknowledge the fact that the projectile heroes are all designed to more damage for less shots hit. You can have like 20% accuracy on Mei, junkrat, and Hanzo and still out damage hitscan by 3k dmg because you have more ammo, and higher dmg per shot, with 0 fall off so you can just run around spamming for chip dmg, whereas hitscan has to be much more careful and efficient with their ammo. And if the devs try to trade consistency for dmg, and CC, the projectile players will cry about hero identity because they lost cheese combos, and or CC. Thus why the majority of them are bad, because you can’t have Junkrat be consistent, well also being allowed to sit around a corner and then select someone the second they walk past, you can’t have Mei have perma CC, and cryo, and also be able to do consistent dmg, it just doesn’t work, and the community has chosen that they like the cheesy things, more than consistency, in a game where consistency is king.
@tyreathian 4 ай бұрын
when will we accept, that not all characters deserve or should be good when you approach the higher levels
@brunobytes366 4 ай бұрын
I personally think average ttk needs to be lower, like keep the new hitboxes but revert the health changes.
@hannesbaum9318 4 ай бұрын
Just give up on this game, only healthy solution after they destroyed everything brick by brick.
@JoltOfJoy 4 ай бұрын
Its always hysterical to me when hanzo players try to justify hanzo having his oneshot back because widow has one as if they don’t play vastly different. As if one isnt a specialist and the other isnt a jack of all trades. No projectile hero should have the ability to obliterate a target in a second unless they use cds to do so. Food for thought.
@doprie. 4 ай бұрын
i agree with most of ur videos but no matter what anyone says, hs will always be harder than projectile with that being said the cass buffs are insane but widow SHOULD have a one shot shes not even that strong shes okay
@Suilujz 4 ай бұрын
Hanzo is easier to play than widowmaker, but he's not at all an easier sniper. There's too much emphasis on storm arrows/spamming, he was much better the way he was. Bring back one shot, fix the absurd projectile size and idk make his reload a bit slower or find another way to make him less of a junkrat corner spam hero
@StoicScape219 4 ай бұрын
This isn’t just about hitscan bias, it’s about inconsistent skill requirements to play certain heroes. There are plenty of trash players who climb the ranks who can’t play hitscan because they can’t aim on a damn shooting game. Heroes like torb, sym, venture, Mei, mercy, Moira, pharah etc literally give free value to most people just by existing and not feeding. If we want to talk skill then actually make heroes require skill. Low ranks literally ignore baptiste in favor of playing MOIRA yet bap has a negative win rate in all ranks except GM yet he’s considered broken. We need to decide if this game needs to be casual or not. Only at top ranks do you see hitscan bias, and even then hitscan is simply more consistent than projectile for landing damage. It doesn’t even come down to “bias”, that’s just normal fps mechanics. I’d get more kills in bo2 with a dsr than a tomahawk.
@hamsti4791 4 ай бұрын
Hanzo used to be so disgusting
@bruhbruh7660 4 ай бұрын
“Rework hitscan” don’t add back the 2nd tank though bad idea
@vyg3313 4 ай бұрын
Why Hanzo hated more than Widow? Well: 1) You can hear her loud and clear in team fights, and her shots are visible, so you can atleast hide from her 2) Flankers like Sombra and Tracer can kill her more easily, because most of the time she stand still or move very slow when she is scope, plus she is almost can't fight in close range 3) Aside from grapling hook she don't have any movement abilites 4) If she kills you, you feel like its your own fault being in a bad spot. Dying from Hanzo feels like unluck, cause most of the time you would die from his spamming in teamfights, which are can be very chaotic due to visual effects. Honestly I would prefer to be 2 shots by somebody like Mcree, than somebody random like Junk
@pleasedontkillme1185 4 ай бұрын
Yeah I honestly think people here do not actually put into consideration all the weaknesses Widow has which btw is way more than Hanzo, I also find Hanzo way easier to play and harder to punish because he can still fight back more easily against dive while Widow is a sitting duck unless she somehow gets enough time to be lucky to land a fully charged headshot, which at that point that's on the enemy failing to kill in time. It's just people annoyed that a character that has more downsides gets to keep her oneshot. So if we need to give Hanzo oneshots back he should have more downsides in return.
@Dreigonn 4 ай бұрын
Hitscan bias has been a thing for years now. Just look at the top 500 leaderboard for the past 5 years, it’s always been Hitscan only. With the exception of Goats of course. The balance team doesn’t really hide it either. Widow still being able to one shot is a great example. Last year when soldier had the highest pick rate across every rank on pc and console, they decided to buff everything about him. My personal favorite is when they used to do a cool thing called the PTR, they tried to implement Cassidy’s air roll 4 separate times and all 4 time the community shut it down. Then they added it anyway the 4th time just completely ignoring the community.
@absolute-xero7502 4 ай бұрын
They have a habit of ignoring the community. Like when they invited pros to test 5v5, pros said this is a bad idea and now here we are.
@blubbermammoth8426 4 ай бұрын
@@absolute-xero7502💀☠️ they’ll probably never go back to 6v6 too that’s what sucks so hard
@ihopeyouandicanbefriends 4 ай бұрын
​@@blubbermammoth8426defeatist mentality. they WILL cave in with enough pressure. dont be weak-willed because thats the easiest for them to deal with
@blubbermammoth8426 4 ай бұрын
@@ihopeyouandicanbefriends alright well it’s just overwatch. I like the game and want 6v6 back but it’s not that deep to me. But yeah definitely good to keep pressing them to make the change ‼️
@-.Outlaw.- 4 ай бұрын
That’s objectively not true. Echo, Genji and Mei (when she’s strong which is pretty often) are consistently in top 500, and there are tons of Phara players in there too. Stop coping because you’re bad lmao
@yoku_UwU 4 ай бұрын
Fix hanzo. He lost his skill ceiling, his feel, and a significant portion of his identity. Fix junkrat. I used to cope about how easy and lame he was. But now he actually is the stereotype i forced on him and the skill is gone. While we're at it, fix mercy. Shes terrible and is being blatantly ignored instead of getting the needed rework.
@cakesama9770 4 ай бұрын
Nothing wrong with hitscans being the best in an fps
@Zusaii 3 ай бұрын
i knew i wasn’t tripping becuase i basically only play hitscan becuase my aim is so good and playing any projectile just doesn’t feel rewarding at all
@justanotherrandom7841 4 ай бұрын
Most of the projectile heroes get value from close quarters, that’s why they deserve one shots. Every hitscan is pretty okay besides widow and mag grenade Oh yeah and after the health buff, I was sick to my stomach seeing 400 hp torbjorn
@decadence6418 4 ай бұрын
Hanzo needs a buff to either to his arrow damage or bow pull time and a nerf for the storm arrow, then its going to be better again.
@TankMAIN877 4 ай бұрын
I have always thought dps in overwatch were overpowered. Honestly i hope these tank buffs fix the game because i am sick of being burnt down as wrecking ball by someone just holding down left click. Soldier,mcree,sojorn,sombra and ashe all broken in this game its why no one wants to play tank in overwatch 2.
@ghost_neeko8107 4 ай бұрын
Junkrat main here, and I agree with EVERYTHING you said.
@TheCjeremy 3 ай бұрын
I agree. if I want to play a hit scan dominated game I'd just play cod. I play overwatch because it's different and varies match to match as well as having a vastly different skill expression between heroes. This favoring of hit scan heroes only takes away from why I am even playing this game to begin with.
@ohm_ow1726 4 ай бұрын
junkrat used to be fun in 6v6, hence, any dps could just do more and play more independently in 6v6, besides double shield and sustain metas. 5v5 just enforces this fastpaced burst meta where a junkrat is simply too slow and anchoring soft angles isn't as valuable. he needs to be that niche, surprise factor character, but now he's just a troll pick most of the time.
@deacon6221 4 ай бұрын
Yeah it’s quite annoying having only Ashe and Widow as the DPS every game. You basically don’t have a chance unless you change you’re entire strategy to counter snipers. It’s even more annoying when your dps only play Ashe and Widow and literally can’t aim. I’m like: why do you play aiming characters if you can’t aim?
@ansgargranerd1458 4 ай бұрын
Widow would be a great hero even with 2-3 times scope charge-up time, she denies entire areas with just excisting
@pleasedontkillme1185 4 ай бұрын
Until they play a dive team and jump on you
@andrearomanini7043 4 ай бұрын
Hanzo has -Short range self defence capabilities -Wallclimb to get away -A burst of 500+ dmg in less than 2 seconds for tankbusting -The projectile size of a Toyota Corolla -Wallhacks on CD I mean, he's not the best dps in the game, don't get me wrong, but he's WAY less situational and counterable than widowmaker. Stop crying about that. Plus Widow without her oneshot is literally a crippled Ashe.
@i.r.weasel7042 4 ай бұрын
Claiming Hanzo headshots take more skill is really only applicable in a straight up duel... outside of that he's mostly just sending arrows downrange and accidentally hitting things. Don't act like you never accidentally killed something as Hanzo. Widow accidentally killing someone is significantly more rare. Downplaying the precision required to be an effective Widow with hyperbole and exaggeration by virtually saying "you just click on their head, its so easy a caveman could do it", reduces your credibility.
@niallmoseley6760 4 ай бұрын
Honestly it just goes back to when ow2 dropped. One less tank was a HUGE buff to hitscan, yet it was the flankers (genji, reaper, tracer and soldier) that got nerfed, cuz supports were struggling. So hitscan got buffed , and its competitors like flankers got nerfed. Which made hitscan OP. Once supports found their feet, tracer and soldier got their nerfs reverted which is why they are good now. Reaper and genji, however, still havnt had their nerfs reverted, which is why they are both garbage. The meta being the way it is quite obvious when u look at whats been being nerfed and whats been being buffed, for eg why has sojourn been buffed more than reaper and genji put together like wtf. If seems somewhat intentional
@joshuacopley2331 4 ай бұрын
I dont think projectiles are harder to use, just more inconsistent to hit. Just because you need to lead your shot and sometimes it hits and sometimes they move the other way doesn't mean it takes more skill. Its just rng.
@Ghosted143 4 ай бұрын
Solid points actually RIGHT about every point uses evidence and properly explains what can happen via using KMJ etc as an example EZ like and sub
@MhnFive 4 ай бұрын
We need to address the elephant in the room. The reason these characters suffer is because they're considered unfun to the majority of the playerbase and blizzard is no longer in a position where it can dismiss player feedback, no matter how stupid. If this results in some characters being unplayable, so be it. It happened to hog for literal months, nobody cared.
@daishin8492 4 ай бұрын
i wouldn't mind hanzo doing 325+ damage on full charge headshots with no dmg falloff IF the arrow hitboxes were nerfed to what the actual geometry of the object was. The problem, at least for me, was not getting one shot. the problem was how cheesy it felt, like I got scammed for just being in the wrong situation against the hero. When 1v1ing a hanzo as a widow, if the players are equally skilled, the hanzo should win almost every time at medium range. That's because he can sonic you, shoot an arrow, duck behind cover, and then you die without even seeing the hanzo. The projectile size of the arrow's even negates small-medium strafes, so you have to do long strafes and gamble the right direction. I think hanzo would be a lot more fun if he was reworked to be a slow firerate heavy hitter. basically, nerf the arrow hitbox, nerf his firerate, but buff his damage to reward well timed, well predicted shots on the enemy backline. Its a pleasure to watch the killcam after a hanzo one shots you with a single very good arrow, instead of --storm-- spam arrow, and three half charge body shots. Blizzard just needs to understand that not all heroes have to be easy for new players to pick up and instantly get value, and that its not the healthy for the game if half the heroes have no skill ceiling.
@xXLJoseph 4 ай бұрын
Good Video my guy, I think Blizzards biggest problem is that they want to keep the game "fresh" instead of making it "good" first. 5v5, role passives, the season 9 Changes (HP-pools, bigger bullets) all of it should keep the game fresh. Many Heros keep losing their identity and all Blizzard is doing is just keep buffing instead of taking a step back and fix it. As much as i hate getting 1-shot by a Hanzo or Junkrat you cannot just remove their identity without reworking them. They buffed Hanzos Storm Arrow to compensate but i think this ability is even worse than His 1shot because it encourages the spamming Playstyle. And the fact that widow can still 1shot across the map and being uncontested by an Off-Tank is just stupid. Cass with 275 HP is annoying too but i think his Hindered nade is even worse than his old flashbang.
@kingk.d.m4620 4 ай бұрын
Ok let’s talk your comparing hanzo and Widowmaker so let’s compare hanzo max damage is 240hp right? So yeah he’s not 1 shotting any of the 250+ hp hero’s which he shouldn’t ambit what else does he do he got storm arrow which is a faster burst of arrows which he can use as a follow up to easily kill someone with or without a headshot for non tanks, he also got sonic arrow basically widow ult on a cooldown yeah it’s not map wide but the distance it covers otter ends up being enough during a team fight to get all the info you need, he also got lunge and wall climb on either low or 0 cooldown so he got better movement then widow, he also got better fire rate and better movement speed with his bow drawn. So let’s look at widow now She has the ability to 1 shot any non tank hero’s once her weapon charges to 100% (that’s good), she got her lil spider radar that can be destroyed and has to be activated by a non observant enemy to be useful which will then give her a lil recon and damage over time on the enemy who activated it (that’s alright), she then got her hook where she can fly away when it decides to work once every 14 seconds……. Do you know how many flankers can get to her before that cooldown comes back? everyone except tracer if she takes high ground, and finally her last resort is her little smg that does alright damage nothing that will win you a 1 v 1 tho if playing against someone with equal skill. So with this comparison it’s very clear Hanzo kit is just better outside of his lack of ability to 1 shot but leave an opponent basically on deaths door or finish up with storm arrow in this team based game an enemy left at 10hp is most likely dead unless the enemy team can react fast enough to save them. Now let’s take away widow 1 shot what does she do then? What can she bring to the team now? Nothing that’s what she got no value at that point don’t even bother playing her just play someone else play Ashe if you want a sniper who can’t 1 shot but brings more to the table or ironically HANZO. I dont believe any hero should be able to 1 shot outside of Widowmaker she’s easily counterable can’t escape any flankers and loses up close to every other hero in the game. Widowmaker also got way more tells than Hanzo as her heels are loud af her shots are loud af there’s a red beam everytime she shoots so you know immediately where she is if she misses Hanzo ain’t got none of that man barely makes a sound. Also you made a comment say Hanzo is harder to learn than Widow??? No he’s not both gotta aim for the head to get max value out of them the difference is if you hit body shots with hanzo he still does good damage and can follow up with storm arrows and his base arrow has a faster fire rate than widow meaning he has way more chances to hit a target than widow who gotta charge up hope to hit if you get a body shot it’s likely 2 - 3 shots more to kill as it takes time to charge your shots to do any type of damage and by then because of your loud ass shot the enemy team will be alerted and will likely be helped by a teammate take cover or start spamming you out so you can’t take another shot Hanzo doesn’t have to deal with any of that TLDR: stop comparing Hanzo to Widow as Hanzo is better in every other way except for the fact he can’t 1 shot 250+ hero’s he needs to follow up or have a teammate follow up to secure the kill
@tiam9465 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for speaking on Hanzo. Never understood why Widow is so coddled compared to Hanzo when she's almost objectively more oppressive and annoying in her current state than Hanzo. He and Junkrat IMO were probably THE biggest losers of the dps role after the season 9 and beyond changes. Really hope Hanzo gets one shot back.
@VonTuffSkii 4 ай бұрын
Yea I’m glad I can still one tap widows tho very satisfying but not worth coming back to this shitty game lol
@Tutualoe 4 ай бұрын
Hanzo one shot is super cheesy and unskillful
@tiam9465 4 ай бұрын
@@Tutualoe Using your reasoning we should also remove Widow one shot then lol.
@pleasedontkillme1185 4 ай бұрын
​@@tiam9465what did Hanzo players do all game though? Just sat back and spammed an arrow or would peak corners and shoot and retreat before you can do anything to him. No. I find Hanzo way easier than Widow.
@Tutualoe 4 ай бұрын
@@tiam9465 we should but at least widow needs to aim and hit a headshot. Hanzo u just spam at head level and pray.
@strivinglight3889 4 ай бұрын
tbh projectile size was always the issue not dmg when they nerfed the junkmine combo radius of the mine explosion it felt infinitely better to fight the junkrat, then they semi reverted it by half way and it went back to feeling bad. i think projectile should be rewarded with high dmg however losing a fight to pure rng luck or and absurd amount of burst dmg never felt good. hanzo is a character i never like to fight because it always felt like my life depended on a hitbox or random rng luck if i one or lost a dual not skill if you got rid of the log sized projectile id be happy to reward hanzos headshot again
@Sprixyy 4 ай бұрын
Precisely why I think they should reduce the hit box size of the arrows but reward good aim
@strivinglight3889 4 ай бұрын
@@Sprixyy couldnt agree more with that
@yoku_UwU 4 ай бұрын
Ive been saying since season 9 that Hanzo used to be way harder than anyone thought and they totally demolished his skill ceiling. My immediate ask was to go back and make his projectile 0.1(season 8) or even smaller 0.08(current hitscan size) and revert to 125 dmg arrows
@strivinglight3889 4 ай бұрын
@@yoku_UwU id prefer the 0.08 and in return maybe a projectile speed increase or power given to dragons since thats been a lackluster ult
@yoku_UwU 4 ай бұрын
The super random but also way risky thought for a total rework I've had is turn his primary to be like storm arrow but with a slower fire rate and quicker projectile speed(keep the bounce). Then give him a double jump, and a second charge of sonic(which can be toggled from bounce/not bounce). Then he turns to a silent flank assassin with util. and a really unique bouncing projectile(that doesn't have the annoying aoe splash of junkrat and isn't huge). That's if you told me one shot simply cannot come back
@pceboo3120 4 ай бұрын
Widow is countered by a lot of heroes but hanzo is extremely versatile and will every time cause you trouble in a 1v1 whereas widow is extremely vulnerable, widow can't move and clear angles she can only hold them, but hanzo can
@Judian-rz6ho8jy7c 4 ай бұрын
As a Cass main before season 9, and i still am,why the hell they killed Hanzo? Just why? I was learning a character,i took a break,came back and he's useless. I'm a Cass main since season 4, actually a console player,and i think they need to give his oneshot back. Also, about Cass. I think he can be frustrating to play against when you're a fast hero,but old Hanzo just has been destroying him easily, because Cree has a big hitbox. So i think 275 is quite fair while we have 200HP Widowmaker or 250HP Ashe.
@chaosmark101 4 ай бұрын
Blizzard only seems interested in catering to the lowest common denominator now.
@prodigalsun1678 4 ай бұрын
I actually disagree with the argument that hanzo should have his one shot back because widow can one shot. Hanzo can still function without one shots due to his ability to spam however widow cannot spam at all meaning taking away her one shot completely ruins the character. Personally i dont like either of their one shot capabilities but the hero designs they were given by blizzard just make that a part of their identity and theres no way to change that without taking away some crucial aspect of their kit.
@skisse9328 4 ай бұрын
My theory is all the overwatch devs are stuck in silver so they just change things they think will help them rank up like nerfing hanzo one shot
@Lovelykarma0909 4 ай бұрын
This is why I play unconventional characters that make FPS fun! Hit scans can stay in their boring lane. Just nerf them 👍🏽
@James-fs4wr 4 ай бұрын
Hanzo takes less skill than widow. In a vacuum hanzo does take more skill because you have to account for travel time and lead your shots, but on the other hand 100% of your shots on widow are your responsibility, she has literally 0 free damage unlike storm arrows. Hanzo gameplay usually boils down to spamming chokes at head height level similar to Torbörn.
@injoker420 4 ай бұрын
we also need to talk about the serious cheater problem right now thats making hitscan even more broken
@iR8state 4 ай бұрын
I'll take a widow one shot death any day over spam arrow head shots. Rng spam headshots will always ruin Hanzo. My suggestion is give Hanzo a set number of arrows and require a reload. Problem is it probably would feel bad and make no sense. But as long as RNG spam headshots exist it will be a problem .
@engineergaming3830 Ай бұрын
b...but if you buff projectile heroes it'll all end up being unskillfull spam - hitscan main
@Via_O.W 4 ай бұрын
junkrat is cooked ^.^
@crossdaboss8914 4 ай бұрын
Ana is in a weird spot as well i know shes a support but she 4 taps most characters and omce you use nade or sleep you are just fucked where use to if you hit shots on ana you could win 1v1s easy Also i understand antinades one of if not the best cooldown in the game but cause that if you play ana without a baby sitter your just fucked but same time if ana is left alone she can carry games Its such a strange spot to be in shes still crazy good but at the same time shes also so bad if the enemy trys to fight you feels like you lose by default if you dont have sleep or antinade now shes not in as bad of a place as some heros but i feel like shes much less rewarding to play if you like being agressive
@DarthCookieOW 4 ай бұрын
Funny thing is, nade (and every other aspect of Ana) was nerfed into the ground so hard that you barely ever can carry teamfights with it anymore when the enemy team is either not dumb or simply has Kiriko. That hero is beyond busted and barely got touched while Ana got hit with nerf after nerf after nerf. And now with the new breakpoints, she's LITERALLY the worst Flex Support in the game. She gets fucked by EVERYTHING for free, you can't duel anyone anymore. Even if a Cass is pushing you and you hit both your CDs on him, he can survive that and 2 tap you anyway.
@crossdaboss8914 4 ай бұрын
@DarthCookieOW yep I have over 500 hours on ana and I can't do anything anymore cause my break points are sooo bad like I was able to duel most dive heros pretty well now they survive with 1 shot remaining if the person diving has any healing I just lose no matter what The only cooldown I have that feels impactful is sleep and that only delays my death cause I have to run away and by time they are up I have 9 more seconds on my cooldown the nade still amazing but it feels so awkward to use cause suzu and nade cooldown being so long and doing less self heal like ana needs help bad I haven't been playing the game as much cause my favorite hero just feels so bad to play unless I got a baby sitter and I hate that ana is such a skillful support she shouldn't be getting less value than moria
@ashoaallegri5634 3 ай бұрын
Can we just get sprixy as a dev for balancing the game
@Sprixyy 3 ай бұрын
I’m going to school for game design in the fall 🙃
@DevaWay 3 ай бұрын
9/10 out of them community would ruin a game if they were put in charge of balancing it. You would regret asking this
@8rk 4 ай бұрын
I'm so glad I found you cause you're voicing all my frustration being a 99% hanzo main. Bro... Up until this season I played him no matter what and when I couldn't rank up I accepted it's my fault and worked on my faults. Now??? How am I expected to do any good when in my garbage rank, nobody's able to follow up and finish off 1 hp targets? and if I play more up close so I can finish them myself? BEST I can hope is that it's a valuable enough target because there's no way in hell I'm not gonna trade cause all enemy needs to kill hanzo is look at him. Kiri with faster and more accurate projectiles, moira with 0 aim and self heal, reaper with get out of jail free card, sombra with "skill cube" that takes ZERO effort to hit. There's no way I'm surviving after "assassinating" an enemy up close. I play hanzo 3-4 games where I get no value. I have THOUSANDS of hours on him. I swap to ashe which I have only dozens of hours on. I click heads. I immedately make more of a difference. Make this make sense.
@Inkand-cp6bi 4 ай бұрын
Hanzo needs a rework, not a oneshot. It's very frustrating to be sent back to spawn every 30 seconds, just because you looked off your screen for 1 second. Reaper is literally a close range character, so you can't really compare Hanzo to him. It would be very ridiculous if Hanzo could constantly win a close range 1v1 against a reaper. Moira is pretty op this season. Same with Kiri. Sombra is one of the hardest DPS in the game, and you can pretty easily delete her with storm arrows.
@commandoghost5883 4 ай бұрын
@@Inkand-cp6bihere the issue they gotta rework a lot of characters reaper,hanzo,cass,hog again,widow so on so forth how long do you want hanzo to be bad for when it’s his turn
@Inkand-cp6bi 4 ай бұрын
@@commandoghost5883 True, but I guess they just gotta hurry a bit with the reworks. I think it would already be fine if he could get a oneshotting arrow on a cooldown
@cookiekoekje648 4 ай бұрын
widow can't hold an angle and spam to get random one shots, she needs to actually proactively decide when to shoot to get value, unlike a projectile sniper
@mercilesschara5753 4 ай бұрын
hanzo should never be able to oneshot when he has an ability to shoot 5 rapid arrows
@tyrenace6597 4 ай бұрын
I'm in the camp that Hanzo should be able to one shot from long range, but only window can from long range, mid range, close range. My Issue with the hanzo one shot was trying to get in on him having to fear being one shot while smack dab in hanzo face. For Window Maker she has reduced hp, so I can give it to her. Hanzo has that extra skill to brawl at close range he don't need to one shot there too.
@actuallynotsteve 4 ай бұрын
I miss 6v6 ow1 so much. Played it every night, and always had fun. My playtime just on Baptiste was like 2000 hours, but my total OW2 playtime is 40 hours and I uninstalled in February.
@sheldoncoomlord6267 4 ай бұрын
Cry about it, 5v5 clear
@actuallynotsteve 4 ай бұрын
@@sheldoncoomlord6267 I can't even cry about it because I don't play overwatch anymore. 5v5 ruined the game.
@sheldoncoomlord6267 4 ай бұрын
@@actuallynotsteve im having a blast on it tbh, its a lot of fun
@retr0253 4 ай бұрын
I only discovered your channel recently but I agree a 100% with you. I’ve played every season of overwatch 2 but I’ve never felt such fatigue and udder frustration playing season 10. I hate going against hitscan and I loathe playing tank. I used to play tank religiously in Ow1, I haven’t played tank in over a year. Role passives have never been balanced and I’m not sure if there is a way to balance them. Anyway TLDR You brought up a lot of good points about the game and how flawed the devs approach balance. I hope ow can make a comeback…
@uyeah1234 4 ай бұрын
I agree and half dissagree. I hate widow and how much the devs pamper her. Her kit garbage and clunky with her only good ability being able to head shot one shot. The solution is to rework widow not make hanzo one shot again. One shot should never be in the game period. Not hanzo not widow not sorjurn nobody. Wanting a one shot back because other characters can is not a real solution and just makes more people mad at the end of day. It's just another cycle of bad balance all over again. Widow not being able to one shot will instantly make hanzo playable so you don't even need to change a whole lot the meta will shift on it's own.
@DressDown22 4 ай бұрын
Ive been a hanzo main since Nov of 2016 on Ps4. But the moment they nerfed my hanzo 1 shot it made quit gaming all together. Hanzo was the only character i played i have over 5000 hours on him. But I now spend most of my off time reading manga I don’t even touch my ps5 anymore. Overwatch is like the only game i played anymore and that update killed me. But if the ever bring his 1 shot back somone plz hit me up 😑👍
@Forkner_SW 4 ай бұрын
I like your videos. You're speaking the frustrations that most people playing this game are feeling right now. I agree with every point you make regarding the direction the game has taken, including the disparity between certain types/style of hero, such as hitscan and projectile. Hitscan is far too strong right now, however, as much as I agree with that I have to disagree with your points on Hanzo. Hear me out. For me, Hanzo did far too much. He was strong in every situation. He had a one shot at insane range, can spam a choke, has an insane ability in storm arrow to defend himself from close range, can leap and wall climb to evade attack and has sonic arrow. There is almost no drawback. He needed something to be reined in. Though I agree the one shot wasn't it. It doesn't make sense that Widow can and he can't. If he was to get one shot back, he absolutely needs something else to be removed/reined in otherwise he has no real weakness.
@minibaconboi9898 4 ай бұрын
Blizzard hard babies hitscan, they have to buff supports and tanks because hitscan is so strong but it doesn't do anything but screw over flex dps players
@jonaskristiansen781 4 ай бұрын
So what you're saying is that you dislike Widow having one shot kills therefore we should give it to Hanzo and easy assasination combo for Junkrat? I don't agree with this. Widow is at least more vulnerable, easy to flank and dive her down unlike Hanzo with his E ability. As a Tracer main I've struggled a lot more against Hanzo than Widow. Same with Junkrat, his kit is relatively easy to use and doesn't require as strong mechanics as say Ashe or Soujorn so it makes sense that he should have to do more to get equal value. Overwatch 2 has a problem though like you mentioned. Lifeweaver and Moira in particular get way too much value for how little effort is actually required to play them. There is a poor balance between mechanical skill and value output for some of these heroes. That's why I think Blizzard has leaned more towards hitscan being stronger. It's more about tracking those shots with soldier, aiming precisely for headshots with Ashe, not just spamming arrows or grenades down a choke and get random kills. The game needs more skill expression and less random choke spam kills. The increased health pool for all heroes was precisely because people didn't like getting burst down so fast that they couldn't even react. Now you actually have to work for the kills and it feels a lot better as a DPS, feels good as support too since you get more time to heal your team and not just see them burst down to 0 health in an instant.
@naliskun4222 3 ай бұрын
Welcome to the party hanzo is getting the rein treatment
@fearthefro5045 4 ай бұрын
The Hanzo nerf as a dps Hanzo main was atrocious. The devs should’ve just made Hanzo’s arrows have fall off damage so he no longer gets random kills across the map. I’m glad I play tank primarily in OW2 or else I’d be livid. I’m just disappointed for all my fellow Hanzo mains out there; first we receive what I’d consider a mid mythic skin then we get hard nerfed. I also agree that spamming arrows is my least favorite way to play as an archers in video games, the satisfaction of landing a precise headshot kill is the best.
@yaxxydesu5776 4 ай бұрын
Hey, love your vids but the sound is very very low on this one :/ Like I have a very noisy pc and I struggle to hear you with my headphones :/ But good vid man 😃👍🏽
@Sprixyy 4 ай бұрын
Hmmm, I apologize while editing I try to make the sound as best bearable as possible while not blasting out ear drums. I suppose I need to take into account not everyone has the same setups. I apologize again but Ty sm for the support ❤
@caseysimmons6681 4 ай бұрын
I play on console. I have a friend that is new as of season 5 or later in OW2. He climbed to masters as a Cass OTP with little to no game sense, just aim. This dude would walk at a team like they were bots and just dome squishies and fan the hammer on a tank. He was a huge feeder but he had stupid good aim. I had another friend say that it looked like he’d miss shots just to show he wasn’t aim botting. Before season 9 he was diamond, I believe.
@caseysimmons6681 4 ай бұрын
The Cass would occasionally play soldier 76 but 99% of his gameplay was Cass.
@ianformica7911 4 ай бұрын
blizzards balance team has always confused me. they have stated that they want to remove the burst dps/healing in the game, but come up with a patch taht makes it way easier to hit headshots (more burst dps) and also to compensate for that, they buff the healing on some support characters (lw, ana nade, kiri cleanse is always 110 now due to dps debuff, p sure roadhog got buffed too with his heals). now, theyre gigabuffing tank when they should just be nerfing everything else
@RatziFatzi 4 ай бұрын
One Shot is not a THING! its Too OP! Getting Dived, One Shot, And They did not Even get 1 HP of Dmg because the Combo it Sooo Strong! Like VENTURE! what the Hell! Who MAKES A DIVE TANK THAT CAN ONE SHOT!
@kingvalor8265 4 ай бұрын
This take works unless you are in gold and below. Which is why hitscan will always be stronger for people that play a lot
@jdunc1059 4 ай бұрын
Blizzard > Makes bullet sizes bigger to make shots 'feel more rewarding' > Compensate by increasing the health of every character so they don't die as often > :) everyone isn't directly opposed to this change since each character gets buffed and nerfed at the same time > Widow can still one shot > Wait widow can still one shot? > Causes the entire balance to go out the window since: > Widow players can hit shots more easily and there is no counter play, causing her to be more oppressive than ever > The health buff doesn't matter since widow can still one shot > Widow in fact also gets hp buffed to help survivability > Oh god widow is broken and blizzard doesn't seem to notice or care since they're idiots
@Bighoodiekid 4 ай бұрын
as a mei main the health increase has also made her secondary fire effectively useless
@aleysibbs2461 4 ай бұрын
i say give hanzo a bit of damage. For junkrat he still can hurt tank a lot idk if the one shot is great or all but this was nice.
@tobe.moemeka 4 ай бұрын
Why do they remove a tank (making spam characters weaker) and then nerf said characters that are already weak
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