Rundown Studio ftw! 👍 And you all are pretty far up front, out ahead with the Unreal/nVidia chromakey virtual sets work, and good ol' tracking on those virtual sets.
@DanielsYoffe3 ай бұрын
Really excited for new Debriefs! As a VIVE Mars owner, I’ve been struggling to achieve perfect tracking. Seeing the great handheld results with VIVE Mars in this episode makes me wonder what I might be missing. Also, as an Axibo slider user, I’ve noticed that Unreal Engine’s coordinates and tracking aren’t always spot-on (RTX 4090 setup). It would be amazing if you could cover a setup tutorial or troubleshooting for VIVE Mars-especially how you manage the tracking in a studio with your lighting setup. Thanks for all the great content!
@FluidPrompter3 ай бұрын
Fantastic production value here! Looking forward to testing FluidPrompter in your space Isaac!
@brunoalchaar317Ай бұрын
Just thank you all!
@nicklagang3 ай бұрын
Great to know you’re back with The Debrief, my all time favorite podcast! You guys are great, keep up with all the good and inspiring work! Can’t wait for the upcoming episodes
@Justin_Allen3 ай бұрын
The video is back! Great updates and looking forward to all of the new content coming out. As for your consulting side of things, I have experienced the same thing. The virtual production side of things is shifting form larger studios to corporations and smaller studios. The next 36 months are going to be exciting! You will do fantastic in this!
@wjm1233 ай бұрын
wow holy shit The Debrief looks amazing with this new setup
@oysteinloland5941Ай бұрын
Thanks a lot for sharing 🙂 What I personnally would hear more about is the greenscreen lighting. I have 3 of the 4K 12G ultimatte and 6K Pro studio cams along with a 4K 4ME Atem constellation. I am not sure what kind of lights you are using, but I struggle with getting even light as my studio is not that big. My lighting today is mainly the Aputure 300C ouputting green light + some other smaller ones also outputting green light. So what do you use for lighting the greenscreen, and also please make a video about lighting and also the Greenscreen light. Love to watch you when I can.
@martincalvi2 ай бұрын
You got me. I just subscribed. How do you go about getting a pretty even lit green wall and floor? What lights/setup are you using? Thank you,