Check out Maria and I's channel. Please and thank you 😊🙏 We're doing our movie commentaries here now:
@SamSeth1996 Жыл бұрын
Hi Sam hope to see you soon!
@cultivatinggrace9 ай бұрын
Sam, you have such a great voice!
@Lil_legend217 Жыл бұрын
fun fact, for Mags talent presentation, she took a 15 minute nap lmfao
@mohanakawirando7 күн бұрын
@EMMYMXNC Жыл бұрын
After watching “songbirds and snakes” it’s funny how his comment about “wouldn’t drones be better?” Is a bit ironic.
@betweencurls Жыл бұрын
@slavicandsapphic7446 Жыл бұрын
“Im just sending water 🤠”
@Tove_Ishockey Жыл бұрын
yeah thats so true
@gillian4158 Жыл бұрын
lmao yes
@eshalsharjeel4886 Жыл бұрын
My exact thoughts
@hadassahkathrein5182 Жыл бұрын
some very important context surrounding prim’s death from the books is that coin did actually intentionally kill her. in katniss’s inner monologue once she figures it out, she puts the pieces together that prim was too young and not trained well enough to be put on the front lines with the other medics. coin intentionally killed her so that katniss would vote for the hunger games and for coin as president.
@kihyahouston387 Жыл бұрын
I hardly want to touch on the books too much in case one of you decide to read it, but you asked about the roses and said they would make better sense if they were poisoned, and it makes sense that you think that way because the movies completely miss handled what the roses represented. In the books, roses are such a trigger for Katniss that if she even smells one, she goes into a panic attack and freezes and can’t move. When Snow dropped the roses in district 13 after the bombing it made no sense to me that she even walked up to touch it because in the books she begged everybody to step back and had a full mental breakdown that ended in her having to be sedated because she was so hysterical. Katniss has so much trauma and grief clinging to her and the movies made her such a girlboss that they completely erase that really important side from the books. We have to keep in mind that the events that take place in the story all happened while Katniss is 16 and 17 years old. Just a kid.
@aar3oo Жыл бұрын
Why does she get triggered by roses?
@kihyahouston387 Жыл бұрын
@@aar3oo because the smell of roses signify Snow essentially. He wore roses, but they weren’t regular roses, they were genetically modified to be heavily scented to cover up the smell of blood in his mouth. And after the events of catching fire snow would leave her roses in places to let her know she can never get away from him, and that he’s always right behind. When he bombed 12, he left her a single white rose that stayed alive with her other roses dead as a message, same thing with the roses after he bombed 13. They smelled so strongly of snow she said it felt like he was breathing down her neck and she has hysterical panic attacks every time she smells them. Also whenever she smells the roses something bad happens or has happened.
@zharawillywonka44386 ай бұрын
I wish they included the part in the books where katniss and johanna try to join disctrict 13s military, and to certify if someone is ready they're final challenge is facing their fears and katniss realizes her challenge was reliving every moment after that boy from 10 tried to kill her and died in front of her in the first games.
@JayietheRiverWarrior11 ай бұрын
Haha, I love how you seem particularly to think the “which of us will she choose” convo between Peeta and Gale was a film addition, when actually not only was it an original from-the-books scene, but in the books this conversation annoys the shit out of Katniss because of how petty it is in the grand scheme of what they’re facing, and because of all the assumptions the guys (particularly Gale) are making about her. 😂 I haven’t read the books in a hot minute, but I have a specific memory of Katniss, after Gale said the bit about how she’d choose whichever of them she couldn’t live without, thinking to herself “right now, sitting here having to listen to this, I’m pretty sure I can live without both of them.” 😂
@larissatucker8263 Жыл бұрын
The reason katniss goes and gets peetas medicine at 59:00 is yes, for the love story angle, but also when peeta threw her that bread when they were younger, it showed her how kind peeta is. She never had the courage to thank him so she felt for years that she owed him something in return. She felt he owed him a debt. Kind people tend to roots themselves in her heart, considering there is so much evil in the world. She wants to protect that innocence, hence why she helps. Also, in the books, she says she cant just sit there and watch him die when there's something she can do to help him. She does feel in debt to him but also just shows compassion to him as a person.
@mryoungandbrave1 Жыл бұрын
After learning about what happened to Finnick, and the other 'desirable' victors, I can't help but think that in the elevator, Joanna was trying to warn Peeta, in her own way. I just wish during Snow's execution, Katniss had one arrow, like she did in the book, she could kill Snow or Coin, not both. I'd also like to point out in the books, the people in the fortress in District 2 were the exact same people who bombed District 12. Minor Spoilers for Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes: Everything Katniss does reminds Snow of Lucy Grey and how he gave up the simple, yet happy life to gain power. The fact he was the one who introduced the idea of betting on the games, personal interviews and getting to know the tributes and routing for their favourites, and ultimately creating the system that Katniss will bring down, at a time when the games were about to come to their end, because hardly anyone was watching them. He made the games something that was celebrated as entertainment, it's so twisted and so beautifully written. Snow truly is a truly evil monster. (I would say more, but I don't want to spoil too much.)
@debbybrandon8252 Жыл бұрын
The Quarter Quell that happens every 25 years is marked by something significant. For the 75th year, they reaped from the existing pool of victors. For the 50th year, they sent twice as many tributes to the arena, so 48 instead of 24. That was the year Haymitch won. I don’t remember what they did for the 25th year, it’s been quite a while since I’ve read those books. Sending existing victors was a first. That’s why they all reacted the way they did, Joanna in particular. As she said, she was supposed to live her life in peace once she won her Hunger Games. They’re supposed to be out of the reaping for life. Snow changed the “rules” because of the unrest caused by Katniss, the effect she was having.
@tomuchcamoflauge Жыл бұрын
for the 25th they made the districts vote for the tributes.
@SamSeth1996 Жыл бұрын
I feel for Joanna cuz why promise something you can deliver on? Why make promises you can’t clearly keep?
@senpai945511 ай бұрын
@@tomuchcamoflaugethat's so fucked 😭😂
@Rory240811 ай бұрын
Something I think a lot of people miss and I love is that before katniss hits his hand with the arrow peeta is lightly touching it as an instruction to her
@JaakuSan Жыл бұрын
On Peeta constantly trying to sacrifice himself: I feel like the first Games put him in the mindset of being expendable, and not only did he never shake it but everything that happened after made it worse. He survived the first Games because of Katniss, he survived the second because of the allies who wanted Katniss to work with them, he was kept alive by the Capitol to use against Katniss and then rescued and kept alive again for Katniss. For all that we as the audience see him being competent and doing good and helpful things that matter, to Peeta himself he's been nothing but a dead weight liability the entire time. In his mind, he was always meant to die, and if he can at least die to save someone who matters more then it will have been worth it.
@Pookiesk Жыл бұрын
Elizabeth Banks’s performance was so phenomenal and the whole ark of Effies character is amazing, there is a great video about how her fashion is reminiscent of how she is changing, it’s kinda sad that hunger games wasn’t nominated for the fashion Oscar category just because it was for “teens”
@nasjiaglenn1869 Жыл бұрын
It kind of makes me mad they didn’t include the fact that Peeta lost his leg in the first book.
@Sarahhhhhhsto Жыл бұрын
Wait I completely do not remember this happening lol. Guess it’s time to re-read the books!
@purplepinkblue18364 Жыл бұрын
like he was slow when running from the fog for a reason?? it might be hard to fake a prosthetic leg, but in that case they should've given him some other excuse
@purpleclaws202 Жыл бұрын
@@purplepinkblue18364get over it and enjoy the movies
@vickanfiori6092 Жыл бұрын
Or the fact that Katniss was left deaf from one ear since the explosion until the end.
@purpleclaws202 Жыл бұрын
@@vickanfiori6092 so was JLAW poor girl
@nancyomalley6286 Жыл бұрын
During Haymitch's games, the butterflies WERE poisonous
@SamSeth1996 Жыл бұрын
I believe everything was poisonous bummer right???
@neryskkiran182011 ай бұрын
Same in Game of Thrones lol
@jeshonloonskin41769 ай бұрын
@@SamSeth1996i think so, i believe the cornucopia was the only place that had anything safe in it.
@emilylewis5373 Жыл бұрын
Its interesting that you talk about her being a bland character. In the books her blandness is actually pretty much a mask that she wears. Jennifer Lawrence conveys this pretty well at times with her "mask" slipping back and forth.
@purplepinkblue18364 Жыл бұрын
one of the things that upset me with the movies is that they lost her thought process. I feel like nothing she did ever had a reason in the movies
@joecrazy989611 ай бұрын
Maybe it would have conveyed that better if it was a show rather than a few movies.
@gemimoon111 ай бұрын
@@joecrazy9896oh god i would of loved it to be a show like it could of gotten game of thrones level acclaim
@mryoungandbrave18 ай бұрын
@@gemimoon1 That's only if it's done right
@frances3064 Жыл бұрын
It’s more clear in the books, The bakery provides for the capital that’s why there’s cakes and things
@Jkreidell6 ай бұрын
Donald Sutherland actually advocated for the role. He read the script (for fun) and was intrigued so we read the book series. Then he sent a three page email to Gary Ross the original Director explaining who snow is and why.. It’s very impressive. Donald Sutherland understood snow better than anybody besides maybe Suzanne Collins lol
@D.J.- Жыл бұрын
Glad you were able to get this one out of YT jail!
@Indecisive_Action Жыл бұрын
Oh, is that what happened. I was confused at seeing it posted again. Glad it didn't disappear while I was binging it. I guess I could've sought out the individual videos if that had been the case, but it was quite nice to have it spliced together.
@chillindj_ Жыл бұрын
@xwinwinwinx Жыл бұрын
Unfortunately it is demonitised so they won't make any money off of it 😢
@SamSeth1996 Жыл бұрын
What???! Why?
@xwinwinwinx Жыл бұрын
@@SamSeth1996 Its probably because there is too much of the film shown in the video so the film studio has copyright claimed it. Its a big risk and issue to contend with for long reaction videos.
@connie2558 Жыл бұрын
In the books Katniss was angry that district 13 had all this technology but didn't use it to save people.
@SamSeth1996 Жыл бұрын
I’m on the fence with this Sam.
@arrianawilliams6368 Жыл бұрын
The way I see it is that gale probably would have been the guy that Katiness would have ended up with had she not have to compete in the hunger games because they fit so well , but Peeta was the guy that saved her in the end and helped her overcome the trauma and pain of the hunger games and only he would be able to help her with a lifetime of those memories and she would be better for it
@tiffanykim2773 Жыл бұрын
After reading the books what I realized was that because Katniss and Gale were always together people thought that they were a perfect fit. However it doesn't necessarily mean that Katniss even wanted to be with Gale. She might have just married him due to everyone else's expectations where by Peeta was actually her choice even though the games made their fates intertwined in the end she did actually end up genuinely falling in love and choosing Peeta. Its also super funny how after the first games the book version started building on Peeta x Katniss relationship with no love triangle in site yet the movies pushed that aspect so hard 😂.
@julissacastellanos948 Жыл бұрын
@shirleydurr411 Жыл бұрын
I agree with @tiffanyklm2773 that people assumed Katniss and Gale were a perfect fit as a couple. I never saw this because in the book it is clear from the beginning -- even before she became a tribute -- that they don't want the same things and don't see their futures the same way. Katniss doesn't want to have children in the world they inhabit (and in their world that means never to marry); Gale wants a life with Katniss like the one they have with small rebellions every day such as going beyond the fence to illegally hunt, mocking the capital, trading at the black market. Gale is looking for ways to rebel and gain control over his life; Katniss wants peace.
@Soladew11 ай бұрын
Katniss never wanted gale. Katniss never wanted a relationship with anyone cause she was too busy with family, she didn’t know what romantic love felt like until peeta.
@PastelOddity Жыл бұрын
As someone who read all the books (minus the prequel): Yes, Gale is just as massive of a crybaby, I didn't know anyone was sincerely Team Gale.
@maliedelgado2658 Жыл бұрын
“Silence is a note that you deliberately play” WHEW!!!
@CarAmeL624 Жыл бұрын
Love this series, never get tired of people reacting to it. My biggest pet peeve with the story in general is Plutarch, Haymitch and the other tributes not letting Peeta know about the plan to get Katniss out. Katniss couldn't know for sure but in my mind, there was no reason to keep Peeta in the dark. Their goals were in alignment with his and he is a much better at acting than she was. He would pretend and lie to her if necessary for her safety. It also would have avoided the whole issue they had at the end of needing to separate the 2 of them to get their trackers out. Peeta would have stayed put where he was or they could have trusted him to go with her with the coil. It also shows a true lack of understanding of Katniss, because if they understood her at all, Peeta would have been just as high of a priority as her. Thankfully the revolution did proceed and end the Games but man could they have eliminated a lot of collateral damage to Peeta, Joanna and maybe even Annie if they had not kept him in the dark.
@hue.main1 Жыл бұрын
The thing I thought was interesting, and probably makes sense why they didn’t add it into the movie, is that in the books Katniss takes a lot of opportunities to eat as much as she can until she’s sick. But I guess the desperation of food would’ve been harder to find it necessary to film it.
@lilithium3940 Жыл бұрын
The new film has the same issue with not highlighting Snow's relationship with food but I wonder if that was done bc in a movie, showing cut things can be interpreted way differently than the very black and white descriptive words allow while reading. Maybe the cut binging stuff in order to not 'promote' or 'glorify' bad relationships with food "The katniss diet" is probably the authors worst nightmare
@hue.main1 Жыл бұрын
@@lilithium3940 oh yeah, Snow had the same thing too. I’m also guessing that having actors eating food constantly in certain scenes and possibly having to redo the scene a bunch too, they’d probably get sick or it’d be a waste of food.
@lilithium3940 Жыл бұрын
@@hue.main1 right. Even a scene with one or two bites can cause an actor to have to over eat irl in order to get the shot so I can imagine a scene including binge eating or a feast would be even more of an issue
@larissatucker8263 Жыл бұрын
34:10 - im pretty sure in the book, rhe reason katniss is mad about peeta sayinf he has a crush on her in the interview is because peeta is so good with words and with people. Her, not as much usually. She felt as though theres no way he could be genuine considering the circumstances, and he had been avoiding her since he asked to be trained separately. She thought maybe he was trying to dampen her light and steal the show. Which he did do, but he did it for her favor. Katniss just doesnt understand why peeta would try to make her look good.
@larissatucker8263 Жыл бұрын
Peeta was also trying to start the lovers angle with them to attract sponsors, and katniss is made aware of this around after the interview I believe. She understands the tactic but was blindsided during his interview. She's very impulsive when she feels things so she just felt rage, hence why she jumped on him.
@theunknowngabby Жыл бұрын
With all that's happening right now in the world watching this made me cry about all the pain that is happening. I pray for peace
@EliteTacoNinja Жыл бұрын
I know this is a compilation and they probably know this by now, but just in case, it was the third quarter quell, so there were 74 years worth of past victors to reap from. Still not a lot, but significantly more than 25 XD
@juvenileanomie357 Жыл бұрын
Yeah I remember them addressing it at some point but Sam just really did some effed up math there. I think he said he just got confused on the amount of years it had been.
@christinar.7955 Жыл бұрын
I was so confused about their math at that part 😂
@HerHollyness Жыл бұрын
True, and I agree with the point you’re making, but also there would actually have been way fewer than 74 victors to reap from as a lot of those would be dead by that point. The first victor would be between 87 and 93 by the time of the 75th so very unlikely to still be alive, even with the relatively luxurious life of a victor (although I don’t think those first few victors even got that life of luxury). But even if you had all 74 surviving victors, that’s really not that many when spread between 12 districts. Some districts will have more, some less, but on average that’s like just over 6 victors per district. 😬
@abrielle13 Жыл бұрын
The theory about Peeta being able to decorate like that is that maybe his family made cakes for capital? I read a few people saying that could be an explanation.
@ninamarie177 Жыл бұрын
I think in the book it was explained a bit more that there were some rich families in district 12 (like the mayor - his daughter is actually the one who gives Katniss the mockingjay pin (it belonged to her aunt, the female tribute from 12 the year Haymitch won), katniss’s mom was also born into the upper class of 12) and the peace keepers could afford cakes too.
@aivlysplath Жыл бұрын
@@ninamarie177yeah that’s definitely the case. It wouldn’t make much sense to ship cakes all the way from district 12 to the capital.
@abrielle13 Жыл бұрын
@@ninamarie177 I haven't read the books in years
@mryoungandbrave1 Жыл бұрын
@@aivlysplathThey have an entire districts doing exactly that, exporting grain, alongside baked goods, bread, cakes and such things, the only export of District 12 is Coal, and tributes for the Hunger Games.
@tiffanykim2773 Жыл бұрын
His family made cakes for the richer people in district 12
@frances3064 Жыл бұрын
Standard basic Plastic is not as stabilizing as feathers but specialized carbon fiber can be almost as good, unless your a expert marksman you wont know the difference. turkey feathers are one of the best fletchings and the original materials the carbon fiber can do better in bad weather though.
@rogueryder3285 Жыл бұрын
Katniss was pretty much raising her sister while her mom was a grieving basket case
@berlin990 Жыл бұрын
Only district 1 and 2 are allowed to train for the games, it’s supposed to be illegal but in those districts they get special treatment so they are the only career tributes.
@KylieIsOverIt Жыл бұрын
This may be my favorite set of reactions to a franchise. It really only took the first "Hey, Gale." and I was all in. Glad these are back up. I think that you will have some interesting thoughts on the gender and other social dynamics in the prequel. I hope that you react to it!
@MariaRose_ Жыл бұрын
I hope you guys get to react to the prequel based off the prequel book, Songbirds and Snakes, that just came out. Gives so much context to so many characters in the original series (especially snow obviously) and the idea of the hunger games as a whole. It’s so interesting and I think y’all would like it!
@deliriaaragon77432 ай бұрын
2:12:40 there’s a theory that district 1 was also apart of the rebellion as well because they went for an easy kill and as a trained killer/ mentor, they knew that they should’ve went for Johanna, Finnick, or Katniss instead but in order to make it look like the games weren’t rigged, they sacrificed themselves.
@SamSeth1996 Жыл бұрын
“ There’s a force field there” No kidding Petta! I love that
@boricua1173 Жыл бұрын
It’s funny when Sam at the end of the first video says they’re not doing the series back to back, but since it’s a compilation of all movies it is going to be back to back commentaries Love your work guys and keep being awesome!🙌🙌🙌
@themoviebud1988 Жыл бұрын
Lol, that’s fair 😂 Thanks so much 🙏 - Sam
@SamSeth1996 Жыл бұрын
I am loving this so far Sam!
@SessVlogs Жыл бұрын
Just to defend the people who called Peeta a traitor _a little_ - they're not soldiers or politicians or people in the inner circle who know what's going on. They're just refugees from Districts 12 & 13. I do think that the malice is maybe a bit too extreme, I feel they could have played it that they were more shocked and angry rather than bordering on a riot. But I totally understand why they''d feel betrayed by Peeta's words on a superficial level. He was always shown to be pally-pally with the Capitol, they probably didn't realise that was an act.
@gabrielvieira6844 Жыл бұрын
"You think a drone would work better" WELL ...
@mirnuky Жыл бұрын
the fact that in real life you can find places that are living like in the hospital in district 8, breaks my heart....
@juvenileanomie357 Жыл бұрын
Yay it's back up, hope this one gets traction with the prequel doing its rounds.
@aniflowers1998 Жыл бұрын
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but Finicks death seemed more logical in the book...less "they could have helped him, but didn't!" It's been a looooong while since I read the books, but I vaguely remember that he and Katnis where closer together during the climb up, and that Finick let himself fall on purpose telling her to shoot....I could be missremembering though...
@tiffanykim2773 Жыл бұрын
I think that's just how they see it because its pretty obvious that Finnick was doomed.
@sytmor Жыл бұрын
I never read the books (am going to start soon), but his death in the movie made me so sad. I wanted him to survive so badly.
@kathy828111 ай бұрын
No yeah! He and katniss were right behind one another in the books. He didnt let himself fall, but he got dragged down. I still believe katniss couldve saved him with a shot, but probbaly hard at that angle and once the mutt pulled him it was over. He did shout at her to shoot him just to end his misery though. What I wont get is that she used the halo to blow it up when right after she uses an explosive/fire tipped arrow. LIKE wasted resource😭(i think it was supposed to be more symbolic cause finnick was half begging to die and she was granting it)
@aniflowers199811 ай бұрын
@@kathy8281 so I got it halfe right xD That's something! Gues my memory isn't tooo terrible after all :3
@rosebud590611 ай бұрын
Actually Katniss was one of the first people up besides Pollux. Once Peeta and Cressida made it up, she realized the lack of people and tried to climb back down but was stopped by Gale who was climbing up. I don’t think it was every deliberately stated if Finnick was trying to go up or if he stayed down, but by the time Gale got up, it was already too late for Finnick… His death in the book is a little better and makes a little more sense but she did just look over at him dying, not much she could’ve done to help but… yeah.
@faithbyas9590 Жыл бұрын
1:32:33 The “oh shit” in unison 😭 Much love from Kentucky
@Branmuffin7 Жыл бұрын
These compilations are perfect / especially for someone as easily irritable as me who gets frustrated trying to find each seperare one to watch in order hahaha
@ZachsWonderland Жыл бұрын
One of the reasons haymitch is so dependent on alcohol is after his games were run snow had his family and girlfriend executed because he thought haymitch being haymitch was an act of rebellion
@rosivard8 ай бұрын
Here I am, watching this again, this feels very comfortable and cozy to watch idk why
@elitettelbach4247 Жыл бұрын
This series holds up so well! Loved watching the commentary on the whole series back to back.
@MothSalesman4 ай бұрын
Plutarch is such an underrated character. I love him. He plays people better than anyone else in the entire series.
@Tove_Ishockey Жыл бұрын
25:22 they get resources from the capital they don't bake for 12 they bake for the capital
@aficklefangirl2566 Жыл бұрын
I am always so affected by the bittersweetness of Peeta and Katniss's ending, especially in the books. They both survived, they created a better world, but they each lost the one thing they went into that arena trying to protect. Prim was taken from Katniss right before the end, and Peeta sacrificed his very self, his memories and his personality, to protect Katniss and the rebels. The rebellion took what was most important to them, the thing that even the games didn't manage to steal. It is really effective at reminding us how brutal rebellion really can be, and yet the sweetness in that bittersweet ending reminds us that it is sometimes worth it.
@neryskkiran182011 ай бұрын
Like the pep-talk at the end 4:53:27. Thanks for the reactions!
@abrielle13 Жыл бұрын
I hope you watch the prequel! It's really good! Your comments about drones will be amusing to you after you see it 🤣 You'll also learn more of why Snow doesn't like underdogs and specifically Katniss.
@PkmnTrainerJason001 Жыл бұрын
Love your alls commentary on collateral damage and rebel action. We can’t become our enemy
@MorriganAtwood Жыл бұрын
It was not based on Battle Royale. BR took inspiration from Stephen King's The Long Walk and lots of stories like this can be traced all the way back to the minotaur and the labyrinth, which featured children being singled out to be sent to their deaths, which Collins does mention as an influence.
@homefry707 Жыл бұрын
Am I going to watch the compilation again even though I watched it as soon as it was posted before? Yes, yes I am. 🤷🏻♀️🤓
@emilyrln Жыл бұрын
Movie about kids murdering each other: "It's all about the execution" 😂💀
@eclectic345 Жыл бұрын
Been loving all the reactions for a long time. Awesome work, keep it up!
@themoviebud19889 ай бұрын
Thank you so much! I apologise for not seeing this earlier 😊 - Sam
@supergeeky7529 Жыл бұрын
When I first watched these movies I completely mis-read Finnick and couldn't stand him off the bat. He became a favorite of mine!
@jalen.0609 Жыл бұрын
the reason they get the bodies out of the arena is that some games prior one of the tributes started practicing cannibalism which the capitol wasn‘t really pleased to watch so to prevent that from happening they get them out immediately
@agriope23349 ай бұрын
That was great fun watching this series with you! I find you both very thoughtful and kind so I really appreciated your perspectives. I also really like the end bc it emphasizes how the world has really changed. One thing in the books is how much Katniss avoided romance because she was terrified of having children in that world. It took 10-15 years but she finally feels safe enough to attempt it. For me, that's the biggest confirmation that there's really been a revolution and that they really do live "someplace else" like in the conversation she had with Gale way back at the beginning. Thanks for watch, I am subscribed!
@browniewin4121 Жыл бұрын
You guys commentary and insights are the best and I always enjoy hearing your take on movies.
@boricua1173 Жыл бұрын
3:56:32 reminds me so much of Star Wars, how they are explaining the plan to destroy the Death Star
@irrevocablytired3713 Жыл бұрын
The movies do a great job at providing different points of view (instead of just Katniss's) so we have a more nuanced understanding of the world. These books are definitely going to become a new classic. Excellent social commentary. I am a bit upset at how some disabilities weren't shown in the movies (Katniss's brief loss of hearing, Peeta's lost leg) but overall, the movies do a lovely job as an adaptation. The love triangle in the later movies was also annoying, but it was marketed alongside Twilight releasing at the same time, so it is understandable. That in and of itself proves Collins's point: the one's in charge (hollywood) promoting entertainment (love triangle) to distract the masses from the actual problem (the story being largely a social commentary on governments conditioning citizens to submit in fear of their safety while cutting off interactions between each other so they remain isolated and can't band together)
@SamSeth1996 Жыл бұрын
Merry Christmas Sam Steph and Maria!
@purplebunn Жыл бұрын
7:25 So 2 things, one, training for the hunger games is technically illegal though it still happens, primarily in the career districts of 1, 2, 4. And two, the careers can afford to train because they are from the richer districts, 12 is poorer and therefore can't really train beforehand.
@kylasworldview1 Жыл бұрын
Oh, brilliant, Darlin, that you could get this reposted so soon! Great news👏🏻 😍
@SamSeth1996 Жыл бұрын
Morning Sam! I am gonna try to finish this video! I love you reaction to these movies!
@fangirling5235 Жыл бұрын
can't wait to see your reaction to the prequel!!
@PokhrajRoy. Жыл бұрын
Is anyone here Team Peeta? He’s so cute.
@sherkshen Жыл бұрын
while watching the first movie, i wasn't, but during the latter installments i started to cheer their couple on biiig time. very unique progression, and he seemed like a solid & sweet guy
@Jemini4228 Жыл бұрын
Everyone should be team Peeta. If you still like Gale by the end you haven't been paying attention.
@tmm4195 Жыл бұрын
Most people are team peeta. There’s really no reason to be team gale lol
@이마크-r8e Жыл бұрын
Was Team Peeta since the 1st movie, but Catching Fire really sealed the deal.
@screamingbegins46884 ай бұрын
i dont have a team
@SamSeth1996 Жыл бұрын
Movie buds: Wow I finished all the movies! And I love all of your reactions! Off topic…. I hope you have a great Christmas!
@no.1garlicbreadenthusiast4 ай бұрын
Mockingjay part 1 - As important as movie is, there are some things they cut/changed from the book that I do wish they hadn't - . There's a moment after Katniss talks to Finnick about the deal to save Annie along with Peeta where Gale gives her a paticular "look" & she internally groans as she thinks about how she'll have to deal with him acting jealous over her spending time with Finnick now as well (which dose not bode well for the potential of their hypothetical relationship in my opinion) . The scene in the movie where Katniss realises that Snow's gonna kill Peeta is actually her realising that they won’t kill him in the book & it's so much worse because she realises that no matter what he says/dose they'll keep him alive just so they can keep torturing him . the fact that they replaced the torture of Katniss's prep team by D13 (she found them starved, beaten & chained up in small room, covered in thier own excrement after they took & hid some extra bread) & how that drove a wedge between her & Gale (who couldn't wrap he's head around why she seemed to care about them so much when they're job was to make kids look pretty before sending them to litrually kill eachother for thier entrainment) & replaced it with Effie being silly which (though I do of course love Elizabeth Banks) just seems very out touch with what this story is supposed to be about . Before Anne was taken to D13 Finick was much more mentally unstable in the begining of the last book then he seems in the movie, to the point that he ran up to Katniss & Boggs, wanting to go on thier journey to D12 only for them to point out that he was only in he's underwear which made him start laughing & doing a sexy poses before Katniss managed to distract him by telling him that Beetee had made a new trident for him to train with & then later, when they're in the bunkers of D13 waiting for the attack to end, he starts teaching Katniss how to make rope patterns with her fingers as a form of therapy (because he's from the fishing district) this is a small detail from way back in the first or second book but I only just remembered so here you go now - . Katniss realises that even after so much time has passed in the games none of the male tributes have any facial hair (though, unlike the girls, they do still have body hair) & she wonders what chemicals they doused their faces with to make that possible & after what we find out about Finnick (& by extention probably other victors as well) in this movie one has to wonder about the Capital's fixation on youth.
@dickymacbeatbox11 ай бұрын
I want that Children of Bodom hoodie in the Mockingjay part 1 reaction. that's siiick, and so is this video!
@jinphany.11 ай бұрын
the only thing i find crazy is how people will hate gale when he is a young man indoctrinated his entire life to hate the capitol (and rightly so) and acts in a way that makes sense to that, but people will support snow because they watched the prequel and they think he's hot. make it make sense people. gale acts this way because of the literal crimes against him, his family and his district, and snow acts the way he is because hes an entitled, narcissistic freak.
@taiyonatiare7918 Жыл бұрын
Glad it’s back up 😂 only got halfway through catching fire lol
@no.1garlicbreadenthusiast4 ай бұрын
Catching fire - Love it & think it's the most accurate of all the movies but there are still things that were cut/changed from the book that I thought were a shame to miss - . When Peeta gave Katniss the pearl on the beach he makes a joke about it being made from coal in reference to an earlier scene in the book where Effie (trying her best to be supportive) says she's been telling everyone that Peeta & Katniss 'might have seemed "a bit rough around the edges" but just like coal they'd been through something tough & came out shining' which made Peeta & Katniss secretly laugh at the fact that Effie clearly dosn't understand how coal works . After finding out that at least 2 of them will have to go back into the games Peeta throws away all of Haymitch's booze & forces him & Katniss to train with him to make sure they're all in the best shape they possibly can be & Katniss gets annoyed because Peeta isn't being romantic with her anymore . After trying to intervene during Gale's whipping, a young Peace Keeper gets knocked out, taken to the Capitol & turned into an Avox (a Capitol slave that's had their tongue removed) so that he can serve Katniss & Peeta before they go into the arena again (Snow dose this because the guy was friendly with Katniss, often buying the meat she hunted even when it wasn't very good quality, despite it obviously being illegal to do so) . Katniss was orginally going to a write letter to all her loved ones on the train to give herself some kind of closure over the lack of goodbyes in District 12 but after remembering her intention to keep Peeta alive means she'll never see them again she decides she can't do it because it will just make it harder for her to let go of them . As her "talent", that all the Victor's are pushed to have after thier Games so that the Capitol can always be sure to have content for future interviews, Cinna decides to get her to pretend to be a designer (he makes the designs, he just tells her what to say about them) & she finds herself a little jealous of Peeta for having two talents (baking & panting), that he's genuinely good at (the chefs in the Capitol adore him) while she obviously can't share the things she's actually skilled at because (now that she's not in the arena) archery is deemed too "violent" of a hobby for her & hunting is illegal in District 12 . Peeta shows Katniss some of he's art while they're on the train & she's shocked at how upsetting it is as it is all stuff he saw in the arena . Peeta has some difficulties walking for the enterity of this game because not only did he get electrocuted by the force field but he's still getting used to his prostecic leg that was amputated at the end of the first book, so he's in pretty bad shape for a while & needs more sleep then the rest of the group . The constantly open door on the train were Katniss gets her information about what's happening in the other Districts is actually footage she sees in the District 12 Mayor's office while visiting he's home for dinner (she is friends with his daughter Madge) but the Mayor's busy & he's wife's unwell so Katniss is briefly free to wonder the house by herself . Except Katniss (because her dad taught her when she was little from a lake in the woods), Finnick & Mags (because they're from the fishing district), none of the other victors can swim & they only got by because in the book they're outfits had a belt that was a built in flotation device . In the book Gale gets wipped for being caught with meat from illegal hunting (though he was smart enough to lie about how he got it otherwise Katniss knows he would have been shot instead of whipped) not for attacking a Peace Keeper & thankfully Madge drops off some medicine for him courtsey of her mum . Mrs Everdeen doesn't become too shaky to inject Gale (in fact Katniss says serval times throughout the series that the only time her mum seems confident is when she's dealing with injured people) . In the book Gale dose agree to run away with Katniss until he finds out she wants to bring Peeta & Haymitch as well, then they have a big argument which ends with him throwing the gloves she'd given him on the floor saying he dosn't want anything made by the Capitol (they came from Cinna) & she crys thinking he now views her as something "made by the Capitol" . In the book there's a whole thing were Katniss gets trapped in the woods when the electric fence surrounding District 12 suddenly gets turned on so she has to climb a tree to get back inside the District but jumping from so high up makes her twist her ankle & hurt her ribs making her conversation with the new peace keepers even worse because, hunting being illegal, she had to pretend not to be injured & come up with an excuse as to why she was back so late despite there now being a curfew luckily Prim, Haymitch & Peeta are all able to play along well with her alibi that the new Peace Keepers eventually give up & leave & once Mrs Everdean banages her injuries Katniss spends weeks being carried around her house by Peeta until she can properly walk again . Katniss meets 2 runaways from District 8 in the woods who are trying to get to District 13, explaining to her about the rebellion in District 8 & the theory that some have about District 13 having survived being bombed by the Capitol . The elevator scene happens but in the book its actually about the other tributes teasing Katniss for how "pure" she is (hence the random kiss from that other tribute) especially compared to what they're used to in the Capitol (this is because in the the first book while Katniss had to strip Peeta to bath him when he was injured she bassically refused to look at "most of him", after they won Cinna went on the defensive to try to help soften her image to Snow by dressing her very innoscent - hence Finnick's line about the little girl dresses - & to help get them out of the expectation the Capitol probably had for them to move in together straight away Mrs Everdeen told the camera people when they'd arrived to film Katniss & Peeta coming back to District 12 that she was too young to date yet) not Johanna randomly deciding to hit on Peeta . Katniss & Peeta start putting together a book of useful plants for eating/medicine & she spends half that scene thinking about how golden & long his eyelashes are lol . The Capitol are able to spin the close relationship Katniss has with Gale by everyone in town pretending that they're cousin's (because obviously just a boy/girl friendship where they're not related would hinder the Katniss/Peeta relationship) . While on the train Katniss & Peeta watch + make notes of footage from the previous games so that they can better know what they're up against . Johanne won her games by pretending to be super meek & hiding until most of the tributes were already dead before she came out swinging her axe . Finnick, though obviously talented, got a lot of help via very expensive gifts from sponsors because of how handsome he was . Haymitch's games was a Quater Quell & that years twist was that it had twice as many tributes as usual, Katniss was shocked to see that her mum was friends with one of the female tributes & that, that tribute, Mayslee Donner, was the twin sister of the current District 12 Mayor's wife . Haymitch teamed up with Mayslee for a while but they decided to spilt up when the amount of tributes became too small, because they didn't want to get stuck having to kill eachother but he runs back to her as soon as he heard her start screaming though, but it was too late, she'd been attacked by a swarm of genetically altered birds with super sharp beaks, he held her hand until she died . Mayslee's District token was a gold mockingjay pin (Madge gave it to Katniss in the first book after she volunteered for Prim, but didn't tell her who it previously belonged to) . Haymitch won his games by accidently using a force field in the arena against the last tribute (he was running away from them, they tried to throw thier weapon at him but due to his guts bassically falling out from their previous fight, he collapsed before it could hit him & it instead struck the force field in front of him which made it spring backwards & slam into the head of the other tribute, killing her instantly) but because the game makers didn't like one of thier tools of control being used to benifit a victor (especially one from a non career District who'd been very disrespectful during his interview) so to punish him they murderd he's family & girlfriend . This was actually stated in the 1st book but I forgot to mention it for your first movie reaction but the reason the Capitol takes the tributes dead bodies away is because a few years back there was a tribute that went nuts & started eating the people he killed, which grossed out the Capital citizens, until he died in an avalanche (which Katniss believes was set up by the Capitol to stop him from being the winner)
@danaekoloka9819 Жыл бұрын
It's back!
@16taysia Жыл бұрын
Here's where I REALLY dislike Gale, like Stef commented himself in the video: Basically you shouldn't behave like the Oppressive people you are rebelling AGAINST...🙄🙄🙄 Edit: I'm really sad Finnick died but imo the saddest deaths of the book/movie series were Rue and Prim 😢😭💔
@AliceBunny05 Жыл бұрын
I think it's a necessary evil to have in the series though, because Suzanne Collins whole point for the series was for it to be anti-war. You will find severallll aspects highlighting that in the end, nobody really wins. Everyone has lost so much, some have become divorced from their values in the beginning, like gale. This is something that really happens in people during things like war, spread of propaganda, and the complexity of human emotion that drives people to do things they never thought they would've done, if not for being caught up in the obsessive game of "evening the score." Which in the end, does not reverse any atrocity you committed to get there or bring anyone back.
@RammerHammer11 ай бұрын
No no, Gale absolutely deserves all the hate. He has some redeeming qualities, sure, but he's so annoying in Catching Fire specifically. He spends the entire move bitching at Katniss for 1) not liking him the way he likes her, 2) for the performance she put on to STAY ALIVE and 3) for being focused on keeping her family, including him, safe from Snow. Katniss has better and more important things to worry about than boys right now and frankly so does Gale, and yet all of his plot points in CF revolve around "but do you like me tho?" and it's so irritating. And that's not even mentioning him being almost giddy at the idea of commiting war crimes and murdering children, and also the fact that he KILLED KATNISS'S SISTER. Plus it always bothered me that Coin put so much faith in Gale as a strategist and a soldier and how we was at every single war meeting in 13 when he's literally just some guy. He's not special, why is he being treated as such?
@RammerHammer11 ай бұрын
Masive props to JLaw. Her emotional acting is so raw and real, it truly captures how Katniss has been completely destroyed and run ragged by everything she's been forced to go through. Prim's death was the final straw and seeing Buttercup come back as a reminder of the pain and heartache of losing the person she cared about the most in the world triggered so much of that to come flooding back, I think it's really powerful that she not only loses it at the cat but that she also apologises and comforts it afterwards because Buttercup is the last tie that she had to her sister.
@tateperson Жыл бұрын
I love your guys' compilations. they are great companions to a full day of errands or tasks
@samara596 Жыл бұрын
the best relation in the books is the one with katniss and the cat
@taurusnamedjade Жыл бұрын
Thats such a coincidence that you posted this, im rewatching the series in time for ballad of songbirds and snakes!
@samuelzelalem307911 ай бұрын
Cant wait until you recap the prequel!
@LadyButterfly99 Жыл бұрын
Glad you got that out guys! And in case you never got that insight in the original reaction... 4:23:55 No, this scene was SO Beautifully written in the book that you realise that no it's not, she loves him, and he loves her too much that her kiss got him out of his trance real quick he seriously got whiplashed❤️ The thing is and that's what Gale pointed out to her is that "kissing out of pain/pity/guilt were only her kisses with Gale, with Peeta it's different her kisses are full of fire and conviction like she's THERE in that moment but with Gale they were very much lifeless, she's used to Gale not in love with him and she never considered the idea of love EVER in the circumstances she lived in that's why it took her quite a lot to realise she actually fell for Peeta Reading the books you realise she never really was in love with Gale at all he's more like a constant and a family. Well and she realised he's too fu**ed up at the end to consider a life with him. 4:27:18 It was definitely in the books! And it got Katniss really angry with Gale, she said "I could survive perfectly fine without either of them" she's always been surviving never thought about anything else she's strong on her own That's what makes one of final monologues of her in this book is so so beautiful, it was something along the lines of: "What I truly need is not Gale's fire kindled with rage and hatred, I've got plenty of fire myself, what I really need is the dandelion in the spring, the yellow that means rebirth instead of distruction, that means life could go on despite our losses. So when he whispers you love me real or not real? I say real." 4:40:37 yep she immediately knew after Snow told her, Gale talked to her about that trap earlier on! It WAS his idea and they used it and he did not care.. he was only remorseful because he felt ashamed Prem died because of it.
@besupaaa Жыл бұрын
Yes here we go, round 2.
@lasttimecommenting Жыл бұрын
What I don't understand about Peta being brainwashed/tortured into seeing Katniss as the enemy in the Mockingjay movie is how quickly he must have had a turnaround. I understand how they did it. It just seems like it would be a fairly lengthy process. He was clearly relieved to hear Katniss's voice when he heard her singing the tree song and put himself at risk when he gave her the message that 13 was going to be bombed. He still clearly had positive feelings toward her then, and not much time passed between then and his being rescued. Are their techniques just insanely effective?
@Sarahhhhhhsto Жыл бұрын
I think it’s because of the tracker jacker poison they used on him that allowed such quick turn around time.
@aetherius6221 Жыл бұрын
The book intimates that these interviews are prerecorded, and also implies hes still conflicted and has moments of clarity
@gfsanct Жыл бұрын
i have a crush on both of you AND maria 🤭 (also thank you for the compilation, i was like halfway through the first video when i saw it in the recommendations lol)
@neryskkiran182011 ай бұрын
4:41:20, why cut the "honor" part? I'm genuinely curious -- it's 3 words/one second out of Coin's script.
@SamSeth1996 Жыл бұрын
I love these movies!
@katebristol-ow8qs Жыл бұрын
It’s back!!!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉
@SamSeth1996 Жыл бұрын
Hello Sam Steph and Maria!!!
@artemisa152310 ай бұрын
You are wrong about Peeta, he burns the bread on purpose to give it to Katnees knowing that he would be beaten for that. Peeta´s mom is abusive. You said you read the books but you forget the day before Peeta burned the bread he went to school with a black eye? and they were like eleven at that time. He was eleven!
@AmyHoldaway27 Жыл бұрын
Bro finnick is a better aquaman than aquaman. And that IS a trident 🤣🤣 it’s just not super obvious lol
@no.1garlicbreadenthusiast4 ай бұрын
Mockingjay part 2 - An Impactful ending to an important franchise but there are some things they cut/changed in the movie that I do wish they hadn't - . In the book they don't send Prim to talk to Peeta after he's highjacking as they don't want to use someone with too close a connection to Katniss incase it sets him off (they use one of he's childhood friends instead) . They cut out a lot of Peeta's recovery process whereas in the book Peeta is shown slowly being given more freedom, while still being monitored, in D13 - he has lunch with Katniss & the others while being handcuffed but is really rude to everyone except Anne because he feels like they only helped him during the games because of their plan regarding Katniss but later Katniss notices that Finick & Anna's wedding cake was clearly made by him (even though he's not attending the actual celebration) . They cut out Joanna & Katniss's developing relationship as they became room mates once they started training to go on the Capital mission together then Katniss finds out the reason Joanna failed the final test was because her simulation involved a flood & while she was held by the Capitol they'd douse her with water before electrocuting her (making her react badly to water to the point where she dosn't like to bathe or even be out in the rain) & to try to cheer her up Katniss makes her a bundel of pine cones wrapped in cloth so that the smell can remind her of home (she's from the lumber District & has none of her own belongings in District 13) . Katniss kept the pearl that Peeta gave her in CF, on her bassically at all times & when she got lonley she would take it out & rub it against her lips pretending it was Peeta kissing her (poor Gale lol) . Katniss even dreams once of Peeta surving & having children in the future & her one wish is that they are safe/happy . in the book the guy Peeta attacks skin is described as 'melting off like candel wax' . In the book Katniss actually tells Peeta 'don't let him take you from me' instead of 'stay with me' (which I prefer just because it feels more desperate & personal than the movie version, in my opinion) . In the book Gale & Katniss do get a proper makeover from Tigris not just hooded coats . In the book the Capitol mum isn't there, the little girl is in crowd of other kids all stumbling confused down the street in thier PJ's & before the attack happens Katniss can't help being reminded of scared little kids from D12 & after when the girl is dead Katniss keeps saying that no matter what she dose she can't stop seeing that fluffy yellow coat dyed red with blood . Katniss shoots a Capitol woman when her & the rest of the group break into her home to hide from Capital forces & she thinks about it a lot afterwards saying, that she didn't even realise she'd done it until after she'd shot her, she just did it instinctual because despite the woman not being armed (she was just eating food from a can, in her dressing gown) their team couldn't afford to let her scream or call for help when she opened her mouth in surprise but that it will always haunt her as she'll never know what that woman might have been about to say & that it didn't feel like something the "good guys" would do . The reptiles in the sewer are even more gruesome as they start ripping Peace Keeper's heads off & crawling over their bodies in order to try to reach the crew . In the book the reason Katniss doesn't shoot Gale when he's captured is because there's so much chaos going on that she can't actually hear what he's saying & it takes her too long to remember that he dosn't have a nightlock pill anymore (after giving he's one to Peeta) & I think she couldn't get a good shot at the Peace Keepers but once she realises what he'd been asking her to do she feels terrible for potentially leading him to having to face the same fate as Peeta . In the book after Prim's death Katniss falls into a long bout of depression where she doesn't bathe, barley eats (the medical staff mostly just force the nessary stuff into her body via a needle in her arm), dosn't leave her room for weeks & doesn't talk but eventually starts singing (like she did with her father as a child) & litrually can't get herself to stop, she goes through every song she knows, over & over again till she bassically loses her voice & then she just always ends up passing out & dreaming of all the people she loves that are dead coming back as mokingjays (there's one that sounds like Rue but when she goes to chase it she can never catch up & one that sounds like Prim that she runs after but then it suddenly bursts into flames & falls into water & it looks like it's drowning so she freaks out, desperately trying to pull it from the water but when she touches it her hands burn & she can't properly keep hold of it because the bird keeps thrashing around & she's eventually forced to let go of it due to the pain + the belief that she's actually hurting it but then it dissappears & she's devastated because she realises she'll never see the bird again) eventually she wakes up without any drugs or food so starts wandering around Snow's Manor before stumbling onto the green house, the guards eventually let her in & she finds a very ill looking Snow who, unlike the movie, is not only sitting down from the start but is also handcuffed . Sadly in the book, though Hamitch dose return to D12 with Peeta & Katniss he dose stay an alcoholic (though he dose have a lady taking care of his house & dose sort of look after geese when he's waiting for more achole to be delivered to D12) . The fire, while not damaging her face, is said to have left Katniss with quite thin hair (also thanks to the poisness fog from the 2nd games) & a large amount of skin grafts all over her body & Peeta also shares this fate (Katniss compares thier bare skin to patchwork cloth in the epilogue) . In the book after Katniss's kills Coin there's so much chaos that it's left up to the reader wether the crowd accidentally trampled Snow, they beat him to death or if he just chocked on he's own blood from laughing . In the book Peeta straight up shoves he's hand in Katniss mouth to stop her from taking the nightlock pill after killing Coin & she's in such a state that she doesn't realise what's happening at first so she bites down on it so hard that he starts bleeding then she turns to look into the crowd & begs Gale to shoot her but as she's being carried away she realises that he won't & she thinks it's payback for her not doing it for him in the Capitol . When Katniss goes back to D12 she just lies on the couch for ages, dosn't bathe or eat but that changes after the cat comes back (she actually gets a visit from someone as she says she fell asleep on the kitchen/living room floor after her melt down yet the next day she wakes up tucked up in bed, we never get told who this person is though), she goes to the woods & on the way back she sees Peeta attending to some flowers but for a split second she thinks thier Snow's roses & wants to attack him before realising what he's actually done for her then they talk about therapy (the reason it took so long for Peeta to be allowed back in D12) & he tells her that the doctor they met in District 13 wants her to call him for updates on her health as he can't keep covering for her with the people who only agreed to have her released on the grounds that she's "monitored" by a medical professional & while she dosn't think she has anything to tell him she dose admit to herself that she at least owes him something for making it possible for her to go back home In the book the epilogue takes place futhur in the future - Katniss is watching her young daughter & toddler son play in the meadow & she thinks about how they don't know they're standing on a graveyard & she worries about how they're eventually going to learn about the war, in school & how Peeta still gets horrible flashbacks even after all this time & she herself still struggles sometimes with finding joy in anything because she's terrified it will be taken away from her but that being with Peeta helps because he is the only one who's able to remind her that life can not only keep going but that it can be good (instead of filled with hate & destruction) despite everything they've lost & she compares him to a dandelion in spring that symbolises rebirth
@lyndsycarson830211 ай бұрын
The point was that from the people they picked from was that, they are the ONLY district 12 tributes in 75 years of The Hunger Games, to have survived. I’m a little piffed that they didn’t at least ‘hint’ more at the tributes lives after “winning” their trafficking, abuse, with all that opulence comes deviance. With that in mind, imagining what the top districts kids went through before the games to garner sponsers. The whole series is a little to realistic
@ChiefEW Жыл бұрын
about to watch the part 2 of this on the plane👍🏽
@MenMjau Жыл бұрын
Yay, it's back! 🥳
@frances3064 Жыл бұрын
The second bomb was beefy and gales plan he told her about it before they entered the capital
@Anime4ever92 Жыл бұрын
Great reaction. I love the hunger games books and movies. ❤❤❤
@Jemini4228 Жыл бұрын
Yay you got the comp back. May the odds be ever in it's favour!
@lilly50821 Жыл бұрын
finnick dying this late into the last movie was so unnecessary
@B.Olmos22 Жыл бұрын
You should watch “The Starving Games” now that you’ve watched The Hunger Games.