Webisode 21: Do Blacks Support Hip Hop? Part II | Dead End Hip Hop

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Dead End Hip Hop

Dead End Hip Hop

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@runforfun12 13 жыл бұрын
@mykectown Thats a good question, and one that doesn't have a real quantifiable answer, but I guess what I was thinking is that whites and blacks look for different things in hip hop, and that the black community doeesn't really like the direction its gone. Its like how you guys said its gotten too safe, a lot of rappers aren't rapping about real life anymore, and perhaps the black community has lost interest. Love the channel, by the way, keep putting out good stuff!
@25bdizz 12 жыл бұрын
You see THIS is hip hop. A group of clearly educated friends having an educated debate/conversation on the state of the genre and using society as a basis for the discussion. And they're not YELLING at each other, they're TALKING
@misterfelder 13 жыл бұрын
Feefo had a really good point in saying that lots of people grow out of hip-hop at a certain point. Even if you grew up on "good hip-hop," it's harder to find as time goes on. The fact that we're even talking about this is proof that good hip-hop is hard to find, if you're not looking for it. It's different for this generation because we have new ways of communicating and finding out about new artists, like Dead End Hip Hop for example. And I'm pretty sure that Myke is secretly 74 years old. Lol
@2GunsUpZ 13 жыл бұрын
@mykectown The question was why do black people not come out for artists with an "underground" sound, but they do come out for artists with a "mainstream" sound. I've got my theories, but it comes down to a few things. 1) production - the beats, 2) method of promotion, 3) how music is used by the community. Hit me on the PM and I can write you an essay on the topic, but my thoughts on the subject are bigger than 489 characters.
@mykectown 13 жыл бұрын
@2GunsUpZ Kweli has come to Atlanta. More than once. And no they didn't. So OK. And I think we said in the video it wasn't about indie hip hop. It was all hip hop. And, just out of curiosity, what, to you, makes Talib Kweli so much different than Tech or Sean Price?
@kennithbinge 13 жыл бұрын
@misterfelder You're right. This is a bigger social issue that expands beyond hip hop. We just have to keep pushing and pushing the positive. It takes a collective effort. Thanks for your comments and insight. Dope.
@dablakryu 12 жыл бұрын
NYG'z probably said it best"Hip hop's a young mans game,na man just young when the shit got fame,what really changed?"
@mykectown 13 жыл бұрын
@2GunsUpZ Man, what are you doing? I didn't realize I had to be so specific (considering you're the ONLY person confused here.) The question is "why don't black folks go to (mainstream or indie) shows?" Common sense would say I'm not saying that there is not a single solitary black person there. That would, in turn, mean that the white ppl that are there are outnumbering the black ppl that are there. Meaning, there are FAR less black kids there. Get it now? It's not that hard to understand.
@mykectown 13 жыл бұрын
@2GunsUpZ Check again. That was not the question. I should know since I posed the question to the guys. The question was why don't black folks go to shows period. I'm pretty sure I actually said that in the video. Why they don't support underground hip hop is pretty basic.
@kennithbinge 13 жыл бұрын
@2GunsUpZ Question. Based on what I've seen, black people don't go to many shows. Based on what you've seen, they do. When white people do outnumber black audience, why? Second, when black people outnumber white people, why?
@mykectown 13 жыл бұрын
@2GunsUpZ And I live in Atlanta. I've been to shows in SC, Alabama, Kentucky, NJ and Boston and I've seen different. That's why it's up for debate. Am I the first person you've ever heard say that white kids typically outnumber black kids at concerts? If it was a completely bizarre topic we wouldn't have done a show on it and you wouldn't see this many comments. Just saying.
@SmallSteps3000 13 жыл бұрын
Why can rappers blow money on jewelry material cars and women, but complain nobody is buying they shit
@2GunsUpZ 13 жыл бұрын
@Kingemedia The club aspect is the key. Most concert going age black folks club 1-3 nights a week. If you go out enough, you pretty much see the same people and the same type of people. And black folks of that club/concert age, end up all going to the same stuff. The promoter who's got deep ties can get those a lot of those club people to go to a concert. The real key to having a mostly black audience is appealing to the right black women. They show up, everyone else follows.
@runforfun12 13 жыл бұрын
I would say that there are less black folks at concerts because rap concerts used to be a place where rappers talked about real struggles and how they're rising out of them, and the audience being a part of that rise out of the bottom. But nowadays people listen to rappers in order to live vicariously through them, and rap is less serious. Its become more of a show, more of an entertainment. Its like, people go to Odd Future to see the outrageous showmanship, they don't go to see real emotion.
@teddybruscie 13 жыл бұрын
The reason why older black people stop supporting hip-hop from what I see because their switching to Gospel and R&B. My Step-dad. Used to be a player. Knocked up women left and right, and lived life like it was a constant party, getting in fights and what not. Then he got in jail and when he came out he decided to live a righteous life. So stopped listening to hip-hop. However the only rappers he'll come back & listen to are T.I. and 2pac. All he used to listen to was gangster rap. He grew up.
@fwright22 13 жыл бұрын
In my area and at my school, hip hop and pop are the most popular types of music. But if i asked anybody in my school about Royce or Tech, for example, they wouldn't know anything about them. I think the younger hip hop fans are, the more they lean towards downloading singles and not buying albums. Everyone i know enjoys Waka, Gucci, and Wayne and they don't understand the real culture behind hip hop. I really think it's more of an age thing than a race thing.
@mykectown 13 жыл бұрын
@2GunsUpZ I agree with you mostly. We were not only talking about indie hip hop. Lil Wayne isn't indie. Method Man isn't indie. Those concerts still bring a large white audience. I agree about Gucci Mane. Same for Wocka Flocka. But with them you have a larger level of ignorance. I said at the end of the vid that it wasn't about money. So if it's about appeal, does that mean only extremely ignorant rap appeals to black folks? If so, why? I think it is more complicated than you may think.
@MisterAmerican650 11 жыл бұрын
This topic would be a good idea for a boondocks episode
@nitsua720 12 жыл бұрын
I'm a 17 year old white dude, and when I was like 14 I used to complain about lil Wayne and all of them and just bump wu-tang, mos def, tupac and biggie smalls. But as I got older I started to accept that bullshit rap instead of hating. If there's a good lil Wayne song, then I'll cop it and if it's bad I'm just not gonna listen. Plus people listen to waka to get buck, even though they could get some MellowHype or some OF songs that get you hyped.
@kennithbinge 13 жыл бұрын
@flipmodeisthesquad Appreciate it. Glad to know that it is well received. Definitely.
@kennithbinge 13 жыл бұрын
@mikesbruv Wow. That's very interesting. Thanks for the insight into New Zealand. Much appreciated!
@reluctyupp85 13 жыл бұрын
the corny shit that floods the airwaves now is Hip Hop too...However our media outlets offered a much more balanced diet of styles and artists back in the 80's and 90's. That equilibrium has vanished....which is why there is such a disparity now, Young people today don't know what exists because they'll never hear a Phonte on the radio or television. Usually young people with older siblings or parents who have a good ear for music will most likely have a fine tuned ear too.
@funkyfiguresediter 13 жыл бұрын
kinge and feefo couldn't have said it better at the end.
@2GunsUpZ 13 жыл бұрын
@mykectown You keep changing the topic "black people don't go to any shows" becomes "why do white ppl outnumber black people at shows". These are 2 completely different issues. Pick one question, take a position, and then we can have an honest conversation. Cause I got answers to both.
@kennithbinge 13 жыл бұрын
@WuFinancial Thanks! Don't forget about the album reviews we drop on Thursday. Thanks for watching.
@0Moreno0 13 жыл бұрын
Black People dont support Hip Hop because there are so many garbage mainstrain music therefore no one is looking forward to todays hip hop artist's music unless is lil Wayne, Rick Ross, Drake and Wiz who are in the limelight. If we compare the old and new Hip Hop music, the majority of black people miss the ol days and bash todays music like Myke said.
@Xtal0 11 жыл бұрын
It's a bit different than those examples because a lot of those were straight taken by white people, and the roots of those genres buried under the white artists that came after them. With hip-hop there aren't white artists taking over and taking ownership of the genre, it's just that white fans are much more inclined to do things to show their support. It's strange.
@kennithbinge 13 жыл бұрын
@WuFinancial That's part of @feefo argument is that it is a young culture. A lot of it is controlled by the big corporate buildings and paydio.
@tehjizz 13 жыл бұрын
@TTh3AnsweR i see your point, that's also one of the reasons why people say a certain genre's is crap nowadays... they tune to mtv and if it only plays crap they automatically assume every artist is crap. Nowadays you have to search for good music, it takes time and dedication, but it's more rewarding that being fed by corporations.
@2GunsUpZ 13 жыл бұрын
@mykectown "why don't black folks go to ANY shows" I'm not trying to troll, but i'm saying emphatically that black people *do* go to shows/concerts, period. I don't even see how that's up for debate. I'm in NYC and I see hella black folks at all kinds of shows. I've lived in DC and Houston and black folks went to concerts for hip hop, r&b, neo-soul, reggae, et cetera. Always a sizable #, sometimes the majority depending on the artist.
@2GunsUpZ 13 жыл бұрын
@mykectown I already said it above. Today's underground artists are unknown, and furthermore the style of music is not well liked. It's not well liked primarily because of the beats, but there are some secondary factors as well. That's why you don't see a majority black audience or a even a good # of black folks @ those kinds of shows.
@thaspydaman21 13 жыл бұрын
I'm 21 and I love artist that make real hip hop I go to shows and buy all tha albums of artist I like Rakim and those guys I just got that new Kool G Rap, I listen to other kinda music. Alot of albums when they first come out are like 9.99 at Best Buy and Target. I don't know why hip hop isn't being supported by blacks anymore and its sad growing up in tha 90s I use be able to talk to my black friends about hot music but now white kids tell me about tha good shit and blacks tell me bout trash
@mikesbruv 13 жыл бұрын
Its funny, I had no problem finding great hip hop in the 90's down here in New Zealand. But I would go to school and talk to my Maori/polynesian friends about Hieroglyphics and other underground acts and they had never heard of them. For context a lot of Maori/polynesian people come from deprived backgrounds, therefore there is an affinity there with urban black struggle yet they only had access to what they heard on the radio, like Vanilla Ice and shit!!! No funds definitely was an issue imo
@kennithbinge 13 жыл бұрын
@2GunsUpZ It's possible that instead of going to shows they go to clubs instead. Reading below, it seems that it could be regional. We know that black folks will go to more mainstream shows such as Waka and Gucci mainly because of ignorance. They just don't know and take what is presented to them on the radio. Now, there is, however, a majority lack of black folk at most shows and the question is why? I think there are too many factors to narrow it down to just one.
@abnormalisdope 13 жыл бұрын
I think as for buying cds. Downloading is an issue. As for shows, it's no excuse. For a pair of Jordans I could see a dope underground act like Atmosphere 6 times
@kennithbinge 13 жыл бұрын
@IkeTurnersghost Never considered that. At all. Good point.
@Myprops18 13 жыл бұрын
Great episode I love these type of discussions.
@kennithbinge 13 жыл бұрын
@EssenceEgan Salute!! Thanks for watching!
@flipmodeisthesquad 13 жыл бұрын
I like you guys a lot. Always interesting and intriguing conversations. Great stuff. Need more dudes like this. Thank you.
@CarlClinto Ай бұрын
@kennithbinge 13 жыл бұрын
@mykectown Hahaha! We love free stuff!
@kennithbinge 13 жыл бұрын
@misterfelder Haha @ 74.
@kennithbinge 13 жыл бұрын
@SoloDolo784 Thx!
@Lyric1235 12 жыл бұрын
hiphop devolved
@feefo24 13 жыл бұрын
@gmf20002 I can't agree anymore US BLACKS ARE BROKE LOL J/P
@Call_Me_Jacob 13 жыл бұрын
Laziness could be an issue, people don't want to look for good music when it's easier to do what the TV tells them to, and when they find something they like, why pay for it when you can get it for free so easily, why go to concerts when you might as well use that expensive ass sound-system you got at your house, or in your car.
@Myprops18 13 жыл бұрын
@MusicMan1330 I love the Roots, especially their last album "How I Got Over."
@mykectown 13 жыл бұрын
@2GunsUpZ To be honest, at this point, I don't know if I even care about the answer anymore since you've totally drained me with having to repeatedly explain the question to you. Which is perplexing considering we said it pretty clearly in this video and in Part 1. I appreciate you being eager to dispense whatever knowledge you seem to have, but I'm kinda over this now. Moving on to "Why are the bottoms of black people's feet a lighter color than the top?"
@mykectown 13 жыл бұрын
@2GunsUpZ You're right. We made it all up. It was a ploy to get everyone to hate midgets, but you saw right through it before we could launch the initial attack. You're just too quick for us. Gosh darn you.
@mykectown 13 жыл бұрын
@a8fine1youngSchapT That is interesting. Only thing I can think of is..the signing is free...the show is not. Ugh, that sucks, though! I'd love another answer.
@mykectown 13 жыл бұрын
@runforfun12 I totally feel what you're saying. But I don't see how that relates to black and white, though.
@colliesimba 12 жыл бұрын
labels, labels, and more labels.. no black, no white, no brown, no yellow.. just human beings..
@kennithbinge 13 жыл бұрын
@2GunsUpZ Production is a factor. That is controlled by mainstream radio. Second. Most people may not be on the internet to see shows so unless those shows are promoted on the radio, again, ignorance. Community wise, in Atlanta, we still see primarily white audiences at both shows. My question is this, we touched on more than just hip hop shows. What about supporting hip hop period? That's the bigger questions. Shows are a big part of that but so is purchasing music.
@SarBChild 12 жыл бұрын
We went front dubbin tapes to dl an album a week b4 the release date. But, one of us will go out in buy that tape/wax/cd so it could be ripped back in the day. MTV canceled Yo cuz hip hop now had more airtime then that half hour outta the week.
@kennithbinge 13 жыл бұрын
@TTh3AnsweR You're partly right. Maybe the issue is that the hip hop fans have grown out of the culture and left it to the younger generation. @feefo may have a point indeed.
@kennithbinge 13 жыл бұрын
@tehjizz @tth3answer I love digging for music. It's a hobby. To have an artists that someone else does not is a true joy. And then the sharing part of it make it even better.
@kennithbinge 13 жыл бұрын
@TTh3AnsweR The labels have always seen the money in hip hop. Once hip hop was established and sold, they sought ways to make money. It's been that way since day one.
@kennithbinge 13 жыл бұрын
@Myprops18 It's tough but there are good artists out there. But continue to be diverse in your listening taste. That's what's up.
@kennithbinge 13 жыл бұрын
@theneedledrop I can agree with this statement. My Dad does not play any music past the 80's.
@mck3enzie 12 жыл бұрын
@misterfelder AMEN!
@kennithbinge 13 жыл бұрын
@2GunsUpZ Good insight. Thanks for the reply and feedback on your perspective.
@Hawdkoah 13 жыл бұрын
I think part of it is just a general change in popular music in general. Grunge used to be huge in the 90's and now the most popular rock music with mainstream audiences right now is stuff like Breathe Carolina or Brokencyde. While it's somewhat similar, it doesn't have the same kind of aggression, very much like mainstream hip hop today vs mainstream hip hop 15 years ago. The culture has become softer and no one cares that there's still things in this world everyone has to address at some point
@2GunsUpZ 13 жыл бұрын
@Kingemedia White folks usually outnumber when - a mainstream artist is well promoted by Radio, TV, Print - an underground artist is well covered by the internet - the venue isn't in the middle of a gangsta ass hood. Black folks outnumber when - over all city has a significant black population - regular non boho black *women* will go see the artist - this is KEY. - venue is slightly to super hood - the promoter is hood and thorough.
@2GunsUpZ 13 жыл бұрын
@mykectown Kweli might be a bad look, but Kweli, Common, Roots, Mos Def - that brand of hip hop *typically* brings out the Boho set that don't go check out Black Milk or The Knux. And as much as they say all hip hop, they're primarily talking about underground hip hop. Gucci Mane and artists in his genre get nuff black folks spending money to go to their shows. It's not about money, it's about appeal. Deadend style of hip hop doesn't appeal to many.
@2GunsUpZ 13 жыл бұрын
LOL @ these guys. Regular black folks that hit the clubs and listen to the radio aren't going to go see Guitly Simpson or Black Milk or Sean P, cause 1) they've never heard of those dudes 2) even when they hear music like that, it doesn't sound good to them. That's it. Nothing too complicated. Black folks go to plenty of hip hop shows, it's just not hip hop that you like. If Kweli came to ATL, black folks show up in force. Immortal Technique? Not so much.
@a8fine1youngSchapT 13 жыл бұрын
I feel like there's some odd racial dichotomy with who shows up to what live events. When Myke was talking about Wu Tang in Brooklyn, I remember watching this clip with Raekwon going to a signing at a record store and then doing a show. The signing was mostly black, the show was mostly white. No idea what that says though, this issue is tough, and I approach it with trepidation being young and white.
@ENJ4321 11 жыл бұрын
The older guys know, that their olders fans are riding with them...and the fact that they could still rap circles around younger guys. So with that, they decided as long as older fans want me and younger crowds draw to me...I still have a place in the game. Hell Flava Flav and KRS ONE are both 50...and are still around getting money.
@coolnesss16 13 жыл бұрын
@thedosage87 That is very true. Not only people in their 30's but any black person thats just a casual fan of hip-hop won't care enough to try and look for music they're just going to listen to the surface music and compare that. I'm a hip-hop head so i'm naturally gonna search for good stuff. I wish people in general regardless of race though would support music more.
@Myprops18 13 жыл бұрын
I'm 19 yr old my love Hip-Hop kinda has waned. The genre is uninspiring as a whole, there are few that give me HOPE. Like Kanye West who's my favorite artist, Lupe Fiasco, Jay-Z, Tyler, The Creator and Odd Future, Eminem,etc. I now have venture into other genres. I think I now love Rock more than I do Hip Hop at this point.
@coolnesss16 13 жыл бұрын
Forget going to shows! I can't get my friends to even buy a piece of music let a lone an album or go to a show. It's sad. People don't experince music anymore... all they do is swiftly and unemotionally download music. Music used to feel like such a social thing :/
@Myprops18 13 жыл бұрын
What's funny to me is that me and my cousin had this same discussion recently about why you don't see black folks at concerts hardly. My cousin went to a concert recently and he told me it was few black including him. But I am proud that Hip Hop is now being love universally by all races.
@kennithbinge 13 жыл бұрын
@beezy430 This means there is hope for our younger generation.
@technopriest8686 13 жыл бұрын
Just look at all the major underground shows for like MF DOOM and look at the crowds faces. Vanilla illa everywhere.
@megamanthehitman 11 жыл бұрын
you can see it just based off of all the whitye people who comment on needledrop and deadend
@megamanthehitman 11 жыл бұрын
Rock used to be a black people thing. DONT FORGET THAT. Look what we did.
@JUSTINGASMAKER1 12 жыл бұрын
Except for Dead End Hip Hop. They support real shit. lol
@TheTroubleMaka 12 жыл бұрын
Great debate video guys!
@amblors 13 жыл бұрын
"super old" was funny.
@ZPskiskate 11 жыл бұрын
It's true what you said that a lot of black kids are the ones gravitating towards lil wayne, wocka flocka and artists like that while white kids go for the more underground, old school, conscious, type stuff, I'm white and in high school and I'm not at all being racist but I see most black kids listening to young money and 2 chainz and stuff like that while me and a lot of my white friends listen to a lot of wu-tang, souls of mischief, nas etc. you would think it's be the opposite but idk
@tehjizz 13 жыл бұрын
i think hip hop needs to die first to come back in full strength|! producers need to realise that they need to experiment, they need to bring back the sampling and experiment with new sounds(electronic, jazz, rock). They should stop catering to the audiences and produce sum tasteful shit, Rappers also need to step up their lyric game. you know what? when hip hop stops being profitable, all these mercenaries will gtfo and leave room for the ones that truly love the genre.
@theneedledrop 13 жыл бұрын
A lotta people who go into their 30s don't just grow out of hip hop. People entering that age grow out of following new and underground music in general.
@jesushateswood 12 жыл бұрын
I like these videos. I'm not a hip hop fan but these brothers perspective are insightful, funny, and intelligent. ?uestlove of the Roots made a statement perhaps 7 to 9 years ago. He said the majority of my audience don't look like me. Many years before the late Miles Davis made the same observation.
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