Bd. 7. Same auction and play. But when east overruffed the third ♣️ and played ♥️9 I covered with the 10. Somehow this difference induced west to play a ♠️ not a ♦️. East mistakenly won the ace! Now east was hooped via the squeeze you noted was possible. This got me to over 80% heading into the last board. Bd.8 I balanced with double. West raised himself to 2♠️. North bid 3♥️ doubled by east for penalty. I tried 3NT around to east who again doubled. I redoubled. West led the ♣️King overtaken by east’s ace! Now the contract was cold except on this trick I greedily discarded my third ♠️! The horrible ♦️ break meant I was down now. Bridge ping pong. 0% and 72% overall. Lol