Weekly Intuitive Astrology of Aug 28 to Sept 4 ~ Virgo New Moon, Mercury Direct, Big Sept Energies

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Molly McCord

Molly McCord

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We close out August with Mercury stationing direct on August 28 and Venus entering Libra on August 29, where she is super charged by numerous cosmic forces into September. Venus in Libra trines Pluto RX in Aquarius, trines Sedna in Gemini (Air Grand Trine!), conjunct Super Galactic Center at 2 deg Libra, conjunct the South Node and conjunct Black Moon Lilith - wowzers! The first 11 degrees of Libra will be highly active into October. Relational changes are being ordered by the cosmos! September 1st brings zany Uranus stationing retrograde at 27 deg Taurus just as Pluto retro re-enters Capricorn on the same day. Bring the higher frequencies of Pluto’s journey through Aquarius since January into your earthly experiences, especially as you notice how much you’ve transformed in less than 9 months. Don’t allow the group or others to dictate your path. The Virgo New Moon at 11 degrees on Sept 2 invites a quiet reflection and listening opportunity, with the gifts of being more intentional and grounded as eclipse season begins. Much more to share in this week’s podcast.
~~ How To Read Your Solar Return Chart - Discover the main astrology themes and energies on your birthday as Molly teaches you how to interpret your solar return chart over 8 online courses. Use code BIRTHDAY to get it for 50% off now! www.mollymccor...
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2024 Soul Growth Astrology Webinars ~ The major astrology of 2024 and how the energies will show up in your natal chart, including the 4 Mercury retrogrades, powerful Venus energy in June, 4 eclipse points, a Galactic Grand Trine, Sedna in Gemini, Pluto in Aquarius, Jupiter in Gemini, and more. Wow! Use code HALFWAY to get it for only $22 USD ~ www.mollymccor...
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~ Channeling Your Cosmic Connections - A guided visualization and meditation for opening up to your cosmic support team. www.mollymccor...
~~~~~ Beginner: Astrology 101 Course For Your Soul's Growth
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Molly McCord, M.A., has been studying and professionally practicing Western Tropical astrology for over 30 years. She is a bestselling author of ten books, professional intuitive astrologer, podcaster, business strategist, and modern consciousness teacher. Molly has a B.A. in Political Science and Women’s Studies, and a Master’s degree in International Relations and Diplomacy as a formal channel for understanding Global Consciousness with a Jungian perspective. With over 25 years of sales, marketing, business development, and leadership experience, Molly aims to support more entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, healers, and authors build their dream business in practical, solid ways. www.MollyMcCord...

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@MollyMcCordAstrology 16 күн бұрын
~~ How To Read Your Solar Return Chart - Discover the main astrology themes and energies on your birthday as Molly teaches you how to interpret your solar return chart over 8 online courses. Use code BIRTHDAY to get it for 50% off now! www.mollymccord.online/solar-return-course
@jennydaniel513 11 күн бұрын
I bought this last year and it’s been super informative this year!!
@theincog-negro7091 16 күн бұрын
Cannot tell you how important this content is during these trying times.
@bethbartlett5692 16 күн бұрын
Remember: "You hold the ability to make it "any-way You desire it to be." Focus on anything that feels good, is exciting, and Play in Your Passions. Then you achieve that Higher Vibe Frequency and then Visualize your Desires and step into it with all 5 senses, See it, Feel it, Taste it, Hear it, and Smell it. Focus there and feel the energies filling your desire order. Quiet Mind aka Meditate, 15 minutes Daily, and that will absolutely change your reality. Copy of my Comment: ☀️We create all of our Own Reality ... the "Universal Law of Attraction" is Absolute. It is a Choice: Venus in Libra, (by now she has vast Empowered Energies in Reserve, through her Transits over the past 3 - 4 Years.), available for everyone, particularly those with Venus in Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini. 🔑 Establish a habit of being: "Conscious in Thought" + "Applying Higher Mind" (Where all our Positive Thought Energies and Wisdom reside.) ✨ Weekly Reminder ✓ .
@hollycourtney221 16 күн бұрын
I couldn’t have said it better. So grateful ❤
@PanthasEmpressOracle 16 күн бұрын
Too true🌟
@Jillady 14 күн бұрын
Absolutely 💯💛
@jesswolfe3737 13 күн бұрын
@brianmcveigh6632 16 күн бұрын
Wonderful reflection.. I'm a student of political science .I have pulled back from the media, but I'm still interested.... 15 years ago, i chose to turn in my colleagues who were embezzling millions of dollars.. it was a life changing decision .
@earthdancing 16 күн бұрын
I have been dropping things courageously and like crazy! Ready for the new confidence and trust the freaking process, but can feel an inner preparation for a new kind of life. Thank you Molly.
@gaellelebray 16 күн бұрын
I have Pluto at 8 degrees of Libra!! Finally I am expressing what I need with authenticity… it feels brand new as I discovered recently that I have ADHD and for decades I tried to keep the mask on which was incredibly tiring and clearly attracted the wrong people in my life. Now I am just super authentic and vulnerable and share this is who I am 😊🙏 and I couldn’t care less whether they like me or not.
@enoch4499 16 күн бұрын
Celebrating with you!🎉 I also just got my ADHD diagnosis and the meds are WORKING. I'm finally not overwhelmed by little things. Almost 30 years before I finally felt normal and happy.
@theanadevine 12 күн бұрын
@UncheckTheBox 16 күн бұрын
EVERY TIME, Molly, EVERY TIME! Another home run! We got this Starseeds!🫂❤️ Thanks Molly ❤❤❤
@Briggette-B3M 16 күн бұрын
I really felt the shift today! It felt like something was happening but I don't know what. Looking forward to September and quiet days while children are at school.😊
@joehernandez2461 16 күн бұрын
Go Molly. We love it. You're a gift to all of us awakening our intuitive perspective and expanding.
@SM-oz4jy 16 күн бұрын
Absolutely spot on as ever! Thank you for your clear articulation and cosmic translation!
@wandRng 16 күн бұрын
It already started for me a week ago..two different family members trying to use guilting my heart space to have me bend to their will, it's not happening anymore, it's on them what they think of me. They have their agenda, I have mine. Still won't stop me from loving them, albeit distantly.
@andreawillis-bh1wl 16 күн бұрын
Pay back the money GOAT, you know it's the right thing to do!
@andreawillis-bh1wl 16 күн бұрын
Have a heart, don't take advantage of old people, greedy guts
@wandRng 16 күн бұрын
@aquariusstar7248 15 күн бұрын
I can't get over how I write things in my journal and like a few hours , even minutes later, you powerful channelers and teachers say exactly what I wrote. Guess I'm getting the same downloads and it goes to show how we are all connected through divine source. I was getting the downloads abt comparison and codependent patterns in relationships where I am always being a yes person but I have been putting the brakes on that pattern though challenging to break because it is a strong habit. I have been feeling so much better and less resentful. Also, living my own life and staying focused on what I want to do rather than being focused on what other ppl want me to do and be. I have Uranus in Libra conj midheaven but rx so I'm cautious abt being harsh and rebellious against other's wishes but learning how to follow my higher guidance and then let ppl be responsible for their own feelings even if it means I end up being alone. Have Pluto in Libra 1° 39' and my AC is Sag 27°. So I have points at the galactic and super galactic centers. Interesting! But Pluto square AC is tough!
@gracewithfire 16 күн бұрын
Thank you for this Confirmation, Molly. These are what I’ve been reflecting on lately, how I need to pull my energy back from some group involvements as I’ve given so much and people just sit back and wait for me to do the “group” work for everyone, yet I’ve also been feeling so alone, and even “wrong.” This strengthens me so in my decision.
@phylscalzo2214 16 күн бұрын
@adub-111 16 күн бұрын
My nervous system has been fubar since 2020 when I moved to FL. I'm guessing this is too close to a meridian in Astro cartography!! 😆 Been quite a rough go - on top of all the years of rough go's prior to that!!! 🎉 Preesh Prof M
@cocofrog1976 16 күн бұрын
With not a lot of water in my chart, sounds like I’ll be spending some time in the bath 💦
@cindylayman4540 16 күн бұрын
🙏🥰 I love you, Molly 🦉 You are AMAZING dear sister 🌟
@mahalakshmipradeep8444 16 күн бұрын
Thank You loved your message as usual ❤
@gaellelebray 16 күн бұрын
Hopefully I catch you live tomorrow Molly ❤
@Joelsmalldance 16 күн бұрын
Molly is the best intuitive Astrologer out there. ❤ As always, another great podcast episode.
@InisMor 14 күн бұрын
@GinaMariaOpalescent 16 күн бұрын
Once again I think you are talking to me. Half of it is where I think I am going and the other half is what I'm intuiting for the future. So fun to listen to more than once!!🎉
@Peacethroughtarot 13 күн бұрын
Dear Molly. Your channeled message spoke to me. The part about being taken advantage of - it relates to my parents. I was out walking and listened to your video and I remembered the property they manage back home and how a few family members are their tenants. They pay little in rent and my parents have been generous to them over the years. When you got to the part about kindergarteners, it reminded me that one of my family members is an elementary school teacher. I wish I could do something about their situation, but it is really for my parents to sort that out.
@toshiamartin6909 15 күн бұрын
Thanks Molly I listen every week on my Thursday morning walk with my dog. This is such a gift.
@fergusryan1486 14 күн бұрын
Molly, your service and wisdom are fully appreciated 🙏💐🙏
@leahshaver875 16 күн бұрын
Thank you for this thorough discussion of the week ahead and then some. High value content for me.
@francyduska556 16 күн бұрын
Ever since I listened to this podcast, I've had the song Intergalactic by the Beastie Boys running through my head.
@Numina_ 15 күн бұрын
Hey Molly and and Everyone😊 my solar return is on sept 1. I’m a natal 12th house sun and mercury in Virgo. Libra rising and Venus dominant. The pluto retrograde is going to roll back into my 4th house 🏡 and we are selling our home and relocating! Astrology is amazing. We have put so much work into our old home for the past 8 years as it was abandoned and I really hope someone else can enjoy the charming and safe little home we’ve brought to our neighborhood. Please send my little family good energy/ prayers as this is a very emotional and intense time for us❤❤❤ Love to you all ✨
@Numina_ 15 күн бұрын
Just a little side comment: I think that as a Libra rising, the children’s story of Ms.Rumphius has been with me my whole life. It’s a truth I try to embody. Planting flowers and beauty for all to enjoy.
@ROOTED2MOTHER 14 күн бұрын
I have a burst of energy and I feel like I see the light after a LOOOOONG dark night of the soul! I got up and cleaned my home for the first time IN A MONTH! I am also coming out of burnout (I hope)
@sebyaalexander6800 16 күн бұрын
Thank you Molly for your content ❤❤❤ love you.
@melissacannard808 16 күн бұрын
Mahalo for such Divinely guided information to help us navigate these very intense times❤ Hearing this video today, absolutely changed a trajectory in my life into a positive, more healing direction❤🎉
@abundant_AF 11 күн бұрын
The part about returning to an old school and not feeling like you fit there - could not be more fitting for how I’m feeling right now. Brilliant as usual, Molly. ❤
@jessicawritesthings 16 күн бұрын
So helpful ❤ that Lilith energy is sounding fierce! My pluto is conjunct the upcoming eclipse @ 10° libra, had no idea there’s a super galactic center right there as well. The transformation machine will be firing on all cylinders and I’m SO ready after a 10-year dark night of the soul. I learn so much from you every time I listen, thank you Molly for doing god’s work!
@isha_shah 16 күн бұрын
@Iggy0Aquarius 16 күн бұрын
Excellent timing!!! 😁🤩🙌🏻
@InisMor 14 күн бұрын
What a fantastic update Molly, on so many levels. Incredibly helpful. Thank you so much.
@HeatherCaulfieldART 16 күн бұрын
This Libra says -Totally!
@ModernAmazon 16 күн бұрын
For sure🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 mesmerising solar return 🎉🎉🎉dharma vs karma
@IamAya7 15 күн бұрын
Thank you, Molly, immensely! You are amazing ❤ I was actually shocked when I realised recently that I was such a people pleaser! OMG! It was a training from childhood to earn love, make peace between people, that others are more important than me. And acted this way in my all relationship. I actually amazed how consciousness works and how we are able to hide things from ourselves. This podcast is so confirming. 🙏❤
@jessicawalters9800 13 күн бұрын
This feels like you are speaking directly to me and what I am currently experiencing. Thank you so much 🙏
@lumi4eva270 16 күн бұрын
Thank you. I appreciate you. ❤
@thereselyons4777 16 күн бұрын
Thank you, Molly! I love your videos!
@julie.kolker 16 күн бұрын
Thank you always, dear 🌹🌟🌿
@mariateresaemotionalmusings 16 күн бұрын
North Node in Libra at 13 degrees and Pluto in Libra at 16 degrees. I definitely feel the endings and am excited for the new beginnings. I listened again to your episode about Neptune in Pisces at 29 degrees, originally posted in May of this year. It's wild how much I've observed within myself just since May! That was when my partner survived a major heart attack and our relationship shifted tremendously. Allowing myself to be still, slow and silent whenever I can helps me embrace the void I've been dancing with for months now. I'm a bit impatient for the newness to begin yet I understand and accept the final completion is very necessary. Putting a solid period at the end of a lot. I'm getting an opportunity to witness the new me with family this weekend that I haven't spent time with in over a year. It feels like so much more time has lapsed because of all the deep healing I've done ✅ As always Molly, your messages are 🎯 and very appreciated ❤
@bethbartlett5692 16 күн бұрын
I have NN in Libra @ 19° mines in 8th H. ..
@mariateresaemotionalmusings 16 күн бұрын
@@bethbartlett5692 mine is in the 4th house, both my Libra points are 🙏
@Highvibesgirl 16 күн бұрын
Wowww! Spot on for me! Thank you! ❤
@monicavigil3475 16 күн бұрын
Thank you 💚🕯️
@rogue_ascension 16 күн бұрын
Thank you, Molly! ❤
@territinkess3366 15 күн бұрын
Love you Molly 🤗. I have been listening to you for about 5 yrs and your intuitive information you share has been spot on for me and helped me through some difficult times with Grace and trust and showing up authenticity. Very grateful for all u share and for your vulnerability with putting yourself out here in the world 💖. Namaste 🙏☮️💝
@greg6895 16 күн бұрын
Thanks Molly ✌🙏🇨🇦
@sonjazuercherspirit 15 күн бұрын
Thank You 🙏 I enjoy your content and the way you read the charts.
@MsGaella 16 күн бұрын
I have Mars conjunct Uranus in early degrees of cancer. Looking forward to creating Home!
@palma9835 15 күн бұрын
Big stuff! Perfectly resonates. So validating. ❤🎉
@sarahbjelobaba2667 16 күн бұрын
Thank you Molly and I’m interested what this may look like as my ascendant is 2 degrees in Libra. Just after this I have the North Node conjunct my vertex & moon in my 7th house.
@queeniestephenson6805 16 күн бұрын
Thanks for the heads up! My Natal Mars ♋️Rx. Will be spending time in the jacuzzi . Appreciate you Molly!🔥♥️
@debbyrichards5618 16 күн бұрын
I came back in as i decided to delete my comment. I am very glad I did as someone had posted a comment reply to mine which was just off. They had no idea what my chart was. Then also added another comment that it would be deleted again anyway? I wanted to state I deleted this comment not Molly. I do not know the person that commented, at least not the name they used here. Thank you again Molly for the heads up.
@andreawillis-bh1wl 16 күн бұрын
Don't want to digest the truth?
@debbyrichards5618 16 күн бұрын
I know my truth thanks.
@ksallee82 15 күн бұрын
Thank you so much for all you do ❤ much appreciated, beautiful sister
@Chapps1941 16 күн бұрын
Venus conjuncting the SN on my 6° NN with BML in my 4th. Which is Square my Asc/Dsc. Phew! Sheesh!
@kellydavies9699 13 күн бұрын
Oh my goodness, Molly! This was so on point as always❤ thank you so much for helping make sense of things that don't from a 3D perspective 🙏🏻
@sandywright7554 16 күн бұрын
Thank you Molly! 🙏 ❤
@woooohooooayo 16 күн бұрын
@alicefelice_ 15 күн бұрын
Thank you Molly. On Sunday Sept. the 1st I am turning to be 50 yrs young (feel much younger ovviously😅). I feel it i my gut with in few months after the new moon and eclipses big changes aareon the horizon. H. Birthday to my dear Virgos❤🎉
@_l_1343 16 күн бұрын
I didn t know until today, that my natal pluto at 2° libra is conjunct supergalactic center! Ty molly! I wonder what it is, since venus will be there and transiting pluto is conjunct my descendant at 1° aqua. Fun fact, i also have sag moon at 25°, very close to galactic center ☺️ and i keep listen to you and this 7° libra is exact my sun moon midpoint! How interesting!
@lwamp5230 16 күн бұрын
@Penumbras1919 15 күн бұрын
Thank you 🙏🏻 this was so helpful and I feel hope after a long time in darkness
@theanadevine 12 күн бұрын
It’s so crazy. I paused the video to find my charger, and was realizing “damn I need to figure out some new staple foods and meals because a lot of the time I’m seeking to eat for energetic grounding, and these current foods aren’t really serving.” I plug in and restart, and she goes in on “you may find yourself seeking new nutrients”. It gets me every time.
@jima3345 16 күн бұрын
Natal Venus at 2 Libra conjunct Neptune at 3. Thankfully the universe is validating what I've sensed coming on for several years (strong Uranian influences). The people pleaser in me was always aware of an inner hesitation - recently discovered Human Design and being MG 6-2 Hermit emotional authority. I'll admit to attempts at explaining myself, but usually ending confusing myself (channel 47-64) unconscious in HD.
@jima3345 15 күн бұрын
My natal super galactic center is at 29 deg. 17 min of Virgo. I wasn't even aware of the existence of super galactic center prior to viewing this video. It's been like experiencing an epiphany for me. 🙏
@helenajoern8793 16 күн бұрын
Thank You ♥
@adriennekelley6579 16 күн бұрын
This is on point, amazing!
@preshizmp5797 16 күн бұрын
This is my most watched channel…washing dishes, cleaning litter boxes, applying makeup, preparing/eating food, lying in bed, 🚽🧻…jk! 😂. But seriously, I usually watch each video multiple times 😄❤
@woooohooooayo 16 күн бұрын
@LisaSida 15 күн бұрын
My natal North Node is at 27 degrees of Taurus where Uranus is hanging out at the moment also very close to Algol at 26 degrees of Taurus!! I’m not sure whether to be scared or excited!! I know I’ve never discovered my life path, instead paying service to family, I have always felt stuck even though I put the energetic work in to try and feel movement in my life. I’m hoping that this will finally heal the after affects of being in a narcissistic marriage for years but still feeling the affects of it years on. I pray this is a new start for me and my life’s direction and finally feel peace and happy in my own skin. Keeping everything crossed, I’m guessing the nxt few months whilst Uranus is at this point isn’t going to be a walk in the park, but hopefully the final outcome will be transformational at the tender age of 58!! 🙏🙏☀️
@LeeMunchalchemy 16 күн бұрын
Aren’t there 6 planets in alignment today? I’ve been trying to find out what’s the significance of it all!
@sovereign.spirit 16 күн бұрын
Thank you so much ❤
@mjspyt7777 15 күн бұрын
whew, I have Venus trine Pluto natally in my chart (12H & 4H) and when you talked about being a people pleaser, you hit the nail in the head. Now that Venus is in my 4H and 8H I have to learn to speak my mind, break barriers, and 'shake the table'. I consider myself a nice person but I've ben taken advantage of for so long and today I had an experience that reminded me of that.
@RootandElevate 16 күн бұрын
amazing. Thank you
@timkeenan306 16 күн бұрын
Thank you Molly
@leslieread556 16 күн бұрын
Mercury stationing-direct & trining Chiron in Aries…in my 3rd third house of communication: “Approaching from a healed place that sets you free…” After LIFETIMES!! August 29 Venus in Virgo…moves into Libra…trining Pluto retrograde in Aquarius. Pluto is asking Venus to supercharge her needs!!! lol…I don’t EVEN know what that would LOOK like since everything, literally, had been taken away. Everything. September 5, Venus conjunct Black Moon Lilith, and conjunct the south node. Cannot even tell you how important this one is!! 😅🔥🔥 “…too much people pleasing” That was a necessity as the karma of certain non-dual teachers was deliberately foisted on his shoulders…and I was silenced under threat forbidding myself to be me! This was, most definitely, breaking the pattern of lifetime of being too nice, of being a people pleaser to the detriment of myself. …AND feeling so much lighter and freer. From 2008, when I experienced a character assassination through the next 12 to 15 years, I slowly started opening up about the existential abuse at the hands of spiritual teachers! What a Pluto transit!! Regarding your question: While I pay close, close attention to what is going on in the political sphere, I am not attached to personalities, outcomes, etc., etc. That may seem contradictory, but it’s true. Thank you Molly!! -Leslie
@shhhmoney 12 күн бұрын
Soooooooooo incredibly grateful for you Molly!!! Thank you so much for this video. I felt a shift on 31st August. I love this Virgo energy as a Scorpio but this Pluto in Capricorn is like music for my cap rising! I cannot express my excitement ❤❤🎉😂 it’s overwhelming but also amazing🔮🗣️
@ElizabethHalloway-nz7wb 16 күн бұрын
I surely hope that the world's madness chills out with Mars Cancer. I am a political .beast but i know when to unplug, my moon is in Cancer.
@robotpirateld 15 күн бұрын
Wow Molly. So on-point. Thank you. ❤
@ashleyeugene 15 күн бұрын
I’m at 1607 and I had to say… and let you know how funny it is that you said that about you, my husband I’m contemplating recently asked me for $200 for Shoes because he was spending so much money on other listings that he wanted to choose and you needed money for them. My Venus is libra. My Sun and mercury are Leo and my Chiron is in Aries 🤣🤣 this is explaining my life right now 😂 thank you for reminding us to just say what we feel all the time because even if it’s silly, it’s perfect for someone 🙏🏽
@philippala 15 күн бұрын
As always great insight! Thank you Molly!
@jerrimuhammad2308 15 күн бұрын
This is what I’ve been feeling! Yes “nice” girl has to go. Natal- Pluto is in 13 degrees in Libra in 6H; progressed 12degrees in 5H ♎️ 😊
@brittanyeg 15 күн бұрын
So much confirmation. Thank you ❤
@susanpatton2210 15 күн бұрын
Thankyou Molly a resonating message❤
@woooohooooayo 16 күн бұрын
@deborahfawver4393 14 күн бұрын
You're awesome Molly! 😊
@bethbartlett5692 16 күн бұрын
☀️We create all of our Own Reality ... the "Universal Law of Attraction" is Absolute. It is a Choice: Venus in Libra, (by now she has vast Empowered Energies in Reserve, through her Transits over the past 3 - 4 Years.), available for everyone, particularly those with Venus in Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini. 🔑 Establish a habit of being: "Conscious in Thought" + "Applying Higher Mind" (Where all our Positive Thought Energies and Wisdom reside.) ✨ Weekly Reminder ✓
@andreawillis-bh1wl 16 күн бұрын
Morticia, the poison dwarf, was your choice?
@andreawillis-bh1wl 16 күн бұрын
Let's breed
@andreawillis-bh1wl 16 күн бұрын
@kmbrlia 16 күн бұрын
Grateful for this content, Molly
@pathway2newjurnes220 14 күн бұрын
Thank you Molly ❤
@teenafancihyatt6756 16 күн бұрын
@belieftransformation 14 күн бұрын
Thanks for sharing! 🤗🇨🇦
@kimfoster3453 13 күн бұрын
Wow. I have 1st house Mars in Cancer ♋️ and ♋️ ascendant. This period should continue to teach me a lot about my Mars placement ~ which at times feels somewhat incongruent 🙏🏼
@kristielynn5801 14 күн бұрын
6 months in a spa sounds brilliant for my native mars (and moon) in Cancer! Ahhh. 🌊💦
@shivalingam578 15 күн бұрын
My Ascendant is at the 1 degree of Libra.... wow, lots happening!✨️✨️
@encompassoneness 16 күн бұрын
My birthday is Sept 17th 🙄
@wandRng 15 күн бұрын
Happy almost birthday!!
@suzyanderson7395 16 күн бұрын
@sunasenman6782 12 күн бұрын
So right on! I have a family member that I have helped beyond reason who is trying to emotionally blackmail me into giving her a huge sum of money. I decided to be totally silent with her.
@brenmose9439 14 күн бұрын
Lol, my DC is at 11°43 of Libra, and I will say that I'm definitely seeing the need to change how I interact in my relationships. I thought I had it down, but I get the feeling this is the final test with the final boss of toxic partners.
@zaazletsgo1944 16 күн бұрын
@SabineKaufmann-kw1yd 16 күн бұрын
@rachfa6240 4 күн бұрын
Molly , your shoes example exactly happened to me. I bought a pair of shoes and a day after asked me to lend him money. And I said No Then he left me.
@camilladanilda7787 13 күн бұрын
AC 2 Libra and Uranus 8 degree. Am I ready? 😂 Molly you awesome❤
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