You explained it so well from a non-technical perspective and helped me understood technical terms (in chinese), which i really struggle when i want to explain concepts to my chinese counterparts.
@@Scandinavians 國外很多人已經快把ChatGPT玩爛了,各種測試跟玩下限。 甚至還有DAN Do Anything Now, GPT的越獄版。
@黄祥-p6m Жыл бұрын
@wgemini4422 Жыл бұрын
据说你在国内问它它会说习近平是中国伟大领袖。Lol 不过它本来的目的就是拟人,没有偏见还叫啥拟人呢?而机器最终其实还是人控制的。这也是为啥当橘红圣经警告世人"Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a human mind.", 它并不是担心机器会统治人类,而是担心机器背后的人居心叵测。