👍🙏 A great and sunny 🌞 November to you Ged ... I'm retired in HH almost 2 years on a FIXED UK pension 🤔 whereas my mate in Philippines receives all UK pension increases 🤔 can you enlighten me why the difference between Thailand & Philippines ... Cheers 👍🙏
@thailandmyland...retiringd2351Ай бұрын
@@Merq-ko8di Thanks mate. High season now and the wet season is over so plenty of sun. I hope that the weather is good where you are. Cheers Ged
@thailandmyland...retiringd2351Ай бұрын
Sorry I didn't see the whole message before I answered. As far as I know the pension only rises with countries with reciprocal rights, which the Philippines are for some reason but Thailand isn't. There are some European countries with reciprocal rights. My mum came to live in Australia and her pension was frozen when she left as it's not a reciprocal country. I hope that this helps
@thailandmyland...retiringd2351Ай бұрын
@@Merq-ko8di Also I think that if you go back and tell them you are back living in England then they adjust it to the current rate. Then you can leave the country again with the last rise. Do your own research on this as the rules change all of the time Cheers Ged
@Merq-ko8diАй бұрын
Many thanks for the info ... the UK pension keeps me here financially , not in luxury but shopping around anyone can find a lifestyle that suits them in HH 🙏👍🙏