For spiritual practitioners, Mt. Shasta and Sedona ( in Arizona) are two sacred places, because both of them have special energies. If you go to these two places, you will likely find many unusual people, and a lot of spiritual programs there. Both are interesting places to visit. Thanks Wenzhao for this imaginative video. Before I have never Linked Mt. Shasta with Mt. Kailash.
nonsense! That is all I can say. 神造人整个是逗你玩,看着不顺眼了,全宰了再来。 只有人才需要人来赞美。真神的话,不杀生,不起事端,从一开始就创造出一个完美世界,包括人,然后心静如水,让世界永远和平永存,让人与神同在。这耶稣再次显世,更是古人设置的管理人们行为的老套路,你要乖乖的,否则会这么这么。时时把坦白从宽抗拒从严的紧箍咒挂在嘴边,不认罪你就死定了。