What do the Chinese Think of Mao Zedong in 2024? 中国人如何看待毛泽东?Mao in China

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Dashu Mandarin 大叔中文

Dashu Mandarin 大叔中文

Ай бұрын

How do Chinse people think of Mao Zedong in 2024?
Uncle Can talk about China politics, Chinese communist party and Chairman Mao.
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@dashumandarin Ай бұрын
Please click CC for english subtitle 英语字幕在CC
@paulm8501 Ай бұрын
@_ninja_nic Ай бұрын
@sargentopimienta5190 Ай бұрын
@professorprofessorson8795 Ай бұрын
The history lessons are very interesting
@dashumandarin Ай бұрын
Thank you!
@SocialismoComCaracteristicasBR Ай бұрын
首先,我真的很想感謝璨叔給我們這個真棒的視頻而且提到這個非常有趣的主題!有機會聽到中國人對這些與中國相關的話題的看法總是特別的豐富。其次,璨叔說得很明智,絕大多數(尤其是外國人)對中國政治和毛澤東這個中國歷史人物的了解比較淺薄。 不幸的是,西方媒體很大一部分來自一群少數被資本主義政府資助的報社和公司。 目的就是妖魔化共產主義還有任何社會主義國家並且扭曲這些國家的歷史來保持資本主義的食人制度。毛主席的一生毫無疑問犯過一些錯誤,但是歸根到底,毛澤東和中國共產黨是打敗反動派的,領導中華人民得到解放的並且結束了百年國恥。沒有共產黨,就沒有新中國! 中國革命之前的中國是世界上最貧窮的國家之一,預期壽命最低的國家之一,但是中國革命之後的中國變成了一個有主權的國家,真正獨立而自由的一個國家。中國花了70年時間完成資本主義國家幾百年才完成的任務。 最後,作為一個人巴西人,我想說毛主席的一生,著作還有意識形態至今仍然是在給我們被侵略和殖民的國家人民巨大的啟發。 我全心全意相信巴西人民把毛澤東的教導應用在巴西現實上的那一天,巴西也將變成一個像中國一樣偉大的國家,真正獨立而自由的一個國家。 鑒於這一切,我自豪地說: 世界人民大團結萬歲!馬列毛主義萬歲!新中國萬歲!未來的巴西革命萬歲!中巴友誼萬歲! 🚩🚩 ☭ 🇧🇷🇨🇳 ☭ 🚩🚩
@dashumandarin Ай бұрын
@jeisen Ай бұрын
哇这个星期学到了”揪“的两个用法 - 揪花瓣 跟 揪反动派。谢谢大叔们!
@dashumandarin Ай бұрын
真棒! 这样就更生动地明白揪的意思了
@karogod Ай бұрын
@heramb575 Ай бұрын
Pinyin and Chinese characters captions are way too small
@uvbe Ай бұрын
watch on a computer instead of a tiny mobile screen. They're normal sized. In any case, you can activate youtube CC and customize it to make it bigger.
@patriot813 Ай бұрын
What do you think of a captain being 'immoral' ? Can't you reform a country using moral principles ? Have you ever imagined China being reformed without massive slaughters, hunger, cannibalism, violence.... ? Your analysis is mostly based on economic standards. I was expecting a less biased analysis and an honest answer to "What do the Chinese Think of Mao Zedong in 2024? "
@edineifacioli3919 Ай бұрын
Just because it does not follows the script of your western propaganda, it does not mean that it is a "biased" analysis. In fact, to move from the objective economic conditions to a subjective moral analysis would produce something really poor, like your comment. "massive slaughters, hunger, cannibalism" lol. Where did you get this from?
@likeforsure Ай бұрын
How's the fentanyl tasting?
@your-mom-irl Ай бұрын
Mao was moral. Your morals might not align with his, because you don't see economic exploitation under capitalism as morally reprehensible, but that doesn't make him immoral.
@pansaltman Ай бұрын
@@edineifacioli3919 There are thousands of reports and memories written by your fellow citizens who lived and survived the nightmare of maoism. I wonder if they are available in China. You do not need the "western propaganda" to know that. Do you think ethical point of view is not important? So you are the product of maoism and its brain washing. Have you heard e.g. of Nobel Award Winner Liu Xiaobo who died in Chinese prison? have you heard of Tiananmen massacre? By the way, I wonder if you could lead such a disscussion in your country and for how long before police arrive in your place. Of course nowadays you are not so proud of communist ideology ( having so many millionaires and billionares,) so you changed communism for nationalism, but the disgusting style of your propaganda is the same as in the time of Mao.
@pansaltman Ай бұрын
@@edineifacioli3919 There is enough evidence from Chinese citizens, in thousands. Most of them banned in China. No need using "Western propaganda"
@user-vp6fh8gx7z Ай бұрын
I think he is a horrible leader, but without him, a new China wouldn't exist. I found out that even Deng Xiaoping could not fully reform because of extreme leftists in the party, such as Li Peng, Yao Yilin, Deng Liqun, and Chen Yun. I watched videos on KZbin showing Chinese poverty inland and wealth near coastal areas. I don't know how to solve this problem.
@edineifacioli3919 Ай бұрын
毛泽东和中国共产党以前,China was the poorest country in the world. Colony of more than 8 imperialistic nations, more than 90% of Chinas population were illiterate, etc. Mao and the communist party solved all of this and paved the way to what China is today. Your standard of what is to be a good leader seems pretty broken. Who would you point out as a good one?
@jac_wie1132 Ай бұрын
⁠@@edineifacioli3919no They didnt… compared to the capitalist and democratic run countries like Japan, SouthKorea, etc. China stayed extremley poor till they also finally adopted capitalism in the 90. Without Mao Zedong and the communist Party Chinas GDP per Capita would probably be much higher, comparable to Taiwan nowadays. Maos „great jump“ and the other refoms lead to the death of million chinese.Mao can be Seen in a line With Hitler, Stalin, etc. How can you defend such a person…
@stephan8294 Ай бұрын
​@@edineifacioli3919esses gringo é foda, deve ser americano c ctz pra ele falar umas baboseira dessa kkkkkk
@andreykuzmin2175 Ай бұрын
You say incorrect thing. Stalin and Mao were good friends. Relations between the Soviet Union and China deteriorated after Khrushchev exposed the cult of Stalin.
@noahpeng1689 Ай бұрын
He's right. Stalin preferred Chiang Kai-shek. Stalin believed that Mao Zedong was the second Tito. Mao Zedong did not like Stalin, but he hated Khrushchev even more and opposed public criticism of Stalin. In addition, Mao Zedong did not like Sun Yat-sen, but Mao Zedong would not criticize Sun Yat-sen on any public occasion.
@andreykuzmin2175 29 күн бұрын
@@noahpeng1689 What you say in nonsense: how could communist Stalin prefer capitalist Ching Kai-shek.
@pansaltman Ай бұрын
My replies have been deleted several times. This is how open "discussion with Chinese characteristics" looks like.
@dashumandarin Ай бұрын
我们没有删过你的言论,不然你连这条评论也不会显示。因为油管有功能是可以一次性永久删除你在这个频道的所有评论,所以一定是你之前的评论有很多内容是有问题的 被油管自动过滤掉了,包括如果你发一些广告什么的也会被自动过滤掉。所以请不要给我们'扣帽子',谢谢
@pansaltman Ай бұрын
@@dashumandarin Sir, I posted no advertisements or links, just a comment to some of other comments below your analysis , not to you directly. Though my opinion about Mao, based on many historical sources of various authors (mostly Chinese ones) is much more negative than yours (obviously, you are the product of your state education). And, unlike you, I have freedom to express my view. Who deleted them, I have no idea, can only guess, Ido not thinkI broke any You Tube restrictions . By the way, I like your language programmes, however my Mandarine is not good enough to use the language on such difficult topics.
@rdrum4206 Ай бұрын
@@pansaltman Your opinion is also fully-formed by your state education. It is not a coincidence that the countries that colonized and impoverished China, that fought wars to keep China dependent on their economic output (read: opium) has a negative opinion of the man who liberated China from the imperialists. The Chinese revolution is still the largest mass-movement in history. Under Mao, life expectancy was doubled, infant mortality halved, literacy rates were more than tripled. These are amazing successes, you'll struggle to find anything comparable from any other figure in history.
@edineifacioli3919 Ай бұрын
@pansaltman how do you reach the conclusion the channel deleted your comment?? If that was the case, why this comment still here? Indeed, your western "freedom" of thought is so enlightening lol
@pansaltman Ай бұрын
@@rdrum4206 I am a citizen of a former communist country and know and remember what communism is. You say Mao liberated China, but you should say that he enslaved the nations of China, destryed the culture, history, killed and tortured tens of millions of people. The ecomic growth of modern China is really very impressive brcause Chinese people are smart and can work hard, but at what cost. Germany is also a prosperous country, but can you imagine NSDAP at power now and portraits of Hitler everywhere?
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