What Does Using Meth Feel Like? Meth Effects and Dangers

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@Soberdogs 3 ай бұрын
YEA YEA YEA, What up all you wonderful Soberdogs and Soberdogettes, Your love and support is the fuel that keeps everything rolling!! 🐕‍🦺If you would like to help support Soberdogs please check out our PATREON page - www.patreon.com/soberdog. To chat and see more awesome behind the scenes follow our IG- @soberdogs2 TIKTOK - @soberdogs
@forgottensage-o5o 2 ай бұрын
Hey Soberdog, do you have merchandise? Literally if you made stuff with your different face expressions I'd buy it. Plus you could do other stuff.
@rangerofthenorth2850 Жыл бұрын
Brief ex meth addict here. Was on it for about 3 months straight and literally had to move to a different country to get off it. 3 years clean now. If you're reading this thinking you wanna try it. Or maybe that you can control it. Thinking that you can maybe just do it on weekends. Etc etc etc. Don't do it. Walk away. Update - 4 years clean now! If you're reading this at the start of the journey. It gets much easier. Keep the faith and live!
@Troy-d7y Жыл бұрын
I was also a brief meth user,I could still see where life was going,not in good place. There is no cutting back. Meth gives one a sense of a false sense of reality.
@tommandich-je2tq Жыл бұрын
I have a question? When I did meth I used to want to fuck so bad I was really horns non stop.I remember if I couldn't find a chick I would jack off to porn for hours.Did other do this? Or am I just a wierdo?
@bredenis5 Жыл бұрын
That’s interesting. I did not have the same experience. I used it recreationally for around eight months last year. Had some damn good sex but also lost who knows how many days due to crashing. As soon as I felt like the risks outweigh the benefits I put the rest of it in my attic. On a scale of 1 to 10 I would say that my cravings to use it never go above a two or a three. I guess I’m one of the lucky ones.
@rangerofthenorth2850 Жыл бұрын
@@bredenis5 yes bud you're very lucky. If I could have stuck to recreational use I would have. The crashing led to missing work. Which snowballed into lying and manipulation and guilt. Only to repeat it all the following weekend. Within 2 months I was working around my habit and planning my whole existence around the parties (and yes, the sex!). Luckily I had to relocate due to work and that was a refresh button and I have been drug free since Feb 2020. Used to miss it but over it now. Good on you though my friend 👏
@bredenis5 Жыл бұрын
@@rangerofthenorth2850 Man, I appreciate you being so disclosing here. In retrospect I benefited greatly from having a work from home job with almost 0 oversight. If I had to go in to the office and be seen by my coworkers and be productive I would’ve been gone because you can tell from some of the pictures of me around that time that something was going on. It’s funny at the time you don’t notice it, but looking back on it,I feel a lot of embarrassment. For me, I realized that I had to pump the brakes when I started having missing days and, even though I was sleeping almost every night (had to take benzos and antihistamines though) that I was exhausted to the point where I would lose days to just laying on the couch craving sweets and not having the energy or motivation to do anything that required more effort than opening a bag of chips or going to the bathroom. And let’s say that crash lasted around seven days before you start to feel normal. Well that’s about the time I’d want to do another dose and start the clock all over again so the whole thing just wasn’t sustainable. I know that I was playing with fire and I’m lucky to have gotten away from it relatively unscathed. I can’t say that I crave it at all. Occasionally I’ll think it be nice to have that energy or to be hyper sexual for a little bit, but then I think about the days long crashes and I quickly lose any urge to use. Anyway, glad you’re on the right side of things and you’re doing well. Congratulations man!
@chastitybooker5976 2 жыл бұрын
One of my best friends past away because of meth. She had a heart condition and it caused her to have a heart attack. 😭 She started doing drugs after her 11 year old daughter committed suicide. It was heartbreaking to watch her go downhill.
@jonahjames8915 2 жыл бұрын
Situations like that are so sad. I can't even imagine the pain of losing a child.
@Brandon68plus1 2 жыл бұрын
How horrible. How could any 11 year old take their own life? At least they’re together again.
@johnholmes6741 2 жыл бұрын
Every addict has a sob story. Just ask one. They will never shut up about it. Imbeciles
@6ixxr 2 жыл бұрын
@@Debtmaxxing wth is wrong with you
@chestergardner1 2 жыл бұрын
How long has she done meth?
@AdrienneCasteleijn 9 ай бұрын
My daughter is using meth after 10 years of hauling her out of drug houses moving towns to get away from dealers etc I finally gave up after she attacked me mentally and physically. She is a zombie now I don't know her anymore. It's heartbreaking but now I'm trying to live a peaceful life all I can do is pray for her. To all the mom's going through this God be with you.🙏
@Teenywing 8 ай бұрын
I hope one day soon your daughter realizes how lucky she is to have a mom who loves her so much ❤❤❤
I would never give up on my child. And I've had seriously addicted incarcerated siblings so don't tell me I don't get it.
@Brettmutant 8 ай бұрын
@@THEMADHATTRESS Yo who tf asked you? This is her life, which sounds incredibly heartbreaking and difficult, not some silly little hypothetical you can weigh your ignorant opinion on
@forestsunset9617 8 ай бұрын
@@THEMADHATTRESS judgmental much?
@trayc_e 7 ай бұрын
@skyyynov Жыл бұрын
When I did Meth I felt like a genius. Everything in my brain seemed to connect just like movie Limitless. I felt I was finally able to use all of my brain powers. I went so deep down the rabbit hole I thought I broke “The Code” and I was able to time travel. I remember calling my friend telling him I’m gonna be richer than Elon Musk because I broke the code. But There’s a thin line between genius and insanity. Once I broke the code I went into paranoia thinking the FBI was after me. I became suspicious of every person around me thinking they were all conspiring to take me down because I finally broke the code and was going to set humanity free. Thankfully I got help and brought back to normal. Don’t do meth it will make you crazy
@MahadevanV-jk4vm Жыл бұрын
Ha ha. You went through almost the same shit i went through. Except the fact, that i kept knocking cops doors and try to explain what changes it will bring to the country and world lol.
@LaggardInLove Жыл бұрын
@Marjuuu 11 ай бұрын
What was the code tho 😂😂
@khalilahmad4020 11 ай бұрын
@victorcelmare 10 ай бұрын
whats the code ???? TELL ME !!!!!!!!
@viclopez3306 11 ай бұрын
Meth literally turns you into the devil. Got stuck for 20 years.....just celebrated 7 years sober a few weeks ago. It feels like a new life. Anybody going through THAT, my heart and prayers go out to you. Hang in there, you're not alone.
@rolandthethompsongunner64 10 ай бұрын
If meth turned everyone into a devil who used it. Why didn’t we have s severe meth epidemic after WW2 and Vietnam? Our pilots were given meth in pill form to stay alert especially flying night missions. Maybe some people just aren’t responsible? Or, think it’s fun to stay awake for days which in itself causes the same symptoms meth does. If you force anyone to stay awake for days they will hallucinate. The meth doesn’t cause that. Sleep deprivation does.
@LisaKelly-k8s 10 ай бұрын
God bless you in your continued Holiness in sobriety from meth, in Jesus Holy name! Amen.
@conformistbastard9842 9 ай бұрын
Straight up. If you want to know if the devil is real, there's your ticket to hell. It lets him take over your body like nothing else.
@geoth44 9 ай бұрын
yes, and cocaine users turn evil too. Every hard drug user turns evil, eventually. I've seen it over and over with friends and people I know
@rolandthethompsongunner64 9 ай бұрын
@@geoth44 Turns evil? It’s an addiction not demonic possession. And I kicked a 10 year cocaine addiction myself. I went on to start a business.
@darreneffle4118 Жыл бұрын
i was addicted to it for 13 yrs. pretty much lost everything. sober now for 19 yrs. glad and grateful im still alive. there is recovery from it .
@bigFatMush Жыл бұрын
Are you fat or thin
@bigFatMush Жыл бұрын
Are u a punk
@salvatoreperez5113 Жыл бұрын
Happy 20 years CLEAN
@davidnighten5553 Жыл бұрын
What is it like? As specialy in the first year I mean.
@darreneffle4118 Жыл бұрын
first year was the best and worst. found out the hard way what people cut it with, it antagonized my depression when coming down. learned my new friends would steal all my rent money. and the God i prayed to made sure i felt pain so bad i would never want to feel it again.
@dekka888 Жыл бұрын
I used meth on and off for over 20 yrs. Such a waste of life. I have been clean now for 4 yrs. Thankfully I met a good woman who reintroduced me to travelling and the outdoors which I love doing. Bless her soul....She gives me the strength to keep going.
@D-nice1976 6 ай бұрын
How are u doing today?
@jasonhiebert2032 3 ай бұрын
@@D-nice1976 i’ve done it for 27 years. I’m 42.. I still have all my teeth and a job and a beautiful wife. I don’t think I ever passed it up once I haven’t done it for a year and a half. It’s just not fun anymore.
@D-nice1976 3 ай бұрын
@@jasonhiebert2032 great! So proud of u! Keep ur head up
@RetailTrader-r6e 2 ай бұрын
You can't depend on others ...wat if she leaves you
@coryplace6965 Жыл бұрын
I did meth for 12 years straight I’m 28 months sober now.god I feel great
@LaggardInLove Жыл бұрын
Stay well, my friend ❤
@Taiwangirl410 9 ай бұрын
but cant you just go on then off like?
@coryplace6965 8 ай бұрын
Yep u just get tired of doing it
@davechristian7543 7 ай бұрын
u feel great bc for 12 years u must have felt like u were dyeing pmsl. ya goose.
@NOBLEFILMS1987 5 ай бұрын
@ronthorn3 11 ай бұрын
100% spot on. 3.5 years clean from meth, it destroyed my life, it destroyed my lip, I literally ripped it apart, I couldn’t stop, the meth was so toxic that my wound wouldn’t heal, luckily I have most of it left, and it takes years to get back to normal from meth if you were a daily user for years, stop now! Life DOES get better, I was homeless and sleeping on the street, crying in alleyways, and now I’m in a loving home with dogs and warmth, and I look forward to the little things.
@thugnasty5242 11 ай бұрын
Why did you do it in the first place knowing how destructive it is? Serious question
@Peter-42istheAnswer 11 ай бұрын
He/she did not write anything about what kind of knowledge they had about the drug before trying it the first time. @@thugnasty5242
@coshyno 9 ай бұрын
How long had you been using it ? How long did it take for you do have the desire to get up and do something ? The biggest problem I am having is total lack of motivation will power let alone desire to do anything except sit in bed watch TV and go on my laptops/computer. I was reached 9 month sober from 4 years of everyday all day use and to be honest I still felt like I did the first few weeks, as if my brain was damaged.. during those 4 years I would be awake 3-5 days and sleep at most 2-5 hours at a time using was the first thing I did when I would wake up and I reached a point where I could eat food as much as I wanted as if I wasn't doing any meth so much my tolerance was sky high. I would always fall asleep with my pipe in my hands, worse yet I would pass out literally moments after taking a hit ! So here I am. having relapsed and about to restart the long process of reaching that first month clean then the second and so on.. but what kills me is that my brain seems to be permanently damaged, 9 months clean and I was still in bed sleeping my days away ! They say it takes minimum 2 years for the brain to return to levels of dopamine close to pre meth use and to repair enough to say that there is a noticeable difference all the while knowing that some of the damage is permanent. The only thing keeping me going is my computers and laptops, I help hack scammers who have scammed peoples hard earned money at no cost to the person even if I do succeed in recovering the money.
@peterpancik Жыл бұрын
I easily used to get addicted to every drug I tried but meth was definitively the only drug that I said never again to it.. those lows after 2-3 binge days are so f*king terrible that you are too tired but not able to sleep at the same time accompanied with anxiety, panic attacks and constant thoughts on suicide...
@vivianjusto3726 8 ай бұрын
@donpeace894 5 ай бұрын
Good times
@natahliak7691 5 ай бұрын
What go's up must come down. Hence why I never tried any illegal drug because I know I'll never get off it, and the downers are just not worth it. I've suffered depression many years, and I refuse to deliberately put myself back there so I suppose in one way depression has saved my life. What a cliche.
@EDub513 Жыл бұрын
just realized that’s why they refer to certain drugs as “dope”… because of the dopamine rush. 🤔
@timmortimer6267 Жыл бұрын
Or because you become a dope using it
@marcind-ec1de 11 ай бұрын
The word 'doping' may also have its roots in that.
@JosepiGrubbing 10 ай бұрын
Makes u think of what a dope fiend actually is alot differently. A person in so much misery or so traumatized they become a fiend for dopamine stimulation
@jaimecamire1088 9 ай бұрын
@derekconlin1180 9 ай бұрын
They used that term in reference to people being "dopes". I don't think they knew about all the effects with dopamine and all that back when they coined the phrase. Back then it meant you were a dope, a loser, a burnout, etc.
@aaronorsak-hl1wc Жыл бұрын
I am a recovering meth addict who used for 16 years. I’ll be honest, for me, at first, the high was fucking AMAZING. Meth made me feel like “YES! This is what I’ve been missing my whole life. I want to feel like this for the entire rest of my life.” And I tried to do just that. I could socialize, study, work, have sex and everything else with a passion that I had never had before. The problem is that meth eventually turned on me and I was absolutely unable to do ANYTHING with out it. It was a scary realization that I was a total slave to a drug that was slowly killing me. Fortunately, I was eventually able to get help and I’ve been clean for 2 years now. I know I was lucky because the vast majority of the people I knew in that life are now either locked up or covered up by 6 feet of dirt. Meth has all the signs of something evil: cheap, amazing high, easy to get, and completely and utterly ruinous. I would advise everyone to stay the fuck away from it!
@rolandthethompsongunner64 10 ай бұрын
Yes. If you let it grab you it will get you. But if all stimulants were like meth we would all be hooked. Adderall is also widely abused. But if used correctly it will give you similar effects.
@RicoGamerCZ 10 ай бұрын
Same goes for meth. If you microdose it orally it reduces negative effects and can actually cure in some ways. But those who are eager to try it will probably don't stop at microdosing. So no, don't do it, not even a little bit. Same goes for Adderall. If you don't have ADHD don't fucking do Adderall lol. What you saying is misleading as fuck.n​@@rolandthethompsongunner64
@highdesertbiker 9 ай бұрын
what do you think about meth vs cocaine?
@shannonyates8477 4 ай бұрын
Cocaine is little league meth is the all star MLB game.
@thedesensitizedsympathizer5307 4 ай бұрын
Is there a way to experience something in life, that's a kin to the first meth high...without taking any drug?
@billbergendahl2911 Жыл бұрын
There was a lawyer in the town I live in who got into cocaine and meth. He ended up losing everything, and ultimately his life.
@jameskashmankashman3355 Жыл бұрын
I did meth but smoked crack for years and 2 packs of cigarettes a day + spent every weekend drinking…. I was able to quit everything on my own Been clean for 10 years feels great!!! I would never go back to those dark days 😎
@rolandthethompsongunner64 10 ай бұрын
Crack cocaine is way different from meth. You definitely get a massive dopamine rush from crack cocaine. I was hooked on it too. Was incredible difficult to quit that stuff because yeah it is incredibly addictive. But I could also go days or weeks without using.
@ALEXdaG 7 ай бұрын
How are you still alive lol straight up poisoning your own body
@otpays8552 3 ай бұрын
Dude when u smoke crack on a meth binge you don’t even feel the crack. Which is weird cuz a crack high is more intense. The meth totally depletes your brain
@sanchezhandymen3444 Жыл бұрын
My brother is a meth addict and I am trying to understand what I am dealing with, this is one of the most down to earth, easy to understand explanation I have come across. Thank you It has opened my eyes.
@ltamha Жыл бұрын
I wish you and your brother peace and safety for the future 🙏❤
@jocelynnowen3078 Жыл бұрын
Be careful. The drug world comes with boogeymen
@Shannon_Robbie Жыл бұрын
My brother had a stroke and a serious blood infection last summer from injecting meth for years on end.
@sanchezhandymen3444 Жыл бұрын
@@Shannon_Robbie It sounds awful, this drug is so destructive of there body, soul and family. I struggle with him almost daily and it is exhausting. I know to many family's with the same struggle. May you find peace and may all who struggle with addiction find there way.
@factisstrangerthanfiction4098 Жыл бұрын
You want to go alot deeper check out DR JERRY MARZINSKY. His work in the prison system, was to controversial. He and like many others now know, this drug some how opens people up to some sort of spirit attachments or possession. He's work is fascinating and extremely truthful about what is really going on at the deeper levels of the mind. Show your brother. Plant seeds of knowledge in his head. . Most drug addicts will need to find God or a spiritual compass.
@queenslander954 11 ай бұрын
It’s like being 18 again .. a party drug for the weekends , but when you start using in on Monday morning to get out of bed to go to work it’s all over
@xaviersimon547 10 ай бұрын
100% accurate
@Randomguy82934 9 ай бұрын
Every one say this but when you are imersed in the psilocibin experience is just too confusing and overwelming. I think that you need to be in a very specific mindset to bring something useful from the experience.
@-nuexx1 9 ай бұрын
the only (RIGHT!) way - and: where's the problem ?? greetz from austria
@blownek925 9 ай бұрын
Holy crap, are you right. I started using recreationally on weekends just Fridays, maybe Saturdays. Next thing you know, I turned into Sunday night, Monday morning use. A couple of months later, I was using everyday of the week for 7 straight years.
@-nuexx1 9 ай бұрын
@@blownek925 yeah, same as me ! but after some years, its easy - only if I want ! now since 25 years....l
@Del-Scent Жыл бұрын
I was an IV meth user for 5 years. Lost a 250,000 yr job, marriage, home, cars, but worse of all, my self-respect . I've been sober for 5 years now. One can recover. I'm going strong today. Anyone can get sober. Staying sober is another thing. The key to long-term sobriety is having NOTHING to do with anyone who uses. One has to completely cut off their old contacts they had in the dope world. I did just that.
@hofniamwaalwa3724 Жыл бұрын
@Mangojimmyjournalist Жыл бұрын
you are jacked
@VicGreenBitcoin Жыл бұрын
Are you on roids/sarms/HG?
@BRIANDER100 Жыл бұрын
@mcj2219 Жыл бұрын
I could not imagine getting severly addicted whilst having such a luxurious life. Sure elitair people use drugs to but they dont throw their lives away
@dr.thomasklinemdphdmedical2890 Жыл бұрын
these first person descriptions are very valuable to non drug culture and research physicians like myself. Keep it up. Tell stories
@shroomzzz 9 ай бұрын
Honestly, did for a few years. Still have my job, lost weight, got shit done. Stopped because I found I liked it a little too much.
@martontichi8611 3 ай бұрын
it's too expensive
@dano1307 Жыл бұрын
Stay away from meth guys. You nailed it. The hardest part quitting for me was that i felt so lazy when i get off it. Where meth makes it easy to work and do shit you don't wanna do. That being said, the bad FAR outweighs the good. You dont eat, i used to like plan "i have to eat before using today" and id eat like a granola bar. Im 6' tall and i was 150lb on meth. Within 1 month of quitting i gained 50lb. It took a while for me to feel normal again, a few month's or so but my life turned around so fast. People respect me now, im not scatter brained, i own a succesful business, got my highschool sweetheart back who i was with 10 years and she left me during my addiction (she gave me a million chances) and she is now my wife. My parents are finally proud of me again. There was a time where i was 21 years old and just accepted id be an addict for my entire life. Dont accept that.
@steelearmstrong9616 Жыл бұрын
Having a wife is worse then meth. Generally guys that have wife’s start taking meth. Woman are nightmares and will ruin your life in more ways most drugs can
@mafioso2k- Жыл бұрын
man that sounds so bad to be addicted on, good thing you made it through and no longer use. I never thought i would’ve smoked it but i got laced and been high for weeks i’m 3 months clean from every drug i’m still normalizing to this day about how long do you think it would take for me to get normal again?
@janemojcec8945 Жыл бұрын
So happy for you. Your amazing, thanks for sharing. By telling your story you are giving hope to others who are struggling. I'm so happy for you and your wife. God bless. 🙏🖤🌹
@dano1307 Жыл бұрын
@@mafioso2k- It depends on how much and how long you were using but it should start getting much better soon if you are at 3 months. I would say within 6 months I was base line again but it got much better after 3 months. I just accepted I was going to be pretty slow and brain fogged for a while. It was like the 100th time I got sober and the last time was different. I actually wanted it and I haven't had urges to use since. I completely stopped hanging out with old friends who used. The most important thing is to get a job or something that makes you feel confident and worth something. Something you can be proud of. It doesn't have to pay a bunch of money right off the bat. One thing that got me through is I would take pride in knowing I am doing something most people can't fathom. I will tough this out and make it through. If you make it through bad addiction, the rest of life is fairly easy. Nothing compares to the insane pain and misery of addiction. Constant lying, chasing, withdrawing. Proud of you bro. You can and you will do it. Stay strong and be one of the strongest mofos you know. And let me add this for those who think meth is a drug they will never use. I was the same way. I grew up in an upper middle class family but we had our issues other than money. Anyway, you think you will never use meth but it starts with cocaine or adderall. One day it will be around and you are feeling like shit cause you are out of coke or adderall and you say fuck it and try meth. You will never go back. You will be addicted to meth right then and there. Your lifes are so precious. Don't do hard drugs. Its not cool to be a junkie.
@dano1307 Жыл бұрын
@@janemojcec8945 ❤❤
@johnnymfbravo7163 Жыл бұрын
This man is absolutely correct on everything he said.
@wsurjec6414 2 жыл бұрын
Well said - the high isnt worth the low which is why I'm clean - for me music brings the best high + God inspired
@ofirvvv4566 2 жыл бұрын
The main problem of meth/uppers isn't the low is that the low last way longer from the high itself..what makes that isn't worth at all.
@antoniedixon775 Жыл бұрын
I was a user for 6-7 years and I never really got the come down, I actually enjoyed it like a lot of other addicts I knew, I would just smoke a lot of weed and enjoying eating due to not eating when I was on it. But still yeah don’t do it lol I’m clean now
@parisz Жыл бұрын
Sorry, but music and "God inspired" does not compare to the dopamin rush of Meth lol wtf
@wsurjec6414 Жыл бұрын
@@parisz When you tune into the holy vibes their is nothing more amazing. You're missing out. +
@tommyob4762 Жыл бұрын
Coming down was just as fun for me. It's why I binge used for like a month, then I'd quit for a month or 2. It kept calling back till I figured I'm too old for this and the body could only handle so much abuse/lack of sleep & food.
@ZenChefMo Жыл бұрын
When I used to do lines of meth I would lose all inhibitions. It was shocking to myself how crazy I would get. I did so much sex and violence, breaking glass, getting in street fights, shoplifting, drinking ridiculous amounts of alcohol, huffing gas, any and every drug, driving drunk, absolutely no inhibitions at all. I am lucky I didn’t jump off a tall building thinking I could fly or poke my eye out with a knife or something. And afterward the comedown is so bad. That was a long time ago. I am one of the lucky ones. Don’t frkn do it.
@Neptunion118 9 ай бұрын
gay sex?
@ZackaryHayward 8 ай бұрын
Your helping me get through alcohol withdrawal right now man.
@ltamha 5 ай бұрын
I hope you're doing okay ❤
@Zoeloveis 3 ай бұрын
I wish you all the best ! ❤
@samwalkee6268 8 күн бұрын
Hey man, how did you do?
@kameyeam Жыл бұрын
Yeah, that was a good description. I've done a lot of drugs. Meth has the best high. That first few hours is the best I've ever felt. And it cost me every time. Meth destroys people. Not just users, not just their family, not just their friends. But everyone around them. You don't want to. You don't mean to. But like he said, the crash lasts for weeks. And nothing makes it better. Except more meth. I still kept my job. Kept my place. Didn't sell my stuff. I still regret the time I spent on meth. Honestly. I'm sorry for what I did to others. But they already walked away. And sorry doesn't cut it.
@WeThePeople11 Жыл бұрын
My upstairs neighbors argue throughout the night, screaming for hours on end for months at a time. They vacuum at 3am constantly. How you described the symptoms of meth use fits them perfectly. It's a shame how their lives are ruined and the perpetual hell they must live in and how it also affects everyone around them.
@chasingsunsets87 Жыл бұрын
It's funny because my boyfriend and I were exactly like this while we were using. Now 2 years clean we go to bed at 9 pm and go to our 9-5 job 😂
@cindysmith6833 Жыл бұрын
My husband and I argued constantly. God rest his soul. He died at age 55 severe meth user. I, however, never used mass, and there was a lot of arguing mostly on my part he would just sit there silently, which would anger me more, but most of the hollering if not, all was from me.
@RupertWins Жыл бұрын
Tell them theres a demon in the walls
@amilcarvalenca3381 Жыл бұрын
@sciencenotstigma9534 Жыл бұрын
@@RupertWins Please don’t. Especially if you like having walls.
@michaelwagganer Жыл бұрын
I’ll admit I have been curious about doing meth but was always too scared of ruining everything. I *really* appreciate the honesty.
@StinkyBlack1 Жыл бұрын
Dude itll 100% fuck everything up, and bring you to places youd never want to go with people youd otherwise never be around.
@potatowithanailinit6508 Жыл бұрын
Don't do it, ever. The problem with the good feeling is that nothing compares to it. The only enjoyment that matters from that point on is meth.
@monicabroussard840 Жыл бұрын
Trust me i got off of meth but when my sisters husband died she got on it and has been hatd because i know she keeps it on her at all times. We have done it together and had alot of fun but i have kidney failure. I cannot do it and not die. I have to stop. Please give me some advice. I was an addict all my life but i have been clean from opiates for 9 years
@SculptExpress-gv8jp Жыл бұрын
Go to the desert, you’ll feel like a speck of sand, exhilirating! Don’t risk your natural production of dopamine for something cooked up in someone’s filthy kitchen.
@tash2166 Жыл бұрын
Just dont....you got one stab at life......why go meth road.
@keithwhitmire2070 Жыл бұрын
I was on it for 3 years. Sober for 4 years now. Lost everything house truck and my son. No rehab I had just had enough. I look at tweakers now and can’t believe that used to be me.
@FatNorthernBigot 9 ай бұрын
I did it for a week. During withdrawal, I was depressed for a month. If I do it again, it'll be because I either want to end-it-all, or don't care about myself or anything else.
@PrincemaxwellNwaegbe 6 ай бұрын
DMT is a naturally occurring hallucinogenic drug with spiritual and cultural significance in indigenous cultures.
@MilitaryBase-wt8jr 6 ай бұрын
consumption can produce different intensities and durations of effects, as well as potential risks and side effects.
@Tina-hb7ec 6 ай бұрын
​@@MilitaryBase-wt8jrassociated with the world’s four most popular psychedelic drugs. Ayahuasca, DMT, MDMA and psilocybin mushrooms can all take users through a wild mind-bending ride that can open up your senses and deepen your connection to the spirit world. Not all trips are created equal, though - if you’re sipping ayahuasca, your high could last a couple of hours. But if you’re consuming DMT, that buzz will last under than 20 minutes.
@AmadaBlack 6 ай бұрын
​@@Tina-hb7ecDMT to be used as a therapy tool to treat depression, anxiety and other mental health conditions, as well as aid with self-improvement and discovery. But studies of DMT are actually scarce, so it’s hard to know the full extent of its therapeutic benefits.
@MikeAnderson2-fm7tg 6 ай бұрын
I've been looking to try shrooms, anyone knows where can I acquire some?​@@Tina-hb7ec
@StephenOscar-jj9qs 6 ай бұрын
yeah , he's Dr jeffshrooom he got magic mushrooms , DMT , LSD and other psychs ​@@MikeAnderson2-fm7tg
@danwilkinson2797 Жыл бұрын
I had a buddy that did that stuff and he thought the cops had built a room under his trailer to spy on him he said every now and then the floor would move and they would peek up at him .He believed it so much he had me come over and examine the floor . I told him the floor and crawl space were clear and normal looking. He continued to think this for a month after the binge despite seeming quite rational about other things.
@rogerboswell5483 Жыл бұрын
I went to visit my friend that used meth she Said little people where in her apartment and even showed me a crack in the wall where she said they hide.. I felt so bad for her I knew it was them drugs doing that to her..
@stevearnold8265 Жыл бұрын
This isn’t from the meth itself, it’s from not sleeping. Which is obviously part of the experience.
@kimprtty6993 Жыл бұрын
Same experience
@janiceharbin5046 Жыл бұрын
If a person wants to destroy everyone and themselves and their life this would be it I worked in a hospital for 18 yrs it was very sad and depressing much less ones health
@andrewwheelerguitar 9 ай бұрын
These are the best videos on the topic I’ve ever seen. Your clear, direct presentation along with enough of your personal experiences really makes these amazing educational tools. I hope schools will show your videos.
@BL-cc1vm Жыл бұрын
Thanks for going into detail on what its like makes me glad I never tried it! I have neighbors on this stuff and I watch them constantly take apart their minivan all day, one girl walks into the road and starts talking to herself and dances. Its ridiculous my whole city is full of people like this.
@HerculesCoronaBorealis 9 ай бұрын
Absolutely agree. I've worked in security for years and see this horrible drug ruin so many lives. These poor folks just don't care and only want more of the drug. They lose any sense of others and life. They need so much help.
@popkanchinlobos9634 6 ай бұрын
I'll always prefer my mushies to meths.. looking at the good effects of psilocybin mushrooms on depression I had a test, the effects of just one dose of psilocybin mushroom gave me an amazing healing..
@deereed1627 6 ай бұрын
I remember having some minor surgery years ago and at that point I had never done any kind of drug at all. I didn't even drink small amounts of coffee or alcohol. They hit me with an intravenous dose of shrooms and I felt so good, so positive, and so thoughtful that I felt like I could've talked Hitler out of a wagging war.
@uncle-nice6556 6 ай бұрын
I'm going through mushroom infusion therapy, and I can confirm that it does work real good..
@thrickthooter4403 6 ай бұрын
You can get out of habits easier after a mushroom trip and get a different routine going, I couldnt even finish a cigarette afterwards because it almost made me throw up with how horrible it tasted.
@shokotatsuno-p5497 6 ай бұрын
Y'all all talk about the benefits but you don't say where one can grab from...
@uncle-nice6556 6 ай бұрын
@MitchellWinning Жыл бұрын
Man you’ll never know me but I just want to tell you I love you and your recovery and sobriety are beautiful. Thank you for putting good into this world ❤
@MJ-ge6jz 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for creating this channel. You saved another life.
@carmenbrown3437 Жыл бұрын
It sounds like being married to a narcissist. Absolutely nuts. The highs and lows. Narcissist's fry your nerves to the point your nerves can't be re fried. Then on the lows, you have to deal with all that emotional pain you've been masking with drugs for the last 10 years. And, from childhood.
@rsabardoelectrical 9 ай бұрын
Meth addicts exhibit narcissistic traits when high. I have a stepson whom is a sociopath with narcissistic traits and is a meth adict...what a shit show
@raspbrrypie9335 9 ай бұрын
I’m so happy to be away from my abuser. I don’t call him my ex boyfriend. He was addicted to meth but was clean for 8 years and that was true (drug tests from parole) but he was a complete narcissist. I was in the hospital for 3 months, happy to be alive and no where near him. I wonder if meth made his narcissism worse. Think he may be an actual sociopath. Can’t believe I laid in bed and slept next to him for so long, with my tail between my legs
@PiyushSingh-jf1io 7 ай бұрын
The way you describe these effects and enunciate your monologues make the video so interesting, even tho I haven't done any hard drugs, and makes me wanna stay tf away from these substances. Kudos.
@deborahserafin8253 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for this. My sister and cousin were meth addicts, and I could never understand why because all i ever saw from it was the negative effects of it on their lives. This gives some perspective.
@ecoturismovalle1570 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for such a clear explanation. I always wanted to know what was al the fuzz about it. My father used to said the best of rolling the dice is to never even touch them.
@susanlivingston743 Жыл бұрын
My Heart goes out to any of these soul's who struggle with these substances! God Bless! It is so sad, that we as A People feel compelled to use these. What does it say about a society for a escape. We as A People, need to care more about People! I understand the need to feel better, I wish I had a answer!❤
@Connor4x4 Жыл бұрын
Methamphetamine abuse is so bad here in Canada. Especially rural Canada. I've never tried it but so many people I know have. And it causes so many problems it's unreal.
@christinamateus2064 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your hard core realistic experience. I understand it more, and im trying to help my son get off this shit, but its been really hard Pray for him ❤
@jamesjazzy8040 6 ай бұрын
I like this guy. He's very entertaining. Good, knowledgeable and to the point.
@mikebucur8461 2 жыл бұрын
That was the video i was anticipating for a long time. Thank you brother. Glad to see you back on track ^_-
@6iaZkMagW7EFs Жыл бұрын
on meth my obsession became self hatred. wrote over 5,000 words about how I'm a terrible person and posted it publicly online.
@sickwayz0696 Жыл бұрын
Gat damn!!!!
@MrTruth-ib5ce Жыл бұрын
Holy fuck 😂
@RonniePickeringMate 11 ай бұрын
@TimothyHuffGuitar 2 жыл бұрын
Great video bro! You did great explaining what it's like! I, like you, didn't do a lot of Meth...but I did enough! My DOC was Oxycontin and Fentanyl...heroin if a & b weren't available or too expensive, but I would also often get an 8 ball and have a "fun" expensive night! (Always making sure I had an OC or percocet to take at the end when I started running low to help counter a crash).
@emmabeyza6036 11 ай бұрын
Great video Substances like psychedelics when administered temporarily and in the minimum and safe dose can save life (prevent suicide), yet..long term all of them are NOT the answer (solution to the problem). self honesty, emotional and spiritual healing (done correctly) produce safe and lasting results..health happiness, inner peace
@annemoore4461 11 ай бұрын
I’ve been researching on psychedelics and it’s benefits to individuals dealing with Anxiety, Depression, ADHD and from my findings, they really work and I’ve been eager to get some for a while but its been difficult to get my hands on them.
@ohmakure4716 11 ай бұрын
The Trips I've been having really helped me a lot. I’m now able to meditate and I finally feel in control of my emotions and my future and things that used to be mundane to me now seem incredible and full of nuance on top of that I'm way less driven by my ego and I have alot more empathy as well
@dilara4130 11 ай бұрын
I was having this constant, unbearable anxiety due to work stress. Not until I came across a very intelligent mycologist. He saved my life honestly
@dilara4130 11 ай бұрын
His name is *DR Adolf Petter*
@ryancihet555 11 ай бұрын
@ohmakure4716 I feel the same way too. I put too much on my plate and it definitely affects my stress and anxiety levels. I am also glad to be a part of this community.
@theway334 Жыл бұрын
Props on your videos man, I think you raise a really good point, namely mentioning the after effects. I see a lot of these videos that don't mention the seeming depths of the "comedown" but just say that you "crash" after or whatnot, etc. etc. Mentioning how rough the "hangover" is, in the same sort of discussion as mentioning the "high" is I think a really great service to people, and helps better frame the "addiction" side of the situation, makes it more understandable(the "addiction" side of things). It really sounds horrible, the after-effects of some of these substances. It is a great service you do my friend, props.
@georgestanko2523 Жыл бұрын
Im glad you seem OK now, Im glad i never tried any of the really "hard" drugs.
@jeremy27783 Жыл бұрын
"seem" 🤣
@georgestanko2523 Жыл бұрын
@@MrPatPatriot223 psychadelics are in a class of their own. Nothing like these body and life ruining drugs they have nowadays like meth.
@vintagebleachedblonde4322 2 жыл бұрын
I shot meth for 6 years I lost everything and became homeless shooting up in abandoned cars, gas station bathrooms and the Napa river i didn’t care much for the tweaking but for me it was the CALL and the COUGH and staying up for a month straight my dopamine has never recovered I have never been normal since I haven’t done meth in 23 years And my brain has never recovered I can’t feel happiness I can’t feel pleasure I’ve never recovered and I lost my 4 year old and never was allowed to see her again
@midnightscreamer2481 2 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry to hear that, can you replace the dopamine artificially, via prescription psychiatric medicine? Do you feel negitive emotions like depression and anger or are the feelings muted compared to before you picked up? Some people expieriance feeling phlegmatic after years of heavy drug abuse.
@lorabetts8317 2 жыл бұрын
I’m praying for you right now
@ofirvvv4566 2 жыл бұрын
Sound scary this shit is pure devil thing
@albertaoridge Жыл бұрын
@@midnightscreamer2481 what do you mean by call and the cough? I mean is coughing something that happens a lot during meth use? And why would you like that? As far as the call part, I have no idea what you mean there. Just out of curiosity, I am asking. I hope you are doing well. Look on the bright side, at least you are strong enough to quit and stay clean from it 🙏🙏🙏
@Giraffejockey1 Жыл бұрын
20 years since I was introduced to the stuff back then it was crank after losing my mom 2 years ago you think I would have quit by now... Everyday user... I will never feel again...
@nmpete3365 Жыл бұрын
When you said that regular mundane things become fun. I relate wifh that 100 % i was obsessed with going to the grocery store and would spend 2 hours at at time just looking at all the labels of everything
@thomasj9561 Жыл бұрын
Same here but I would look In The reflection of the items on the shelves to see if someone was following me
@nmpete3365 Жыл бұрын
@@thomasj9561 if I went to the grocery store on day 5, oh yeah, they’re everywhere!!
@amandaburleson2035 Жыл бұрын
i would cut the limmbs of of cats with a butter knife for the whole night, i would adopt kittend from facebokk marketplace and craigslist and kill cats all night long.
@YouTubeoooooooooo Жыл бұрын
Ugh or getting stuck looking into every aspect of your cell phone settings, email and apps for hours. Hard to go anywhere because always think people are following you and want to kidnap or harm you in some way
@nmpete3365 Жыл бұрын
@@KZbinoooooooooo hahahaha yeah. I would spend hours trying to lock down my google and Apple settings so that nothing I did or searched was tracked hhahaha I’d end up just getting lost in all the settings until I got sick of over editing shitty photos . 🤦‍♂️
@scubadude72060 9 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing this. I too went through the Meth phase many years ago. I actually started dealing it to cover my addiction. Myself being an artist was able to get super creative. If I was drawing I couldn’t put enough detail in a picture. I taught myself wood carving and would go crazy. Fortunately I still have some of my creations that I can look back on. I haven’t used in 20 years thank God and have no problem saying no. Having high blood pressure scares me that if I was to try it again I’d have a heart attack. Not to mention things being cut with fentanyl scares the crap outta me ! Stay clean, stay sober and stay alive bro.
@phutton88 9 ай бұрын
I’ve known functioning meth addicts and it seems not all bad and they’ve attempted to persuade me and I’ve been curious. But I do my research and I’ve hit terrible periods of depression without drugs and I don’t wanna risk falling harder than ever before. I’ve learned from hardship while trying to live an honest life and got stabbed in the back by “friends” and family who are addicted to substances. Don’t wanna throw my brain and conscience off. Thankful for videos like this❤
@moirahill6397 3 ай бұрын
You sound like you are aligning yourself with your morals and values. That's a great thing to do!
@JohnSmith-sj2dk 11 ай бұрын
The effects? -my 2 friends, my daughter, her boyfriend, 2 of my grandkids - all dead Meth/Heroin/OD/Suicide, ohh yeah and my son and his partner are both in Psychosis for years now.
@rebeccajustice6405 8 ай бұрын
My husbands in psychosis for over 2 years now an I can’t take it anymore but been with him 20 yrs an can’t get myself to leave him. I have so much guilt an he’s the one that did everything he blames me for everything yet he’s the one smoking meth an destroyed his brain an now thinks I’m trying poison him an everyones after him an he’s so mean an cold hearted now a strait narcassist an always in a high tension state of mind. I can’t stand what he’s done to our family. I need to get away from him so bad. I hate that i feel Stuck. I just want him gone from my home an my life he’s making me feel insane. He was the best husband an man ever untill he started meth a few years ago an now I don’t no this man. 😢worse thing I’ve lived through this far
@vulna9150 3 ай бұрын
​@@rebeccajustice6405I pray that you get out of that situation 🙏
@HitchHikersBlues 9 ай бұрын
I'm naturally bipolar so im always intersted in moods and the disorder of the mind.
@micahdietrich3170 4 ай бұрын
I did meth/stimulants/alcohol to keep the high of mania going out of fear of depression. Also used alcohol/opiates/weed to calm me down during the highs of mania. Then during mania, used alcohol and opiates to numb the depression. Weed as an escape. And stimulants to feel temporarily manic/high during depression. I’ve been on Depakote/Seroquel for 4 years now, and mostly deal with some depression in winter/fall, and some slight mania in spring. Nothing like I used to though.
@kedeglow2743 10 ай бұрын
This explains a lot of the whacked-out behavior I've seen at Wal Mart. Up til now I've had no frame of reference, having never done anything more than smoking a few joints in college. I'm really glad I haven't. But thank you for the information.
@JoeL-zb1yd 9 ай бұрын
Wow, K-Ruggs, what a great description of meth. And your comparisons with other substances are terrific. And of course, your warnings. Great video.
@JayOnDaCob 6 ай бұрын
watching videos like this helps discourage me from taking any hard substances, I am diagnosed with severe depression and know that a come down like that will probably just make me off myself
@mervtheterrible3601 Жыл бұрын
I have insomnia, and why anyone would want to take something that makes you stay up for days on end is insane. Hallucinations from lack of sleep sucks, sometimes you can't tell if you're awake or asleep it can drive you mad, I know.
@yassine8935 Жыл бұрын
It helps with adhd *Adderall and crystal mth are molecular the same drug just one is left and the other right
@christopheryoung6880 Жыл бұрын
⁠@@yassine8935well there’s a methyl group that’s missing it’s not just S&R or D&L. Also adderall is a mixture of amphetamine salts and dextroamphetamine. There’s differences in how they cross the blood brain barrier and how they are metabolized in the body.
@rocketman7471 Жыл бұрын
You can have that mess. I don't smoke, I don't drink alcohol, and I don't do any sort of drugs. Except my CBD gummies ever so often lol
@christopheryoung6880 Жыл бұрын
@@rocketman7471 well there’s definitely a difference between taking a prescription pill because it is medically necessary and taking a drug because you want to get high. Adderall and other amphetamine salts do not have the same effect on people with ADHD compared to people who are neurotypical. For some people with ADHD, it’s not as simple as saying “you can have that, I don’t do any drugs”… Their brain chemistry doesn’t allow them to function this way. But please don’t put yourself on a high horse and then be condescending towards people who have a medical condition. I’m glad that you don’t require this type of medication to be functional in society, not everyone is so lucky.
@EvanBlaze-fq5eg Жыл бұрын
K-Ruggs is very interesting to listen to. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us.
@winnhill3736 Жыл бұрын
As a recovering alcoholic,i have been around all kinds in my 64 yrs both in a treatment center and on the outside.When i was drunk,i was not at my best to say the least.I can't stand 2 b around 'meth heads' as they are crazy and are that way 4 a long time after quitting.I'm not better than them,just totally different.
@chez_calabrese Жыл бұрын
I’ve used Tina recreationally for 15 years. Luckily I’ve always been able to do it for a night or 2 and then allow myself to go to sleep and recover. And not do it again for a few weeks or months. I’ve never ever had a moment of paranoia or delusion. For me the issue was the week following. No gym. Over eat. Lazy. Unfocused. Also, most the people around me who used it isn’t have the same will power or control as I had. Most people lose them selves quickly. I’m not condoning this drug at all. Once you use it you’ll always wanna go back to it. And there is a very good chance you won’t have the same control as I have. Cheers good luck
@craigmorris8979 Жыл бұрын
Really good description of its effects. What lures everyone is hearing about the intense high, the energy, the sexual drive. What I've watched is that people become obsessed by it, lose jobs, watch the health deteriorate, and for people that are heavy users, the will have a lot of missing teeth. Good open honest discussion.
@cindysmith6833 Жыл бұрын
It depends on the way you are doing meth as to whether or not, you will lose your teeth. My husband did meth until it killed him (55) he had good teeth
@sciencenotstigma9534 Жыл бұрын
@@cindysmith6833m sorry about your loss. I’ve lost a father, a close cousin and am losing my closet family member I have left to the new meth. I’m certified in addiction recovery and I can’t break through the psychosis. Either he will get a prison sentence, like I did, or I fear I will lose him, too. I’m just gonna keep helping anyone I can. That’s what the rest of my life is for, I decided. It keeps me around. I hope all is well with you! P.S. I think the descriptions are good. I don’t think I would have tried it myself, if I could have done drugs vicariously and heard all the bad parts, at the same time.
@ghostwrench2292 Жыл бұрын
I used to work with a woman who had used meth in her younger years - although I don't think she was a addict - and her description of how it felt is pretty much the same as the guy said in the video. Just from that, I knew I should never try it.
@suzanneharris8339 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely! My former friend lost 6 teeth, one by one over only a few months.
@andrejz8954 Жыл бұрын
an addict*@@ghostwrench2292
@scottdavis1549 Жыл бұрын
Why was the Meth head excited at Halloween? ‘Only 3 more sleeps till Christmas.’
@timarnold9868 9 ай бұрын
And meals too!
@nicholasharvey1232 9 ай бұрын
That third sleep might be a permanent one.
@jeremyk.6456 Жыл бұрын
Meth is no joke I remember seeing so many people literally destroy themselves & their lives in a short period in the early 2000’s in Southern California where it really got it’s start. I was always so thankful of the fact that I have severe ADHD and was prescribed adderal for it for a few years. The medicine made me significantly calm and focused but everyone else that got them from other people at school who didn’t have it had meth like highs. I was glad that I never ever had the urge to ever want to do that stuff because the fact it is basically toxic & poison but gets most people high but it literally destroys the body. Smoking the Ganga is one thing but I’m not trying to be having crazy chemicals running through my system. I remember this one young lady that was an attractive beautiful young woman but within 1-2 months she looked like she aged 20 years and you could smell the toxic chemicals coming through her pores.
@shannonbailey7580 8 ай бұрын
What's out there now doesn't even remotely compare to that.
@Adventure-stuff Жыл бұрын
Good explanation, always wondered what some of my friends went through.
@jeromehorwitz2460 8 ай бұрын
I took meth at age 17 and it gave a sense of calm and confidence along with inspiration, well-being, hope, deep acceptance of reality from a cosmic perspective and forgiveness of others. Instead of making me nervous it relaxed me at a deep level and made everything feel good, even the feeling of the clothes on my body and the air on my skin. I felt universal love for all and a release from all anxiety, shame and regret as if I were floating outside my body beyond time and life itself.
@martontichi8611 3 ай бұрын
you have adhd
@CrashoutBo Ай бұрын
​@@martontichi8611 lol fr its literally a prescribed adhd med
@chestergardner1 2 жыл бұрын
This information on meth is probably when using the first time. After that it gets exciting to take with friends, but the feeling will never be the same as the first time.
@antoniedixon775 Жыл бұрын
I disagree and most other addicts I knew were the same..I was a smoker and the first few times I smoked it was okay… but when I learned how to hit a pipe.. oh my lord it was the best I had ever felt x10. And even after 6-7 years of use I still felt that good if I slept and didn’t use for a day or 2. I still got the amazing euphoria and maybe the rush was a little less but barely noticeable.
@danielkiel6415 2 ай бұрын
So true
@rexmundi9112 Жыл бұрын
It feels great at first, but quickly becomes absolute hell. I've been clean 4 years, and I'll never do it again. I caught a couple felonies and went into debt because of meth psychosis.
@mikef2571 2 жыл бұрын
Love the amazing, detailed descriptions of the affects of using certain drugs. Thanks for putting these great episode's on You Tube for me to learn from.
@sciencenotstigma9534 Жыл бұрын
Wish I had had this when I was younger. I think the real mistake of drugs for me is that we didn’t hear about it and you couldn’t learn about it without doing it. If I could’ve tapped into channels like these in the street interviews it does not look intriguing…it looks harrowing
@pauleisaman Жыл бұрын
Sounds awful
@Camden09 9 ай бұрын
Holy cow! After watching this video, it explains all the very serious problems my ex-girlfriend had, dam and she always denied using meth, wow! My ex-girlfriend using meth, completely ruined our relationship, and for the life of me i could not understand why she acted like that, now it all makes sense. Wow!
@Meerschwein 10 ай бұрын
Man, this video brought me from 99% to 110% sure that I don't even want to try this substance. Thanks 🙏
@-nuexx1 9 ай бұрын
maybe better for you. many people can not handle it. after 24 years i know all - the good and the bad ! and i dont wanna miss it ! and: I feel like normal, the people see me normal. and: i'm 64 . greetz from austria
@CynHicks Жыл бұрын
Opioid withdrawal is the same feeling but with terrible bone aches (feels like every bone needs to be stretched but you can't), ridiculous diarrhea, stomach aches ect... The worst part really may be the lack of dopamine though. Your body tries to compensate by yawning, tearing up of eyes and sneezing but nothing is interesting. Even colors look more gray... You can't sleep but you're exhausted... The initial pain is awful but it generally gets better (still bad just not as bad) within a couple to few days but then you're left with the gray... It's utter desperation and desperation brings out the worst in people. People also tend to lose dignity with every undignified act which is why these drugs can lead some to doing awful things over time.
@michaeledwards190 Жыл бұрын
Yes the worst part is everything is uninteresting, and no emotions
@joukokulhelm6844 Жыл бұрын
I think i have broken my brain's. Everything is gray now, has been for years.
@kimmy4714 Жыл бұрын
​@@joukokulhelm6844I absolutely relate to what you just said & its description is genuinely precise. 13yrs clean off Heroin & yet I still am unable to find myself feeling a true genuine amount of happiness, colours are still dull, my interest & thoughts in my daily life resemble of a flat line. I honestly find that there's not of much interest in anything & nothing has given me or come close to replacing that feeling that I once had with heroin. Sometimes I find myself genuinely missing it, yet I absolutely know that it's 100% not sustainable in any way shape or form for me to even consider to have back in my life. Money is a no.1. (lack thereof) reason why I can't go back to that lifestyle, also these days are so different in so many ways to factor in with such a lifestyle that heroin ended giving me. But the 1 thing that just kills it is the psychological side & how it's dulled my emotions in an enormous way that I honestly did not prepare for or did I expect especially for it to continue on 13yrs later. 😢
@brandonheckman7515 Жыл бұрын
I have been addicted to both, opiod/fentanyl withdrawal is FAAAR WORSE.
@CynHicks Жыл бұрын
@@brandonheckman7515 Yeah, I don't like pointing it out but you're right.
@blacksheeple2187 Жыл бұрын
Yep. And even when your trying to clean yourself up the feeling of wanting to just go back to it lasts for longer than I want to remember. Now at 53 and haven’t f*cked with poisoning myself for about 20 years, I can say it does (in my case) get better….But having spent time in that hell myself makes me relate & pity these poor souls. It’s like Albrecht Dürer’s engraving of the Knight, Death & the Devil come to life….End of the day someone cares for each one of these individuals….Many, many broken hearts due to our human weaknesses. My prayers to the stricken and their families.
@Tierneycristian 17 сағат бұрын
Amazing video.. It’s crazy how many people go through so much traumas from this abusive drugs. Fentanyl addiction actually destroyed my life, i suffered severe depression and mental disorder, not until my wife recommended me to psilocybin mushrooms treatment. Psilocybin treatment changed my life for better. I can proudly say i'm totally clean for 6 years and still counting. Always look to nature for solution to tough problems, Shrooms are phenomenal.
@juanbergaaa 16 сағат бұрын
I love hearing great life changing stories like this. I want to become a mycologist because honestly mushrooms are the best form of medicine (most especially the psychedelic ones) There are so many people today used magic mushrooms to ween off of SSRI medication- its amazing! Years back i wrote an entire essay about psychedelics. they saved you from death buddy, lets be honest here.
@Morrisbraga-jm9lc 15 сағат бұрын
Hey mates! Can you help with the source? I suffer severe anxiety, panic and depression and I usually take prescription medicine, but they don't always help. Where can I find those psilocybin mushrooms? I'm really interested in treating my mental health without Rxs. I live in Australia don't know much about these. I'm so glad they helped you. I can't wait to get them too. Really need a reliable source 🙏
@CathieGomez-mp8sk 12 сағат бұрын
Sure of Pedroshrooms
@canerbakar-jv2si 12 сағат бұрын
Thanks for sharing your story. That's rough I sympathize. Save your health save your mind. Life is better without heroin, cocaine, alcohol and cigarettes. And you have more money in your pocket. God bless everyone who has rejected the devils intentions to be addicted to alcohol and cigarettes etc which can cause so much damage to health. I will pray for you all.
@PierredeCur 10 ай бұрын
Good information. That's something I don't understand in others. I'm 71 and have been doing all kinds of drugs since 15 or so, but I always did extensive research before taking anything. Maybe it's because I was/am a geek, but I don't understand why nobody seems to do it. Precisely now with age, I'm trying things I would never have tried before, but you've convinced me. That, I will not try. 😀
@drowningblonde 3 ай бұрын
Most people don't do drugs because they're inquisitive lol
@PierredeCur 3 ай бұрын
@@drowningblonde I'm not most people, but a freak... 🙂 A very old freak. I just came back from one of my summer festival runs, 22 days on the road of which 12 of festivals, Aquasella (techno), Milagre Metaleiro (heavy metal) and Insomnia (trance) on my current flying steel horse, a Duke 890 R... 🙂 Most funny Inquisition in the world y que me quiten lo bailao... 😛
@cjod33 10 ай бұрын
My younger brother ruined his life with meth. Lost his business, jail etc. He lost teeth, brain damage, cant hold a conversation for more than five minutes . My wife and kids don't like being near him.
@jacobg6528 3 ай бұрын
Thats kinda mean
@nostalgia6669 3 ай бұрын
How was he before doing meth? Sorry for asking, I'm kinda having a similar situation with a cousin.
@chunkitkenhui5934 2 жыл бұрын
Almost bought meth for first time. Thank you for your sharing.
@Brandon68plus1 2 жыл бұрын
Don’t do it. It’s poison.
@marciapd10 2 жыл бұрын
Dont do drugs!😭
@Joemama6437 Жыл бұрын
If this is true bro please tell me you aren’t addicted, it’s been 7 months
@BatshtPassionate Жыл бұрын
I really hope you haven't . That stuff is the devil
@szaryzjadaczmetanabolu1807 Жыл бұрын
​@@Joemama6437 he overdosed 😢
@gwhyborn Жыл бұрын
I like your way of explaining everything, you seem very conscious
@katefoyder506 11 ай бұрын
I worked with a woman who died from Meth. She left 3 kids behind. She was a very difficult and complicated person. I wish we could have reconciled before she was gone
@grahamdebling6280 9 ай бұрын
Excellent performance / explanation young man. Most impressive, from an old bipolar man. Well done!
@RTC_Raven Жыл бұрын
Been sober 23 years off meth, My dopamine and seratonin levels are still messed up. But I’m alive.
@144k_Kingdom_Living 4 ай бұрын
If you are smoking cigarettes that is most likely the problem ....
@brasco96wired67 Жыл бұрын
Meth is the only drug I ever craved after trying it. I was able to keep from getting addicted but can fully understand how it could happen. Even thinking about it a decade after not using makes me wonder if I had it in front of me right now would I do it again.
@CosmicGrind41jXq 4 ай бұрын
A meth addict once told me in recovery he dreamt about meth every night for 3 years straight
@Brandon68plus1 2 жыл бұрын
I thought meth was gonna be like coke. It is absolutely NOT. I did it for about 2 weeks & noticed myself looking really bad & that was the last of my meth use. I enjoyed Coke way more.
@tonysmith172 Жыл бұрын
I’ve done meth a bunch of times with my roommate and her girlfriend. We all said we will stick with crack.
@Dripfeelinn Жыл бұрын
I was a coke used n moved n had no plugs n got meth cuz it was cheap n available. Honestly I’ve been noticing the change in my looks n I’m struggling to quit but I have a lil tiny rock left n then I’m gonna have to go into rehab or do something cuz I don’t wanna get more deep then I already have . Rather just stick with coke
@H.E.M. Жыл бұрын
@@Dripfeelinn hopefully you get the help you need. That’s not a life worth living man. Addiction is hard but you got it.
@Dripfeelinn Жыл бұрын
@@H.E.M. thank u . Ya I been doing my best to avoid the urge . It’s fucking crazy how much addiction can pull u in when u tryin not to .
@jamescurt4 Жыл бұрын
​@@Dripfeelinn go to rehab before you go deeper into that addiction
@Gruxx42 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for explaining what meth is like and what the comedown afterwards is like. I'm so glad I've never tried any street drug. None of them are worth it in my opinion even if they were legal. It's not worth ruining your ability to enjoy anything and ruining your life just to get high.
@dianejones718 Жыл бұрын
My boyfriend does it on weekends only and I absolutely hate it. It’s so heartbreaking 💔 to watch him on it and coming down. I fear for his life and I’m always praying Omg.
@martontichi8611 3 ай бұрын
my bf would leave me if i did it when im with him. he's more important to me.
@jenhasken 8 ай бұрын
That sounds like a nightmare. Who would want to do that.
@thenewanna Жыл бұрын
As person of recovery this is very accurate. And it took me decades to get my stamina to return and I'm 44 and in upper dentures. Only did it for 6 years, traded it for alcohol at first, now I'm not drinking but only 5 years into that. Every day is a battle and unfortunately your teeth is the only thing you can see happening to you from meth if you get away. But I've known a lot of people that have died from heart disease and your do not live long most of those people were dead by 50 or younger. Don't do it. It will kill you and everyone, everything you care about. All of it...
@janemojcec8945 Жыл бұрын
Bless you, thanks for sharing..this is all very scary to me. This drug sounds like pure hell. Never ever will I try it. Thanks again. Bless you.🖤🖤🖤
@coshyno 9 ай бұрын
How long have you been off of meth ? And can you explain what do you mean that it took you decades to get your stamina to return ?
@brycethomas1138 Жыл бұрын
Hahaha holy shit man that was a pretty good description. I’m binge watching breaking bad again… came here to find out what the deal was. I’ve done my fair share of substances but always stayed away from the ones I knew destroyed lives in a serious way so I’m grateful for that. Thanks for the video really enjoyed it.
@ryanbhadain5867 6 ай бұрын
Omh im doing the exact same thing ! I wanted to see what exactly Jesse was smoking and feeling and what walt was cooking. I am watching it maybe for the 7th time.
@martontichi8611 3 ай бұрын
any drug can destroy lives especially weed. i hate weedheads they are just so lazy.
@yildirimernehir1903 Жыл бұрын
My ex boyfriend was addlcted to meth..I was never a drug user in my life and I used meth twice with him. It was incredibly horrible for someone like me. I couldn't sleep or eat anything for 3 days.. my mind was constantly so fast and I couldn't even notice that my body was getting tired.. when the effect wore off, I felt awful like depressed for a week. After this experience, I tried hard to convince my boyfriend to leave, but he preferred meth.. my advice, no one should be curious and use this disturbing thing, if there are bad situations in your subconscious, it can affect it even more once you use it.. the effect can be very different on everyone. .
@WaelG-bp9xh Жыл бұрын
Yes, an overdose may hurt you Not taking meth with antidepressants or opioids may pose a risk of taking a stimulant with a depressant
@WaelG-bp9xh Жыл бұрын
Yes, an overdose may hurt you Not taking meth with antidepressants or opioids may pose a risk of taking a stimulant with a depressant
@KarlEriksenopinion 4 ай бұрын
5:20- except you can't actually do anything on the drug once people escalate their dose. The energy is impossible to harness constructively. If people do very small amounts it can enhance performance, but done the way addicts typically abuse the drug, the energy it rpoduces is likely to make people take things apart and not put them back together, spend hours cleaning a single tile on a floor instead of cleaning the floor etc.
@Burgett2000 Жыл бұрын
16 days clean was off and on for 4 years last binge was about 8 months straight before I finally realized I can’t keep letting everyone down and dissapointing myself and got clean
@ttamn92 2 жыл бұрын
I struggled with addiction for many years and I used both heroin/fentanyl and crack and I tried meth a few times and thank God for some reason it didn't really effect me and I tried both smoking and shooting it and nothing so idk why maybe god stepped in and kept me from adding a 3rd drug to be addicted to or something but I'm so thankful for that now but I never could figure out why it didn't do anything to me and everyone else were super twacked out lol I'm so thankful that I was able to get away from that hell of a life and I still struggle with my urges to use even with almost 3 years clean this time but I'm absolutely not going back to that life and I hope and pray that every addict out there is able to get out of that life and do whatever it takes to get free from it But I would like to know if you have any ideas why it never affected me at all?? I would just like to know what the heck is the reason lol
@justice77justice Жыл бұрын
@LaggardInLove Жыл бұрын
Stay well, my friend ❤
@blindmown 7 ай бұрын
You might have ADHD. It's essentially a super charged form of the legally available ADHD medications. But obviously much more dangerous. Not that I really have anything to back this up, but I'd be curious to see how ADHD people react to tina vs neurotypical people.
@LucyFre Жыл бұрын
Many people describe it like quite unpleasant experience: heart palpitations paranoia hiperactivity
@ethan7658 Жыл бұрын
That’s the impure stuff
@michaelkuhle9866 Жыл бұрын
@@ethan7658 I'm pretty sure anything you buy these days is unpure... been there done that 🤮
@martontichi8611 3 ай бұрын
yea not that great.. only good for cleaning the house. it can really help with that.
@mrmusickhimself Жыл бұрын
If you ever suspect someone of meth use, tell them to meet you at a specific time. For some reason, they CAN'T do it, and if you call them out on it, you get paragraphs of manic, unbroken text where they snap on you, or they'll say "I'm about there, my foot's out the door" and make you wait MORE. Why did I ever associate with people like that? Because in Southwest Virginia, weed wasn't legal yet, and you'd sometimes have to meet up with some undesirables JUST to score. Sadly, some of those were former friends of mine who fell deep into the habit, and didn't care who they hurt or screwed over to get it. If they were about 1-2 hours late to meet me, it was ALWAYS my fault because I wasn't on "tweaker time". Screw that, I cut them all loose.
@brandoncook8300 Жыл бұрын
What goes up must come down. The crash from meth is brutal. People kill themselves. I never touched the stuff more than twice because my blood pressure would go from 120/70 to 175 over 98. Constantly.
@kellyusher1 Жыл бұрын
I really got upset when we had them in jail. it broke my heart. I ran medical at our jail and I have watched them stay awake for days then sleep for days. the sores always infected. the smell was awful and many of them would eat their sores so they could get a small high. then the withdrawal. pain on top of pain, so sick. could not eat. they just couldn't keep anything in their system.
@cassietherainbowsend722 Жыл бұрын
Wth? Gross!! I’ve never seen anyone eat their sores. Or have a bunch of sores. Awake for a long time, yeah. Then sleep for a long time, yeah. But eating sores? Never even heard of that.
@cherylulrich6683 11 ай бұрын
@@cassietherainbowsend722 I have. She's right. They do.
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