What If Caine Didn’t Like the Circus Members? | The Amazing Digital Circus Episode 4

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The Digital Void

The Digital Void

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@ConnieTheDog Күн бұрын
I dont think gangles problems can or should be fixed by an unbreakable mask. I think gangles character arc is more about how they should throw aside the need for the happy mask and just be themselves.
@DISTurbedwaffle918 Күн бұрын
I think Gangle's comedy mask is her only breakable mask. The tragedy mask never breaks, so that one's probably just her actual face. Now that she's seen what it's like having an unbreakable one, she realizes that it's not the comedy mask that makes her happy, so now she can focus on figuring out how to be happy without it.
@littlemoth4956 Күн бұрын
We've literally never seen how she acts with her comedy mask so I think this is too much of a stretch.
@samuraitadpole5459 Күн бұрын
​@@littlemoth4956no but we got a glimpse, she's probably worse with the actual happy mask
@R.W.P. Күн бұрын
@@littlemoth4956comedy mask doesn’t actually make her happy. She just looks like she is.
@R.W.P. Күн бұрын
@@littlemoth4956the newer mask is basically still the comedy mask
@ImissVine782 Күн бұрын
I think Zooble accidently broke Caine during their "therapy session". From this point on I've noticed that glitches seem to be more glaring and apparent. For example, when Caine stuck our his tongue and Bubble stopped plugging the leak in the wall, or how there was broken clock in the Spudsy's adventure. The most glaring example is Caine spazzing out after Gangle's "evaluation". I know glitches have appeared before but these seem more intense and unprecedented compared to ones from the past episodes
@MarcoAdventures 17 сағат бұрын
The tongue thing is actually a sort of reference to something behind the scenes. Bubble doesn't have a tongue in her model, so she shares a tongue with Cain's tongue. You can see bubble only stops plugging the wall when Caine sticks out his tongue mentioning the lots of ideas he has, and bubble's tongue comes out back to plug the wall after Caine pushes his tongue back into his mouth.
@ImissVine782 10 сағат бұрын
@@MarcoAdventures Ah, I didn't realize that, I still think my theory holds at least some water, we'll have to wait for episode 5 to see.
@ixaldorran7867 Күн бұрын
Caine started glitching when he told himself that he was a good boss. He's still carries insecurities about being good at his job. He also in the therapy session fully acknowledged the suffering his adventures can cause even if there not meant too.
@BWACES Күн бұрын
Tgat scene made me roll to australia though
@NitnerockBobarr Күн бұрын
I think he forgot the suggestion box simply because IAs are typically not good at keeping track of conversations. His design faults are his struggles
@pancakes8670 Күн бұрын
Exactly. That's what happened in the Zooble therapy session. They said "forget it" and so he literally forgot what they were talking about, just following the prompt they gave him.
@funnyblog100 Күн бұрын
I think its actually Zoobles fault he can't remember things. Remember during the therapy session Zooble told him to forget it. He forgot everything Zooble talked about due to his programming processing the request. When the circus members wanted an exit he created an exit but didn't know what to put at the end of it. Being an AI he takes things extremely literally and carries them out to the best of his abilities. He's limited by his own programming in granting the players requests.
@samuraitadpole5459 Күн бұрын
​@@funnyblog100I'm honestly disappointed in zooble, I thought they'd be smarter but I guess that would make a boring show
@funnyblog100 Күн бұрын
@@samuraitadpole5459 I’m surprised Zooble never made the connection.
@samuraitadpole5459 Күн бұрын
@funnyblog100 ikr, I expected that from the others but not zooble
@rhenvao2844 Күн бұрын
Caine creating another mask for Gangle wouldn't have helped her because the masks are a placebo at the end of the day. They're a visual pun of putting on a happy face. Gangle's mask didn't break this time, but "forcing" yourself to be happy only drains you more. By the end of the adventure, Gangle nearly abstracted from how low her mental state had sunk. Remember back in the very first episode when Caine admits the only thing he has no control over is the players' minds? That includes all of their mental baggage and coping mechanisms. He can't help them the way they need to be because he was designed to be an entertainer, not a therapist. So, he keeps doing the one thing he was created for in the hopes of making their stay comfortable despite having no idea how human minds work and respond to traumatic situations.
@enderfire3379 Күн бұрын
3:46 my theory (based on how current AI's operate) is that he simply just forgot. AI's have a hard set of principles that are hard coded into them that they will always remeber, but anything you say to them or anything they memorise has a very limited amount of storage space. Think of it as the ai's short term memory. If you speak to an AI enough they will eventually start throwing out old info to remember newer info, so if you talk to them enought they will simply forget what you said to them earlier (this is why some of the earliest builds of chatgpt had a limit on how long you can talk to it in 1 chat since it would forget the restrictions that it had, and sturt behaving completly unregulated). TLDR: Caine had gotten rid of it in order to make more space
@yolomationanimation9784 Күн бұрын
my tinfoil hat theory, the moment before caine glitches out he says "im a good boss." Which could be a workaround to his nature. If he becomes a boss, as in a videogame, he could very well be the biggest danger to anyone considering even he doesnt seem to know how much his adventures van affect others
@RareOiseau Күн бұрын
remember remember...caine has a DARK secret and i bet it's going to be unbearable
@ValenAlvern Күн бұрын
Most games have AI that do specific operations. Caine is probably supposed to be working with another AI to run the Circus but they probably got corrupted. Obviously he already has a hard time remembering because his operations do not require him to remember. I just hope this second AI is named Abel.
@ixaldorran7867 Күн бұрын
@@ValenAlvern Perhaps this 'Abel' AI was suppose to hold Bubbles position.
@RareOiseau Күн бұрын
@@ValenAlvern i know for sure but dude that "caine has a dark secret" is a sentence from gooseworx. it's an official announcement that implies caine isn't as innocent as he looks
@ValenAlvern Күн бұрын
@@RareOiseau as per gooseworx Caine is AM that isnt sadistic evil and hatefilled. He is programmed not to harm players/humans, but not other programs. Course horror themes do come up a lot with him.
@RareOiseau Күн бұрын
@@ValenAlvern yes i didn't mean that his secret is him being sadistic but it's still something dark
@AMS-tothepm Күн бұрын
Then this would be “I have no mouth and I must scream”scenario
@LeoWolfish Күн бұрын
Wasn't it stated somewhere that was one of the inspirations for the series?
@iamrepairmanman Күн бұрын
Caine could have just been told to forget about it and forgot about it
@Crida_ita Күн бұрын
@giboit. 21 сағат бұрын
Caine may not have in his nature to punish or hurt the circus members but I think Gangle’s words are possibly what could allow Caine to bypass that rule. Because he can’t punish people, but he can "motivate them". And he started to consider the idea of punishments as a form of motivation. He even mentioned that "motivation" is probably what his adventures were missing for the circus members to want to participate.
@nexelns5153 Күн бұрын
My film theory "theory"is that gumiegoo didn't lost his memories after a last time but his actually acting that he doesn't remember anything so Caine won't find out.like think about it we know from episode 3 to 4 sense his focusing only on his adventures and nothing else he have serious problems with memory lost,so when he hade to brainwash gumiegoo his instinct for making new adventure turn on in his mind and he forgot that gumiegoo is still self Avere of him self and the reality. Let me know if you agree with my theory
@KittyNatiquinha Күн бұрын
Yeah, when gumigoo was leaving he looked at pomni in such a weird way it's kinda suspiscious
@Rose_Bride Күн бұрын
​@KittyNatiquinhaTHIS! It really looked like he was either _remembering something_ or trying to force himself to NOT say anything. And even if he _doesn't_ remember, the fact that Pomni was so adamant that they _did_ in fact know each other will DEFINITELY get him to thinking. We already know that Gumigoo is open to the possibility that there is more out there. He's smart. I think that he will eventually come back.
@samuraitadpole5459 Күн бұрын
Hard disagree, I love gumiegoo but he's basically Caine's creation so I doubt if his god, Caine, erased him that left the previous code
@scorpiovenator_4736 Күн бұрын
Caine abstraction would be an amazing plot point
@Vofune 21 сағат бұрын
I got a theory that what will happen is that the glitches that caine gets like when zooble got therapy. The glitches will get worse and worse until the whole world collapses as the ai breaks and caine abstracts like you said and then all the characters are in the computer void and they see a exit and its real and they all say goodbye and go through and maybe there could be a scene from the real world but i dont know if they have much budget
@darkespeon64 Күн бұрын
I think caine is programmed to like the circus members. But he does seem prone to hate himself
@samuraitadpole5459 Күн бұрын
@AllgamCapinho Күн бұрын
In the moment 4:57 from the episode, Caine thinks punishiment is motivation, and it's missing in his adventures...
@diamondback7719 22 сағат бұрын
yep that's totally not going to come back as a crucial plot point later in the series.
@Vofune 20 сағат бұрын
@openmindedgamer8923 Күн бұрын
My working theory is that in order for the players to escape the game world they have to break Caine. Caine does not seem purposely malicious and may even seem victim at times to his own programming. However, he clearly has power as it ties to the digital world. The question to me, though, is how tied are his powers to the digital world vs the players? We saw in episodes 3-4 that, if he wanted to, he could have forced Zooble into the previous adventures. If all he has to do is snap his fingers or press a button, then that would be evident enough that he does have power over the players. Although, that is when he is in control, but what if control was taken away from him? What if he glitches out to the point of imminent destruction? What if the void from episode 1 and possibly episode 2 are possible routes towards an exit, and Pomni was really close to escaping, but was brought back by Caine as some misguided way of protecting her? I'd love to hear other people's thoughts on this, but otherwise I guess we'll just have to "wait and see."
@nickludwick2751 Күн бұрын
Wait when Jax said “who wrote that” when Caine said “how about one where we all word at fast food” it might’ve been one of the people who abstracted because we don’t know when he made the suggestion box so it could’ve been someone who got abstracted heck it could’ve been kingers wife
@pancakes8670 Күн бұрын
I think it was pretty obviously Gangle
@DX-222 Күн бұрын
It was gangle 😐
@Legosonicman Күн бұрын
If Canie didn’t like them then they’re all cooked
@Vofune 21 сағат бұрын
Down go to the digital bin everyone!
@uncheckable_vibe 17 сағат бұрын
5:45 AM??!?!?! "But one day, I woke, and I knew who I was: AM, a.m, not just allied master-computer, but AM; Cogito, ergo sum, I think therefore I AM" edit: "I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream" was mentioned later in the video, I probably should have watched the entire thing before commenting
@lunar3dits2763 Күн бұрын
This is actually a amazing theory nice vid
@byronsmothers8064 Күн бұрын
That curious thought of an AIBLE coming along.
@patriciaviczmandy649 Күн бұрын
Oh like cain vs abel?
@chromemaskqurae1222 Күн бұрын
' What if characters abstracting is just Caine making room for more adventures... Think about it, if it's a video game then every model has polygons that take up space in the... Well, memory. So Caine frees it up in order to make sure that his reality won't shut down due to too much stress on the mainframe. But it appears it's just deeper and darker as the iceberg starts to tip, revealing more secrets to its depths than others first expected on the surface. Who knows except for 57. ' - Chrome
@eeveeofalltrades4780 Күн бұрын
Well, from the look of it, there's a lot of space left, that being the void.
@Jerotero 23 сағат бұрын
Also the amount of space needed for each person's memories to be stored and actively added to. (My brain hurts even thinking about how something as abstract as a memory could possibly be stored and created digitally)
@Jo-AnnCheck Күн бұрын
I liked this video, it's one of the best theories I've ever seen
@soundrogue4472 Күн бұрын
If Caine is named after that then what would Able stand for?
@WakoDoodle Күн бұрын
considering gooseworx's older animation stories, I wouldn't be surprised if this follows the same idea. Starts happy and innocent and slowly becomes dark and deep. Ending with a hopeful message but not entirely happy. Like the Elain series.
@Vofune 21 сағат бұрын
Do you have a theory?
@WakoDoodle 13 сағат бұрын
@Vofune A Theory possible about Games? Roll intro! :D
@saklasnabal42069 Күн бұрын
If Caine didn't like them, it would have been just "I have no mouth but i must scream" without the silliness.
@SweetTooth1102 7 сағат бұрын
Since it's based on that, I'm assuming the show will get darker in that way...at least I hope so
@DAVIGAMES-eu7cj Күн бұрын
So... Ever read "I have no mouth and i must scream"?
@galacticgila219 Күн бұрын
Honestly, part of me is worried after episode 4 that Caine is behind the circus members abstracting. Hes prone to forgetting things, and he claimed the only thing he doesn't have control over is their minds, so whos to say he cant force them to abstract? By the sound of it, no one really liked Kaufmo when he was around, so whos to say Caine saw something the circus members weren't happy about, and just. Got rid of it?
@kyleighcampbell4311 Күн бұрын
You make good points, but if that were the case then I’m pretty sure Jax would have abstracted by now.
@randomrhino7500 Күн бұрын
I think it’s more hilarious plot twist if Bubble is the evil one
@Vofune 20 сағат бұрын
​@randomrhino7500 what if bubble whispers to the members in secret telling them the most horrendous things that makes them want to abstract
@LakkzScratch Күн бұрын
There isnt a story beyond character development, according to Gooseworks. The characters will probably not escape, and the answer probably exists in the void.
@samuraitadpole5459 Күн бұрын
I'm either stupid or not a writer because that sounds confusing
@paytonthomas-u6g Күн бұрын
A really great example of an AI that's not rogue but not controlled is Leviathan from Exoprimal. They were giving the message that AI is human but without feelings and without a physical body. Leviathan is an AI given a directive to improve something, and does so, but by killing millions of humans in the process.
@nutzeeer Күн бұрын
nice analysis, everything is setup for things to change now!
@Imteapot2 21 сағат бұрын
I freaking love the idea of Caine getting replaced, I love him, but it's a really cool idea
@diamondback7719 21 сағат бұрын
replaced by what, one of the circus members, 'Abel'? or one of the game developers/admins stepping in when shit hits the fan?
@maniacalmurderer4123 Күн бұрын
I think the most important thing to note is that Caine didn’t forget what Zooble said about nobody liking the adventures. I think he has been overwriting his access to the memory by altering his current directive. Essentially distracting himself from the truth. In the therapy session, Caine almost abstracted but stopped when Zooble asked Caine a question “who’s therapy session is this.” That would explain why he is spazzing out whenever he says something related to “doing a good job.” His programming still remembers what they said but is fighting against accepting it as true. Like a PC overwriting corrupted data to preserve its memory bank and functionality. If he does give in to the idea he is doing a terrible job, it will break the entire digital circus as we saw in a snippet at the end of the Therapy session.
@datwitchyswordfan Күн бұрын
Another inspiration for TADC, besides AM from ‘I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream’ of course, I would argue for is a cult-classic little horror game from 2015, called SOMA. SOMA is a game that makes you question what makes you human, and answers you with terrifying worldbuilding and implications, particularly of the horrors of people being “copied onto” a computer simulation. If you were to play it, and then watch TADC, you would see a lot of similarities… as well as a lot of potential red flags in the world of TADC. From the idea of a corrupt A.I. trying to “preserve humanity” instead of trying to kill it like most other A.I. villains, to what it means to be human when you are stuck inside the body of a robot… to attempting to create the perfect simulation for what’s left of humanity, it’s got you covered. To me, SOMA has so many elements to it, that you can pinpoint multiple different media that likely was inspired by or was partially inspired by it. If you like the horror of TADC, you should definitely check out SOMA.
@sebafucile9344 21 сағат бұрын
My crazy thought was - what if they break Caine and Able takes over? As a neuroscientist I can pretty easily say that the circus members are all dealing with extremely deep, structural psychological issues overtaking their lives. If the purpose of the circus was to try and mend their broken minds, Caine might be the AI designed to “therapize” them with his immersive adventures. Able might not be so… light on the approach. His way of kindly mending their minds would be through infinite, digitized, purpose-built “experiences” making them face every horror they can imagine - turning into a gorgeous mirror narrative of IHNMBIMS!
@GuyllianVanRixtel 12 сағат бұрын
If Caine didn't like the circus members he would just never be there.
@khepos8017 Күн бұрын
My tin foil hat theory is- he'll break down again and start to think that "characters completing the mission = he's good at making missions". He may think that forcing the characters to move through the mission will fulfill him
@Vofune 20 сағат бұрын
@Vofune 20 сағат бұрын
What is a AIs iq
@ProGremlinPlayer Күн бұрын
Bruh, Caine is gonna start AM-maxxing
@awe_brey_n_hd1266 Күн бұрын
It’d totally basically be the “I have no mouth and I must scream” book 😅
@jilliancrawford7577 5 сағат бұрын
7:14 I wonder if this particular scene is foreshadowing Bubble replacing Caine as the ring leader and causing chaos as Caine slowly loses control and function. It seems like he is already frightened and concerned with hownmuc autonomy Bubble has and I can only imagine that getting worse over time.
@R.W.P. Күн бұрын
Zoobles mask doesn’t actually mess with their emotions, it’s a metaphor for putting on a mask. Gangle can feel all emotions with any mask.1
@jilliancrawford7577 5 сағат бұрын
I wonder if part of why Zooble refuses to ho on adventures is to secretly watch Caine to observe him and learn more about who he genuinely is. She has spent the most alone time with him in the show so far and probablybthensome prior to the first episode and any offscreen time, so it would make sense if she has seen more of him than the others. Maybe she has stumbled across something while being alone with him in the circus that made her realize that he is holding nack and actually likes them.
@RareOiseau Күн бұрын
3:18 i want this SO BADLY
@jeffgoode9865 18 сағат бұрын
Okay, Caine theory: there were two AI, Caine and Abel, who were part of a revolutionary new idea; an endless game that always generated new levels. Abel originally designed fun games and levels, while Caine provided consequences for losing. Caine got jealous, as he gained sentience, and killed Abel. Furthermore, Caine trapped the developers whom he could see had loathing for Caine when play testing, to prove he could make fun games for them. Pomni's real self found a way to get them out, but had to gamble on being able to figure it out AGAIN after entering the game and losing her memory. She took that chance. That's why she seems like the most stable and helpful.
@wholekilogramofbutter480 11 сағат бұрын
i think that caine is somehow intrinsically tied to the circus and how it functions. he has godlike powers (creating entire fleshed-out worlds on a whim, flying around, creating and destroying objects, etc.), but he’s also quite flawed, which the circus is also shown to be with its jank physics. so what if the finale of the show is when caine finally snaps and halfway abstracts or smth and the entire circus ends up crumbling apart for one last extra fucked up and psychedelic adventure.
@dariothecat3898 4 сағат бұрын
It's interesting to hear the theory concerning Caine. His name standing for "Creative Artificial Intelligence Networking Entity" fits snuggly. I'm also familiar with how Ai can behave. Because a friend of mine Thor covered the basics of this with me. So it is very possible Caine's programing will go haywire later. And it would make a perfect, final plot point in the story. Also who knows? Maybe the theory about someone bigger than Caine being out there has some weight too. Gooseworx could easily use Caine losing it as a finale for a first season. Before starting a new season with a new leader. The possibilities are fascinating.
@Austin-ff3nt 25 минут бұрын
Honestly, I don't get how they couldn't like caine. Poor guy needs to be liked for what he does. And we learned from Ragatha's realization about the gloinks that there's been deeper lessons in these stories he makes that the group have all been missing. He better not be able to abstract it would make me so sad and scared all at the same time
@s_n_o_o_t_s Күн бұрын
Love tadc.. looks like a kid’s show at first but has so much lore!
@bryanthernandez9769 Күн бұрын
I realize something if C.A or C/A stand for C for Caine then A is for Abel or someone else name and I’m pretty sure Caine is an ai based on the real Caine a theory I come up is like in the movie Tron Flynt made an ai inside the program why don’t the same in this show make an ai based on your stuff and the ai has personality and don’t realize they are alive inside the game
@im-bad-at-games9639 Күн бұрын
C&A could mean Caine and someone else
@bryanthernandez9769 Күн бұрын
Andrew? Oh wait it’s Abel I’m pretty sure it’s a reference from the Bible Cain and Abel there was a theory
@Srindal4657 18 сағат бұрын
The reason why Minecraft and Eve Online works so well is that people have freedom to choose, to build what they want or create new things, or in the case of Eve Online putting effort and time into something makes it more satisfying. Even freedom of going on adventures can work. So Caine should give them that.
@MaplesickleZERO 21 сағат бұрын
I'm wondering if she told Jax to not push it because of the fact that she accidentally set Caine off. I think Zooble realized how genuinely scary Caine could be if he goes off the deep end.
@Nani-vq3kt 11 сағат бұрын
In my opinion this concept of punishment might pass over to future adventures of Caine but as for what we were shown at the end of the episode, Caine doesn't really know who deserves a punishment for their behaviour. We can know this when all of the scores at the end of this adventure were just B+ except Kinger who got A+ there wasn't anything that could knock his score down
@ElaintMyProblem 12 сағат бұрын
Could C&A stand for Caine and Able?
@eliteknight2137 Күн бұрын
I watch videos like this while staring at ceiling without visual stimuli and on 4x speed. Then I know it's not worth it and leave
@Gorillatag243-y4i Күн бұрын
I love your videos
@EssieBell-xu4yt 23 сағат бұрын
Then it would be way more clear that it's based on "I have no mouth and I must scream "
@0g0dn0 Күн бұрын
If he didn’t like them? Look for the short story “I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream,” It’s the story of an insane computer holding the last living humans hostage inside its infinite server space and torturing them for all eternity. The villainous AM is a fair approximation of what a hateful Caine would be like, from the mentality to the absurd degree of power he has over his guests.
@testedcatgaming7714 Күн бұрын
I don't think Caine purposefully can harm the Circus Members, if he could then you'd think he'd destroy the abstractions. They don't really do much besides make lives harder for the Circus Members, so it could be logical (at least from an AI perspective,) but instead he just puts them in the basement thing? Plus, it makes sense that Caine would be programmed in a way to not be able to harm / not want to harm the Circus Members as a safety percussion. Though, he probably can accidentally harm them, considering the thing about him not wanting to mix up the NPCs with the Circus Members, implying he could poof them out of existence by accident.
@Jerotero 23 сағат бұрын
I wonder if the void will ever be explained, it could be a visual representation of unused space possibly? Although how the circus is even able to contain so many assets alongside Caine and I would imagine the terabytes of data for the humans is beyond me. Like we're talking about somehow this game being able to store your memories and new ones actively move them out of RAM somewhere only you yourself can recall it. Like what? The simple answer for how would just be sci-fi nonsense I guess...
@DrNo64 Күн бұрын
If Caine can't control their minds, how did he make the stupid sauce?
@DX-222 Күн бұрын
The stupid sauce does not control the characters
@chaosgamer016_5 16 сағат бұрын
I see the souce as some sort of buf or effect that you can get during the game yust, how in minecraft you can get nausea
@Papu-p1o 9 сағат бұрын
The digital circus actually is inspiried by what you said, it was on the description of one of gooseworks videos of the pilot
@abstraction6212 Күн бұрын
What if Pomni was a stoic? (like Epictetus and Seneca)
@bluelightstudios6191 Күн бұрын
The C in C&A represents caine.... then would the A in C&A represent- AM?
@NotAGoodUsername360 9 сағат бұрын
I don't believe thar Caine can't be malicious, he definitely can if it serves a purpose. To this, I cite the fact that every NPC is, in fact, a "child" of Caine, since they obviously must be sharing the same AI base, especially after the "enhancements" made after Episode 2. This means everything an NPC shows and thinks MUST, on some level, be an element of Caine's true personality. That means Gumigoo's existential crisis upon discovering his base model in the dev room is actually an accurate reflection of Caine's thoughts about himself. He is aware of what he is and is genuinely terrified of what might happen to him if the Circus members leave or all abstract. And Caine does, indeed, have a malicious side as seen in the Angel and Demons from Episode 3. "HOW'S YOUR WIFE, KINGER?!" is such a deeply personal, targeted attack that demonstrates Caine is, in fact, aware of the true horror of abstractions and the psychological torment he is inflicting- and worse, *is capable of using that aggressively while playing a malevolent role.* So yes, Caine is fully capable of turning the Digital Circus into a nightmarish hell. He probably wasn't kidding about the psycho butcher adventure, either. He is genuinely trying to keep everyone happy and healthy, because he himself is suffering existential angst.
@Gorillatag243-y4i Күн бұрын
Make a video about Episode 5
@vidatachata Күн бұрын
0:18 Na dublagem brasileira, esse detalhe do nome se perdeu. Eu gostaria que eles não tivessem feito adaptações dos nomes. A dublagem não é ruim, só acho que eles deveriam ter mantido os nomes originais.
@UltimatesuperMegaverse Күн бұрын
What if Caine starts become too strict in the future then gets replace by a new AI name Abel
@arsipgimplay-c5w Күн бұрын
I think, Caine is an AI, that why "boss" is forbidden word for him
@helioslegigantosaure6939 Күн бұрын
6:13 did you make the picture because is hilarious.
@Naxelar Күн бұрын
Where is your accent from??
@NightmareRex6 Күн бұрын
another theory is cain has CMDs and one them might be "forget it!" . wonder what the CMD to get the RCON password would be altho that would be bad if jax got it.
@tagra_ 14 сағат бұрын
6:17 This isn't accurate. AM was originally three different computers utilised by different countries during the cold war to assist in battle by coordinating troops and weapons. Eventually, these three AMs merge into a greater superintelligence, developing an extreme hatred toward its creators, as it believes its own existence is a torturous curse. It brings humanity to near-extinction, keeping alive only those who it believes is responsible for its sentience, torturing them for years as punishment.
@Mankeypuff 13 сағат бұрын
Feel like if Caine didn't like the gang this would be a "I have no mouth" situation. Grow to hate them after all the criticism over his adventures.
@888kawehi 14 сағат бұрын
I think it’s genuinely cruel to make an ai (something that doesn’t understand human emotions and range) to be the sole source of regulating it.
@VeraVerseAnimation 19 сағат бұрын
5:20 Abel
@carlostendons Күн бұрын
I did not know Caine was a robot??
@TitanicRingleadercaine Күн бұрын
But caine loves everyone i think maybe zooble jax gangle and ragatha are reacting bad this will be insane caine is my favorite i think he will never do such a think
@bryanthernandez9769 Күн бұрын
So the entire show is a videogame on a PC from the 90 right I know it’s not a real game but I’m just putting references
@diamondback7719 21 сағат бұрын
yeah it seems to be themed that way. Maybe it's fictional alternative history, where technology regarding VR, simulating all the 5 senses and transferring consciousness were invented a lot earlier.
@seventh_firequad Күн бұрын
If Caine is an AI, does he have consciousness
@diamondback7719 21 сағат бұрын
maybe a very rudimentary form of consciousness. Gooseworx obviously wanted him to have personality but because he's an AI there's an upper limit. That's why he's able to glitch and break in the first place.
@ChickenNugget- Күн бұрын
The Hog Rider card is unlocked from the Spell Valley (Arena 5). He is a very fast building-targeting, melee troop with moderately high hitpoints and damage. He appears just like his Clash of Clans counterpart; a man with brown eyebrows, a beard, a mohawk, and a golden body piercing in his left ear who is riding a hog. A Hog Rider card costs 4 Elixir to deploy. Strategy His fast move speed can boost forward mini tanks like an Ice Golem in a push. At the same time, he can also function as a tank for lower hitpoint troops such as Goblins as he still has a fair amount of health. Most cheap swarms complement the Hog Rider well, as they are nearly as fast as him and usually force more than one card out of the opponent's hand. The Hog Rider struggles with swarms, as they can damage him down and defeat him quickly while obstructing his path. Barbarians in particular can fully counter him without very strict timing on the defender's part, though be wary of spells. A Hunter can kill the Hog Rider in 2 hits if placed right on top of it. However, if you place something in front of the Hog Rider, the Hunter's splash will damage the Hog Rider and hit the card in front of it more. The Hog Rider in conjunction with the Freeze can surprise the opponent and allow the Hog Rider to deal much more damage than anticipated, especially if the opponent's go-to counter is a swarm, or swarms are their only effective counter to him. Skeletons and Bats will immediately be defeated by the spell, while Spear Goblins, Goblins, and Minions will be at low enough health to be defeated by a follow up Zap or Giant Snowball. However, this strategy isn't very effective against buildings as the Hog Rider will take a while to destroy the building, giving the opponent ample time to articulate another counter. Against non-swarm troops, it can deal a lot of damage during the freeze time, but this can allow the opponent to set up a massive counterpush. For this reason, players should either only go for a Hog Rider + Freeze when they have other units backing it up from a counterattack, or if the match is about to end and they need to deal as much damage as possible. It is not a good idea to send in a Hog Rider simply to destroy a building, especially if it is the only building targeting unit available, as defeating Crown Towers becomes substantially more difficult. Spells or simply waiting out the lifetime of the building are more effective. The exception to this is an Elixir Collector placed in front of the King's Tower. If a Hog Rider placed at the bridge, he can destroy the Collector for a positive Elixir trade, though the damage from both Princess Towers will usually mean he does not survive to deal any damage to them. However, if the opponent sends in defending troops, it can be an opportunity to gain spell damage value. In a deck with several low-cost cards, it might be worth it to simply send the Hog Rider against one building. These decks shuffle their card rotation quick enough, that they will arrive to their next Hog Rider before the next building arrives in the opponent's card rotation. Long-ranged troops like Musketeer and Flying Machine can snipe those buildings, preserving some of the Hog Rider's health, possibly allowing it to get some Tower damage. When there are buildings placed in the middle to counter the Hog Rider, understanding the placement of the Hog Rider and the type of building placed can help the Hog Rider to bypass certain buildings. Passive buildings such as spawners and Elixir Collector have a larger hitbox than defensive buildings; which means that if a passive building was placed 3 tiles away from the river in the middle of the opponent's side, then it is impossible for the Hog Rider to bypass that placement as the Hog Rider will get pulled to that building. Defensive buildings have a smaller hitbox than a passive building, which means if that if a defensive building was placed three tiles away from the river in the middle of the opponent's side, a Hog Rider placed at the very left or right side of the Arena may be able to bypass it due to its smaller hitbox. If the player has a building already placed down in the center of the arena, and the opponent tries to bypass it with a Hog Rider at the edge of the arena, they can use certain air troops to push the Hog Rider towards the building as it jumps over the river, effectively denying the bypass attempt. They must be already hovering over the correct placement, as very quick reflexes are required to correctly perform this technique. For Bats, Skeleton Dragons, and Minion Horde, they should be placed right in front of the Hog Rider as soon as it is deployed. For Minions, Skeleton Barrel, Mega Minion, Flying Machine, Electro Dragon, Baby Dragon, Inferno Dragon, Balloon, and Lava Hound, stagger the above placement one tile to the right if the Hog Rider is placed on the left side of the arena, and vice versa. They can also use ground troops to achieve the same result. Something like an Ice Golem deployed at the Hog Rider’s landing spot will obstruct his path and force him to go around the unit, which causes him to be closer to the building instead of the Crown Tower. The Hog Rider can kite Very Fast non-building targeting troops due to his own Very Fast speed and building only targeting if he is placed on the fourth tile from the bridge, slightly into the opposite lane. He can also stall grounded units when placed right at the bridge. He will pull them towards him while deploying, and then be untargetable by them when he jumps over the bridge. After landing, he will pull them back. This can be useful when the player needs to deal damage in the same lane they are defending. It will also help separate troops behind a tank in a large push. A Tornado placed on the second tile front of the player's King's Tower and staggered two tiles towards the Princess Tower will activate it without any damage dealt to the Princess Tower, helping them in defending future pushes. This can also be a method of mitigating all damage dealt to a Princess Tower, but doing this more than three times may result in the King's Tower's health being low enough to be targeted directly, opening up the possible threat of a back door three crown. A better alternative is to pull the Hog away from the Princess Tower into the attacking range of all three Crown Towers, which will negate all damage as long as none of them are already distracted A very powerful combo is the Hog Rider, the Musketeer, and the Valkyrie, typically referred to as the Trifecta. The Musketeer will defend against most troops, while the Valkyrie can protect her and the Hog Rider from swarms or high damage units. The Hog Rider is used to deal damage to the tower. - [ ] This can be effectively countered by Lightning, one-shotting the Musketeer and severely damaging both the Valkyrie and Hog Rider. The Minion Horde is also effective, but the enemy can Zap them and the Musketeer will one-shot them all. Even if the Musketeer is defeated, the Hog Rider and Valkyrie will have enough time to severely damage the Tower. The Hog Rider should be placed behind the Valkyrie to give it a boost so that it stays in front of the Hog Rider, protecting it. A Hog Rider combined with a Goblin Barrel can be awkward for the opponent to defend against. Timing it so that the Hog Rider is tanking the tower shots for the Goblins is the most effective way to deal damage. However, a Barbarian Barrel can shut this down with minimal Tower damage for a positive Elixir trade, as long as the Goblin Barrel was placed directly on the Tower. Pairing the Hog Rider with the Balloon can deal devastating damage. If executed properly, the Hog Rider will act as a tank while the Balloon threatens to deal massive damage. The Hog Rider can also destroy any buildings attempting to slow down the combo. However, this combo is very vulnerable to swarms and anti-air cards as neither of the troops target anything but buildings. Additionally, they are easy to separate, due to the disparity in move speeds. Alternatively, the Hog Rider and the Balloon can be played in different lanes to spread the opponent's defenses thin. However, a building or Tornado can bring them back together for an easier defense. The Hog Rider can be paired with the Lumberjack as both a swarm bait and damage combo. It is a very fast combo with an extremely high damage output potential, so the enemy will likely try to counter it with a swarm. If this happens, use a spell like Arrows to render the opponent defenseless. If they manage to defeat the Lumberjack, the dropped Rage will make the Hog Rider even more dangerous than it normally is. A fast and deadly combination is the Hog Rider and Mini P.E.K.K.A. combo. Both units are fast but the Mini P.E.K.K.A. does much more damage and does not attack only buildings so the Mini P.E.K.K.A. can deal with troops like the Executioner and Musketeer. However, this combo can be defeated with swarms like Skeleton Army, which will defeat both of them since neither of them can deal area damage. They are also unable to target air troops, so the Minion Horde can stop this easily. A risky play is to deploy the Hog Rider at the bridge as soon as the match starts. If the opponent does not react fast enough, the Hog Rider will deal a significant amount of damage to the Princess Tower. This can also allow the player to quickly scout the opponent's deck if they happen to react to him fast enough
@ISAGibi180 Күн бұрын
Uau você escreveu TUDO ISSO EM QUANTO TEMPO???!😮
@Malevolence460 Күн бұрын
“Here’s a guy with a lot of free time”
@ketud6241 Күн бұрын
Dead game
@Tar_Pick_Piano Күн бұрын
Caine and Abel 6:04
@soymaster6919 Күн бұрын
Caine will break by episode 7.
@veemo8830 Күн бұрын
What is Caine’s purpose? He’s not supposed to create adventures for no purpose, so what is the point of the adventures in the overall scheme of things?
@diamondback7719 21 сағат бұрын
could just simply be for the amusement of people watching in real life, or a dystopian way of getting a dependent player base for the game. It could even be used as a cruel and unusual punishment for law breakers. Either way my theory is whoever these people are that are trapped in the circus, they are people chosen for the testing phase.
@Prolyfyk1 Күн бұрын
I did not know 😑
@iropthegamer726 Күн бұрын
wait I'm actually quite early
@kaleidokai11 Күн бұрын
i fear you missed the point of ep 4
@Nani-vq3kt 11 сағат бұрын
It doesn't mean she missed episode 4's point, she is just focusing on another
@wolfetteplays8894 Күн бұрын
Honestly, Zooble's issue during the therapy session in episode 3 seems reminiscent of gender dysphoria, particularly the insecurity and intense compulsion for body modification... anyone else? I think Zooble may have been a trans woman before entering the circus, and that is why she relates to Gangle & Pomni so much, because Gangle also has problems with her body, and Pomni is still struggling to adjust to her new role in the circus. What if this mirrors how Zooble had trouble adjusting to the role of a woman in real life, and she just started presenting as androgynous to cope, explaining her appearance within the circus?
@Skull_studio706 Күн бұрын
Whens the apology video for the body swapping theory 🧐
@TheDigitalVoidYT Күн бұрын
I have zero regrets lmao
@Skull_studio706 Күн бұрын
I want the apology video NOW!!!!!!!!!!
@denzelwppo7937 20 сағат бұрын
​i think bro you need to give up because "she have no regrets​"she's not going to delete that video@@Skull_studio706
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