What If Harry Potter & Draco Malfoy Became Best Friends?

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Brett's Thoughts

Brett's Thoughts

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In this video, we imagine what would happen if Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy became best friends. What would their relationship be like? Would Harry still be friends with Ron and Hermione? Would Harry become a Slytherin?
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@therookie1162 Жыл бұрын
If Sirius found out Voldemort was back wouldn’t his motivation be to protect his Godson
@lordgnarfy Жыл бұрын
Wonderful video Brett. I of course disagree, but that's what I do 😂 and you're not ready for that rant yet. It'd look like the lady screaming at cat meme, or the connecting things one. 😂 Also congrats for finally getting me to watch your KZbin stuff. This was a bait. Confess! Gnarf
@BrettsThoughts Жыл бұрын
This was a bait and I’m glad it worked 🙌🏻 feel free to drop your disagreements so I can rip them apart
@lordgnarfy Жыл бұрын
@@BrettsThoughts you made this video entirely based on the influence Draco has on Harry but not about possible effects Harry could have on Draco 😂 Let's spin this little world Harry and Draco meet at Diagon Alley the meeting is friendlier because draco knows who Harry is. Harry is still stranded in kings cross, it's the Weasleys that help him through the barrier they seem nice enough as well. Harry might still befriend Ron. Not only that but Harry has been bullied his entire life so far, if he sees the way Draco bullies those he thinks of as lesser than him, he might tell him off for it. Draco wants to be friends with Harry, Harry is famous after all. So maybe he'd adjust, just slightly, but we've seen how terrified Draco was by the prospect of killing Dumbledore. He's not all bad and evil, there is something in him that tells him what voldy is doing is wrong but he's scared and who could he even go to for help? Voldy did try to kill Harry so Harry won't join the dark side, the guy is after him after all. And Dumbledore sure as eff would find a way to pull Harry on his side. So Draco could go to Harry, if they've become friends. His parents are in the innermost circle of the enemy he could have valuable information as well. Due to Harry being in Slytherin and having seen how people try to influence others, he might not have gone all starry eyed into the task of defeating Voldemort but might have had the balls to make a deal that protected Draco, he's his friend after all. That's just as possible 😂
@anneshields2010 3 ай бұрын
In a way they were besties well Dan and Tom were
@dori_casper Жыл бұрын
I wonder if Snape wouldve treated Harry better if he was a girl (maybe Harriet?) and looked more like Lily (and lets say the prophecy was changed too so its all the same Harriet is still the chosen one) ?
@FrostyPlayzYT Жыл бұрын
why does ginny always die 😭 💀
@howtogoogle8031 Жыл бұрын
lucius adn harry are somehat similar aexcept or accept bering bullied atth e hadns of muggles draco and and james aare and were bullies
@uh........... Жыл бұрын
If Draco and Harry became "besties" we all know it wouldn't stay that way for long. Things would turn gay real fast, Draco would get jealous of Harry having a girlfriend, probably use Pansy Parkinson to make him jealous but in return it'd make Draco feel even more lonely than ever before since Pansy Parkinson has always been a pushy overrated person. Anyway, Harry eventually would start to notice Draco's jealousy. They'd fight like cats and dogs over it which instead of punches it'd lead to snogging. That is your explanation on if Harry Potter was sorted into Slytherin and Became "besties" with Draco. They'd share a dorm room together; they'd probably fight and make up a lot quicker than Ron did with Harry because Draco was still a Slytherin and so would Harry and uh Slytherins are very cunning but also ambitious. So, it'd just make sense that they'd use their sly words to makeup easily or weasel their way into each other's hearts. I mean looking at Lucius Malfoy for example, he could easily have gotten a divorce with his wife numerous times over the years because of how he treated his son, and we all know Narcissa Malfoy was a bit more nurturing than Lucius Malfoy based on book evidence, lore evidence, and seriously the last book in Harry Potter gave that woman a fricken oscars award. Lying to the worst Dark Wizard of that particular era. Here though is a nondating/nonmarried example of how Slytherins CAN communicate better. Lucius Malfoy could also have been killed numerous times for failing Voldemort. But he managed NOT to find himself on the wrong end of that particular wand. So, he lived, so like- maybe slytherins are better at communicating even if it turns into a fight, they still figure it out due to that cunning aspect that I did mention before. From time-to-time slytherins end up killing each other, we all saw Voldemorts POV. However, Harry was surrounded by Gryffindors that wore their heart on their sleeves and tended to think with their fists more than their brains-ahem Ron lookin at you my man-and so their way of thinking idk sorta rubbed off on Harry. It's a study that the people you live with tend to rub off on you just a bit. Thats how some traits children develop from their parents/legal guardians and some traits kids are just born with. However I'm adopted and my parents aren't my biological ones and uh I have my adoptive parents habits. Like my adopted father, he likes midnight snacking, and as a kid I could not sleep at night so I'd sneak downstairs to pet the dogs and my dad would be down there eating and he kind of got me into midnight snacking unintentionally. Or like how my adopted mother is very controlling, that sort of behavior rubbed off on me over the years. Like there's little things and little habits that we pick up from the people we live with and are constantly around. So it just makes sense that Harry's tendencies to not want to do homework come from Ron, and Harry's hotheaded behavior also comes from Ron as its definitely a Gryffindorish Weasley trait. So, if Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy became "besties" it would definitely turn out gay by fourth year if not third, maybe second year cause twelve year olds being twelve year olds-I really don't wanna recount my embarrassing twelve year old me experience but okay, when I was twelve I was a hopeless romantic that wanted to ride off into the sunsets of Hawaii and have a white wedding at some church where I'd be dressed up as a fancy princess in a big old white ballroom dress from like idk Cinderella's time. Like it was bad okay, I wanted my prince to be a legit mature appreciative submissive dude who wouldn't be mean and insult my outfits and make me breakfast in bed and we'd have five dogs and two cats and like the american dream three kids, two girls and a boy. And there would be an army of hamsters for some reason. THAT WAS MY TWELVE YEAR OLD DREAMLAND EXPERIENCE. Like idk it's so embarassing looking back on it now, because now I don't want any of that. I want to get eloped with a prenup, move somewhere legal so I can breed ferrets, cats, and dogs, maybe have kids if I have a steady income, and with my partner, I'd be able to fart and not have them judge me for it. But that's how it is. Also I've gone through the whole identity crisis and unlike my twelve year old white wedding dream self, I realized a few things. One, expenses. Two, i want a partner who ain't gonna be submissive since..I've grown to like having a dominant figure. And three, I am not exactly physically capable of wearing..a skinny..dress ahem..with one of those uh..puffy skirt things at the bottom. My body just doesn't fit, which is why I'd be fine with a white shirt and black trousers and if I'm gonna go all out, I'd wanna wear some slippers when we get the uh prenuptual agreed elope. 😁🤏👍
@uh........... Жыл бұрын
Yes I'm replying to myself but heres how I see it. Harry Befriending Draco Leads: Him to slytherin house, not friends with Ron and Hermione. Hermione might actually end up in Ravenclaw, when she sees the friendship of Draco and Harry on the train bc there is still bound to be an interaction between Harry and Hermione on the train about the toad trevor. Because Harry is placed into Slytherin, Snape-The head of Slytherin has his own confused feelings towards him, hating the boy for looking like his father-whom was Snapes bully growing up and stole the girl he loved, however Harry has Lily's eyes, and the color of his eyes might actually ease Snapes anger for the boy especially since he wasn't a Gryffindor although thats 50/50 between hating or growing to actually like Harry. Especially since he befriends Draco whom Snape took a liking to in the first book-we all read it-and if Harry befriends Draco, unlike Ron he won't wanna skive off school work so Harry would inevitably learn a thing or two about Potions with Draco as his school partner/bestie, on top of that Harry being in Snapes house makes it so Snape can't take house points cause Snape has his own favoritism towards his Slytherins. Now the issue with the sorcerer's/philosophers stone would not be an issue since Harry wouldn't delve into the mystery. Since he'd probably grow on Snapes side after the whole learning more about potions, and he probably would grow to like Snape enough to ask about it. Snape would most likely take Harry to Dumbledore since he probably wasn't going to talk and found it an issue that a child knew about the stone at all-let alone Harry Potter. Dumbledore would be forced to reveal the stone being here and kept hidden. Thus would lead to events that eased Harry after being told Snape was one of its protectors. So first book wouldn't have much of an ordealio other than Harry and Draco fluffy friendship with a few arguments over muggleborns which Draco would soon learn to watch his mouth, but we aren't at book four yet and we're on the breakdown of book one. Due to book one also having little mini side adventures involving Hagrid and other characters, those shall be scratched out cause Draco's a pureblooded Slytherin who probably would just enjoy spending time down in the dungeons or exploring the castle. Only really boasting himself as a way to make himself seem better than Harry Potter cause in the original series he was jealous of Harry. But if he befriended Harry he would have had praisal from his father since it was also his fathers idea to befriend the boy-who-lived. But lets skip to the summer before the next school year in book two. Draco probably wants to keep Harry close by so he could suck up to the boy who lived in front of his father. Meaning, Harry probably spent the summer with the Malfoys. Draco and Harry loved flying so Draco's father probably bought them both Nimbus 2000 broomsticks and let the kids roam the Malfoy Manor grounds with them doing seekers games. Harry ofc would be better at it but by this point probably figured that Draco was going to try out for their Hogwarts House team as its second years and above. Its said in the original lore that Draco always wanted to be a seeker, so Harry's living situation with the Dursley's probably made him both a push-over and cunning enough to hide as well as bottle up some of his own angered emotions. He also would probably steal a lot more food as a kid but still end up scrawny. He also probably would keep his mouth shut instead of risk being put in the cupboard and would have gotten better grades than Dudley nonetheless. Just a bit of information, so Harry probably by this point has grown to enjoy Draco's company and doesn't want to risk losing it, so Draco would become the Slytherin seeker but not Harry. Now Harry has spent the summer with the Malfoys at Malfoy Manor, which we will assume has a large garden where a small garden snake probably has made its way into somehow. This could be where Harry discovers he's a parsal tongue. In discovering this, he could have done so in the presence of all three Malfoys or maybe just Draco or one of Draco's parents. But either way, if it were Draco he'd probably tell his parents right away feeling prideful of befriending a possible descendant off Salazar Slytherin himself. If it were Narcissa she'd probably try telling her husband and he'd be forced to do research around which his son would discover him doing particular research on parsal tongues and his father would delicately explain the situation so Draco doesn't risk ruining the friendship he had with Harry. Now during this time Harry could also have discovered the diary and logically thinking on this, Voldemort probably told Lucius Malfoy at some point that he had a horcrux and this here diary was something to be heavily guarded. However knowing Lucius Malfoy, probably not, so Harry would have most likely discovered it and had the obvious reaction to it. Lucius Malfoy would become fearful if not skeptical by this point and not even think to give it to Ginny Weasley. Thinking Harry might just be his next dark lord. So he better not screw it up with the first dark lord he was worshiping. So the whole chamber of secrets probably won't be opened since Lucius is skeptical.
@uh........... Жыл бұрын
(Second time replying to myself for the sake of answering the question in better detail) Now here's where it could get interesting, summer ends, and the whole chamber of secrets mystery doesn't happen cause they are never opened, the diary doesn't possess anybody, its not destroyed either, and because Harry is with the Malfoy's Dobby in particular isn't an issue due to being occupied with making Harry feel at home and not wanting to upset Master Lucius, probably doesn't screw up anything for Harry involving going to Hogwarts. Spiders don't act weird, nobody is petrified, and the tidbits of Draco bullying other students is something Harry doesn't really notice since by this point he's grown close to the Malfoys that Draco bullying someone starts to look as though he isn't bullying. But I also would think due to Harry hanging out with Draco, Harry would actually rub off on him and maybe Draco would ease up on bullying since he wants to keep is father happy and perhaps liked being friends with the boy-who-lived who by now gets high praisal standings. Lockhart eventually screws up his job cause the curse of the defense against the dark arts position was cannoned literal and I would cannon it too cause it makes for an interesting side plot that takes seven books to figure out. But nothing too severe really happens other than a bit of drama and a growing friendship with magic. So, onto book three. Same ordeal Harry spending the summer with Draco, probably bickered but nothing too serious and now the school year starts. The Weasley twins are what interest Harry the most instead of Lupin, since by this point Harry has grown to like the potions master, probably had private lessons in his second year and could really care less for the third year defense against the dark arts professor. Cause I figured Harry would be a little pushy in wanting answers surrounding his parents. Snape would probably eventually get a bit soft on Harry and own up to the idea that maybe he gets his curiosity from his mom. So he opens up and has told Harry about how he knew his parents. He'd tell Harry his version of how he knew his father, implanting the idea that James Potter was a rebellious bully back in school and his three best friends were sirius black-Harry's godfather which he'd tell Harry about the man being his godfather and one of Snapes bullies. Then Remus Lupin, James Potter's other best mate back in school. He also briefly mentions Peter Pettigrew, who supposedly died by Sirius Black. Now back to the current book, third year, Harry knows all this information thanks to his second year at Hogwarts with Snape. So he could care less for Lupin, thinking maybe he bullied his head of house as well and it wasn't just his Father who potentially reminded him a little bit of Dudley Dursley. Best to stay away from Lupin then. Now at first nothing really happens since the second books events have changed drastically. But I figured the only weird thing really happening would be the Weasley Twins. Harry would still have his curiosity and his suspicions. Ron would probably be bummed for not going to Romania and complain to Neville about it. But the Weasley Twins are the main target for this books plot because they have the map. Harry would still obtain the invisibility cloak and unlike in sixth year with Draco, Harry would be in third year stalking the Weasley twins because of their weird little map, Draco would find it weird and try to figure out why Harry's acting differently than before so much so that he doesn't even bother with Buckbeak. In fact they aren't even taking Care for Magical Creatures since Hagrid doesn't like Draco and Harry most likely stands up for Draco and takes some other class with him instead. And it would take Harry the whole first term to have figured out the disappearing acts the Weasley twins make because the Weasleys for some reason seem to disappear down a corridor numerous times and Harry probably loses sight of them because of that Map having shown them the sneaky exits! Harry has his own little side adventure involving the map throughout the first term because he does get a glance at the map, or rather the owners of this map. He'd have his own two-sided adventure with just Draco, looking into WHO the marauders are. He'd discover Remus Lupin pretty quickly to being Moony, due to the suspicions from Draco thinking the man might be a werewolf. I feel like Harry hanging out with Draco would make him purposefully act more observant, but in doing so, Draco would indeed be more observant. So he could assume why Lupin wasn't around when it got close to that time of the month lol. So Remus Lupin would be first that of course would leave to James being Prongs and Sirius being Padfoot. But what becomes interesting is from Snapes intell on his father, Peter Pettigrew isn't mentioned very much because Snape would be more focused on the fact that he was harassed constantly by James Potter. Now throughout this search, Harry and Draco get a bit more information on Peter Pettigrew being Wormtail. However as it was declared Peter Pettigrew is supposedly dead, yet by winter time, Harry manages to steal the map from the Weasley twins and what do you know..well well..if it isn't Peter Pettigrew appearing on the map and disappearing. Since he is still Rons rat. But this of course leads to more questions, Harry thinks its broken and shows it to Draco who goes about doing the research before discarding the map altogether. He finds out its not by doing basic book work. So when the time comes, Draco who still has befriended Crabbe and Goyle, convinces them to steal Rons rat for further inspection, and in the least get an excuse to kill Ron Weasleys rat and make the boy cry. Cause he's still got some of his bully charm in him, but this way Harry CAN'T be mad at him if he pulls the research gone wrong card. (Aha such a Slytherin move! Ahahahaha! Psh silly snakes.) Anyway, so they inspect that indeed this rat is Pettigrew. Which leads the question with, HOW IS HE ALIVE IF SIRIUS BLACK KILLED HIM! This takes a full winter break stay at hogwarts discovery until they get the chance to talk to Snape who figures the only solution would be that Peter Pettigrew is an animagus who was missing a finger on his right hand the same hand the rat appeared to be missing a nub, now at first Snape might think how absurd it ought to be, but he casts the animagus reversal spell which was also cannoned and i too cannon it for the sake of transforming people into animals and for the sake of animagus reversal being the loop hole to sneaky animagi trying to break the law, ahem Rita Skeeter I'm lookin at you. So anyway Snape discovers Peter Pettigrews alive, and if he's alive then Sirius Black must actually be innocent. Which to Snape its actually "obvious" and something "James" would do to be so foolish and stupid enough to leave serious information with a two-faced man like Pettigrew, a man who became an animagus at some point. So Snape is a bit conflicted with his loyalties to Dumbledore, and his loyalty to the dark lord, but he ultimately does the right thing cause despite his cold favoritism heart, he knows no man should be placed in Azkaban if they were innocent. Now throughout this whole process, nobody discovers Lupin being a werewolf and Sirius Blacks animagus form remains a secret. Sirius Black is let out of Azkaban though because Snape turns Pettigrew over to Dumbledore, a spy for the light. Now the summer of Harry's third year, he ends up living with his godfather whom he grows to love but also has conflicting emotions of his own about why Sirius treated Snape so cruelly with his dad. He gets his godfathers perspective and wouldn't you know, Lupin comes and lives with them. Harry's getting owls from Draco most likely, and probably gifts from Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy since Harry is such good friends with their son. But anyway, Harry grows to like Remus and Sirius and even learns the truth about Lupin being a werewolf-it was confirmed boys finally-and Sirius being a dog. Now because I feel like Lupin would end up not being outted to any other stuent besides Harry, and having Sirius there for him again, he didn't feel the need to quit Hogwarts. However due to Sirius Blacks return a free man, Lupin gives up the DADA job to Sirius whom Dumbledore would have preferred. Now ik the whole Voldemort could get Harry and Harry needs to be with the Dursley's but I figured thats where Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy would come in, that summer. They probably would have helped Sirius fix up the 12 Grimmauld Place and done some blood magic to protect Harry cause I'm gonna assume they'd grown to like having Harry around that previous summer. Draco probably hadn't seen Harry in a little while and was growing angsty to see Harry Potter, but Lucius probably didn't want Draco unsupervised with Sirius Black cause ooh family drama...
@uh........... Жыл бұрын
(Third time replying to myself for the sake of answering the question in better detail) The family drama the summer of fourth year and the fourth book of the Harry Potter series is where it gets more interesting unlike third year, where the prophecy involving Sirius Black would never had been made and therefore never have come true, well remember Harry's "odd" interactions with the diary the summer of his second year? Well I'd think by the third summer in the middle of fixing up Grimmauld Place I think they would have come across the locket a whole lot earlier due to Kreacher being such a suck up to the Malfoys that he doesn't dare insult Harry in front of Lucius BUT similar reactions to the diary, Harry would act peculiarly when wearing the locket. So, because of this, the adults take notice to what's happening, and they have their own private research adventure. But in the spur of things, they go to the World Cup Quidditch game and Lucius gets them tickets to sit with the Minister of magic. Harry is grateful to be spending time with Draco, quality time without the other Slytherin students around them since he's a Malfoy and he's all about appearances but has quickly learned that Harry doesn't give a rats behind about appearances yet at the same time he also is smart enough to pick what battles to argue about. So I feel like Draco would grow a bit soft on the inside at this and enjoyed taking the attention off of Harry and onto himself. But I figured he also liked talking with the boy since they remained friends this long due to the uh rattling experiences. Anyway the quidditch game happens, and the "death eater" attack still occurs cause remember, Quirinus Quirrell the man mysteriously lost his job because Voldemort was afraid of him. Now due to the original lore, Quirinus Quirrell was a temporary horcrux that I think is what could have been used to resurrect Voldemort but not to the fullest of strength. So all of first year he attempted to steal the philosophers stone and failed, and then Dumbledore moves it to a better location which Voldemort at this state ain't looking too good, so he goes after the philosophers by following potential rumors where Dumbledore could have hidden it. Voldemort also wanted to keep his resurrection a secret as he was still in a weak body state throughout Harry's second year and then in Harry's third year, having not given up on the stone, searches for Nagini. So this takes us to Harry's fourth year where Nagini is missing, but Voldemort's started to recruit more followers and isn't too worried about Nagini, more focused on finding the philosophers stone that Dumbledore keeps hiding. But he takes his new recruit of followers as an advantage and decides that perhaps it wouldn't be so bad to reveal his resurrection in small doses to help give death eaters the hint they needed. This takes us to the World Cup where his death eaters send a message that the dark lord has risen, but Voldemort isn't there, his death eater followers are just there to cause havoc and tease the idea that Voldemort is alive. Lucius unlike in the cannoned version, he doesn't even blink at the idea of it because he along with his wife, Sirius Black, and Remus Lupin, have been quietly researching the strange magic that is both this diary and this locket. They did end up bringing it to Dumbledore despite Lucius Malfoys protests days before the World Cups big game and Dumbledore feels the need to inform Sirius and Remus about Slughorn posing an issue with further information about what the dark lord was doing. This will of course push the dates of figuring out the horcruxes a lot sooner throughout the books. Now because of the death eater raid which Lucius has become unphased by, and wanting to stick to the believable story that he was imperiused during the first war and the fact that his son was best friends with a child thats seen as Voldemorts equal and a parsal tongue, so a "potential descendant off Salazar Slytherin" himself, I'd think Lucius finally found his balls with this information and doesn't join the death eaters but instead joins the light despite his personal prejudice which he keeps to himself for the sake of Salazar Slytherin, a man that I'm 100% sure Lucius Malfoy would want in his social status if he'd been born in Salazars time. But the best he thinks he could get would be Harry, a boy who can speak to snakes and is seen as Voldemorts equal. Which begs the question how hes a Potter. So anyway, throughout this, Lucius Malfoy has it in his head that Harry could possibly be a distant cousin off Voldemort and a lost descendant off of Salazar Slytherin himself. So yes, Lucius doesn't join Voldemort again, and instead becomes a spy for the light like Severus Snape but again just like Snape with Slytherin House Favoritism, Lucius still has his own prejudice that he wants to wean onto Harry in the hopes of blood purity purposes. Anyway, back to the World Cup so as the death eaters are attacking-we'll assume Remus is there at the world cup because it's not a full moon, Remus Lupin uses his brain and is determined to get them all to safety. Now Lucius doesn't want to be seen as a death eater supporter, but he also does not want to seem like a traitor, so he and his wife leave separately with Fudge but Draco refusing to leave Harry's side-insert teenage hormones and feelings-Draco leaves with Harry, Remus, and Sirius. They all meet up at Grimmauld Place to discuss the events, which Narcissa being biologically a Black-not married into the family and also not disowned-She I'll assume strengthens the wards around Grimmauld Place. Remus and Sirius decide to pay Slughorn a visit, with the given information from Dumbledore via owl. And Lucius is busy looking over the locket and the diary to really notice Harry and Draco scuffling about the house and getting away from the adults to talk about what had happened. Draco suggested some research around resurrection despite also brushing off the possibility of resurrection even remotely being possible. Now I figured the chances of a book on horcruxes being still out there I'd assume Lucius Malfoy would have a library with the subject somewhere that describes horcruxes or something related to them. Which btw, by the time Sirius and Remus return, its at 3:00 in the morning. Remus and Sirius had visited Slughorn and together they easily got the information from Slughorn with the help of Veritaserum but shortly before that, they visited Dumbledore to get the fake memories information. So they go to Slughorn, have a very strong interrogation involving Veritaserum and a bit of guilt-tripping, and then come home at 3AM. Narcissa by this point has been asleep but Lucius hears the floo and goes to see WHOS THERE! But unsurprisingly he makes some snide rude comment at the sit of Sirius and Remus and is about to go to bed when Lupin-who-still-doesn't-trust-Lucius decides to give Lucius the information on Voldemort making Horcruxes. From there its practically a ballpark. The four adults head to sleep while Harry and Draco sneak down to look into the pensive, dundundun. Of course these two sneak out using the floo to Malfoy Manor where Draco takes Harry to the library and they are up all night doing research of their own. The horcrux hunt will take place instead of the Harry Potter Goblet of Fire drama where he's placed in the Games, and because Voldemort is so busy with getting his name out there, figuring out where Dumbledore hid the philosophers stone in case he needed it at the last primary minutes of his life, and finding Nagini and a headquarters that is secure enough where aurors won't go searching for him, I doubt he'd have time to send one of his death eaters off to try and break into Hogwarts to try and put Harry's name in the Goblet of fire, nor would he try messing with the portkey world cup because-out of safety and feer, Voldemort most likely be angry if one of his death eaters fail at keeping their headquarters a secret. Also because Sirius takes the DADA position, Harry's name isn't placed in the goblet of fire. Anyway throughout the last bit of Summer, Harry and Draco try to figure out the horcruxes despite Draco's parents, Harry's godfather, and Remus Lupins attempts at keeping the boys away from this sensitive information. I forgot to mention that yes Lucius Malfoy is still in the school district board, but he quit going after Dumbledore, instead more focused on the education they were teaching his son. Not wanting his son to turn blood-traitor yknow.
@uh........... Жыл бұрын
(Fourth time replying to myself for the sake of answering the question in better detail) But due to new particular information. Lucius became a bit distracted from his job this year, doing a bit of research in his library of dark arts relating to Horcruxes or any particular dark magic similar to them as anything on Horcruxes were made illegal in the wizarding world of Britain, so it's only safe to assume the Malfoys have books on Horcruxes in the library thinks to Borgin and Burkes. Lucius also spends a bit of time looking through Borgin and Burkes dark books and artifacts that could help him destroy these horcruxes. In one of the book's he's read about Basilisk venom we can safely assume he's successful with his persistence to pursue the dark arts. From there, destroying the first two Horcruxes are easy and hard to do at the same time, but they being-Dumbledore, Remus, Sirius, Narcissa, and Lucius together destroy the first two. However they don't know officially how many Voldemort made and where they could be nor what they are. But Dumbledore is already searching for the ring at this point and Lucius has figured out similar pattern habits with Harry and the horcruxes-thinking he can use the boy-who-lived as the official Horcrux tracker. But due to the cramped summers, Harry is mostly at school. Which Lucius cares more about appearances than anything else and doesn't want to be seen as someone who raises their son to ditch school. Now I'd imagine Harry having to balance out his school life and horcrux hunting because he enjoys being friends with Draco Malfoy. And through these new teen year hormones, instead of Harry looking to Cho Chang, he's had other things on his mind and the one to comfort him has to be Draco. Which I'd imagine its something Draco can do since his mother was nurturing enough to grant him some form of sympathy despite being a bully. I'd think due to the voldemort horcrux situation at only fourteen would be more pressuring on Draco and Harry because they realize what it takes to make a horcrux. So any form of prideful Slytherin shaz, kind of falls away throughout this book. Harry isn't placed in the tournament and instead has his own little horcrux adventure while the games are going on. Snape has also been a bit distant in this book because he'd grown to feel friendly enough with Harry that it felt weird seeing him happy to know his godfather. But Harry also could see Severus Snapes side of things due to his own experiences with Dudley Dursley. Because despite Harry doing what was right growing up, Dudley was still his child-hood bully and invented Harry hunting. That kind of scarring still stuck with Harry and Snape was the perfect person to relate to when it came to the emotions he felt. So in book four, its a bit hard on Harry when Snape distances himself, which we later find out that he's been trying to out Igor Karkaroff to the ministry of british magic under request of Albus Dumbledore. Now during the tournament, I just know I can't leave out the Yule Ball. So here's where the sparks fly with Draco and Harry. These two boys sneak into the Yule Ball, due to fourth years not being allowed it makes them even more curious. Now there's a dare that was started by the Weasley twins that was made for all four Hogwarts houses that whoever could get past Filch and into the ball was given ten galleons. Draco needing to take his mind off of horcurx business, and Harry who was curious about the ball decide to take part in this bet. Which was a success because of Harry's invisibility cloak. But other than that, Quidditch this year was also cancelled, meaning Draco couldn't relieve his stress surrounding the amount of horcruxes Voldemort actually made and that also meant the fields were banned and probably monitored due to the tournaments taking place. Because Harry isn't in Gryffindor and he's not a part of this Triwizard tournament, I do hate to say it but I'd think Fleurs sister would have been severely injured. I think Fleur would have made it to her in time but I also think her sister would have been left in some state of critical conditions which the Delacour's sue the ministry for. But by the time the first task rolls around, I'd think Voldemort would have found Nagini and, Harry would have made a breakthrough in their horcrux research. But of course, we're involving the adults into this cause I'd think Draco's parents would be the more sensible type to want to take part or in the least supervise. Now this starts when Harry's nightmares start becoming a bit more frequent. Harry would be roaming the halls and instead of Neville a year later, Harry stumbles across dundundun! Just his luck. The diadem whispering to him in this vanishing room. So Harry finds the room of requirement a year earlier than before the order of the phoenix with the whole Dumbledores army scenario. So I'd safely assume he originally intended to go to the room of hidden things in the hopes of being hidden from Voldemort, because we can safely assume Harrys shared visions with the dark lord might be scaring him. But in doing so, he stumbles upon another horcrux and takes it back to his dorm room where he and Draco would contact Draco's parents. They'd destroy the diadem by and by this point, all that remains are two horcruxes, three if we wanna include Harry which Dumbledore might've figured out by now but is choosing to withhold that information. The cup and the ring. I feel like Dumbledore would have also acquired more information by taking a second dive into the past memories of Voldemort. So perhaps he figured out where the ring was hiding. This of course could potentially lead to Remus going with Dumbledore to retrieve it, instead of Harry originally with the locket in his sixth year. And because Lucius willingly is helping them, all for the sake of a parseltongue boy who's befriended his son and could somehow be a descendant off Salazar. Yet he doesn't actually realize Harry is just another horcrux. So with that said, Lucius Malfoy unknowingly dooms his one true dark lord by helping to destroy the ring. That just leaves the cup, and Nagini not being made a horcrux yet shall not count. Harry destroys the ring and due to having a direct connection to Voldemort, the other man realizes his mistake. It's described as painful for Voldemort whenever he loses a horcrux. And the only one left is the cup. I'd think by this point Lucius might have figured out the pattern of what heirlooms were made into a horcrux and if not Godric Gryffindors sword, then it had to be something of Helga Hufflepuffs. Now lets not forget that Voldemort gave Lucius Malfoy a diary to keep, but if given memories of Voldemorts life growing up, finding out that Voldemort is a half-blood representing blood purity for pureblooded wizards and witches, probably would anger if not disgust Lucius Malfoy. Now looking back, we can note that Voldemort gave two of his most trusted death eaters with objects, a cup and a diary. Bellatrix got the cup, and due to Lucius being married to Narcissa, I'm sure by this point he's figured out that it was Helga Hufflepuffs cup that still needed to be destroyed. Narcissa being the only Black sister that hasn't made some kind of mark on her family. Not getting disowned, and not getting thrown into Azkaban, she probably has legal access to her sisters vaults annnnd all because the Ministry might've deemed Bellatrix unfit to use her own vaults especially since she'd be placed in prison due to her murder, torture, etc. So she wouldn't be allowed to access her vault anyway and I'm sure Narcissa Malfoy seemed like the only entrusted person with these vaults as she kept high standing, not a dark mark to her arm, and she was also an eligible Black that has not been disowned. I'm also going to say that based on some of the things held in Gringotts Vaults it would be unsurprising if Bellatrix hid the cup in her vaults amongst other shiny golden things. So by this point I think it's Narcissa who easily obtains the cup and helps to destroy it. I think she'd also destroy it with some of her own vengeance after discovering that the poster boy for blood purity isn't even a pureblood as its face of the society they're supposed to be demonstrating. If I were a pureblood witch that believed in blood purity and my "master" turned out to be half muggleborn, I don't think I'd be too happy to discover such news. Feeling lied to and betrayed, believing Voldemort was a direct purebred lineage-which in truth he is but his father wasn't a wizard at all-it could be seen that he's just a halfblood representing blood purity and using the killing curse easily due to being a madman. It would start to sound barmy if put into words. So that just leaves Harry and Voldemort. Nagini was not made a Horcrux by this point. The cup, the locket, the diary, and the ring all destroyed. That left Harry and Nagini to complete the set but Nagini so far isn't a Horcrux however Quirinus Quirrell was made into an official Horcrux that hosted the dark lord up until we'll assume his timely death and Voldemorts rebirth. So I feel the need to point out that this only leaves Harry. So far the deathly hallows aren't assembled and the school year ends with Cedric winning the house cup, Snape managing to reveal Igor to the Ministry, and four horcruxes destroyed. Now time for book five, because it continues.
@uh........... Жыл бұрын
(Fifth time replying to myself for the sake of answering the question in better detail) By the end of Harry's fourth year, I'd think Lucius would be outed as working for the light. But he's not really working for the light side he wants to get close to Harry so he can teach Harry the ways of a true blood purist. Draco on the other hand has grown to genuinely like Harry. So by book five, teenagers with hormones is in the full swing of things but they also have one issue to deal with, and thats Voldemort. Nagini originally wasn't made into a horcrux during Harry's fourth year-unlike in the original series-however the reason for this is because Voldemort has figured out that Dumbledore and Harry both knew of the Horcruxes and the means of how to destroy them. I'm not so sure that Voldemort wants to risk disfiguring himself even more and risk having a new horcrux created only to be destroyed by Harry and his own squad. So instead the Summer after fourth year ends, Voldemort and his followers go cold into hiding. They go underground where they talk with Greyback in the hopes of garnering new information on the philosophers stone. Little do they realize it's back at Hogwarts. Sirius Black gets a job offer to become an auror this of course leaves to professor spot open. Now because Lucius is working for Dumbledore at this point, he isn't trying to sabotage the Headmaster's position-not yet at least-so he doesn't make Fudge feel paranoid about Dumbledore potentially "going after" the ministry. However I do feel like Fudge would still feel paranoid and still in the end be a very unfit minister but just not by Lucius Malfoy. It'd come from somebody else. I'd suspect one of the Carrow siblings in the hopes of getting into Hogwarts to take down Dumbledore, but first I'm sure the dark lord wants them to torture Dumbledore into telling them where the philosophers stone is. Voldemort is indeed already resurrected but he's also still capable of making another horcrux. And if thats the case then there's a chance Voldemort could've made Nagini into a horcrux much later on or instead doesn't make Nagini into a horcrux but instead makes the philosophers stone into a horcrux. And because the philosophers stone could be used to resurrect people, it'd make sense that he'd want it for true immortality as normal horcruxes could easily be destroyed. So anyway, Voldemort by this point has gained back the Carrow siblings and has sent them off on their first mission since the return of Voldemort in the hopes that they could make the minister paranoid. Lucius tries to fend off their attempts as best he could. Oh but what do you know, the Hogwarts position is opened and Fudge wants to keep a closer eye on Dumbledore. He sends Umbridge(YES UMBRIDGE) to Hogwarts to take up the defense against the dark arts position. This originally again starts up the whole feud over what's being taught at Hogwarts DADA class. But unlike before, when Harry was blunt about Umbridge's horrid teaching, Harry's friends with Draco. Now guess who's father is still working for the school board, not yet fired. Lucy Malfoy thats who! Good old Lucy saves the day. Lucius Malfoy discovers what Umbridge and Fudge have been doing, not liking that his son isn't learning the dark arts but also not pleased that his own child doesn't know how to defend himself because of Umbridge. Lucius Malfoy takes this argument to the school board. Doing things the more political way and having Umbridge placed under an early inspection. Now the first time Umbridge uses a blood quill on a student, forcing them to write lines into the paper and in doing so-carved onto their own hands. Umbridge gets sacked for it immediately, Fudge struggles to keep his position as minister during this time. He still brushes off the ideals of Voldemorts return, and the Carrows falsely agree with him. Instead its Alecto Carrow who's made the defense against the dark arts professor for the rest of the year. But she's more practical, probably placing charms on the students to keep them from talking about what goes on in the DADA lessons. Now I'll stick to the original go-to how Alecto Carrow tries forcing students to torture first years and if not then HER version of the inquisitorial squad gets to punish the student for not following direct orders. This of course creates Dumbledores Army but run entirely by Draco and the other Slytherins that have been tortured by the inquisitorial squad, which Draco's father deems any pureblood that follows Lord Voldemort is a true blood traitor because Voldemort is a halfblood and you'd bet the inquisitorial squad is full of students that follow the dark lords ways! Bahaha. Anyway I'd think Voldemort would also lose followers if the infamous Lucius Malfoy publicly denounced his existence to the school board. Wanting students to brush up on their pureblood history. Now because Alecto is using the inquisitorial squad to punish students instead of doing it directly, she could easily claim that they took justice into their own hands and she could "punish" them with a detention. A detention where they aren't actually being punished at all. So while this is going on, I'd figure Voldemort is trying to find the philosophers stone but by the time he's realized all of his horcruxes are destroyed I'd figure one of his own death eaters must be out to get him and they couldn't possibly come from Azkaban so who could it be? Now despite wanting to know who the mole is, Voldemort finds it a bit weird that Harry Potter knew of his horcruxes and overlooks Slughorn, thinking it has something to do with the prophecy. So he sends for the prophecy which indeed takes a while as Amycus Carrow has to try to memorize the Department of mysteries workers schedules, that way he knows how to get in and out without being disturbed. Because if he can get in an out of the ministry without being disturbed than so can Voldemort. And only Voldemort and Harry could physically touch the prophecy on the shelf. I also doubt Voldemort would entrust something as sacred as this to a mediocre ranked death eater like Amycus. But Amycus does intend to update everything to the dark lord. While this was going on, two sets of resistance begin to form amongst the students against Alecto. The slytherins separate from the other three houses, and also, the other three houses tend to build a resistance of their own calling it "Hermiones Army" while Draco creates "Dumbledores Army" and these two separate armies are both working on ways to defend themselves off of Alecto and the inquisitorial squad. While this was going on, Dumbledore invites the rest of the order of the phoenix in on whats been going on. Which if we know how slimy Mundungus is, he gets word out to Snatchers that grab for him and interrogat him.
@jonmc131 Жыл бұрын
This is a such an interesting and complex What If situation!! Draco was told to befriend Harry by Lucius thought he'd become the next Dark Lord so in this scenario Slytherin Harry could potentially do such with Malfoy one of his loyal followers and therefore would become the enemy to Dumbledore and the Order now that the son of former members now the new dark lord. He'd kill Wormtail, potentially use the dark arts to his advantage in the Triwizard Tournament and kill Voldemort and force Cedric to be one of his death. It would be such an interesting concept!! Love your thoughts Brett!!
@the_better_tokito_twin Жыл бұрын
Them becoming friends would change everything. A lot of events that happened with Voldemort would still happen but Harry could help Draco. If this were to happen, honestly, Harry would still end up befriending at least Hermione. Without Hermione, to be honest, Harry would oof in the first movie. So Hermione and Harry's friendship should still happen. This would mean the whole horcrux, death eater thing would be easier. Draco could get help, meaning things probably would be faster. Though Voldemort did die, it'd take a lot less of Draco being depressed and mad, and more of understanding. Also yeah, the chamber of secrets thing, I think that Draco had something to do with helping with the whole case. I think that the page that Draco ripped out, was the same page that Hermione was reading. He may have also written "pipes" Because we all know that Hermione would never rip a page out of a book. So maybe Draco had originally helped out with that.
@adammartinez8061 Жыл бұрын
Another what if idea….What if Harry never met Ron Weasley????? Or What if Harry and Ron never met Hermione Granger??????
@what7721 Жыл бұрын
@GanonGhidorah Жыл бұрын
I kind of wanted this to happen...I expected that the first couple of years they'd be rivals and Draco would like teasing Harry and the others. But at some point, I expected that a "better nature" would reveal itself in Draco, he and Harry would be forced to team-up, and by a certain point in the series, they'd admit to being friends... Heck, I kind of hoped there'd be a parallel between Draco and Sirius - where Sirius had a falling-out with his Blood-Purity Fanatical Family, so he ran away to the Potters' house. I expected that if Draco did the same, he'd go to the Weasley's for help. I'd imagine that at this point in the series, that maybe it looks like Draco will turn-over a new leaf... - Until that night in the Graveyard during Goblet of Fire, where Harry learns that Lucius Malfoy really was a Death Eater, in-league with Voldemort. I have a feeling that Draco would become defensive at being told that, and rather than accepting it, it would drive a wedge between him and Harry, eventually pushing him back to his Family...Only to realize too late that it was true.
@True2ChainzLilWayne Жыл бұрын
I’d like to believe dumbledore captures wraith Voldemort when he kills Quirrel and young Voldemort wouldn’t be as powerful Great story though
@BrettsThoughts Жыл бұрын
Ooooo Dumbledore catching Wraith Voldemort in a jar like Hermione does with Rita Skeeter 👀
@ko1187 3 ай бұрын
5:46 but the thing is this Ginny got taken into the chamber because she’s Harry best friend younger sister. If Harry and Draco were friends then the whole diagon alley where Lucius slips in the diary never would’ve happened so if Ginny doesn’t receive the diary who does?
@brunobisio2406 Жыл бұрын
In this senario... would Voldemort have a basilisk horrocrux instead of a snake one? 😬 I think he would have killed all the muggle borns as soon as he stepoed out of the chamber of secrets
@khairinatiqah3528 9 ай бұрын
Honestly, another What If, Draco became friends with the trio? There are rumours that Draco genuinely wanted to be friends with Harry because he admired him? However, by Ron snickering at Draco’s name when he was introducing himself to Harry may have caused the little conflict? Imagine if Draco were to be friends despite having his father telling him to take advantage of becoming friends with Harry. Remember the deleted scene of Draco throwing Harry his wand when Harry came back to life after being "killed" by Voldemort? It'd be quite interesting and will make sense as to why Draco helped Harry right? Draco would just be acting in a way that he's bad to convince his father that he was on the dark side when really he isn't. And by keeping the act up, even the trio would know that Draco doesn't mean any of the harsh or bragging remarks he makes. They would keep up an act as well. Maybe Draco doesn't need to openly show that he is on Harry's side but subtle clues would have been interesting. Nevertheless, I enjoyed the way the movie turned out however, having a proper moment for Draco to redeem himself.
@kalegolas 12 күн бұрын
Fully fletch Slytherin part was Harry also pretty much in the original to. The rest I think hade gone sort of the same, maybe just with a little bit racism in it but I think Harry still had made the same decitions mostly when it comes to dark arts and Voldemort and still save the world over and over again. Harry had probably been a bit more ”traditional purebloodfamilyish” but ofcourse himself still be and accept his own status.
@ESowder24 7 ай бұрын
Would Dobby have been freed or still friends if Harry was friends with Draco ??
@dramaturge231 2 ай бұрын
How would diary Tom Riddle have known about the prophecy??
@LoonyTonks Жыл бұрын
And this kids, is my Ron and Hermione are important And Drarry or Harco shippers, let’s not starts from the beginning plz, Harry will die
@crazylifeofcharu4317 3 ай бұрын
But what if neville become the chosen one
@ricorofficial Жыл бұрын
This is really interesting. Seems like a stupid and out there theory but it's actually really well thought out. Trippy stiff
@nssportstv7231 9 ай бұрын
Honestly does everyone forget that you can be friends with people in other houses meeting each other in the common room isn’t the be all and end all, there’s other places you can meet too, the library, the castle grounds or great hall
@Manuqtix.Manuqtix Жыл бұрын
No that’s like what if Batman and the Joker becomes best friends
@66780 Жыл бұрын
How is the light changing color?
@piggles3060 Жыл бұрын
The only issue with this is that in the chamber of secrets Ron wouldn't have saved harry after he was locked in his room but apart from that good video
@SMt155 Жыл бұрын
Dobby wouldn't be able to intercept his mail, that would be directly defying the Malfoys. When he stopped replying, Draco could have sent Dobby to check on him, and apparate him to Malfoy manor.
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