"What Is A Woman?" Reaction to Matt Walsh's CRAZY Trans Movie

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Blaire White

Blaire White

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You asked for it and here it is- my reaction and review of Matt Walsh of the Daily Wire's new movie What Is A Woman? Let's just say I HAVE SOME THOUGHTS..
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@g_rub1950 2 жыл бұрын
As an ACTUAL therapist, reaffirming abnormal thoughts with her biased beliefs is malice against an at-risk population. Her job role exists because of political ideology, rather than a clinical necessity.
@evjogkg344 2 жыл бұрын
@ajax4042 2 жыл бұрын
@GREENFING3R 2 жыл бұрын
Who are you talking about?
@jareddemarzo8196 2 жыл бұрын
And besides, how hard is your job when all you do is tell people yes all day? Fuck, I can do that.
@randylahey8207 2 жыл бұрын
It's absolutely twisted, especially when a population has such a high suicide rate. Truly mind boggling levels of cognitive dissonance..
@rand0mn33ss Жыл бұрын
I wish he'd opened with "what is a man?" and then asked "what is a women?" to see if there was a difference in how the people responded.
@opossumsrawesome6860 Жыл бұрын
I was thinking that too. But he at least asked what is a cat to make the point.
@cradica 7 ай бұрын
@winonahdemars579 4 ай бұрын
Within the movie, he asks a man, how does he know that he's a man. The man answered, "I guess cuz I got a dick".
@ese_JONNYX3 3 ай бұрын
They’d be just as confused, because of trans-men.
@mollyoxy 3 ай бұрын
On medicinenet website the definiton of male is simply "the sex that produces spermatozoa". The female definition though? Paragraphs long about how female "used" to be defined as the sex that produces ovum but they added a bunch of other shit to be woke.
@IsThisUsernameAvailable 2 жыл бұрын
Not so long ago I was reaaally confused about my gender identity, I came out as genderfluid to my family and closest friends, and I talked about it with my therapist. Thank GOD I told her about it because it was absolutely eye-opening. Needless to say, I'm not genderfluid, I'm a woman, I'm proud of being one, and this society trying to erase what a woman is, is harmful. Today I saw a page on Instagram trying to ban the word "maternity" and "mother" because it wasn't gender inclusive. We are erasing and silencing women, it's so horrible that this is happening
@ItzWolfComp 2 жыл бұрын
It's not society, it's people
@theecologist10 2 жыл бұрын
Just out of curiosity, what made you think you were gender fluid?arent interests just parts of peoples personality, its bizarre to question our biology over something as simple as having an interest.
@Newlascoot 2 жыл бұрын
@@ItzWolfComp Fr everyone says it’s society’s fault lmao 😂
@IsThisUsernameAvailable 2 жыл бұрын
@@theecologist10 just wanting to be tomboyish certain days, while others I wanted to be feminine. Apparently that made me genderfluid, when no, I'm a woman with different styles
@roff000 2 жыл бұрын
@@Newlascoot well I mean, the society works because of the people, if there's no people there's no society. so Society and People in this context can be used synonymously.
@alaysiab 2 жыл бұрын
- Only a woman can define What a woman is - Men can be women Which one is it?
@rgw5991 3 ай бұрын
its obvious: only men can define what a woman is
@cuerex8580 12 күн бұрын
the generalized statement to create a minority victim role when a word is uttered to create an approximation of a vague feeling, and the people who are unable to judge themselves to divide the topics but determine it as a hurtful question.
@TheHesseJames 11 күн бұрын
My definition: I know it when I see one
@chrishellize 2 жыл бұрын
The fact that a woman can be forced to undress in a closed room in front of a man with penis who is sexually attracted to women and if they have a problem with it they are punished is dystopian beyond any measure. I would say I don't know if I should laugh or cry, but actually it just makes me want to cry.
@jayrose4748 2 жыл бұрын
Blaire uses women's spaces while still having male genitalia and still a man in a dress according to the conservative viewpoint. Idk why he thinks he's more special than any other trans person
@Subxenox15 2 жыл бұрын
No no you don't understand. He 'identifies' as a lesbian woman trapped in a mans body so it's A-Okay.
@tula1433 2 жыл бұрын
Absolutely sexuality matters. Homosexual transexuals were quietly transitioning and assimilating for decades til the heterosexual Lia Thomas and game stop ma’am types took over. Kim Petra’s is not a threat to women.
@miastrong151 2 жыл бұрын
Even if only 1% of the population is transgender and has a $10,000 surgery, that averages out to $100 a person. Some people have $30,000 surgeries. Then, there is the cost of hormones, every month. Transgenderism is potentially a billion-dollar business; whereas, the average person who is not trans is worth nothing to the medical community. Also, there is all sorts of trans merchandising like flags, publications, phone cases, clothes, etc.; whereas, the anti-trans community has What is a Woman? and Johnny the Walrus.
@miastrong151 2 жыл бұрын
This is all about business. It has nothing to do with popular morality.
@sixfootben4892 2 жыл бұрын
My younger girl cousin idolized me when we were kids. She would try to do bike tricks like me and one day when she was 6 she got ahold of some scissors and cut all her hair off to look like me. My aunt was pretty upset but we still laughed about it. She was a dirty foot tree climbing tomboy for a long time. But then she became a beautiful woman and is now a mother.. just because you like to play with boy toys or vice versa does not make you male or female
@ReverbCanvas 2 жыл бұрын
Yes. I believe as hormones begin doing their work, they start asking your brain to perform in a certain kind of behaviour. Nature is so magical
@monkey6207 2 жыл бұрын
Maybe the word 'tomboy' is confusing and distresses girls, since it's implying they are 'like a boy' when they should get credit for being themselves. Boys didn't invent having fun and playing in the dirt?
@Edaurd-lr3np 2 жыл бұрын
Now imagine that her mother was a crazy LGBT, and seeing her daughter get a haircut and play rough, she would think she is trans. She then screamed with excitement and immediately took her to a doctor to have her breasts removed because she is OBVIOUSLY a man. Do you understand today's madness?
@dewilew2137 2 жыл бұрын
@@ReverbCanvas this is absolutely true. It’s the reason that many children who claim to have gender dysphoria desist completely after puberty. Unfortunately, they aren’t required to wait that long before drastic measures are taken. This is the most unethical medical crisis since the lobotomy or the thalidomide disaster.
@eholden6510 2 жыл бұрын
Right, right, right.. Blair however says she knew that she felt she was a female in a male body as early as five years old. What’s your explanation for that?
@igooog 2 жыл бұрын
Even the claim "I'm not a woman" requires that the person saying it has a definition of "woman." How else would you know you aren't one?
@maximilian6829 2 жыл бұрын
This is a really good point I never thought of.
@emmaholley7493 2 жыл бұрын
Only idiots ask what a woman is....
@lolicongang.4974 2 жыл бұрын
So your not a woman how do you know? Oh your a guy.. what's a man... Oh your none binary.. that doesn't exist mate.
@hazelmaylebrun6243 2 жыл бұрын
Careful.. you could get in trouble for being so smart. ;-)
@igooog 2 жыл бұрын
@@lolicongang.4974 No need to overcomplicate it. If someone states "I am not a woman," just ask "in what way?"
@raven-ek1yl Жыл бұрын
I remember when I was 13-14 I changed my pronouns to they/them because I thought that’s how I felt. The reality was I just wanted to detach myself from what I was living at home and bad experiences I had with men as a girl. I was confused and vulnerable social media is such a big part of everything. Trans people are real but now everyone is suddenly trans because of how social media shows it and it makes me sad.
@CazaDeYork Жыл бұрын
It's trauma and social acceptance, nothing more. Glad you found your way, but never stop finding it. Go with happiness.
@ILikeCreepyStuff Жыл бұрын
Me too. Letorly same (lots of love)
@mariyamiller3474 4 ай бұрын
,😊 ❤
@sessessesses 2 жыл бұрын
When I was 15, I was a tom girl. I just wasn’t totally comfortable in ultra feminine clothing, and dressed a bit masculine and enjoyed more traditionally masculine activities like skateboarding, fishing, and sports. A “friend” of mine who held far leftist views tried to tell me “maybe you’re non-binary or trans! You should explore that side of yourself” I straight away said: “no, I’m just a tom girl, I’m comfortable in my gender.” They PUSHED BACK, insisting that I am repressing my true identity and that I should really consider that I am non-binary. I told them that I’m fully confident in myself and know who I am. This same interaction went on for a couple days, and it did make me start to wonder after a bit: am I non-binary?? I quickly snapped out of it and realized that no, I am not and I shouldn’t allow a pushy person to make me question these things. He gaslit me into questioning my own personal identity. I’m mentally very strong and self aware, but teen years can be so confusing, and not everyone has that same mental toughness or security within their identity to push past someone saying such things to them. I think this is precisely the problem with seeing all the propaganda on social media, or adults who push for this or bring it up as an option. It can be so confusing and easy to fall into that trap. Today, at 22 years old, I am a very feminine woman. I dress very girly, love to wear makeup, fix my hair, and enjoy traditionally feminine activities. I can’t imagine how unhappy and confused I would be today had I allowed myself to be convinced back then. It’s a slippery, dangerous, slope that is hard to come back from. I have such empathy for these kids who have been gaslit into believing they are not who they were born as simply because of their own subtle differences from the “gender norms”.
@magsteel9891 2 жыл бұрын
I keep telling people this trend of focusing on gender in this way is a huge trap. They don't seem to get that all of us are a mix of masculine and feminine and the balance can shift from day to day and hour to hour. Now people insist that if you are more masculine you must in fact be a male, if you are more feminine you must be a female, and if your biology doesn't match you should change your facade. It's nuts.
@chadbrick67 2 жыл бұрын
@krixxset2214 2 жыл бұрын
@arrows78910 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for being confident in your views. Not liking particular types of clothes doesn't make you any less of a woman.
@sarahtonin256 2 жыл бұрын
I was almost the same when I was younger, I hated pretty much anything that was girly and because the boys would play soccer and stuff that I liked I always said that I wished I was a boy. Back then that was possible without people starting to say that you might be trans, seriously i maybe would’ve tried to transition if that was possible because I’d have NO idea how much impact that would’ve had. Now I am very feminine and am not at all someone who wants to chance their gender. You can’t let literal kids choose their gender. Maybe some already know they are trans but it’s way too risky to let them make decisions they will regret when they’re adults!
@SprinklesO 2 жыл бұрын
As a kid I dealt with gender issues. I was a tall tomboy who liked wrestling and weightlifting, I had severe issues with my breasts, I developed pcos and struggled with facial hair giving me a lot of invasive thoughts about whether or not I should have been born a man. If I had been born in today's political world I would have been pushed to transition and I would have regretted it for the rest of my life. Instead I went to therapy and addressed my ACTUAL issues regarding the trauma of why I didn't like my breasts, why I felt un-feminine (not masculine) and how it's OK to love things that are inherently considered masculine but in fact are just the way I show my own brand of femininity. I am a woman and while I may have struggled with that as a kid, as an adult I am fully embracing who I am as a woman. If I had transitioned into a man I never would have found my peace. I would have been searching on a road I didn't belong on with no real way back to myself. This push to transition kids is just absolutely disgusting and so incredibly harmful it makes me sick. It gives no quarter, if you have parts of your body you don't like you just automatically have gender dysphoria no ifs ands or buts about it. No diving deeper to find out the reasons, no delving into the why just purely rubber stamping a label on these kids and if you question it you are obviously a bigot.
@habibtitingzz8899 2 жыл бұрын
Having PCOS doesn’t make you less of a woman. Liking masculine things which doesn’t fit the gender norm doesn’t make you less of a woman. You’re a woman because you’re an adult female human being. Im happy you got therapy and loved yourself instead of carving yourself up.
@barbiana1965 2 жыл бұрын
@KlaudiaShaefferr 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your story
@AH-pw1im 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this-- I really can relate and appreciate knowing it wasn't just me. Stay strong[:
@bigisrick 2 жыл бұрын
As a tall man I never understood why tall women felt that made them less feminine. I grew up when long legs were considered sexy. Love the name btw. When GOT was still good. Glad you worked on yourself instead of looking for a short cut. (Pun intended)
@NeoSelah Жыл бұрын
I am not a cis woman. I am a woman. This generation will not gaslight me into erasing myself and the truth of who I am. Not the idea or feeling, the truth.
@Xorsist_ 2 ай бұрын
exactly, like no way you are about to call me a CIS woman...thats so fucking disrespectful to actual women and men who are being called CIS men...like?????
@Ch3lRae 2 жыл бұрын
I feel so passionate about this subject because if I was 12 in 2022 I would be that girl on hormones completely mutilated…. I was a tomboy and grew much quicker than everyone else so I struggled to accept myself. I was 5’6 in 4th grade. And I know my mom would have been all about it because it would’ve made her look like a virtuous parent….. and my mom is very much like that. I probably wouldn’t be a mother or wife today. That’s so heartbreaking. Because I grew out of that. It took time but I can’t imagine if someone HIJACKED me at that *phase*
@Aday837 2 жыл бұрын
Same. My body would be screwed if I was growing up now. But because I didn't my body is very healthy.
@mjungle773 2 жыл бұрын
Totally agree. Let’s let kids express themselves and enjoy doing an activity that they want no matter if it’s seen as “male” or “female “. Even as a 51 yr old I jump into hobbies such as dance, MMA fighting and cross stitch. That doesn’t define who I am gender wise, it’s just me
@TheMoose9000 2 жыл бұрын
Same was a complete tomboy, was told by others I should be a boy a lot growing up I started to get a bit confused about it and pretended to be a boy called Thomas for a while because I thought that’s how I’d fit in the world, thank goodness none of this stuff was pushed when I was little and a female relative had a sensible talk with me and explained I could dress and play however I like I’d still always be female It all sorted itself out when I went through puberty and whilst I still like tomboy stuff I love being a woman and having had a family and so glad this life wasn’t taken away from me
@joaoomega6627 2 жыл бұрын
Yup you would be sterilized on hormone blocker.
@amandaforrester7636 2 жыл бұрын
It's taken me into my 30s to accept that I prefer women. I still have a hard time saying "lesbian", as silly as that is. My father did NOT respect women and I knew it.. I also think I would be that teen who ended up thinking they were trans and then later detransistioned. Most detransisitions are women, and most of them are gay.
@aannalynn1515 2 жыл бұрын
My thing is like, why do I have to go through therapy, have a husband to approve it and 3 kids before I can tie my tubes, but we are letting literal kids get these permanent surgeries that ultimately sterilize them?
@m_d1905 2 жыл бұрын
So much this. It's crazy. Men who need T for real medial issues can't get it, but a FtM can just "identify" and start T.
@stephanie1671 2 жыл бұрын
There's a lot more money to be made with these kid's surgeries than you getting your tubes tied.
@genevievec.8002 2 жыл бұрын
Now, to be fair, I believe adult women should have ease of access to those surgeries if they want them after being educated on the risks... But until that's the case, the double standard is insane. And I don't think that should apply to children either. I don't see why I as a 26 year old woman who doesn't want children can't get a hysterectomy, and even if I had something like endometriosis I wouldn't be able to most likely. And were I 16, without a severe disorder, I think making me wait is reasonable. But 16 and feeling a little #notlikeothergirls? Might be time to rip that crap out.
@1Life2Little 2 жыл бұрын
As said in the movie puberty blockers literally is chemical castration. They only used it on sexual offenders before this new craze became a thing.
@astroterf. 2 жыл бұрын
@@genevievec.8002 'Identify' as FTM - you'll get your hysterectomy! Disgusting, but here we are 😔
@samraddatz6002 2 жыл бұрын
My mom and I were talking and she told me when she was a kid she wanted to be a boy.. she even told my grandma that. She dressed in typically male clothes and had a short haircut. She said if she was a child in this day in age she would've been trans. She said thank God no one took me seriously and put me on hormone blockers and started calling me Donny instead of Debby.
@billbombshiggy9254 2 жыл бұрын
Same here. I was such a tomboy and wanted to be a boy. Thank God, my parents were sane baby boomers and said to me, "well tough shit, you're a girl. Doesn't mean you can't do things boys do." And lo and behold at 39, I'm a woman. Glad to be one. If I had these millennial parents, I'd be a screwed up, mutilated adult.
@georgiagirl1986 2 жыл бұрын
Same! I played pretending I was a boy as young as 4 and at some point around 10 wished I had a penis and was a boy. Guess what, kids can go through phases like this! I am so glad I was born and grew up without someone encouraging those thoughts… I am so grateful to be a woman as an adult and I am 36 now. I was a tomboy and I think it largely contributed to my thinking as a kid, but I wouldn’t be happy today if I had transitioned. I think all kids may have thoughts (to varying degrees) like that as they grow up: to encourage those thoughts so early on in life before you have lived as a fully grown adult can be so damaging.
@b12233 2 жыл бұрын
They did speak to actual trans/non-binary people and they still couldn't decide what a woman was. The movie wasn't about whether people are happy with their decisions. It was about what the decision was in the first place which no one's actually able to explain
@highroller-jq3ix 2 жыл бұрын
+Rebecca Marsh It's actually about transparent, transphobic propaganda.
@b12233 2 жыл бұрын
@@highroller-jq3ix and what propaganda was that? Because all I saw was that the entire movement doesn't know it's arse from its elbow and that IS something that we should be concerned about
@highroller-jq3ix 2 жыл бұрын
@@b12233 Do you mean the ignorant, science-deficient, bigoted transphobic hate cult movement? I agree that they don't know reality from talking snakes and zombie gods and are something to be seriously concerned about. They, and you included, are always one "revelation" away from a serial killing, a school shooting, a typhoid mary infection parade, or an anthrax special delivery.
@atxbee Жыл бұрын
@@highroller-jq3ix he asked relevant and true questions though. and even though matt is a conservative and his questions might be ill-intended, at the end of the day, ‘what is a woman’ is an important and real question on grounded terms, seen from all perspectives. yes the documentary comes from a conservative aspect, however, it brings in many real and important issues happening within society, and those issues cannot be defined in singular terms. it is a multidimensional issue that is crucial to be looked at and aware of.
@highroller-jq3ix Жыл бұрын
@@atxbee What is a "true" question? The whole concept is simply stupid. How a verbal designator is applied is only of concern to raging fundie morons when it doesn't involve the idiot gendering of their god fantasy. Walsh's contrived and propagandist shlocumentary is only persuasive to those already on board the theofascist hate train. Language is an evolving, flexible tool and always has been.
@sp0rkenste1n46 2 жыл бұрын
What annoys me about the whole "assigned at birth" b.s. is that I've heard people basically say the doctor is somehow determining the child's whole life from begining to end as a result of being "assigned" male or female. Like the doctor is some kind of prophet. It's ridiculous, and just one more simple thing they just have to try to complicate for no real reason.
@jeffzeiler346 2 жыл бұрын
There is a reason. It strengthens their claim that gender/sex are not actual objective biological truths. It also serves a number of group dynamics within their cult.
@KatieLHall-fy1hw 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I mean, they stopped sacrificing the chickens and laying entrails AGES ago, now they just do a visual check and confirmation #ancientrome
@hypnovertigo7200 2 жыл бұрын
As a trans folk I wholeheartedly agree. "AMAB" makes me absolutely cringe.
@miriamlana833 2 жыл бұрын
Not the doctor determins the whole life of the child and also not "nature itself", it's solely society! As long as we separate and raise children different by their different observed genitals, there shurely will be many with sex/gender/genital dysphoria, no matter how strictly anti-trans the society is. Even transphobes have to admit that trans is a price society has to pay if it wants to uphold any different rules and roles for people it claims to be "men" and "women".
@rayjay1543 Жыл бұрын
One thing I have always respected about Blaire White is that she knows and states that she is a "trans-woman" and not a naturally born female. Even more so, she is fighting against all the craziness that revolves around people who delusionally insist that they are something they are not.
@Brian-wx4ig Жыл бұрын
He’s a trans identifying man, not a woman.
@icepick859 Жыл бұрын
Plus blaire is a trap. He’s way more passable than a lot of these transvestites on tik tok
@teds5509 Жыл бұрын
@@Brian-wx4ig In Blaire's case I think it is fair to call him a trans-woman, and even "she" as a matter of courtesy.
@EdgarRavenTransmedTranssexual Жыл бұрын
@@Brian-wx4ig shes a transwoman. Transwomen are transwomen
@EdgarRavenTransmedTranssexual Жыл бұрын
@@teds5509 Yep agreed
@quirkasaurussaurus2896 2 жыл бұрын
Blaire. You are the first person who I have heard emphasize the sterilization aspect of gender transition. There is no way a child can understand what giving up being a parent really means. And you know what? Being a grandparent is 1000x more profound than being a parent - and they're giving that up, too. No, voluntary sterilization is NOT a concept a child can understand, and frankly, it's pretty difficult for adults also.
@morrisnakes 2 жыл бұрын
What kills me is women who are cis under about 35 that desperately want to be sterilized or need a hysterectomy for one reason or another have an almost impossible time getting approval. It doesn't make any sense why trans care has gone through such radical change so quickly, when cis women still have to jump through hoops to consent to things about their body. If a 27 year old cis woman cannot consent to sterilization per their crazy standards, how can a teenage trans person?
@MrEvldreamr 2 жыл бұрын
This is true, i know ppl who dont have kids that regret not being able to be grandparents. Personally i like being a parent, so i cant imagine losing the chance of being a grandparent
@ohthelovelypoems 2 жыл бұрын
@@morrisnakes Just say woman. That's what we are.
@morrisnakes 2 жыл бұрын
@@ohthelovelypoems It wouldn't make ANY sense if I said "women have a hard time getting permission to be sterilized, but women can do it easily" now would it? Stop being overly sensitive. Whether you like it or not, you are a transgender person and in some contexts that is relevant. The medical system and law finds it relevant and that is what we are talking about. When you no longer can get sterilized so easily and have to jump through the same hoops a cis woman does, then my entire point is no longer relevant. Edit: I realized you could be a cis woman making the same complaint, but my point still stands. trans/cis are just words to narrow down a more detailed explanation to communicate. Trans women and cis women are not exactly the same, end of story.
@MrEvldreamr 2 жыл бұрын
@@morrisnakes idk what we're talking abt....
@franson7452 2 жыл бұрын
IMAGINE if one of the girls on that swim team was a victim of sexual assault or domestic violence and now has to be forced to share a private female space (one that is seen as safe to most). Traumatizing.
@burgercide 2 жыл бұрын
It’s likely there are such women in that locker room. Check the statistics on prevalence of sexual assault. Current estimates are that around one and three women have been victims.
@nocalebno 2 жыл бұрын
IMAGINE if one of the girls on that swim team was a survivor of sexual assault or deomestic violence by a woman? what happens to her? none of you asshats argue in good faith, you argue like any other bigot on any other issue.
@Lilymaus3434 2 жыл бұрын
It's sad though. The feelings of a minority matters but the feelings of the majority doesn't! Fear is a feeling too, isn't it?
@ingloriousMachina 2 жыл бұрын
I never felt safe in a locker room. There were a lot of girls at my school who would comment on your body and grab at you "playfully" and get offended when you tell them to cut it out, because "we're all girls here!"
@isotonicshade 2 жыл бұрын
@@Lilymaus3434 Its weird. The left is gonna have to choose between women and transgender people. I have a feeling that theyll side with the alphabet gang
@4somethingmore 2 жыл бұрын
When I was younger I wanted to be a boy. I told my mom and she responded “you’re not a boy you’re a girl and that’s ok.” I’m so glad she said that.
@torakuro1444 Жыл бұрын
I remember saying to one of my friend I wanted to be a boy, he asked me why and I said ''Well, I am tired to feel like I am less than a boy'' and he said to me that wasn't a reason and I needed to get confidence in myself and stop listening to people who discriminate without even knowing the person. He was someone really nice and down to earth.
@omni-purpose 7 ай бұрын
Angels on Earth
@Yesshecancan 2 жыл бұрын
This movie has me scared for my 3-year-old niece who likes to be called "handsome" instead of "pretty" and who doesn't like to wear dresses. I am legitimately scared for her.
@kristinpotoski9221 2 жыл бұрын
I will preface this with the statement that I have not seen the movie. However, I am a mother. I had 4 brothers and all male cousins. My mom had to force me into dresses half the time. Also, your niece is THREE. According to the most recent data (site: Psychology Today,) Evidence from the 10 available prospective follow-up studies from childhood to adolescence (reviewed in the study by Ristori and Steensma28) indicates that for ~80% of children who meet the criteria for GDC, the GD recedes with puberty. In layman's terms, the plurality of GD children will have grown out of said dysphoria upon or shortly after the onset of puberty. I am scared of snakes. And enclosed spaces. And being buried alive. The discomfort of your niece at being called an adjective she dislikes is not rational. My son liked to be called Batman at 3. I was not in fear of people calling him Aquaman.
@nyajelisa3897 2 жыл бұрын
@@kristinpotoski9221 I believe that the original commenter was not saying that she’s afraid of her niece becoming trans on her own. I think that she was saying that she’s afraid of other adults pushing being trans on her niece because of her preferences about dresses and the words pretty and handsome at such a young age.
@Dennis-nc3vw 2 жыл бұрын
U iz puuurdy
@zmcg17 2 жыл бұрын
People call women “handsome” as a compliment and you can show her pictures of women with strong features to show her that her sex can be handsome too
@travisshelley9778 2 жыл бұрын
Stop voting for Democrats is a start.
@DarkIllusionGaming 2 жыл бұрын
I was a tomboy and was always told by my mom I couldn't do a lot of things cause "it was for boys". So after a long period of time being called masculine by peers and such I socially transitioned as ftm. Almost started hormones, but I was that way for 9 years and I still haven't detransitioned even socially to some people. I have lost friends due to no longer being trans. It's sad but some people use LGBT for their own image, and the way society is now. I lost myself and found my way back and people wanna punish me for that. Wasn't that whole movement being able to find and be yourself? Don't seem that way no more.
@sharpen-up 2 жыл бұрын
Forget the haters and inflexible ideologues. You're better off
@bastianwright3402 2 жыл бұрын
Unfortunately In truth, this movement was designed to send lost, unsuspecting people on the pointless, and painful journey you've been on. It creates more suffering and confusion than it does happiness and clarity. And I'm sorry that happened to you.
@cutieOX 2 жыл бұрын
hope ur doing better!!
@alyssamathews7492 2 жыл бұрын
💪 💪 💪
@ViaCRoz 2 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry to hear all that happened to you. I have never been part of that community, but I know that a major part of the community is losing sight of what they are all about. I guess, like people, no community is perfect. I hope you are doing better! 🙏🏼
@torycatherine2044 Жыл бұрын
"I dont think dogs even know what dogs are" I dont know why that made me chuckle so much, but it did 😂😂😂😂
@Hisham1st 2 жыл бұрын
To be fair, Matt did interview multiple proud trans in his documentary, yet they all failed at answering his basic questions. It’s not the kind of people that mattered; it’s the kind of questions. Truth always prevails.
@Mushroomgurl90 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah I was thinking the same thing. It wasn't that he was trying to prove who was happy, it was the deeper rooted issues of it as a whole.
@thedissidentleftist6997 2 жыл бұрын
@@Mushroomgurl90 Most of us progressives are proud to be not conservates. After all Non conservates recognizes all the cardinal rules of democrat party that the damn DNC had been neglecting like supports for unions under certain conditions, equality for all folks - not just white males but trans, muslims, other folks. If you hates them all in general then you are conservate period.
@Mushroomgurl90 2 жыл бұрын
@@thedissidentleftist6997 just because someone doesn't agree with what someone thinks, or does not mean they "hate" anyone. I will never accept or conform to leftist ideas either but that does not mean I hate anyone.
@bubblephobiaoftheshire 2 жыл бұрын
I think it is difficult to find someone who is as reasonable as Blair and willing to speak their minds so openly. Nobody wants to say the truth because they are afraid of the mob.
@thedissidentleftist6997 2 жыл бұрын
@@bubblephobiaoftheshire it's nice to see you conservates scared of us. After all one scared Democrat party law is Equality for All Folks. Too bad democrat party sabotaged our agency and is pandering hard for conservates this year. 🤮
@elsh332 2 жыл бұрын
I think the movie didn't cover trans success stories because there is so much of that being pushed already and the documentary was aimed at getting people to see the major problems with having such a one-sided view all the time and the dangers of not speaking up and being honest about where this has gone, is now, and is headed. Thank you for speaking up. You increase my capacity to stay open to people who are dealing with trans issues personally. It can be hard for some of us to accept anyone who is trans when the activism and even the medical practices have become so unbalanced and dangerous for our children particularly. But you help bring back some balance. Keep at it ❤
@natm1320 2 жыл бұрын
It’s nice to hear a trans person speak with truth and sanity. Wish there where more people willing to speak up like you! Respect for you!
@Astrochronic 2 жыл бұрын
Does he admit he is male and a man? If not, he is just trying to beg legitimacy.
@flowerjpotter1629 2 жыл бұрын
@@Astrochronic Blaire has actually stated they wish there had been a pill to take inorder to feel better rather than to through all the surgeries and transformation process.
@Astrochronic 2 жыл бұрын
@@flowerjpotter1629 Not sure what your point is. The pill is accepting reality. It might be bitter, but you have to swallow it or else you might mutilate yourself in a desperate futile quest to pretend to be something you are not.
@kaiser8659 2 жыл бұрын
@@flowerjpotter1629 I'd rather have that as well as a trans man. But there isn't. The only way to stop my dysphoria is to go through all these expensive surgeries and such. It fucking sucks people think my condition is fun. It's nothing but MISERABLE.
@flowerjpotter1629 2 жыл бұрын
@@kaiser8659 It must be. Having big surgeries is no fun. I think people forget this is a medical problem, and medical problems ruin your life. I hope things improve for you.
@davemayshow 2 жыл бұрын
You are a breath of fresh air. I’ve had gender dysphoria for 26 years. Trans ideology encourages people to reject their true selves and embrace a new person they have constructed. That’s fine but let’s not lie about it. Also it’s not fine for teens who need to be encouraged truth.
@sparksoflife101 2 жыл бұрын
Same struggle with it sometimes for me its from severe trauma glad i didnt transition
@lexzyland 2 жыл бұрын
Oh hell. Girl... I had blue hair for so long and I just stopped staining it about 2 years ago because I didn't wanna get lumped in with the freaking weirdos.
@HollieMoodie 2 жыл бұрын
I stopped dying my hair purple a few years back for the same reason.
@wybiefletcher6739 2 жыл бұрын
@@HollieMoodie awh I'm sorry they ruined it for you, I love my purple hair.
@nickibaby64 Жыл бұрын
I have so much respect for you after this video. This is exactly how I feel about the trans topic, if you lived your life feeling wrong and you came to be an adult who decided to transition then that’s perfectly okay. As long as you received proper medical counseling and treatment then that’s your choice. But to allow children to transition is Insane. As a little girl I was a full fledged tomboy but I grew out of it. I would have probably told you I should have been a boy. But now I realize I love being a woman. And I’m so grateful my parents wouldn’t have allowed it, and I’m grateful I didn’t have society trying to convince me to change my entire body chemistry before I even came into myself.
@orsolyaszakacs9439 Жыл бұрын
It is perfectly okay? If "you lived your life feeling wrong" then you possibly have a serious mental problem but you obviously not the opposite sex and you can NEVER be them. No mutilation and cross sex hormones will change what you are. Proper medical counseling and treatment should never include cutting off healthy body parts.
@girrlove12321 Жыл бұрын
Just to answer: Dogs unfortunately dont have the self awareness to understand that they are dogs. Some scientists have actually done studies on this using the Mirror Method, and while humans and other species can see and understand their own reflection, dogs generally don't have the mental capability to do.
@vegamctavish 2 жыл бұрын
The fact that some of the people are most likely going with the crowd out of fear that their answer could ruin their lifes shows in what a ridiculous world we live right now…
@StoicDivinity 2 жыл бұрын
yeah, that's what shows we live in a ridiculous world... not the +30 year old(s) obese homeless people with pink hair obsessed with Disney in every metropolitan in America.
@bryant475 2 жыл бұрын
Agreed, I feel the same way as a future physician... and it pains me that I'll share this profession with many who put ideology over scientific truth and the welfare of children!
@jayrose4748 2 жыл бұрын
Blaire has male genitals and uses women's dressing rooms and bathrooms...
@babychuma1 2 жыл бұрын
My sister is a total tomboy, she wore jeans and hoodies was athletic and very boyish looking. Now she's a mother of four girls and very feminine, it was a phase but I wonder what she might have been told today.
@taylorgadda7474 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you Blaire for speaking about the "assigned female at birth". I haven't been able to describe why this is off and you nailed it.
@tamashumi7961 2 жыл бұрын
I've got a similar analogy about this "gender is a spectrum" thing. Given occasionally someone is born missing a hand or a leg, do we try to redefine the fact that humans have four limbs and take basic definition such as "amount of limbs in a human is a spectrum"?
@astroterf. 2 жыл бұрын
@@tamashumi7961 don't give them ideas, lol
@WOLF_but_a_dead_one Жыл бұрын
Before i watch the video i want to say my opinion: Women are people who have the abile to carry a baby (the only way i could put it together) Trans women on the other hand identify as women and should be treated as such because gender dysphoria is a serious thing, as long as trans women don't do stupid shit like go to women's bathrooms just to look at them (while looking like a man) that's ok
@basementdwellers2231 2 жыл бұрын
You're the only trans person I've come across who is so well spoken and intelligent on these topics. Thank you so much.
@nenmaster5218 2 жыл бұрын
Wow, thats incredibly sad. Blaire is kinda the Bootom of the Barrel. I dont even like Jessie Gender but that channel is just blatantly more educated and informed. Forrest Valkai, a Biologist, also has a lot to say about Gender, duh. Oh, and 'Some More News' covers the famous 'GOP' a lot.
@basementdwellers2231 2 жыл бұрын
@@nenmaster5218 She definitely isn't lol. Don't discredit her. She's shining a lot of light on concerning issues.
@Singgud199 2 жыл бұрын
@@nenmaster5218 THAT PART
@missclee410 2 жыл бұрын
She's always been very reasonable ,honest, intelligent and speaks up about important topics . Probably the only video I'll watch reviewing the movie by a trans person.
@jlindsay 2 жыл бұрын
Just Kidding | Social Justice Warrior | LOL kzbin.info/www/bejne/qpOZl5J8Zs-Iba8 ?7+YTv4sd asfsda
@dylanbroussard5736 Жыл бұрын
A woman is an adult with two X Chromosomes.
@dannyboy020 Жыл бұрын
What about girls with one x chromosome… some girls have that condition
@dylanbroussard5736 Жыл бұрын
@@dannyboy020 …that’s a woman too, obviously…
@dannyboy020 Жыл бұрын
You meant to say… female not woman
@dylanbroussard5736 Жыл бұрын
@@dannyboy020 they’re both the same thing.. what the hell are you talking about dude lol
@Draco19970125 Жыл бұрын
@@dannyboy020 around 0.018% odf the population has some kind of disorder what can affect the gonads, genitals and chromosomes. These conditions are specific to each sex. Like only women can have Turner Syndrome. A biological male cannot be put into this category.
@davidca96 2 жыл бұрын
You know, I can honestly say as a kid in the 80's I never had any doubt what a woman is, and that I am a boy/man. For those people like Blaire, im happy she was able to figure herself out and be happy with who she is. It seems like its those people who are miserable/confused/etc. are the ones saying all this nonsense.
@peppersanches412 2 жыл бұрын
I see clear repression on both sides. But perception is reality lol (51yo trans dude)
@WesleysMama Жыл бұрын
Someone told me I don’t know the gender of my son because he’s a baby and it infuriates me. He was not “assigned” a gender. He is a boy. His chromosomes and biological makeup have been male since the day he was conceived. If he does have gender dysphoria and decides to transition AS AN ADULT, sure. I’ll be totally accepting. But I will not foster a childhood that confuses my SON.
@MrJFree666 2 жыл бұрын
Very much love people like Blaire White who can speak at length without stumbling over words. ❤️
@austinnsuff6576 2 жыл бұрын
I have thanked my parents so many times for taking care of my siblings and I as kids and ACTUALLY letting me be myself, which meant being a tomboy and not really liking dresses or pink but then not being told that, that must mean I'm a man. Even now I rarely date, my last date was over 10 years ago. All of my woke friends have been whispering to me about how that might mean that I'm maybe not straight, or even a 'they/them'. No, I'm a woman who knows what I want and I don't enjoy dating just for fun. My parents who are entirely supportive don't mind if I'm not currently interested in dating, or if I don't produce grandchildren for them. It just blows my mind that this is just a rare or even frowned upon concept.
@jojijosette5946 2 жыл бұрын
Great parents, you're blessed
@StephdeIcaza Жыл бұрын
This is so wonderful!! Goodness, we need more of this in the world!
@Dani_1012 Жыл бұрын
You and I are similar wow, except I'm not straight. It's nice to see another woman who's not that interested in dating or present extremely feminine
@YSFmemories Жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry you are not willing to be courageous enough to reach deep inside yourself to admit your true gender as a man. I know you are succumbing to societal pressures that are forcing you to a label that isn't you, but you're too scared to even consider the fact that you aren't the gender they labelled you with at birth. ... Ok i can't keep this up anymore lmao😂
@MJAYZ007 Жыл бұрын
@rickydavis7391 2 жыл бұрын
“Going with the bullys” nailed it. Todays democrats are the bullys and everybody is scared to stand up to them. Cred to anyone willing to stand up to the bullys.
@silvergirl7810 2 жыл бұрын
They’re the ‘mean girls’
@IanD-ut4dy 2 жыл бұрын
The problem is, Republican and Democrats alike suffer from the same thing...self-righteousness and tribalism. None of you are logical when it comes to any contentious subject. You turn into babbling idiots, arguing the toss with each other for some retarded game of one-upmanship. You can be a mix of both things, instead of failing as a human and being drawn into your indoctrination, but you won't, you enjoy the battle too much.
@heathercontois4501 2 жыл бұрын
I'm actually noticing both sides are bullies. The middle ground where logic lives is getting smaller and smaller.
@jeffswingdancer8302 7 ай бұрын
The most hilarious part of the film is when Matt Walsh asked the question "if a chicken is laying an egg, can't you assert that the chicken is female?" The answer was "Do you know what's going through that chicken's mind?" It's stunning that people can think like this.
@bobthebox2993 7 ай бұрын
Kinda misrepresenting that conversation there buddy. The answer was pointing out that Chickens don't share our concept of gender, Humans do. A chicken won't commit suicide because a human thinks they're a hen, but they feel like a rooster. Humans do commit suicide because they don't feel like they fit the gender role that society forces upon them.
@tp958 2 жыл бұрын
Matt Walsh is the number one person in the world right now fighting for women's rights
@logans.butler285 2 жыл бұрын
He won't get very far unfortunately
@onelove864 2 жыл бұрын
We need to get behind him
@Lola_Nico 2 жыл бұрын
Okay then ask him if he supports abortion. I watched the documentary and it’s great, but let’s not pretend that he isn’t pro-life which is inherently anti-women.
@nlyklk9631 2 жыл бұрын
Yet he believes in forced pregnancies
@ghostbreath 2 жыл бұрын
yeah that’s just cause he has the funding and a platform big enough to bring attention to this issue let’s not get carried away lmao
@Karamelsnougat 2 жыл бұрын
It was really refreshing to hear this from a trans woman. I'm glad that there are multifaceted people in this world. Some people seem like they just say and do things to fit in. Thanks for sharing this!!
@highroller-jq3ix 2 жыл бұрын
+Aly Schorzman You're right, so many right-identified, ignorant transphobes say and do things just to fit in. Thanks for acknowledging that.
@genggeng69 Жыл бұрын
I was a tomboy as a kid and young teen. Turns out I was just terrified of being mocked for being any amount of girly because I saw it so much in movies / TV shows. Pretty girls were always bimbos or the butt of the joke, or just straight up mean and I didn't want to be seen like that so I dressed and acted boyish. Glad people weren't trying to tell me then that I was just supposed to be a boy, because I didn't even have the mental capability to understand what I truly felt until I was much older, so I can imagine how easily I would've been persuaded.
@valerieanderson7967 2 жыл бұрын
Do you mind terribly if I, as a straight, white, conservative, Christian woman, tell you how much I appreciate and respect you and learn from listening to you? Thank you for your transparency and openness. I pray God’s blessings upon you, Blair.
@professionaltrollgirl2682 2 жыл бұрын
Why do you sound so timid? As if there's something wrong with you being white Straight Christian lady. Stop acting so apologetic and cowardly
@iamnia336 2 жыл бұрын
U don’t need to say ur straight white and Christian to tell someone your respect them 😂
@alexh6767 2 жыл бұрын
@@iamnia336 the way she described herself is like those leftist goons that label everything about themselves in LGBT spaces
@nedlooby7419 2 жыл бұрын
@@alexh6767 I think that's the point
@agginswaggin 2 жыл бұрын
@@alexh6767 I think it's more to show that she doesn't follow identity politics. She doesn't let her identity get between the respect she has for trans people like Blaire.
@sasha8578 2 жыл бұрын
Listen, I can't with this. If people where I'm from was asked this question, they'll think you're fucking with them because ain't now way we don't know what a woman is. This is the biggest game of pretend I've ever seen.
@jayrose4748 2 жыл бұрын
White liberals lol
@tabathadeiter8023 Жыл бұрын
You hit the nail right on the head when you mentioned how it would’ve been better if they showed some positive transitions. 100% of the time, I will listen to what you have to say with a more open mind, if I can see that you are willing to see things from the other side and admit where you might be wrong and they might be right. People “on the fence” are looked at as bad, especially in politics. But, I want to hear what they have to say the most! Being willing to go against the grain (when necessary) of the side you align with is admirable. I am a conservative, listening to you for the first time. I’ve binged watched several of your videos this morning. I would guess that if we laid out everything we believe, it would not match up in a lot of places…but…you’ve gained my respect and another follower.
@LE_AZ 2 жыл бұрын
13:22 Matt actually emailed and called tons of pro transgender people to be interviewed but they unfortunately decline or didn't want to be in the documentary. I would like to see thier point of view.
@안광 2 жыл бұрын
yeah… under the guise that they were going to be interviewed for a documentary filmed by a pro-trans college student wanting to explore the trans community. basically tried to lie and groom them into starring in an anti-trans film.
@MysticPsion 2 жыл бұрын
"The exception is not the rule" Yes Blaire!
@zestzonertheoblivious5828 2 жыл бұрын
that is true with everything.
@Uneke 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly, I’m a conservative middle aged male with beliefs that contradict a lot of your lifestyle choices… but having said that, I really do appreciate you and your content! You’re an intelligent person who doesn’t join the melting pot and echo chambers! It’s refreshing and I have a lot of respect for you.
@ThePrinceOfNigeria 2 жыл бұрын
Yup, your gay..
@michaeldorego7313 2 жыл бұрын
That's because most conservatives don't care what people do with their lives. Just don't shove it down my throat, and especially my kids.
@christophtrispec3083 2 жыл бұрын
This documentary was long overdue for me. It reaffirmed my thoughts on this topic for a long time now. I had a sister who is now my brother and I was the one in the family who tried to respect his wishes, but would slip on my pronouns here and there out of habit. I was made out to be a villain. I tried. And Now I want to bring this to light. Matt Walsh did a great job.
@jlindsay 2 жыл бұрын
Just Kidding | Social Justice Warrior | LOL kzbin.info/www/bejne/qpOZl5J8Zs-Iba8 ?7+YTvds43asdfsafa
@browniekeith1194 Жыл бұрын
Are you a transformer?
@PaulWolferton 3 ай бұрын
Yeah she is 🤣
@mmaree5199 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with you, Blaire, it’s too bad it can’t release on multiple social platforms. It’s fascinating. I think Matt Walsh was very respectable. I am very proud of you and your stance on who you are and what you believe in. ❤️ MM
@billhollis1888 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, can almost guarantee no other platform would allow it to be up for long, if at all.
@mmaree5199 2 жыл бұрын
@@billhollis1888 and we claim to have freedom of speech.
@VexElectronicaGaming 2 жыл бұрын
I would've liked Matt to ask some of these people "Well, what is a man?" just to see if they actually have a solid definition for that one 😂
@annas4843 2 жыл бұрын
That would be soooo easy for them… Usually goes with words as oppressor, violent, holding power etc Like women can’t be described with all these, we are all innocent angels 😅
@jec8of 2 жыл бұрын
I think he would've gone with adult male human. He probably would've added they have testicles, a penis, XY chromosomes and produce sperm. Simple biological terms would be it for Matt.
@mariahkemp969 2 жыл бұрын
They wouldn’t have an answer either 😆
@a.r.mproductions5616 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with making the documentary public. It should be accessible for everyone. People can take the trailer and other moments out of context because they won’t watch the full movie due to having to pay the Daily Wire. A lot people aren’t willing to buy a subscription for one thing. I would’ve liked to see this documentary but I’m financially struggling.
@ReverbCanvas 2 жыл бұрын
I found it for free
@chadbrick67 2 жыл бұрын
it will never happen the vile agenda is beyond words
@pleasedont7787 Жыл бұрын
It seems weird to me that people kept saying you could only watch it on daily wire. There was a bootleg version of it on KZbin practically from day 1. It just had Indian subtitles.
@sirennoir258 2 жыл бұрын
I know trans people. It is a lifelong condition and something that didn't just pop up one day as a kid surfing the internet. Another thing about trans people I noticed is every single one of them live normal boring everyday lives and don't want this drama that seems to be festering in the community.
@hillarysudeikis2264 2 жыл бұрын
Lord Jesus Christ is coming back everyone, please don’t worship celebrities and entertainment, focus on Him alone. I promise there’s more to life than money, partying, homosexuality and music. Hell is real, repent from sinning confess your sins and ask God to forgive you, I know He will if you’re sincere. Anyone who thinks the Name of Lord Jesus Christ is a joke, boldly mocks and scorns Him or takes pleasure in people who do is in for a big unpleasant surprise on judgement day IF they don’t repent and follow Lord Jesus Christ. Hell is very hot, people please repent! In the mighty name of Lord Jesus Christ, Amen 🙏💪✝️💜❤️✝️! Idolatry such as, Islam, Catholicism, Sangomaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Santa Clausism, Confucianism, New Age, Science, Evolution, halloweenism, Harry Potterism, Politics, Donald Trumpism, Easter Bunnyism and other religions/faiths that are outside Biblical Christianity lead to hell! Don’t believe them, believe the Almighty God the Father of Lord Jesus Christ, who begot Him. Our Creator, The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is mighty, He doesn’t need a woman to beget a son, He is God. I choose to put my faith in a God who can do anything and everything, a God who has unlimited and infinite power to beget! So, it’s time to confess that Lord Jesus Christ is the Lord and to believe that He died and rose from the grave after three days and you shall be saved if you only obey Him by praying, worshipping, praising, reading the Bible and living holy and righteously according to the Bible. You have to endure until the end, carry your cross daily and build your relationship with God by following Lord Jesus daily until the end. You must never renounce your faith in The Lord Jesus Christ, there’s hell awaiting those who reject/deny Lord Jesus Christ and those who continue living sinfully, even the Christians who don’t want to repent will face the same fate, so please repent beloved people, in Lord Jesus Christ’s mighty and precious Name, Amen.
@anti1training 2 жыл бұрын
@Indyghurl 2 жыл бұрын
So true
@Jim7861 2 жыл бұрын
My best friend growing up ended up trans and I 100% agree with this sentiment. She would be horrified and has been in the past when her birthgender comes out . But seeing as how she carries herself as a woman it's not that hard for most people to see her as that. I'll never understand these dudes who put on a wig with a 5oclock shadow shouting about how much of a woman they are ....
@highroller-jq3ix 2 жыл бұрын
+Siren Noir Your anecdotal and highly subjective experience is statistically without much merit.
@reezlaw 2 жыл бұрын
I watched the movie as a moderate progressive and loved almost every second of it. The bias is 100% anti-TRA, there's not much if any "right wing" in it except maybe the cringey scene with Walsh's trad wife towards the end, but apart from that I'm sure there are LOTS of people anywhere on the left side of the political spectrum that can appreciate this film as much as those on the right. Being gender critical is certainly not a right wing exclusive, even if we exclude the radical feminists.
@jlindsay 2 жыл бұрын
Just Kidding | Social Justice Warrior | LOL kzbin.info/www/bejne/qpOZl5J8Zs-Iba8 ?7+YTvggas fsdsa
@leehardesty32 2 жыл бұрын
Best commit. Him, "What is a woman?" Wife, "An adult human female. Now be a man and open this jar of pickles."
@zxyatiywariii8 2 жыл бұрын
I love that -- my BF and I both burst out laughing because that's so true!
@Notwoke90 Жыл бұрын
I dont understand whats the hard part of it. SCIENCE talks what a woman is. Is not an opinion to each person.
@jenniferpinch1196 8 күн бұрын
This was an excellent review. Thanks, Blair! I really appreciate your honest and wise perspective.
@hannahneville4573 2 жыл бұрын
I find it interesting how someone like me, who couldn't be more against "affirming" ones gender, and actively avoids calling anyone who is clearly their gender the opposite, cannot help but address you as "she" and "her" Blaire. It comes naturally to me to call you these and yet, your not screaming at me to do so. Interesting how that works.
@carolynw8614 2 жыл бұрын
Same. Blair is a woman to me. I refuse to call a man with a beard, in red lipstick, a woman bc he says so. If a person is trans and is doing everything possible to appear as that gender and isnt screaming at me to do so, I feel fine about calling them whatever. Its these creeps that are playing dress up that I won't deal with.
@IanD-ut4dy 2 жыл бұрын
👏..........👏.........👏.................👏........fucking hard eye roll
@shadowfax9177 2 жыл бұрын
Because she actually looks and presents like a woman.
@nowwhat1434 2 жыл бұрын
When you like somebody it makes sense to call them whatever they wanna be called. The problem is expecting other people to do it.
@DrinkYourNailPolish 2 жыл бұрын
@@carolynw8614 same as well.
@isaacnay5136 2 жыл бұрын
Wow, so much respect for you! I love how sane and objective you are. Great review!
@Jordan_99 2 жыл бұрын
My younger sister played baseball and hockey growing up, while most of her friends went shopping and did makeup. She’s lucky she is almost done highschool and didn’t fall for any of this, because she’s been asked before if “she wants to be a boy” lol. You can be a masculine girl.
@GordoDustin 2 жыл бұрын
That’s part of the problem. Why is hockey and baseball masculine? Kids should be able to pursue their interests without it putting their gender into question.
@jackalx2154 2 жыл бұрын
Lol. Because girls can't play sports. Only boys play sports. FFS
@jlindsay 2 жыл бұрын
Just Kidding | Social Justice Warrior | LOL kzbin.info/www/bejne/qpOZl5J8Zs-Iba8 ?7+YTdsa34asda
@wefinishthisnow3883 2 жыл бұрын
But this doesn't work in reverse. You can't really be a feminine man. Society respects and some even celebrate tomboys. Men wearing feminine clothes and/or doing 'feminine activities' would be lucky to not have people laughing or assaulting them.
@marcielynn4886 Жыл бұрын
My SRS physician did her surgery and mine. Rest in peace Dr Biber and thanks for training your replacement.
@Sincity89103 2 жыл бұрын
Thank goodness you are here to represent the trans community in such a good light.
@jessicaetheridge3317 2 ай бұрын
You can watch it on KZbin. Most versions are in different languages, but it’s just the subtitles. The whole thing is in English.
@kaitlinghiselli9317 Жыл бұрын
As a hairstylist I can tell you most people with colored hair are cool, it’s something about blue hair. Crazy people love blue hair. And it’s almost always a swampy green because they need it to be redone lol
@mrsninis_0477 Жыл бұрын
@Gengh13 2 жыл бұрын
This documentary made me laugh several times, the level of cognitive dissonance and lack of a grasp on reality of some of those "professionals" is insane.
@JTelli786 2 жыл бұрын
I remember once when I was a kid I was at my grandparents house. My older brother ended up taking all of the boy toys (as older brothers usually do) so I was left with my female cousins Barbies and other girl toys. Had a lot of fun but I shudder at the thought if I had liberal parents who saw that, would they have taken some kind of action to try and convince me that I’m “in the wrong body”. It sounds like an extreme example but I’m serious, parents out there would totally have taken advantage of that situation and that young impressionable little kid.
@karagrace3221 Жыл бұрын
Blair, I've only recently discovered you on KZbin, and I have to say, I absolutely love you and your wisdom in your extremely balanced views! ❤️❤️
@Vamparellame 2 жыл бұрын
The worst thing is women's rights are being stomped on. We fought throughout history for rights and now we are seeing them crumble in so many aspects of society. Thanks for discussing these topics. I really enjoy your channel. I'm conservative in many aspects but liberal in other aspects. You really bring sanity to the insanity of what the government would like people to believe about children and transgendering . I think children should be allowed to be children and not be filled with hormones before puberty. They can transgender as adults to be sure they are ready for such a life changing decision. Lol and the short blue hair comment was hysterical 🤣 😂 😆
@eesr 2 жыл бұрын
bruh this is so cringe
@surfmanx796 2 жыл бұрын
It is interesting to note that the idea of “transitioning” was conceived as a treatment to help manage the negative effects of a mental health condition; gender dysphoria. Some people with the condition transitioned on their own. Nobody studying or implementing the treatment believed that the person transitioning was changing their biological sex. Only the people with the mental health condition tried to make the claim that a trans woman was a woman. The science on trans typology (completely disregarded as by the trans community) is excellent and precisely identifies and categorizes types of trans people we see and it completely understands the paraphilia and related mental health conditions.
@meme-bu8qu 2 жыл бұрын
Have to look into this, thank you for sharing.
@PSU_Florida75 2 жыл бұрын
That's very interesting to learn! It makes sense though.
@surfmanx796 2 жыл бұрын
@@meme-bu8qu Try googling trans typology. I think there is a Wikipedia page that sums up the research.
@juruu9 7 ай бұрын
I’ve always been a tomboy, my whole life. I played soccer, hung out with all the boys, never touched a dress… yadayada. A few years ago, I was wrapped up into the spiral of gender identity; that because I was a tomboy, I had to be trans. I asked for top surgery, to get my name legally changed; and thank god my mom said no. About a year later, my eyes were opened to the insanity that is the entirety of the woke community.
@RyanEvans1228 2 жыл бұрын
You knocked it out of the park with this review. I love how you acknowledge the obvious bias it would have and did not let it skew your opinion.
@0.0dots 2 жыл бұрын
of course there was an obvious bias that what he made the damn movie for!
@ruthgichere7608 2 жыл бұрын
Blair, thank you for being a voice of reason during these crazy times. I also really like your breakdown of the documentary. Keep up the good work.
@lbdlars4484 5 ай бұрын
If more conservatives, and liberals for that matter were as reasonable as Blaire, we might have a country.
@aubreynow Жыл бұрын
You are wrong. Gender is assigned. In the case of intersex people you cannot possibly see the child's gender. You can see an infant's physical sex, but not their gender.
@OnBakePlatinum Жыл бұрын
The blue haired doctor is outright crazy. The way she talked was so disturbingly cult-like
@nashvegasmgt 2 жыл бұрын
This was a great take, Blaire. You covered all sides, and that makes your argument stronger. As a conservative, I want to watch the film, but I’m not interested in paying yet another streaming/membership fee to do it. As you said, it’s not people like me who need to be swayed. They’re doing the people a disservice by not making it more accessible.
@fairy6430 Жыл бұрын
I remember when the whole Roe vs Wade thing happened I was speaking about it my friend and I was saying how it affects women and girls, she told me that I shouldn't use the term women and I should use like "person with uterus" 😭💀
@pamfan221 11 ай бұрын
I despise that so much. It is misogyny dressed up as inclusivity. We might as well go ahead and delete ourselves from English to elevate these biological males.
@mabus-armyofsalt9161 2 жыл бұрын
I disagree with your take on whether or not he should've "shown both sides". I think the world is only being shown one side. This film was specifically to show the other side. This film was the balance against the other side.
@creapyalbinofish 2 жыл бұрын
Tbh, I wanted to be a girl from about age 5 at the earliest, it just always felt right, ever since I began transitioning, my life has changed for the better in almost every regard, there's parts I wish I'd have done better (I wish I'd have tried to work out laser hair removal or trying to pass a lot sooner than nearly year 2 on hrt) but baring that I have no regrets, I'm getting away from living a dependent life with my parents and I've found a guy who loves me despite my personal shortcomings and being trans. But, if I had grown up in this world that tries to push these things on us, I think I'd have been miserable, I was always an insecure child, it took a lot for me to get out of my shell, and if people tried to push me towards it, I think I'd be where I was before, no lover, nothing to call my home, working in a job I hate barely scraping by, never even leaving my hometown, a complete loser. I'm no winner today mind you, some parts of the pain are still there, but at least I can live with the happiness knowing that even if I never become "someone" just staying as another literal who on the internet, I can die with the satisfaction that I dared to do something for myself, that I dared to take hold of my own life, decided to live as I want, be me and nothing else. No one taught me this, I knew who I always wanted to be, I think that's why Trans children are not a good idea, because you deprive them of the trial by fire, the personal discovery, when you make that decision for them. I would not be who I am today if I was socialized as a girl from the start, I imagine it would have been like staring God in the face, to be blinded by something you are not ready to witness forced to be turned away. IDK I think I've been too indulgent, tl;dr: even if a child is right about being trans you could still do too much harm of you try to push them to transition as the damage may be too great.
@basedbarackobama 2 жыл бұрын
I may not agree with your choice but you are right in the fact that at even the most benefit of the doubt we can give people for making children transition, at the kindest end they are robbing the child of that discovery but that is intentional, because with trans kids it isnt about the child it's about the other person who "discovered" it for them, either so they can get internet brownie points or brag about how good their gaydar is and how virtuous they are. They dont even consider the impact to children because they dont care. These people are narcissistics.
@bethyngalw 2 жыл бұрын
it was really interesting to read your experience. Thank you for sharing it. I think you are right that it's really important that people make such a big decision on their own, and not be chivvied into it by the adults around them. It's a highly personal and difficult decision, and it is dangerous to mental health to have somebody else other than yourself driving the change. Your thoughts on God gave me pause, I learned that he is very different to how most of us supposed him to be. He is love, he is the most understanding, and patient and kind person you will ever meet, and he likes you as a person.
@onetruesavior69 2 жыл бұрын
@@bethyngalw God is not love, and neither Christ is, for he is pain and understanding.
@iamlegend5190 2 жыл бұрын
I just don't get why any of it is important. I miss the days of ppl just living they own life. Do you. No one care. No one should care. That's your life. Live it.
@bethyngalw 2 жыл бұрын
@@onetruesavior69 1 John 4:8 "God is Love" 1 John 4:16 "So we have come to know and believe the love God has for us. *God is love,* whoever lives in love lives in God, and God lives in him." Hmm. seems fairly conclusive to me.
@Tommyboy6426 Жыл бұрын
I love how Matt is pushing when he asks everyone. Even the Star Wars guy, that he agrees with, Matt was even pushing him and asking hard questions.
@Draco19970125 Жыл бұрын
What is a woman....is a hard question?
@Tommyboy6426 Жыл бұрын
@@Draco19970125 No, it’s not. But when he talks to the Star Wars guy, he says stuff like “you don’t trace a gender studies major, so how are you so sure?”
@Draco19970125 Жыл бұрын
@@Tommyboy6426 I wouod say that was just like a joke, the reflection of what people said to HIM when he asked this question : as if you have to be some kind biology professor/geneticist to be able to answer.
@timothyjseitz 2 жыл бұрын
You and Rose of Dawn give an understanding of the subject from someone who has gone through so much to transition, it is very enlightening for people who are not part of the trans community.
@Draco19970125 Жыл бұрын
"Trans" - this word means going beyond/across of something and you cannot change what you are. "Transizion" - again, there is no way to switch from one sex to the other.
@aubreynaulin6207 2 жыл бұрын
Kinda crazy how my grandma’s generation of feminism made me feel empowered to be a woman and my generation’s version wants me to feel like shit all the time apparently.
@EdgarFriendlysCivicsTeacher 2 жыл бұрын
@K4inan 2 жыл бұрын
Uhh... not even be a woman. Women are now reduced to being "birthing people".
@TandJgaming 2 жыл бұрын
Sorry this is a very sad reality but the end of your comment made me laugh like a maniac. Probably cause it’s so absurd that we got here but the reality of it is very sad.
@lawrencedouglas4 2 жыл бұрын
@@EdgarFriendlysCivicsTeacher you call men cuting there dicks off progress?? Nah that's regression. LOVE YOUR FUCKING SELF AS YOU WERE BORN AND BE THANKFUL FOR LIFE.
@onetruesavior69 2 жыл бұрын
Feminism was never good tbh
@mollyoxy 2 жыл бұрын
Also I hate the term “assigned sex/gender at birth”. No one is assigned anything. That sounds arbitrary. Doctors IDENTIFY SEX at birth.
@jerrym1218 2 жыл бұрын
I know, they make it seem like you got assigned a key card to a certain area.
@KristinaHarePixie 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly, it’s literally that plain and simple in people choose to be stupid
@KristinaHarePixie 2 жыл бұрын
@kristinazubic9669 2 жыл бұрын
And these are people who say they understand science. Smh.
@Adamant_Adam 2 жыл бұрын
Lmao ikr. I use it ironically, in the sense that "Life itself assigned me as female, but in the end my brain didn't want to listen." But no, no one doctor on my birthbed said "this kid will grow up to be trans dude but ill be a dick and assign female anyways"
@TheMerryPup 2 жыл бұрын
Doctor at birth: [slaps the baby] "It's a boy!" Mother: "We don't know that yet!" Doctor: [slaps the mother]
@nomisunrider6472 2 жыл бұрын
Hon people give gender changing surgeries to intersex infants all the time. We’re not the ones forcing gender onto children.
@lilacscentedfushias1852 2 жыл бұрын
A doctor was sued recently for announcing the baby was a girl. Crazy! Also crazy how the courts even allow ridiculous nonsense
@nomisunrider6472 2 жыл бұрын
@@lilacscentedfushias1852 Hon if you have to make things up to prove you're "oppressed", you aren't.
@hillarysudeikis2264 2 жыл бұрын
Lord Jesus Christ is coming back everyone, please don’t worship celebrities and entertainment, focus on Him alone. I promise there’s more to life than money, partying, homosexuality and music. Hell is real, repent from sinning confess your sins and ask God to forgive you, I know He will if you’re sincere. Anyone who thinks the Name of Lord Jesus Christ is a joke, boldly mocks and scorns Him or takes pleasure in people who do is in for a big unpleasant surprise on judgement day IF they don’t repent and follow Lord Jesus Christ. Hell is very hot, people please repent! In the mighty name of Lord Jesus Christ, Amen 🙏💪✝️💜❤️✝️! Idolatry such as, Islam, Catholicism, Sangomaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Santa Clausism, Confucianism, New Age, Science, Evolution, halloweenism, Harry Potterism, Politics, Donald Trumpism, Easter Bunnyism and other religions/faiths that are outside Biblical Christianity lead to hell! Don’t believe them, believe the Almighty God the Father of Lord Jesus Christ, who begot Him. Our Creator, The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is mighty, He doesn’t need a woman to beget a son, He is God. I choose to put my faith in a God who can do anything and everything, a God who has unlimited and infinite power to beget! So, it’s time to confess that Lord Jesus Christ is the Lord and to believe that He died and rose from the grave after three days and you shall be saved if you only obey Him by praying, worshipping, praising, reading the Bible and living holy and righteously according to the Bible. You have to endure until the end, carry your cross daily and build your relationship with God by following Lord Jesus daily until the end. You must never renounce your faith in The Lord Jesus Christ, there’s hell awaiting those who reject/deny Lord Jesus Christ and those who continue living sinfully, even the Christians who don’t want to repent will face the same fate, so please repent beloved people, in Lord Jesus Christ’s mighty and precious Name, Amen.
@eu29lex16 2 жыл бұрын
@erica6671 2 жыл бұрын
I was struck by how at least 3 of the interviewees ended or almost ended the interview because they didn't like being asked to explain their perspective. How can you claim to defend an ideology if you can't even defend it against the most simple basic questions?
@wickedashley 2 жыл бұрын
@BurhanDanger 2 жыл бұрын
Because there's nothing defend as it is not based around logic
@mariahkemp969 2 жыл бұрын
@16BitSiren 2 жыл бұрын
Cognitive Dissonance. Call me a conspiracy theorist, but, I think they've been trained to respond in that way. The moment they're shown their hypocrisy or told their reality is wrong, they just kick into fight or flight, almost like they can't control it. I've even had best friends and family just immediately shut me down the moment they realize I know what I'm talking about more than they do. Its disrespectful as hell, but I try to tell myself they can't really help it.
@mmassie4321 2 жыл бұрын
@@16BitSiren that is the best way to look at it. Stay real Spaghetti!
@panjamysy 2 жыл бұрын
As a girl who was a tomboy for the vast majority of my youth, including my teen years, I am so glad I grew up in a time where I was told I would grow out of it. I did. I'm a girl and now I'm very happy to be a girl. Thank God no one told me to transition.
@jo1369 Жыл бұрын
Even if you never grew out of it, women can have masculine traits and still be women. I don’t like how these just reinforce stereotypes of how a woman “needs” to behave.
@realRatRat Жыл бұрын
i’ve always been a tomboy but i’m perfectly fine with being a girl lol. it’s just the straight version of being a butch lesbian-style/hobbies don’t make me any less of a woman; i’m just a less feminine one
@lillianlilo7447 Жыл бұрын
Ah the good old days! Imagine if you told a child that now!! There'd be an up roar, especially with gender affirming therapists!! 😂
@heimdallcvl Жыл бұрын
I'm sorry but you're not a girl. You're clearly a panda. Gender and species appropriation, shame on you!!! 😝😝😝😝😝 Edit: I might be wrong about the gender appropriation, since you might be a female panda. If so, sorry for that specific accusation.
@BringJoy2HealOurEarth Жыл бұрын
Ditto! And now I'm a mega girly girl! Don't get me wrong I put up shelves can do most home maintenance and am a strong single mother but my gosh if this was around when I was young my crazy lesbian (not saying all lesbians are crazy but my parents where) would definitely of pushed my brother to be a girl and me a boy.
@sabrimoze8272 2 жыл бұрын
I am honestly so glad I am a woman. I was always into cars, planes things that are "masculine" but I didnt feel like a man. As a child I was never really interested in barbies or dolls. It's just that I'm more interested in those things. I work on my car, I like to get my hands dirty. I've worked on CNC machines. Does that mean I'm supposed to look and feel like a man because others are saying "maybe your trans and you dont know it."? No, absolutely not. I know what I am, I'm a woman who like masculin things. That's it. 😊
@alidavideo 2 жыл бұрын
I wish more young people realized this. I’m seeing so many young women decide they must be non binary because they seem to think they can’t be a woman who is into “masculine” stuff.
@772amanda237 2 жыл бұрын
Same! I work on my car, I grew up making forts and climbing trees, catching snakes and frogs, love motorcycles. So glad I grew up in the 90s.
@Ranger_Steve 2 жыл бұрын
Cars aren’t masculine or feminine. Barbies aren’t masculine or feminine. Just because a certain thing appeals to men or women doesn’t make them belong to that group. You can like whatever you want. I played with Barbie’s when I was in daycare. Sure, I acted like they were fighting. I didn’t dress them. You are who you are and you like what you like. You aren’t you solely based on what you like.
@nuricortes 2 жыл бұрын
@leanysealvarado7499 2 жыл бұрын
Same. I love cars and mechanical things too. I played with GI Joe and Barbie, Transformers and My Little Pony. I’m also into physical fitness and I don’t care what other people think. I love being a woman who doesn’t care 😂💯
@gtothereal 2 жыл бұрын
I also felt weird as a kid about my gender and I’m not trans. Just because some kids correctly predict they will be trans doesn’t mean we believe all kids. Sometimes kids are wrong like I was.
@kyootie86 2 жыл бұрын
Around 5-12 years old I was a tomboy. I even said I wished I was a boy on several occasions. But when I hit puberty I got more in touch with my feminine side. I’m happy being a woman and I’m glad I didn’t grow up in this generation or I would’ve been convinced to mutilate my body.
@LadyCourtney 2 жыл бұрын
I felt uncomfortable with my femininity as a kid and often chose boy clothes because of such. But now I love being a woman. If I grew up in todays would, they would of tried to make me trans
@grannygoes7882 2 жыл бұрын
Right! Gender confusion during adolescents is very common. 99% of GC teens will grow out of it.
@emmaholley7493 2 жыл бұрын
And? Some kids are in fact trans and should be respected, disagreeing proves your bigotry.
@randylahey8207 2 жыл бұрын
It's around 75-80%, and that's by the age of 18. Surely more over the next few years as well. Kids say all sorts of shit, I know I did..
@pinkfurryhat 2 жыл бұрын
Im 28 this week. I remember around elementary doing an exercise to describe “what is a cat” or you chose the animal i think. The point was to show how specific you need to be. Its not just an animal with four legs. Lots of animals have four legs. It has whiskers. Lots of animals do. Etc etc The exercise made you THINK. People dont know how to think anymore.
@JakeDogg-RIP 2 жыл бұрын
Happy birthday miss furry hat 🥰🐶🎂🥳
@GermanShepherdDaphne 2 жыл бұрын
I’m 43 and back in the 90’s we didn’t care about this stuff. You just were You and that’s it.
@Frosty-oj6hw 2 жыл бұрын
The lesson here is that all categories are fuzzy, the edges of the categories are not as well defined as we'd like. I think post modernists are abusing this fact to basically blow apart categories all together so they are literally meaningless.
@manwhoismissingtwotoenails4811 2 жыл бұрын
Happy birthday :) 🎉
@FruityHachi 2 жыл бұрын
a cat is an animal with feline dna makeup
@benjaminfranklinthe180th4 2 жыл бұрын
I’m an adult gay male and when I was a child, I loved playing with barbies, wearing wigs and dressing in princess clothes. I never once thought I was a girl, I just enjoyed girls things. Eventually I grew out of it but I worry what would’ve happened to me if I were that child today. My parents might’ve thought I was trans and I’m so glad my parents didn’t think that when I was a kid.
@priscillaspets Жыл бұрын
did u see the story about the lady finding out her son isn’t trans (he liked dresses as a child) and she was sad/went into depression😀😬
@69throatdestroyer69 Жыл бұрын
Yes that was me except I was a big tomboy and actually, I do recall telling my parents I was a boy/wanted to be a boy, HOWEVER.. fast forward a few years later and I’m a 14 year old girl who is attracted to both sexes. So yeah, I’m happy my parents were not dumb enough to take a 7 year old seriously 😂
@69throatdestroyer69 Жыл бұрын
@@priscillaspetsimagine being upset that your child isn’t going through a painful disorder and mental illness called gender dysphoria? That mother is bat shit crazy
@priscillaspets Жыл бұрын
@@69throatdestroyer69 My sister went through a phase where she didn’t know if she was “a boy or girl” (obviously was being manipulated by these people online) and i explained it to her, that i was a tomboy and wanted to be a boy etc and she started to see how the woke stuff was a lie. Well now she’s 14 and also likes both sexes but isn’t manipulated by this woke train lol
@69throatdestroyer69 Жыл бұрын
@@priscillaspets that’s good I remember I was close to being brainwashed by them until my parents began to talk to me about this stuff
@moriahrogel2926 2 жыл бұрын
I am so glad that I grew up before all this awful “gender affirming” started to pick up. Cause as a Tom-boy who always wanted to be associated more with boys than girls I wouldn’t have stood a chance edit: Thank you all for the likes and comments, I'm glad I'm not alone in this. :)
@umiluv 2 жыл бұрын
Same. I’m still a tomboy after having my son 4 years ago. They’d be telling me I was a pregnant man. 🙄
@Prism_Heavy 2 жыл бұрын
Same. I've always been a very masculine woman but a woman nonetheless. Society doesn't like masculine women or feminine men these days because we don't fit their agenda.
@juliaeaton 2 жыл бұрын
Same. I ran around and played in the mud and climbed trees with the boys and was bored by games the girls wanted to play. In my baby book the first full sentence I apparently ever said was "When is Daddy going to make me a boy?" when I was under three years old. Regardless of that I do not have gender dysphoria, I just enjoy things that our society branded "for boys". If I had been born in the last ten years what a nightmare it would've been for me. :( It is an insult to people who actually struggle with gender dysphoria. And it just strengthens gender norms (which I thought the whole point was to break those down not make them worse?).
@wolfsmaid6815 2 жыл бұрын
@@juliaeaton I remember when I cut my hair really short in primary school and then pretended I was a soldier in the French foreign legion.... yeah. I´m so lucky that my parents had common sense.
@nunyabusiness2276 2 жыл бұрын
@@juliaeaton Boys had the better toys and more fun! So I’m with you guys!
@pauldilley8974 2 жыл бұрын
My favourite bit was the college professor, who got offended at being asked what a woman is, claiming that seeking truth was transphobic. Then asked if universities are a place where the truth is sought, he responds "yes", seemingly without realizing the contradiction.
@dustinabc 2 жыл бұрын
"you've got about 30 more seconds...". Lol
@bigpoppa192 2 жыл бұрын
Please give name cause it's absurd and wrong
@googleisshittoss 2 жыл бұрын
The 'loony left' such as this alledged 'professor' always waffle on, when they're cornered...it was actually rather pathetic...Talked for ages, yet said nothing at all
@amira_shmira 2 жыл бұрын
He was the pits. I don’t think he realized how many times he contradicted himself.
@tinicoleofficial 2 жыл бұрын
These psychos always wanna sound like intellectuals, but end up sounding like the opposite
@xbravocat 2 жыл бұрын
i literally got told that i must be trans because i’m a tomboy so much that i said i was ftm from when i was 12-13 years old and totally socially transitioned, it was legit forced on me and it’s sad how common this kind of thing is
@carolthedabbler2105 2 жыл бұрын
Were you able to de-transition eventually?
@dorothypedersen449 2 жыл бұрын
Big hug.
@consciouscrypto3090 2 жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry that happened to you. I hope you're thriving now.
@darthsquid2107 2 жыл бұрын
It honestly sickens me to my core to see just how bad it's gotten. It worries me.
@timotiusanrez9492 2 жыл бұрын
I am not from the US, and not living there, what is FTM?
@itsstellaraine Жыл бұрын
As a gay cis male, I liked the documentary. I had a conversation with a conservative, as a liberal, about transgenderism, and we both agreed that there are only two genders, and that the bigger problem is the strict boundaries around masculinity and femininity.
@user-sg6ud5ce5 Жыл бұрын
You lied, you weren't gay, if you were really gay you wouldn't have the idea that the world only had girls and boys.
@biggreen9845 Жыл бұрын
While, I really don’t remember it ever being strict with women in my time growing up in the 90s. The early 90s and 2000s were the tomboy days, representation in media and movies, Clea Duvall(the faculty), Avril Lavigne, Lindsey Lohan(parent trap), etc Tomboys were celebrated and were not treated like they were less than or some other gender. Nowadays, it’s gotten more and more over the years in the media and movies that a Tomboy identifies as some other gender. With men it has always been more strict but the more than two genders movement does not help. Ironically, while going against society gender norms, they play right into it at the same time for it’s based entirely around the former.
@MacroManatee Жыл бұрын
Yes! Thank you! I don’t fit the narrow stereotype of “feminine presenting,” even on a personality level, but that doesn’t change the fact that I am a woman. People like Dylan Mulvaney make me angry.
@SiriusBigbadda Жыл бұрын
I'm pretty sure that the number of genders (a social construct btw) isn't decided by two amateurs having a discussion.
@itsstellaraine Жыл бұрын
@biggreen9845 I'd say its more of a problem with strict masculine norms. Each man is different, just as each woman is different, but that hasn't gotten as much attention.
@lucianas661 2 жыл бұрын
i’m an adult now and still dealing with the fact that i had a rhinoplasty at 16 so i can’t even begin to imagine how that child who got a whole vaginoplasty at that same age will feel about the whole experience when they’re older. its very clear that a lot of these people don’t understand the ramifications of surgery, it’s not an easy one and done the way people think it is.
@eminemilly 2 жыл бұрын
Right. Bad scars from cutting myself at the same age. Can't imagine being even younger and making such life altering decisions
@systemverilog4727 2 жыл бұрын
My dad, into retirement now, is still pretty self-conscious about his own nose job.
@june550 2 жыл бұрын
I’m just 16, and although I’m insecure ab my nose shape and really want a rhinoplasty, I think I’m quite fortunate to not have the money or consent to have one until I’m an adult. I might change my mind or become happier with my face shape in the meantime
@MoominJude 2 жыл бұрын
I developed a large nose with a bump in it ,almost overnight in my teens. I couldn't bare to see myself in profile for years. I learned to live with it and never had a problem finding a boyfriend , was thought of as quite attractive in my youth and am glad I didn't have the funds or the desire to get a nose job. It's who I am and I am now in my sixties and it just doesn't matter. Learn to love yourself.
@pinkwonderpower7906 2 жыл бұрын
@@june550 God is a great designer, you were made great just the way you are 🙋‍♀️Taking a break from social media is a great way to start loving who you are.
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