Sustainability, according to the Brundtland Commission, is "meeting present needs without compromising ability of future generations to meet their own needs." This definition of sustainability is very similar to mine: it refers to the continued use of natural resources while taking into account the needs of future generations and maintaining equity, economic efficiency, and environmental integrity.
@ranpoadvertisement63395 ай бұрын
@vince27792 жыл бұрын
This is sustainability but short Sustainability means meeting our own needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. In addition to natural resources, we also need social and economic resources.
@1vanic727 ай бұрын
I saw this on google
@kayla-yf7hh7 ай бұрын
@@1vanic72 fr, whenever u see ''in addition'' u js know its copy and paste LOL
@betsyclark99732 жыл бұрын
How is sustainability of environment, economy & equity possible when the definition of sustainability is defined by satisfying HUMAN needs, which are defined by human demand for goods/resources, which in turn are tied to to human population growth rates? For example, bamboo is considered a sustainable resource because it grows fast and aggressively enough to keep up with human needs. It's an amazing plant species, however, because it grows SO aggressively, it outcompetes and displaces most other plant species in the area it's growing (as do so many aggressive weed species, which is why they're considered weeds) and thereby compromises/eliminates the biodiversity that existed in the area before bamboo overran it. At the same time bamboo's aggressive growth rate answers the growing needs of human populations for fiber, building materials, etc., it's very aggression wipes out many other species that depend on a diverse ecosystem, and cannot live where a single species has taken over. If human needs can only be satisfied by such aggressive species, that is not a sustainable system, as it destroys biodiversity. No one seems to want to discuss human population reduction, but to achieve true sustainability for future generations of ALL SPECIES -- in which the biodiversity is paramount -- I believe human "needs"/demand may have to somehow be kept in check. Thank you.
@kinggstergaming4136 Жыл бұрын
All over done. Wasting it like crazy. 😢
@gaelansoucy-dunbar8573 Жыл бұрын
This is my own personal opinion but I think if bamboo could be “farmed” in a controlled environment, that is one option. Also, the fact that, many creatures of this earth were here, long before us(being the developed humans we have become), and the earth was SELF sustainable, that makes me think that we have become so evolved in other ways that other species have not become(with our big ass brains encapsulated in our super thick skulls, that also allow us to have cravings, desires, needs and most importantly, EMOTIONS, that our “lesser species” do not have or desire), that we do things to meet those needs that are not necessarily good to sustain the environment or earth that we RELY ON, to survive. It’s kind of a catch.22 really, but also pretty important when u start thinking that way because we have personal desires that outweigh our natural survival instincts. A lot of that is due to our emotional intelligence and unmet needs that occur in our childhoods and uprbringing. We also have psychological disorders that animals and insects and even parasites don’t develope that leave us with an imbalance in our brains we have. We are the only mammals that does not come out the womb “walking” so to speak, because our brains and the skulls that keep them “safe”(to a degree) are so heavy we have to grow the muscles that hold them up over time! THAT is what makes us the “superior” species..but is it really “superior” if we are in turn, killing the world slowly, selfishly as well, just to obtain “power” and other things that derive from personal unmet needs and emotional unitelligence??
@gaelansoucy-dunbar8573 Жыл бұрын
I kinda think we are just killing ourselves….which may be good for the “human population” considering it’s such a messed up world anyways and there’s so much poverty and imbalance within it that was not there when these “invasive species” problems was all Mother Earth had to worry about 🥺
@VilisiMolikula Жыл бұрын
So give your feedback on sustainability from your own point of view. I'd love to read it.
@karigrandii Жыл бұрын
In sustainability science the term STRONG SUSTAINABILITY is considered to be the only type of sustainability that is sustainable. This means that the basis of all action should be ecological sustainability because everything in the world depends on it, social and economical are dependent on it and they cant replace natural systems so for example economic values should never overweigh ecological ones becase nature is irreplaceble (de facto).
@cindyy.028 Жыл бұрын
I am Cindy Wahyu Ningsih from the English language education program at Pasir Pengaraian University. this is my duty. Sustainability is a societal goal that relates to the ability of people to coexist safely on Earth over the long or into the future. Sustainable living describes a lifestyle that seeks to reduce the use of the Earth's natural resources by individuals or communities. With the increasing needs of the human population will wipe out other species in the ecosystem. In addition to natural resources, humans also need economic resources. simply put, sustainability is about our children and grandchildren, how we live today so they can thrive in future generations. Thank you.
@naizy39006 күн бұрын
superbe vidéo en compagnie de ma classe de sti2d en etlv
@Lori133276 күн бұрын
ta les reponse ? fhb fdqn^dfgfthrjçrtikhb^plg+hnsfe+yh+rz+tyjh
@knowyourcarbon4 ай бұрын
Great source of information. Thanks for sharing !!
@tabdilarahma Жыл бұрын
I'm Rahma Tabdila a college student of English departemen university of pasir pengaraianSustainability as the next generation's savior By applying this one concept the need for the next generation will be kept safe. The concept of sustainability is a concept that provides so much good and positive impact on the environment and the people in it Sustainable development is development that meets today's needs without sacrificing the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."
assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. I am Feni Mustika from the English language education program at Pasir Pengaraian University. this is my duty. Sustainability is about humans meeting their needs in future generations by using resources such as animals and plants. With the increasing needs of the human population, it will destroy other species in their ecosystems. In addition to natural resources, humans also need economic resources. So simply put, sustainability is about our children and grandchildren, how we live today so they can thrive in future generations.
@-emmathetotaldramafan3 жыл бұрын
I got this for school!!!!!!!!!!! :) | 5/5 video, very easy to understand
@muhammadmaaz41285 ай бұрын
@andymiller49383 жыл бұрын
APPLE while advertising the same phone every year: - Sustaina-what? Whatever, do you want a new iPhone?
@KoWiKoWiKoWi10 ай бұрын
This is so true and the scary thing is that this is the way almost all companies do it. And this more and more mentality will at some point ruin our lives.
@killerkat5 ай бұрын
Exactly. My son had the new iPhone 14 Pro, but as soon as the new iPhone 15 Pro dropped, he simply had to have that. I asked him why he so badly needed the newer version, and his reason was because they upgraded the charging port, so now he can use the same cord for multiple devices. The sad part is, a lot of people think like this. The newer version comes out, and most of the changes that were made, the average consumer will notice very little improvement over their current version.
@Lori133276 күн бұрын
c est incroyable j ai cette video avec Mme Pendant et Mr Canittroi en STI2D2, qui les reponse
@ameliapurnamaputri4042 Жыл бұрын
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh I am Amelia purnama putri from the English language education program at Pasir Pengaraian University. Sustainability is a development process that optimizes the benefits of natural resources and human resources, by harmonizing natural resources with humans in development. The 3 pillars of sustainability are environmental, economic and social. However, social sustainability in particular has the aim of strengthening the cohesion and stability of certain social groups. There are many benefits of sustainability, both short term and long term. One of the importance of being sustainable is that we cannot sustain our Earth's ecosystems or continue to function the way we do if more sustainable choices are not made. If these hazardous processes were maintained unchanged, we would likely run out of fossil fuels, large numbers of animal species would become extinct, and the atmosphere would be irreversibly damaged. Clean air and non-toxic atmospheric conditions, the growth of reliable resources, and water quality and cleanliness are all benefits of sustainability. Sustainable is the key to a better future. Humans rely on natural resources for business, activity and survival. Ignoring sustainability can lead to the depletion of natural resources.
@ranpoadvertisement63395 ай бұрын
@ANJA-mj1to Жыл бұрын
This is vital TERM because it is ONE MODEL OF PLANTY DISCIPLINES and how to integrate it with multitasking management but with empathy as well.
@MadeindexOrg5 ай бұрын
Thank you for the video, sustainability is important!
@lincolnmoanei8324 Жыл бұрын
THE SPIRITUAL SIDE OF SUSTAINABILITY The environmental movement is supported by national and international political powers, but the movement is more than just political. In the past century, New Age worship of the planet has become popular, providing another reason to accept the sustainability paradigm. Here are several of the ways Earth worship is being propagated: The Gaia Hypothesis In the 1960s, scientist Dr. James Lovelock formulated the Gaia Hypothesis, a theory suggesting that Earth and its physical components are a living system that work together in harmony. Lovelock says this: "You may find it hard to swallow the notion that anything as large and apparently inanimate as the Earth is alive. Surely, you may say, the Earth is almost wholly rock, and nearly all incandescent with heat. The difficulty can be lessened if you let the image of a giant redwood tree enter your mind. The tree undoubtedly is alive, yet 99% of it is dead." . "The Gaia hypothesis...suppose(s) that the atmosphere, the oceans, the climate, and the crust of the Earth are regulated at a state comfortable for life because of the behavior of living organisms. Specifically, the Gaia hypothesis said that the temperature, oxidation state, acidity and certain aspects of the rocks and waters are at any time kept constant, and that this homeostasis is maintained by active feedback processes operated automatically and unconsciously by the biota. Solar energy sustains comfortable conditions for life. The conditions are only constant in the short term and evolve in synchrony with the changing needs of the biota as it evolves. Life and its environment are so closely coupled that evolution concerns Gaia, not the organisms or the environment taken separately." . Lovelock's Gaia Hypothesis completely contradicts the truth about the planet as written in Genesis 1. Gaia supports the theory of evolution, as well as suggesting that the earth is dominant over humanity, instead of the Biblical paradigm of God giving humankind the right and responsibility of dominating the planet. . Gaia has sparked many Earth-worshiping groups and events, such as Gaianism and sacred evolution, the Gaian Mind Summer Festival, Gaian Voices, and Gaian Tarot. . As journalist Joan Veon tells us, the Gaia hypothesis has even come to popularity in world politics: "In 1992, what the United Nations did was, they perverted, inverted, that truth, and they basically said man was no longer dominant over the earth, but the earth was dominant over man. They said that we, as men, as living human beings, were equal to the plants and the animals. And so, what Gaia really is, is paganism. So, we now have the United Nations espousing a pagan religion and they are trying to make it equal for each one of us and therefore stamp out the validity and personhood of Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the savior of the world." . "UNCED, also called the earth Summit, was an unveiling of the philosophical shift from the Judeo-Christian world view to Gaia...With the adoption of sustainable development at UNCED, man was demoted to the same level as a plant or animal." . The United Nations is working towards not only a global government, but also a global religion: the New Age, which is espoused perfectly in the Earth-worship involved in the sustainability movement. . Humanism The increasingly popular doctrine of humanism agrees with Lovelock's Gaia hypothesis: "First: Religious humanists regard the universe as self-existing and not created. . Second: Humanism believes that man is a part of nature and that he has emerged as the result of a continuous process... . Man is at last becoming aware that he alone is responsible for the realization of the world of his dreams, that he has within himself the power for its achievement." . Corliss Lamont, in his book The Philosophy of Humanism, says this: "For his great achievements man, utilizing the resources and the laws of Nature, yet without Divine aid, can take full credit. Similarly, for his shortcomings he must take full responsibility. Humanism assigns to man nothing less than the task of being his own saviour and redeemer." . UNCED and The Earth Charter In 1992, the UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. According to historian David Livingstone, the Conference included many elements of New Age Earth worship: "The summit was described by Time magazine as a “New Age carnival.” . On the eve of the UNCED, a midnight-to-dawn homage to the “Female Planet” was held on Leme Beach. After dancing all night, the worshipers followed a Brazilian high priestess to the water’s edge, where they offered flowers and fruits to the Voodoo mother goddess. . Baha'i believer Maurice Strong, UNCED's Secretary-General, was instrumental in the creation of The Earth Charter, which came to fruition in 2000. He made it clear that there is a spiritual agenda in the environmental movement: "Maurice Strong hinted at the overtly pagan agenda proposed for a future Earth Charter, when in his opening address to the Rio Conference delegates he said, “It is the responsibility of each human being today to choose between the force of darkness and the force of light.” And, he said, “We must therefore transform our attitudes and adopt a renewed respect for the superior laws of divine nature.” According to Strong, “The real goal of the Earth Charter is that it will in fact become like the Ten Commandments.” . Joan Veon tells us that New Age leaders Alice Bailey and Helena Blavatsky often used the terms "force of darkness" and "force of light." . "Their writings state that the "force of darkness" are those who adhere to the "out-dated" Judeo-Christian faith; those who continue along their "separative" paths of the one true God." . The "force of light" (Lucifer), in their view, is the inclusive new age doctrine of a pagan pantheistic New World Religion. In the New Age of Aquarius there will be no room for the "force of darkness" and "separativeness." . It's clear that sustainability and environmentalism are not only about caring for the earth, but about political control and New Age spirituality. . David Livingstone sums it up this way: "The environmental movement, while helping to advance the cause of the oil industry, is an extension of the Aquarian conspiracy, incepted by Alice Bailey, designed ultimately to foster the acceptance a one-world-religion, based on the occult, or the New Age, as it is called."
@BNJlegoat7 ай бұрын
franchement merci pour cette video en cours avec madame amaury on a analyser la video elle est vraiment pas mal merci pour tout et bonne continuation et avec meusieur Kaci aussi on regarde votre video et elle est vraiment pas mal
@johanverink8002 жыл бұрын
Without ONE numerical indicator, it will not be possible to focus sustainability! Energy, use and misuse is the cause of all, good and bad. So, the greenest energy is the energy we don't MISUSE.
@DylanL814 Жыл бұрын
everyone in the United States needs to watch this
@amritadixit6075 Жыл бұрын
thanks for the information and I would to thank because I am a student of class 6th and because of this video I can understand the meaning of sustainability
I'm Wirdatul Jannah a college student of English Departement University Of Pasir Pengaraian,Riau,Indonesia. Sustainability is development the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations. So put simply,the sustainability is about our kids and our grankids. How we do live today so that they can drive and future generations can also have a good life.
@finnaripu3 жыл бұрын
What's the app to draw?
@chanderghadwalisydne5 ай бұрын
very well explained kind regards
@HealingLifeKwikly11 ай бұрын
The video is very confusing because it mushes together the cash economy and equity with the environment, and ecological sustainability is just about staying within Earth's ecological limits.
@OluwatoniAA2 ай бұрын
Very insightful!
@bxrooga3 жыл бұрын
The smartphone(or any product) was already made before you decided to buy it so it is not the consumer that made the impact. however we do contribute on how we waste.
@orsoncarte67543 жыл бұрын
Not really. Companies wouldn't produce anything without any consumers. The two of us, combined with the entire human population that views devices as a necessity are more than a good motivation for them to create more and more. But you're right that the heavier side of this burden definitely rests on big corporations.
@taylahpotter58702 жыл бұрын
If no one bought the Iphone whats the point in making it?
@price_theannexkid0112 жыл бұрын
Best 3 minutes of my life
@Potencyfunction Жыл бұрын
Good is only 3 minutes, so we better understand what we live for!
@TheLivirus2 ай бұрын
Few seem to talk about the more fundamental problem of an economic growth model that doesn't rely on population growth. Most well-off nations are currently avoiding confrontation with this issue by immigration, which is definitely not sustainable. There is some talk about automation, but this leads to the potential issue of mass unemployment, leading to the practical issue of redistribution and the philosophical issue about what humans will do with themselves when they don't need to work. If this deeper issue is solved first, I believe all the other issues of sustainability will sort themselves out, *without coercion or coordination by a supranational government.*
@docgreggs82212 жыл бұрын
Oh ok, I keep hearing about this but wasn't sure why. Ty for the explanation. I think I get it now.
This is amazing UCLA! Thank you for the greater understanding and insight! 🤍
@mattkiwi17 Жыл бұрын
This video about rainbow duck is really good
@coolmxx2 жыл бұрын
Sustainibility ( Sürdürülebilirlik ) Yine Öğrencilerimizin pek bilmediğini düşündüğüm ama öğrenilmesi icab eden Ekonomik Kavramlardan… Mesela İşsizsiniz ve Size Anneniz Bakıyor… Annenizin ( Allah Göstermesin ) ani vefatı durumunda boşlukta kalırsınız… Mantıklı Çözüm bir an önce İş bulmanızdır… Eksiklik hissedilen yerlerde konu öğrenci ve yöneticilerle paylaşılırsa memnun oluruz… Selam ve Saygılar…
@Potencyfunction Жыл бұрын
What bath top? Sustability its also the 17 UN goals . Who respect them, in what way, with what methods and what is the result ?
@maulyna Жыл бұрын
Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh I'm Nur maulina,student of English major university Pasir Pangaraian. this my statement, " in which everything on this earth has negative and positive impacts, wich will in the , and impact can be left people around, maybe even out there, so when you create something must still be related, how can it take place sustainable, so that it provides the some beneficial for survival. "Thanks
@keea19812 жыл бұрын
Very good . Thanks
@IyahIyah-pb7ku Жыл бұрын
I'm Annisa Ramadani the student of program English the college of university pasir pengaraian. Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the without compromising, so sustainablity is needs are something the desire human and service need of the on fulfill to notice of the life.
@sparklemonkey114 ай бұрын
The problem and the answer is within. We must face ourselves and realize " he who has enough is rich" are you satisfied?is growth good or detrimental?
@thepeopleplaceandnaturepod8344 Жыл бұрын
I appreciate you for sharing this informative and valuable content, and for the efforts you're putting towards building a sustainable future. ❤
(Al-An'aam) 6 : 38 *And not any animal on the Earth, nor any bird flying with its two wings except as a community just like you; We have not omitted anything in the Book, then into their Lord they all will be summoned.* There are 1000 communities including mankind in the world as explained by Lord through His Messengers. Out of this 600 are in water whereas the rest 400 are in the land. It is told in verses 17: 44, 24: 41 and 22: 18 that all creatures are praying, praising and glorifying the Lord Allah by their soul. The spirit (life+ soul) of all the creatures is from the spirit of Lord itself. The difference of mankind from other creatures is that they are bestowed with the intelligence and they are deputed to earth to bear the representation of Lord Allah. So it is the duty of the mankind to cultivate food for all creatures and to maintain air, water etc. in pure by planting trees and promoting organic cultivation aiming for the wellbeing of 1000 communities of creatures in the world. Today the Muslims(Fujjar) who are only reading these verses by rejecting and hiding Lord’s Book have become the Mujirims without utilizing the intelligence. They are the inmates of hell fire from mankind and are the worst creatures among the 400 communities in the land as told in verse 98: 6 and the worst creatures near the Lord among the 1000 communities of creatures as told in verse 8: 22. See the explanation 2: 159- 160, 3: 19 and 5: 86. *From Adhikr-the Best Interpretation of Lord's Book*
@codyellis8940 Жыл бұрын
I started to try and use reusable plates instead of plastic or paper to reduce the amount of trash I through away recently.
@RoccoManoloPineda2 ай бұрын
A square yellow sponge named SpongeBob SquarePants lives in a pineapple with his pet snail, Gary, in the city of Bikini Bottom on the floor of the Pacific Ocean. He works as a fry cook at the Krusty Krab. During his time off, SpongeBob has a knack for attracting trouble with his starfish best friend, Patrick. Arrogant octopus Squidward Tentacles, SpongeBob's neighbor, dislikes SpongeBob because of his childlike behavior.
@Tube1958You Жыл бұрын
Simple. Thank you. But what as next ?
@philrockinny9520 Жыл бұрын
No one today has ever lived sustainably than the primitive way of living.
@beverlydentdent28602 жыл бұрын
Love this!
@URAajSocialPolitics6 ай бұрын
@rezhamayshara7786 Жыл бұрын
Assalamualaikum,my Rezha mayshara , Prodi bahasa Inggris. Universitas pasir pengaraian. this is my duty🙏🏻 Lately, the rapid population growth as well as the increasing human needs are not directly proportional to the understanding and awareness of the environment, so that the environment is increasingly being sacrificed to meet human needs. Even though in reality there is a reciprocal relationship between humans and the environment, the two of them are correlated and have an impact on each other. The relationship between humans and their environment takes place dynamically, not statically, because of that, the relationship between humans and the environment is a conscious relationship that is understood, internalized, and made into the roots and core of their personality, not thoughtless acceptance (Mujiono, 2001). Thus the connectedness of the environment and humans becomes a connection that is never finished as long as human presence is still there and nature is still an important part of human life itself in order to fulfill its life.
If we humans do not use our developed strengths, such as being resourceful and inventive to live in a sustainably way, then we have actually missed our target, everything needs balance.
@kinggstergaming4136 Жыл бұрын
I think the question is. What is a thriving society if we are overusing everything?
@nancysullivan73292 жыл бұрын
Sounds really cool
@connectwater3 күн бұрын
Great. 3 E's should met without compromising that's Sustainability 😅
@ednadean79842 жыл бұрын
Love this
@zoeadams31292 жыл бұрын
Awesome vid
@Potencyfunction Жыл бұрын
I would believe this is vid! This is something fabulous, everyone participate in this bottom line with different words, speeces... I mean no can stay in the way of other peoples life sustainability. You have to be at least not normal to stay in the way of peoples well being. Perhaps you don't realise it but it is ...yes vid...
@guadalupewilcox15642 жыл бұрын
Cheers for this
@dawoodmonis Жыл бұрын
Brundtland defined 'sustainable development' not sustainability. The definition of sustainability is different.
@trivialgravitas95818 ай бұрын
Sustainable is a word you use when you are trying to do something particularly evil.
@woodiscircular Жыл бұрын
well, ive always imagined sustainability to look like a circle :|))
@mad007213 жыл бұрын
@張思漢-q4m3 жыл бұрын
@rkbijendra29352 жыл бұрын
Jo me jadu dekhne ke subscri 💝💝💯🙏🌹🌹🌹🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
@GGboy-w7f Жыл бұрын
If only there were Chinese subtitles.
@rkbijendra29352 жыл бұрын
Jo me jadu dekhne ke subscri 💝💝💯🙏🙏💞💚💚💝💯🙏🌹🌹🌹
@Nathandufeu3 ай бұрын
Mon prof d'anglais me l'a mis pour travailler donc un peu relou
@维苏-f9l3 жыл бұрын
@germany65493 жыл бұрын
God bless you. 🙏 Nice to meet you. 🙏
@维苏-f9l3 жыл бұрын
@@germany6549 你好,朋友,佛祖保佑你,平安幸福Hello, friend, Buddha bless you, peace and happiness.Google Translate, if it causes a misunderstanding, please understand
@forrestcorral Жыл бұрын
@fefencc3 жыл бұрын
very foda :)
@a.hmed173 жыл бұрын
Agree like we will all start using sustainability
@multiverse-UFO11 ай бұрын
Sustainability is ending China CCP's military threats against Taiwan. After Taiwan’s recent election, CCP’s PLA military aircraft interfered Taiwan with 24 sorties. China, an unsustainable hegemony, has been doing the same against a pro-sustainability free small state for decades, and no one has voiced. As neutral academic institutions, there is urgent need to calculate the energy, resources, time wastes in military drills, also how many tons of CO2, GHG generated in those stupid coercive acts no one wants to see. In this way, it permanently terminates the practice of barbaric domination by fists, in exchange of a more humane, civilized way of co-managing the planet(s). The Chinese mentality dwelling in 100 years past from now cannot survive this modern age. Earth has to evolve, and academia, as institutions of intelligence and knowledge pools, should have louder voices in creating a fairer place for all. Global important initiatives should include Taiwan, a free country, instead of CCP China, an illegitimate inhumane regime based on lies and coercion.
@Alavey2 жыл бұрын
Jaden brought me
@JaxBlanchard-d4oАй бұрын
@St3pnyOne2 жыл бұрын
@anthonynapier28874 ай бұрын
Every time I'm in the back of a cop car I ask them how they can hire their kids if the gay ones aren't having any? They drive around every day as a job, who else contributed more to climate change? It's not rocket science, our idiot society.