I've been working with Hades for a couple of years now, he was suggested to me by my patron deity Athena because I was working with my ancestors so much more. When I first started feeling the energy around I actually thought it was Hekate and it took a little over a month before I realized the mistake and the impression I got was very much "I needed to know you would be willing to do the work to figure something out." He has a place on my ancestor altar and I related to so much of this conversation. I am currently taking a death doula course and light a candle to him when calling my ancestors into my space. I also associate him with wealth and fertility though, because in Ancient Greece, "abundance" was in the realm of fertile lands that provided us with riches of harvest and ores. When I wanted to start a true shadow work practice was the first time Hades was like "Have you met my wife?" I've been leaving her offerings on and off for over a year but really just started to feel her presence around too. Once I wrap up my death doula course I will start designated shadow work with her for the rest of the winter. Great conversation, thanks so much for this!