I'm Mexican. I was an international student, and I got my bachelor's degree in Texas. After college, I decided that the process to legally stay in the USA (even with a college degree), was just not worth it. I was not going to be an illegal, and I was not going to spend over 100,000 dollars to maybe get a work Visa. I came back to Mexico in 2003 after college. I have never regretted it. I've seen how hard life is for illegals. And I've seen the hassle of trying to legally stay in the USA. Things are not perfect in Mexico. But it's better than the alternatives.
@latrissaakabutterfly4476Ай бұрын
Thank you for your comment.
@masteryap3169Ай бұрын
Were you ever grateful to the United States for affording you the opportunity to gain a college degree 🙏 and moving back to Mexico?
@rachelmruizmsw3346Ай бұрын
My respects to you and it hurts to see this. But I know that you have a peaceful life than we do. Here it's a jail and yes, we have so many opportunities. But we are slaves of our American system as USA Citizens. I wish you the best!
@annanimose4850Ай бұрын
@@masteryap3169 let me answer for him. fuck yes.
@saphireblue3563Ай бұрын
Mexico is a big bustling city, apparently with many opportunities. I have often wondered why so many Mexicans want to live in the U.S.
@tipp8076Ай бұрын
You have to be honest with your children. Around 16/17 years of age, the parents should have 'the talk'. At any moment, the government can deport you bc you are not here legally. That needs to be in the back of their minds ALWAYS.
@ricardoflot2787Ай бұрын
@cutflower36Ай бұрын
thats every where, dude came to my house for purchase return with a translation app, thats the only way he could talk to me.
@rgrifferonАй бұрын
@@tipp8076 what difference does that make if you have been lying to them since birth?
@StefanPigford-f5nАй бұрын
Should do it legally...there fault
@MaryV-d3sАй бұрын
We did not hear from them for the last 4 years! Every president gives Visa's out. Why Kamala did not help them. They stay quite longs they are getting OUR Social Secure money. The money the working people is working and given to the government for retirement . That is what NY was given to them. 100 thousand per month for hotels and food
@LunaDaSavageАй бұрын
Anger??? You should be angry at your parents for bringing you illegally bro. My parents busted their booty to bring us legally. The entitlement is WILD.
@Flourish_todayАй бұрын
Your parents are educated enough to know that coming here illegals get thrm nowhere. These ones, their aren't educated about how immigration works.
@MrMoo-g9fАй бұрын
Exactly, but they gonna love them taxes in Deutschland 🇩🇪, this babosos live off the hook and got benefits for years 😂 salute to your parents to do the things the right thing , not the ilegal way like this bendejos 👋
@yairasevilla7456Ай бұрын
Your entitlement is WILD. WOW 😂
@akllls617Ай бұрын
Is crazy right ?! This lady says she feels angry and that she deserves to be rewarded for being a good citizen . Being a law abiding citizen that’s the expectation, the entitlement on these people
@menibags3755Ай бұрын
I love the whole I got my piece of the pie you can't have any attitude going on nowadays
@Leomos202426 күн бұрын
I tried so hard to become a legal citizen after 15 years living in United States, I spent a lot of money paying lawyers, and didn’t work . I can’t hide all my life being in fear waiting for a police or a border patrol to ask me for documents . In 2016 I returned to my country Colombia , I finished my software engineer career and now I’m working for a USA company remotely . The best thing that happened to me . Living in USA undocumented is a nightmare and is not way to progress because all the jobs that people can have is in service , restaurants, housekeepers, cleaners and none of those jobs were my dream. One thing I really appreciate living there is the experience of talking with North Americans and learning English from them . Not all the people have the same luck and I didn’t have that luck of living the American dream.
@npguru24 күн бұрын
You made the right choice. I loved living in England, but when my contract ended and the new one was withdrawn, I brought my azz back to America.
@missmimi285416 күн бұрын
WOW to complain of the job you gave as your not legal 😱 Bye bye
@mariecoleman470616 күн бұрын
Your decision made your dream....I don't understand why these people suffer from living illegally in the US .. ..and doing manual labor ....
@Leomos202416 күн бұрын
@ some people have kids there , sons and daughters, that’s why many of them sacrifice themselves living an unhappy life. Not my case, I don’t have kids.
@Michael-f4d8g12 күн бұрын
It's sad us citizens do not get scrutinized that much in foreign nations they living in
@dietlindvonhohenwald448Ай бұрын
Millions of working Americans are homeless! No more dream…
@samzara30Ай бұрын
They can try Peru 🇵🇪 or Ecuador 🇪🇨. Columbus those are Spanish speaking countries that will accept their own people ✅
@PAKLeowАй бұрын
I am educated in USA but return home to Asia. Its easier to see from outside than within. America need to build infrastructure rather than war. They need to be firm and get rid of zombies and crime issues. The war are the toys of the politicians and elite few, the people suffer. The elite and politicians control the media that tell lies to the people but because it is controlled and many people being naive, they think the lies are true. Kind of sad for a country that I once love so much.
@PAKLeowАй бұрын
Yes, I do have my green card but gave it up because I dont think its worth anymore.
@Benga1SultanateАй бұрын
@@dietlindvonhohenwald448 yes cuz they are lazy and don’t want to seek jobs or work. Their fault.
@JorgeAdame-y4cАй бұрын
theyll stay homeless. capitalism doesn’t care about them. 😂
@211sweetypieАй бұрын
I'm African American, born, raised and live in the US and I'm stunned at how many stores I've shopped and the employee couldn't help me because they didn't speak any English.
@MandySeseseАй бұрын
Same. I live in Baltimore city, and all the stores even the grocery store Only speak Spanish.
Deport Them :)
@WandaSmith-j6sАй бұрын
I hate to say it, but they caused their own demise, they voted for a liar, rapist, grifter, racist , exceedingly ignorant man , to hold the highest office in this country...Your own people voted against you.... We will ALL feel the burn of Donald Trump.... Make no mistake!
@genxx2724Ай бұрын
I don’t think that’s right either, however, that’s a separate topic. Those are not DACA recipients. DACA recipients were raised in the United States, so they will speak English, and they had to have graduated from high school and not been in any trouble. I am not defendng DACA. I am simply commenting on your statement.
@WandaSmith-j6sАй бұрын
@@genxx2724 I'm so sad about all of this, I'm a black women raised by black women who know crazy, we have known crazy since we stepped on to the shores of America, we tried to tell our fellow humans of what could happen if Trump was to return to the white house, Kamala was not my first pick, but we as black women knew this suffering of people would occur...They didn't listen to us...This did not have to be this way... 😥
@PamelaWilkins-l5nАй бұрын
Mexico should welcome this well of educated, decent citizens. I live in Mexico, bienvenidos!
@cedarpoplarАй бұрын
Thank you, Pamela. Thank you very much. These young men and women will need all the support they can get during this time. Let's hope they stay in the US and if not, our prayers will always be with them, still.
@liliencalvel6151Ай бұрын
@@PamelaWilkins-l5n Life in Mexico is hard. If you are not born into a decent income family you are screwed
@eileeneclark9011Ай бұрын
@stevekowlessar7425Ай бұрын
@TinaODell-f7fАй бұрын
The president of Mexico said she would welcome them with open arms and gladly send the 2 million Americans back to the United States.
@ramonaking1029Ай бұрын
Why? Doesn’t his parents speak English after living here almost 40 years? They did not integrate themselves into America. Just their children.
@jembry532329 күн бұрын
They were hiding out and didn't want to be discovered. But their children should have taught them!
@npguru24 күн бұрын
They don't have to, Miami has more Spanish speaking immigrants than Americans speaking English. A friend of mine in a Highrise apartment in Miami was told by her Spanish speaking neighbors that she needed to learn Spanish because she lives in Miami...she was born there, he wasn't!!!
@TheShelbySue21 күн бұрын
@@npguruThe attitude 8f Spanish speaking people has gotten OUT OF CONTROL...I do NOT owe you to speak a FOREIGN LANGUAGE simply because there's alot of you!
@RideoutMr18 күн бұрын
@@TheShelbySue SPOT ON.
@hugovelasco318618 күн бұрын
You can actually live in Miami without knowing English. I went to Miami and I did not need English, I spoke in Spanish the whole time
@karenmiller553Ай бұрын
How long have the parents been in the country?And they still don't speak English?
@jennifer12366Ай бұрын
Well, everything is written in Spanish in CA.
@britneyt925329 күн бұрын
@@jennifer12366 and? CA is not the US. Obviously their parents set them up for failure. And to not even attempt to speak English is pure laziness and disrespect.
@davidjohnsonGT28 күн бұрын
They choose not to learn English
@soniapatterson725424 күн бұрын
@@davidjohnsonGT shows how much the parents wanted to be Americans...or just live off the Americans
@louniece165024 күн бұрын
@soniapatterson7254 To be fair, the government has accommodated people who speak spanish not to have to learn english. If a migrant speaks any other language, they must learn english.
@lindaparker7199Ай бұрын
How can a person say that they "should be repaid because they are a good citizen?" It is YOUR obligation to be a good citizen, or at least follow the laws, which we must all do or suffer the consequences. Being a good person is a moral obligation. It can be a choice. Being a law abiding person is not in question. It is not a choice.
@akcarlosh292Ай бұрын
Waoo ,you are so smart , you're my hero
@paulhamilton4431Ай бұрын
😂😂😂😂😂 your point, I’ll wait.
@alexalexandra5064Ай бұрын
Now tell that to the criminal pig president that you have just elected.
@jovemgafanhoto4512Ай бұрын
Lots of americans are not good citizens, its a US loss to lose young workforce and good citizens, that`s it, ``being law abiding is not a choice``, yet lots of americans aren`t.
@LarimarcАй бұрын
I agree with you on that point. Why would there be some sort of payback for being a good citizen? That kind of entitlement makes no sense whatsoever. I get that the dreamers are here to no fault of their own but to suggest that the US owes them something for being “good” does not hold water.
@CGolden24Ай бұрын
Because it’s not a dream people really be thinking money grows on trees with streets paved in gold here
@PamelaWilkins-l5nАй бұрын
Bullshit. These are teachers, doctors, nurses, etc. You are the ignorant one.
la grande problema...what theyll realize specially in places like colombia people are moving towards them
@kimwalter8753Ай бұрын
Yup. They sure do. Always have after all the heavy building was done.
@4PORSH944Ай бұрын
Exactly!! They should show a video of people like them who actually have to work two jobs to pay rent IF you live in NYC or San Francisco you gotta hustle because the Cost of Living is very expensive. Foreigners are ignorant thinking that milk and honey is flowing down the street. You gotta bust your behind to get your milk.
@LauraSnow-in3nxАй бұрын
🤣 right?! I love how all of these DACA recipients and all these illegals think that they just get to be here because they want to and that when they come here we’re gonna roll out the red carpet with all this money and all these opportunities. America’s full We no longer have room
@tifnicole-youractiontaking449224 күн бұрын
It's disrespectful for the parents to not only have put their kids through this, but also the fact that in 20+ years they haven't bothered to learn English. That's is wild. America is too accommodating.
@TheShelbySue23 күн бұрын
Try being in Miami where if you don't speak Spanish you are treated like a Foreigner in your own Country...Its outrageous...Immigrants that have been here for DECADES never learning some kind of English and the New Immigrants coming here with a BIG attitude about it if you do not speak Spanish to them EVEN IF they DO KNOW some English
@tifnicole-youractiontaking449223 күн бұрын
@TheShelbySue it has gotten out of control
@douglasmorgan-b6g22 күн бұрын
currently, 72 and whem I was a teenager there were plentky if European from Italy and elsewhere in America spoke only their native toungues so not that unusal
@mariahole246622 күн бұрын
I'm very surprised his parents didn't learn English, they came in 1998! They were young, this is pure laziness!!! And now an adult child still doesn't sound completely American, what's going? Unless it's for the show,it just doesn't make sense I came as a student to the USA in 2002 almost in the same period as his parents and the first thing I did was try to learn. English. Most of my Latino friends don't want to integrate, they just create mini Mexico, Venezuela, etc here.
@DisenchantedWithSociety22 күн бұрын
@@mariahole2466 Pick me, much?
@anneshirleyduncanАй бұрын
We don't owe anyone the right to be a citizen. To get citizenship you must follow the law. Not just here in America but around the world.
@TheWallReportsАй бұрын
💯Exactly. The ones these DACAs should be angry at are their own parents. Their parents or grandparents 1st act in the USA was breaking the law. The country they escaped/left does not allow this. As a matter of fact, no nation allows this. Why do they think the USA is different? If they were refugees, which does not seem to be the case, there is a process for that. Evidently however it seems they were not true refugees if they are deporting themselves. Economic desperation is not a qualifier for refugee status.
@ltully4961Ай бұрын
Apparently there are countries around the world who are welcoming these DACA citizens. The economy of this country was founded on the backs and blood of indigenous people and these very immigrants.
@BrendaFosterMediaАй бұрын
Yeah, imagine what the Native People think of that.
@savoirfaire897929 күн бұрын
@ Anne. Which is why you need to go back to Europe.
@dannybaldwin734329 күн бұрын
🤷I agree I'm tired of Americas open borders. Enough is enough 🤷
@crystalyn2855Ай бұрын
Other countries have rules Follow the rules if you want to become a citizen. Other countries are way strict
@XAVY383Ай бұрын
are you imported breed from overseas? or A TRUE AMERICAN CONTINENT ROOTS?
@SergioTexMexАй бұрын
I guess Germany its okay.
So true. I currently live in an Asian country that I love. I have to visit immigration every 90 days. Even though it is a hassle, I respect their laws.
@MariaGasca-ReyesАй бұрын
Only difference is U.S is STOLEN LAND
@yestohappiness2721Ай бұрын
Hey, you are probably not an immigrant to the USA. The USA immigration process is one of the hardest and costly that exists. It takes 14-15 years to citizenship most of the times, if you are on a track that leads there.
@user-om9nq3lw3sАй бұрын
The parents hustled the system instead hustled their children years later .
@davidstepanczukАй бұрын
I cannot hit the Like button enough times.
@CivisMilitarumАй бұрын
It's like the DJ Khalid "Congratulations. You played yourself." 😂
@ltully4961Ай бұрын
When I read comments like this I wonder what makes people so hateful and ignorant to their own reality.
@CivisMilitarumАй бұрын
@ltully4961 When I read comments like this, I wonder why ppl can't speak directly. It does suck, and I do feel for them. The guy is literally learning another language for where he's moving to. That's who I'd like to keep if there was a way. Not keeping the ones that come here and have ZERO desire to learn English and fly their home countries flags above the country they've decided to illegally enter.
@ltully4961Ай бұрын
@@CivisMilitarum More hateful rhetoric. argh!
@reginaward809227 күн бұрын
Sorry people, a lot of immigrants living here in the USA came here legally. They waited and waited and spent their hard earned little money to immigrate. You did a shortcut and now you're complaining? Fair is fair. Law is law.
@ang-n8r23 күн бұрын
DACA recipients were brought as children. How would you feel if you were dehumanized and criminalized for something you had zero control over?
@Eva-bk9ln19 күн бұрын
Blame OBummer! 🙏
@ang-n8r19 күн бұрын
Not everything is “fair”. Everyone’s situation is different! Plus, up until 2017 Cubans were allowed to apply for permanent residence even if they came here ILLEGALLY.
@taluaigaluega90519 күн бұрын
Hahaha, now blame the black man. hahahahahahaha.😮😮😮😮😊😊@@Eva-bk9ln
@tippytoe125015 күн бұрын
@@ang-n8rthe same was allowed for Mexicans in the 90’s. I had a friend that was smuggled in at 5 years old. She took advantage when it was offered and got her citizenship. I don’t know the details since I’ve never had to go through it myself.
@gloriacarballo59Ай бұрын
why didn't your parents do anything to become legal? is doable, my husband did it in 4 years, you just need to make it a priority, he knew that unless he became legal and learned English he would not be able to live the life he wanted.
@terryowen6759Ай бұрын
Was your husband here illegally? There is no path to citizenship unless the illegal immigrant leaves the country and comes back legally...that could takes years just to get back
@npguru24 күн бұрын
@@terryowen6759 that's not true either.
@terryowen675924 күн бұрын
@@npguru apparently in the past, illegal immigrants could still become citizens but now there is no pathway if you remain in the U.S.
@terryowen710523 күн бұрын
I agree, there should be a limit on immigration but we still need enough people to fill jobs, especially if we do bring more manufacturing jobs back to the U.S. many small towns and small cities are dying because people leave. When they leave they leave behind houses, land and infrastructure that can still be used to house people@@marthamack1544
@jdlawncare558221 күн бұрын
Is not easy some can't uscis lawns are way to hard on immigrants
@carlodc28Ай бұрын
Parents’ mentality and gaslighting have affected their now adult kids to the point to realize their prime years are almost over and not becoming what they wanted to become as adults, there are a few paths to become legal permanent residents but it takes action to do it legally.
@genxx2724Ай бұрын
It’s really something to see the parents sitting there complaining about the situation. They are the ones who put their kids in the situation.
@LillianCenteno-u3rАй бұрын
@@genxx2724 Correct and their complaining backsides should be deported.
@magaHurricaneАй бұрын
How in the heck are their parents here with no fear but they are also illegal>????
@franciscoalonso3786Ай бұрын
Unfortunately action is also not enough. That’s the issue with US immigration system. It’s mostly catered for family reunification as opposed to a individual points based system like that of Australia or Canada. It also takes a little education on your part to actually make a statement on how US immigration works. Unfortunately Americans are generally uneducated when it comes to immigration.
@genxx2724Ай бұрын
@@franciscoalonso3786 To be fair, we US citizens have no need to have expertise about our immigration laws. We are US citizens, and there are other things we have to pay attention to, to live our lives.
@jeffgriscoa8131Ай бұрын
We the American CITIZENS want the American dream first. It’s not our (Middle Class Citizens) job to pay for everything!
@d_ochoАй бұрын
What exactly are you paying? Daca recipients have to pay state and federal taxes. They bring in close to $10 billion in state/federal taxes every year. Yet they don’t get to reap any of the benefits of Social Security later down the road. They are doing yall a favor numb nuts
@jesseperez4583Ай бұрын
Wait until you see avocados at $6 each, tomatoes at $5 /pound, and fruit through the roof. I'm waiting to see a white person working construction in 100 degrees for $12/hr.
@rroman6405Ай бұрын
What are you paying for exactly?
@jesseperez4583Ай бұрын
@rroman6405 LOL. Paying for all the lazy, healthy, grown American citizens who love to grift off the government. Paying for all the waste that America loves to enjoy. Paying for living in the greatest country in the world. The American dream is living in a free democracy. The rest is a bonus.
@jeffgriscoa8131Ай бұрын
@rroman6405 you’re free hotels, schools for your kids, snap cards, medical…… just to name a tiny few. Stop breaking into peoples borders and start doing it the right way!
@musictherapy141Ай бұрын
Time to pay it forward ,and return to country of origin. Make your country great. American Taxpayers should not have to be funding illegal activities. We have our people to care for. Try and understand.
@terryowen6759Ай бұрын
Taxpayers don't fund illegal immigrants, they do not qualify for federal benefits
@archer859716 күн бұрын
Some of those amazing people were looking after Americans in the fields and in hospitals and cooking their food for low pay - they will be much better off in Mexico - I am sad for the people missing their families - but I know they will be better off and much happier - America is an angry place now
@sirc6259 күн бұрын
Imagine you being born in a country - not by choice - that you have known all of your life and be told "Sorry, you can't stay because of what your parents did". They are OUR peaople!
@enchiladasqueretanas7 күн бұрын
ha ha! This country goes all the way to the Middle East to protect its interests, do you think illegal immigration isn't convenient for all??? Now that Trump promised to deport them all the construction and restaurant industries are trembling. I say, just wait! Trump promised to build the wall and have Mexico pay for it! And look what happened? Immigrants contribute to this economy and actually they are the ones working and paying taxes while citizens collect welfare. This is convenient, and profitable, that's why it is allowed. Much of our territory was taken away, now we're just claiming our land back, and taking your men in the process! I like blue eyed man, and I married one:) Sweet!
@zxdrty6 күн бұрын
Absolutely correct
@Tyrene1982Ай бұрын
The sins, selfishness and disregard to our laws in America is coming to haunt the parents. Now their offsprings are suffering the consequences. One track mindset is destructive.
@junsu21Ай бұрын
you clearly have no idea what its like to live in countries that Western/American imperialism has destroyed and made nearly unlivable. We continue to screw the global south and then scream at them when they come knocking on our doors. we are the selfish ones.
@francescapowell1538Ай бұрын
I’m sure the Native Americans feel the same way you do! 😂😂😂
@Violet._.PhoeniXАй бұрын
Without the Europeans going to America hundreds of years ago no one would have wanted to enter the US illegally... The native Americans would have probably tried to illegally move to Europe... @@francescapowell1538
@laikanbarthАй бұрын
@@francescapowell1538Native Americans lost 400 years ago. Get over it.
@francescapowell1538Ай бұрын
@ I ain’t Native American , so I don’t have anything to get over! 😂😂😂
@sinayhernandez621Ай бұрын
it's not anti-immigration, if you do it the right way everyone is welcomed, they should be upset at the parents.
@b6ygАй бұрын
No one forced Idiots to have kids Even if I were a millionaire, I wouldn't have kids. But I bet they have a sob story and came to America for money and a better life. There are lots of countries they could have gone to legally.
@ProoGameR43Ай бұрын
They should be upset at the US for intervening on behalf of transnational al corporations to destroy the safety nets and micro economies of the global south. Pinochet, contras, Salinas… read a book. That isn’t even to mention that it’s illegal by design so they can exploit the labor force. This is how they want it, because the corporations come first and the people second.
@LunaDaSavageАй бұрын
@villasenor5Ай бұрын
Do you even know what the “right way” is? Do you know there’s arbitrary rules that make it so that some individuals need to wait decades for their applications to be even reviewed let alone approved
@AChoosen1Ай бұрын
@@villasenor5 the people that came here legally know how to do it the right way. I do believe it does take a lot of time. I’ve heard over 10 years and a lot of money.
@erikrodriguez3829Ай бұрын
Unfortunately your parents broke the law. And that put you in this situation.
@Catsandchickens28 күн бұрын
And funny how the parents who came here illegally are sad their children will have to leave. What about the parents? Do they get to stay?
@OneHand12G27 күн бұрын
@@Catsandchickens Yeap, unfortunately many undocumented just fly under the radar.
@neshama219527 күн бұрын
Anchor Babies days should have been over ages ago and you have to come in legally or you're a criminal, end of
@davenewsom598523 күн бұрын
🖕🏻 the Law
@zekefister829423 күн бұрын
@@Catsandchickens They should be the first to leave!
@roja742629 күн бұрын
Oh my goodness, he is acting like parents are old and feeble. They would be fine without him. Why do parents place such heavy burden on their kids. SMH
@aquelpibe16 күн бұрын
They are not young and ten years is a long time. Not a crucial factor but something to consider.
@darrinatorrrАй бұрын
Here 25 years and don't speak English = goodbye
@BenedirАй бұрын
There are natives in reservation that don't speak English
@KP82457Ай бұрын
@Benedir keyword "Native". They have the right to speak their own language on land that they have resided on for 1000's of years.
@gloriacarballo59Ай бұрын
exactly, want to have the benefirs of living in the US but refuse to assimilate and learn English,
@glow1815Ай бұрын
To me sounds like you do "speak English" good bye😂
@clemmudage9417Ай бұрын
Take you English to EU We you original from . Seriously because America is for indigenous .
@whoknows2054Ай бұрын
That one guy immigrating to Germany, you notice that he's doing it the right way, " because he has to". But according to him and his family, if America wants to enforce their immigration law, they seem to have a problem with that.
@5yogurtАй бұрын
The problem with the U.S. is that people are promised certain benefits. After a couple of years, the promises aren't kept.
@urstruly00Ай бұрын
@@5yogurtthey shouldn’t have been given in the first place.
@urstruly00Ай бұрын
Funny it’s to other European countries. Not one spoke about moving to a Latino or Spanish area.
@texasinkedgrandma5366Ай бұрын
Promises? Go look in a library and see how many Indian treaties were broken..
@whoknows2054Ай бұрын
@texasinkedgrandma53 you want to blame the big bad orange man, you just go right on ahead, I'm celebrating for the next 4 years, and just think JD Vance, might be president for the next 8 years.
@eriq54321Ай бұрын
Many Americans are afraid to have kids as young adults due to not being able to get work or good paying jobs. But yet they allowed millions of illegal immigrants to come over with their families so that the legal citizens tax dollars supports them. I have a friend that is an older illegal immigrant, his job let him go for a younger illegal immigrant, now he can't support his family cause of no unemployment benefits.
@briggs9187Ай бұрын
And speak German too… who knew?….. lol
@juanramos.jr.7948Ай бұрын
@@eriq54321 so are you saying the American indians should have killed the pilgrims instead of helping them?
@henryakinnawo6145Ай бұрын
@@eriq54321 If you are afraid to get married, it is not because of dreamers but because you are not aware of the opportunities that exist in America like foreigners do.
@kiasersouzayxoxoАй бұрын
@@henryakinnawo6145what he’s saying is they’re keep people from opportunities ask me how I know this
@billthedill1268Ай бұрын
In the same comment you said tax payers support illegal immigrants and then say you know an illegal immigrant who had a JOB (the opposite of being supported) got laid off and can’t get unemployment because they are illegally here (again another example of the opposite of being supported by tax payers). You’re a moron.
@cynthiardh200428 күн бұрын
We have a foundation that gives scholarships to DACA recipients going into healthcare, a couple of them became doctors, many nurses, and other hospital settings. If they leave the country, they will bring amazing skills to their countries where they will be able to make a decent leaving and help others. The US has a nurse shortage, we bring nurses from the Philippines but are not able to give the opportunities to these people that were brought here as children, this is a loss for the USA.
@dyahawadah24 күн бұрын
@kailani112Ай бұрын
Id be more angry at my parents then the government in this particular situation.
@dancersfrogg29 күн бұрын
For trying to give you a better chance at life?? Lol yeah ok sister Rose we got Chu '!!😂😂
@TheCarpentersApprentice29 күн бұрын
Maybe you’re right but let’s get real. Being mad at the government is a lot easier, a lot less painful than allowing that hate & pain to be directed at your parents. Especially in Latino culture. Life’s a journey.
@sheilaspence125029 күн бұрын
Of course! Because you can’t fathom or even entertain just how desperate a person has to be to uproot a life and ESCAPE to another country. Possibly avoiding persecution or economic devastation. The point that most Americans seem to willfully ignore.
@kailani11229 күн бұрын
@sheilaspence1250 sure buddy
@thekashreview21428 күн бұрын
@@sheilaspence1250we should only have people from Canada or Mexico. Asylum seekers have to go to the closest country. Not pick and choose were you go
@skapunkoialternativeliving6522Ай бұрын
Nobody owes you a living, nobody owes you understanding. It's that simple. Doesn't matter where you from, no one owes you anything, you're the 1 that wants to go there to work and make money that's up to you. No one owes you nothing.
@thisisanewusername466229 күн бұрын
time to go back to europe
@suzanneblaylock959826 күн бұрын
No one owes you ANYTHING, dear.
@jonathanchang157419 күн бұрын
Yikes. I guess you can't complain about inflation or anything else then cause no one owes you anything either.
@skapunkoialternativeliving652219 күн бұрын
@jonathanchang1574 Actually, you're right absolutely. I don't complain about simulation. I see you, I see KZbin and TikTok. What people complain about milk. A Khan by this, I can't do that. You'll never see me go on TikTok. Do that never even if I do have problems. Paying proper bills. I'm not gonna complain online, hell. No, I'll keep back to myself cause that's my problem. No one else is. I'm gonna figure a way around that.
@Flash3-2214 күн бұрын
OMG,, what set you off. The lack of empathy for other hard working human beings is atrocious. This from the party of god blessed DJT and save the babies. Christian only when convenient for them.
@localreviewer5939Ай бұрын
Why did you go into Germany legally but went to the us illegally?
@shaddowmystwolfАй бұрын
Because the OBIDEN Regime encouraged them to come invade.
@eirodАй бұрын
Maybe because they were children brought against their will? Did you even watch the damn video 💀
@dianad3080Ай бұрын
What part of Dreamers were very young children when brought here don't you understand? Smh
@PapiredboneGeorgeАй бұрын
💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯 exactly don't disrespect my country and my blood sacrifice
@salomenewsome4188Ай бұрын
He was a kid when he came to USA with parents
@piopio380529 күн бұрын
I’m not American, and do not live in the US. I first learned about ‘DACA’ from this video. This video is really sad to watch. Those who are studying and working hard are instead being forced to leave. I wish them all the best in their new lives/countries.
@denise8242Ай бұрын
Undocumented means adios.
@dominationsalpha1978Ай бұрын
You are undocumented as well, everyone is except native americans
@samuelasanderinos1521Ай бұрын
what should happen to employers who hire them?
@urstruly00Ай бұрын
@davidjohnsonGT28 күн бұрын
@@samuelasanderinos1521 Hire Americans
@zxdrty6 күн бұрын
@ronsanchez4366Ай бұрын
Parents are to blame hopefully theyll go also
@Jaime190Ай бұрын
Calm down Sanchez somebody in your family came here illegally too.
@ronsanchez4366Ай бұрын
@Jaime190 my aunts did hopefully theyll catch them my family came here illegally from France in the late 1800s settled in Mexico Great Grampa was killed by Mexicans his wife fled to Texas before it was Texas after the war she was sworn in as a Texan then American have a cousin that was a Apache Scout so yes on my dads side their illegal my grammas uncle got deported during the depression a legal citizen so anyone can get deported legal or not
@azhiking4488Ай бұрын
@@ronsanchez4366 YEAH ROSA!! sure you are
@ronsanchez4366Ай бұрын
@@azhiking4488 yup 3rd Generation my birth certificate says white parents are white also born in 69 I dont know when they changed it maybe in the 80s 90s ill have to ask ok says in 1980 to 90 they added Hispanic to the birth certificates
@azhiking4488Ай бұрын
@@ronsanchez4366 your white parents are immigrants too, they also have a history and got in when it was easy. You’re just lucky, there’s nothing special about your case.
@NA-yp7mlАй бұрын
No other countries allows this. United States of America is the only country that allows this.😢😢😢
@lusigijustus7274Ай бұрын
But the usa is a land of immigrants. If it wasn't so, its the apaches, Cherokees, navajos and others who would be occupying that land. You yourself is a usa citizen because your ancestors migrated there. Trump himself is of german ancestry. So let us not judge anybody
@lindajustice2000Ай бұрын
We’re not talking about immigrants that came to the US “legally” but “illegal” aliens that sneak into the country. And yes, the US is a land of immigrants but most followed the rules and went through the process required to become citizens. Trump’s family did just that. They didn’t sneak into the country. Look it up. facts.
@MiamiPush2theLimitАй бұрын
That’s why the USA is the greatest economy in the world. Even Reagan knew that.
@RubenBarela-lc4zpАй бұрын
@@lusigijustus7274I think you have the history messed up .Indian ancestors sold half the land to us .to help conquer the neighbor tribes.the rest we conquered.we aren't immigrants.but settlers.settlers come to a land where nothing is built.Immigrants come to something already built .
@Ask-r2iАй бұрын
MASS immigration was used as an economic weapon to destroy FBA COMMUNITIES!! 😢 However the DRUGS have over taken the SQUIDBILLY 🐷 SERF'S SUBURBS!!! Wrong doing HAS its consequences 😑...
@DeathSentryCoH27 күн бұрын
With all due respect, just leave. You can't come (or your parents), commit a crime, and expect that everything will just be glossed over. DACA was definitely not a good program to put in place; rewards illegal activity.
@GristlePeet-f8zАй бұрын
If these individuals have been here all their adult lives then shouldn’t they have at least tried to file and become legal citizens? Why do they just expect it to be granted to them? They have received the life of an American so they should understand the process to certify it.
@genxx2724Ай бұрын
They learned entitlement from living here in the United States. That’s what they received.
@sloth6247Ай бұрын
You obviously don't know the laws or the way the system works in your own country.
@terryowen6759Ай бұрын
There is no path to citizenship for illegal or undocumented immigrants even if they grew up here
@jennifer12366Ай бұрын
Do you know about our own country?!
That's why there is need for a clear path to citizenship
@juneladd1912Ай бұрын
You have been here all these years and still have not learned our English language (parents) just goes to show that they don't want to assimilate to being an American.. We have to translate everything for u, or bend to writing everything in Spanish for u....If u want to be an American, be a full American...I see this all the time..
@celsodiaz4039Ай бұрын
Just like the Américans that live in México
@whoknows2054Ай бұрын
@@celsodiaz4039the differences, Americans are there in Mexico legally . They don't receive free housing, medical services, or welfare.
@celsodiaz4039Ай бұрын
@@whoknows2054 I was referring to the language. Americans don't want to learn Spanish either and they want to be spoken to in English.
@whoknows2054Ай бұрын
@@celsodiaz4039 some Americans do want to learn to speak Spanish others don't, the point is there in your country legally they don't have to necessarily speak Spanish,but it would help.
@celsodiaz4039Ай бұрын
@whoknows2054 There are thousands living in all the Mexican States. Many are retired people and others reside here as digital nomads and if they live here, they don't just come on vacation.
@herbstewart7937Ай бұрын
US citizens are fed up with this shit! We have to abide by laws in the US why would someone that has no status have the right to bend or go around our laws with no punishment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@JayMedsАй бұрын
You’re fed up with what exactly?? Tell me how DACA have affected your life personally? Please help me understand. How have they bend the laws when a president provided work permits for them? They’re legally working and helping the country’s economy
@LisaWilder-ue9gjАй бұрын
Exactly. We have ENOUGH OF THIS GARBAGE !!!!
@yoyo103queenan5Ай бұрын
Please stop ✋🏾 finding a reason or justification for begging & leeching that you have rights in a country that you people do not belong to. The american people owes you people nothing. FINALLY, the american people have woken and spoken🤷🏾♀️
@JayMedsАй бұрын
@@LisaWilder-ue9gj what gives you the entitlement you European immigrant?
@crazyjorge2111Ай бұрын
How have you have allowed propaganda to make you so hateful against a group of people that have injected billions of dollars in the economy, get background checks literally every couple of years to make sure they don’t commit crimes. Do you really think your fellow man is the problem or the hoarding of wealth at the top? You are easily fooled into blind hatred.
@mtc-j9iАй бұрын
Nobody even makes an effort to learn English when they move here. Look at him making efforts for Germany 😂. American public schools are expected to do it all while the parents themselves make zero effort and pay zero property tax to fund those schools. On one hand I am sad for these two because they seem super conscientious - an asset to any culture - unlike their entitled parents. On the other hand, you can’t reward illegal behavior because you will get more. It’s a sad situation. If people would follow the laws their kids would be ok.
@zxdrty6 күн бұрын
Exactly 👍
@gracenmercy1085Ай бұрын
Sebastian's girlfriend feels Very Entitled...SMH
@Faretheewell608Ай бұрын
Is she learning German?
@npguru24 күн бұрын
They all do.
@Sunny-be1wg21 күн бұрын
Yes I want her to leave yesterday. How ungrateful she is. She’s “angry”. Boo hoo
@nikki736917 күн бұрын
That's the truth. My own country FORCED my ancestors here centuries ago and drafted my dad to fight a war. We never got anything extra for being a 'good' citizens. Except staying out of jail!
@blancaacosta394815 күн бұрын
The main part I didn’t like her saying was that the country should pay her for being a good citizen I think that’s what expected of everybody or anybody who is not in there original place of origin. I don’t feel that I need to be rewarded for doing the right thing every day.
@StefanPigford-f5nАй бұрын
Can't believe they gonna....*PROTEST*....to make Americans except them & broken our laws coming here....WTF 😒!!!!
@terryowen6759Ай бұрын
Daca recipients grew up here, they were brought here as children
@archer859716 күн бұрын
I dint know you could break the law when you were a baby - but sure if I was there under those circumstances I would go to Mexico too - I hear it’s going pretty well at the moment - great manufacturing jobs - So they won’t be working in your hospitals and farms for vey low wages - they will be much better off in my opinion - a lot of those people are very well educated and being such hard workers they will so do really well
@zxdrty6 күн бұрын
WOW!! 🤯 JUST WOW!!🤯 🙄🙈🤬🫵🏻
@hvnxxoАй бұрын
If DACA is temporary then shouldn’t they have already made arrangement to be prepared in case things go south. I m just saying . I don’t think this is fair at all to people who have come to the US legally and had to pay to be here. The fact that the parents didn’t tell them what is to be expected is also mind blowing. This might sound harsh,but it would be better to return to your native country ,and then try to seek for re entry. That way you’re not living in fear. If you do things legally you won’t have to stressed out. At the end of the day, you have to respect the US laws.
@jastrophotographyАй бұрын
Alright so what is the legal way for a Mexican to come to US and become naturalized? enlighten me.
@fabulousr2d2Ай бұрын
Law an order this law and order that, except when it's you or some politician you support 😂 it's always like that, which makes me wonder if it's really about "the law" or something else...
@hvnxxoАй бұрын
@fabulousr2d2okay, tell me how would you feel if someone came to your house uninvited? It’s not about supporting the immigration policy . It’s literally doing the right thing. Just because you have the ability to do it, doesn’t mean you should.
@jennifer12366Ай бұрын
Well, they knew about DACA all their life, so now they are blaming the government. So grateful! 🤡
@zxdrty6 күн бұрын
Absolutely correct 👍 💯🫵🏻🫵🏻🫵🏻🫵🏻🫵🏻
@Abyssinia_Art_Studio29 күн бұрын
I’m sorry my brothers and sisters. I hope everything will be alright. Take care
@docolds1876Ай бұрын
Dreamers need to blame their parents not the USA
@Tyrene1982Ай бұрын
@ProoGameR43Ай бұрын
Blame them? For what? For leaving countries that were intervened by the US? You robbed the global al south and killed their leaders. Don’t complain when they coming knocking at your doors. Not to mention without net migration you would not have anyone to fund SS or young people that can contribute to the economy. The US economic system has always relied on immigration. They made it illegal now so that they can exploit people better. Wake up, you’re being played by your duopoly full of oligarchs.
@henryakinnawo6145Ай бұрын
@@docolds1876 Sure but the law stipulates that children cannot commit any offense. So, no punishment for people who are not liable. You cannot brush all of them with the same brush. Some have been here for over thirty years and became useful to the society. No attachment to home country. Some came here before the age of five but some arrived as teenagers not too long ago and have become jail birds. So every case should be treated uniquely.
@terryburns1805Ай бұрын
@@henryakinnawo6145 Ok, so children can't be punished for coming here illegally, but once they grew up and realized they were here illegally, they chose to STAY and build a life on that very unstable foundation. They chose poorly. Bye.
@henryakinnawo6145Ай бұрын
@terryburns1805 Go where when they have no root anywhere else but America. If they dig into every citizen's record, most of their parents were not citizens before they were born. So where will those belong?De naturalization ?
@jefegarcia921Ай бұрын
That is your parent's fault. They knew coming here to the United States was illegal 🚫 But came anyway. You're own mom was smiling and laughing at your expense! Bunch of goofies 😂
@marsflee3815Ай бұрын
"And in case an alien resident resides with you as an alien in YOUR land, YOU must not mistreat him. The alien resident who resides as an alien with YOU should become to YOU like a native of YOURS; and you must love him as yourself, for YOU became alien residents in the land of Egypt..." (Leviticus 19:33) I know these words mean nothing to a so-called Christian nation, but everything is being recorded for Judgement Day. You are who you are.
@contribution741Ай бұрын
@@marsflee3815 The Bible has many verses about following the laws of the land, and nations having borders. Don't cherry pick the Bible, it insults us Christians. Most of these migrants aren't even POOR back home. They have houses, properties and land. Have a blessed day and remember what the Lord says about judging others. Your neighbours may be struggling with high rent and low wages due to mass illegal immigration. Love them FIRST as God instructs.
@chrisynpАй бұрын
Friendly fire😂
@djm218929 күн бұрын
@@marsflee3815 shut up and post your address you virtue signaling hypocrite. Post it, keep doors unlocked, and house some unvetted illegals. Bet you won't. So kindly shut the fudge up to oblivion.
@Covers-and-Commentary18 күн бұрын
to be fair; The US destabilized these countries, so wouldn't it then make sense that they came here? This govt won't leave their countries alone. Who had time to apply for citizenship under those circumstances???
@Ablo10..Ай бұрын
And their parents don't speak english?
@justsimplygoodcooking3176Ай бұрын
Over 30 dam years and ain't even tired,
@stevenchan7537Ай бұрын
Even their parents speak language, America accept?
@trollgods4538Ай бұрын
Anchor babies
@Faretheewell608Ай бұрын
There are many parents refusing to learn English. They claim they have "enough" words. Their third graders are interpreting for them.
@mtc-j9iАй бұрын
Their parents aren’t citizens. Notice, they’re not leaving lol.
@annieramirez65618 күн бұрын
I can only imagine the trauma that abruptly moving to a different country, with a different culture, and a whole new language, causes in oneself. I moved to the USA when I was 13 and although my family entered legally, it was still very hard to adapt. Still feels as if I'm not from here, nor there. 'Feel bad for them.
@abarlow24Ай бұрын
She’s the problem
@Moonstrike985Ай бұрын
You cant break in someone's house and think its ok its wrong yall came through the back door not the front door,why do they think that its ok
@henryakinnawo6145Ай бұрын
@@Moonstrike985 You talk like this because you have never travelled overseas and therefore don't know how immigration rules apply. It is not a criminal offense if your drivers license expires. So, it is the same rule with immigration. Sometimes it might take a very long time to resolve it. By that time, the applicant is out of status. Crossing the border without permission is different but even kids could not be blamed. That is why the government charges $555.00 to renew the Daca every 2 years. So how do you now say they are illegal?
@DockotisАй бұрын
@@henryakinnawo6145 I served with dudes that were under Daca, and they themselves still went through the process to legalize, that was because because they knew Daca wouldn't always protect them, and they needed to ensure they became citizens... They mentioned how things different communities of people under Daca and others not under that, all communicate the importance of going towards citizenship, but only a small number actually do it, while a huge number of people whom can start the process have, in THEIR words, decided it wasn't as important and eother procrastinated or decided not to... Just going off of what I've seen and heard myself, and from many people... Also, I've travelled often overseas, so that argument is moot... However, they are still illegal and in that status until they fix it. DACA is not meant to be a permanent solution, and anyone whom thought that is severely lacking in understanding... 🗿
@henryakinnawo6145Ай бұрын
@@Dockotis Daca recipients are documented even though they are not permanent residents. The government has information on them. That is why they pay $555 to renew their stay. That is a special class although they are divided into 2 categories. Those who arrived with visas and those who crossed the border illegally. Any of them could get green card if they marry a citizen but those that arrived without visas have to return home to get a visa. That is a huddle.
@Moonstrike985Ай бұрын
@henryakinnawo6145 they illegal
@pac-ec3gxАй бұрын
Ok, doesn't your logic apply to the Euro-Americans first. I mean, didn't the mexicans get their land stolen by illegal immigrants first
@vadimZ1000Ай бұрын
10:00 Congrats! It’s a deportable crime to claim that you are a US citizen.
@alffrancett40418 күн бұрын
From Australia What beautiful people they deserve a quality of life that brings them peace and love, not the prejudices that they have endured. I for who has travelled in the past in America will not support thee economy by spending my money travelling in the US, l will give my money to other countries and visit them
@zxdrty6 күн бұрын
Fine with us! SEE YA 👋 👋😂😆😂😂😆
@magdalenacabral725Ай бұрын
"No querer aser cosas ilegales o fraudulentas, solo esperando algo legal" Como, si el estar ilegal ya es fraudulento The parents are the ones who started this whole ordeal.
@lilianamendive622229 күн бұрын
@tessietesoro7407Ай бұрын
You don't just enter a house without invitation , duh ?
@JayMedsАй бұрын
Please tell that to your great grandparents. Go back to Europe
@modern.monkE99Ай бұрын
😂😂😂 You talking about American history. Europe is always there for ya.
@aracelireyes99929 күн бұрын
Said Native Americans
@zxdrty6 күн бұрын
@lewisfoltz6306Ай бұрын
If my parents robbed a bank and gave me the money 15 years later; should that money become legal for me to keep?
@nathayeledenbenisreal8578Ай бұрын
No. It was stolen. And if you are caught in possession of it, and cannot show how you came to receiving that money you are automatically found guilty for possessing stolen cash.
@terryowen6759Ай бұрын
The Daca recipients have no pathway to citizenship, they are stuck in limbo here
@mariejane1567Ай бұрын
what if it was land and people stolen??
@ltully4961Ай бұрын
Ask Trump and all the millionaires who've made their fortunes on the backs of slaves, women, and, immigrants.
@usernameisjonahАй бұрын
@@mariejane1567 conquered, according to Jared Tailor
@taragibbons66167 күн бұрын
You guys are all so very brave! I am sincerely sorry this whole thing is such a mess. What's Germany like for you? What was the hardest thing to get used to? What things do you like the most about living there?
@helenthomas6716Ай бұрын
18 and been here all your life? Parents not naturalized after all this time? Shame on you and bye.
@terryowen6759Ай бұрын
There is No path to citizenship if you come here illegally...doesn't matter how long you are here, or if you grew up here
@zxdrty6 күн бұрын
@justsimplygoodcooking3176Ай бұрын
And it's people like his parents that's that dam problem. Over here 30 dam years and ain't remotely learned a dam world of English. He got enough sense to know he need to learn German to be more accepted then maybe he should teach his parents that.
@michelledanhelka9060Ай бұрын
@CapriThermilusАй бұрын
@angelamunoz2889Ай бұрын
I see both sides….however I agree …..it’s called “Respect” and also having the desire to learn the language of the country (you have chosen to come) that has given you the opportunities that your birth country has not…..but I also see it in Americans….who most (not all of them) are entitled brats who come ….for example to France (my mother is French) and expect us French people to speak to them in English ..fuck no!!!! pay me and maybe I’ll translate (and they don’t have any excuse because they come from a pretty wealthy country so they can pay for tutoring)….. it goes both ways….I speak 3 Languages and currently learning Japanese (pretty hard but loving it). One thing I love about Europe and Latin America everyone speaks max 3-4 languages or more👏👏👏👏👏 unfortunately the US ……yikes 👀
@laikanbarthАй бұрын
Exactly 👏 👏
@terryowen6759Ай бұрын
Some people are just more comfortable speaking in their language...doesn't mean they don't know English
@alfonsoaguilar8026Ай бұрын
Be forever grateful to the United States for the education provided to you. Don’t say that you were “strung along“ because; no you weren’t! You made a decision to stay in this country even after finding out you had no status. Some of you speak with such arrogance! It’s hard to feel empathy. Remember that if not for these years in our nation legal o semi legal, all of you would have a completely different existence. If Germany or other First World Nations are welcoming you, it is thanks to the free public education and all the benefits you have received most of your life. Be grateful to the United States of America!
@bjrock1235Ай бұрын
I mean, they were strung along because they were children when they came.
@alfonsoaguilar8026Ай бұрын
@@bjrock1235That’s not the context of her statement. She seems annoyed “at being strung along” (which I can understand to a degree as far as taking years to solve their immigration status…) but, The US doesn’t owe them anything. Germany, and those countries they mentioned, are only possible because of the education they received in this country. FOR FREE…! A little gratitude goes a long way. That sense of entitlement is out of place for these people.
@fandomcheergurl1006Ай бұрын
America is a great nation. It provides everyone with opportunities. Everyone should be grateful to this great nation because your life would not be the same otherwise. People who have good lives in their own country would have never left. As immigrants, we can all agree on this.
@faithoverfear...460Ай бұрын
You can't have everything going for you in the US.... especially if you're here illegally....my goodness...you already received a FREE EDUCATION what else do you want ...... Do we need to roll out the red carpet? 😮
@prettyaprilgirl697021 күн бұрын
@@bjrock1235 so who strung them along...the parents need to own this situation
@HectorJimenezTequilaTrujillo21 күн бұрын
I self deported. It was tough but worth it.
@ernesto589519 күн бұрын
Good don’t come back you’re not welcomed
@cn7492Ай бұрын
Makes no sense to me, knowing your stay in the country is not secure and you spend your money like you are a citizen.
@thisisanewusername466229 күн бұрын
You're making no sense
@cn749229 күн бұрын
@when you’re an immigrant like myself will understand
@HomieCV20 күн бұрын
All their life they have been here. They didn't choose to come here . They were kids. Daca is about the kids. America is the only home they know thats why they spend their money here.
@jonathanchang157419 күн бұрын
What do you propose them to do? Move to another country where they are not a citizen? Your irrational prejudice against these people just because your parents had better circumstances is wild.
@cuathlimxi1470Ай бұрын
We had some DACAs at a local college complaining that they could not get financial aid (pell grants). They are lucky to pay in-state tuition but a US citizen from a next state over has to pay way more.
@SebastianAndMiloАй бұрын
it’s not luck, it’s because their taxes help fund the public institutions in their area
@HectorLikesToDrawАй бұрын
“They’re lucky to pay in-state tuition when they live in state”
@KimWagner-fi1bsАй бұрын
We invest hundreds of thousands of dollars in their education and send them to work for our economic competitors. During a skilled labor shortages no less. 😮 I don't thinkmpeople realize how Mex
@trinity9738Ай бұрын
I am hoping that they leave because Stephen Miller is coming for them 😭
@slarvadain188Ай бұрын
@@SebastianAndMilo If so, they can take that money and move back to their country. Most illegal immigrants are not paying into the tax system and if they are, it’s the least they can do considering they snuck into the country.
@donsolo4845Ай бұрын
The irony of the one guy going to Germany. Germany is even more strict on their requirements of becoming a citizen. Unless you have a German parent/grandparent you’ll never be considered German.
@justsimplygoodcooking3176Ай бұрын
They'll just go there and have anchor babies because Germany basically have birth right citizenship too. You know these people will exploit any benefit they can
@oba_idanАй бұрын
lies. dont say what you do not know.
@itwiillcontinue69Ай бұрын
It doesn't matter. As long as they can have some kind of life it's good
@donsolo4845Ай бұрын
@@oba_idan my bad grandparent is the other option too lol
@contribution741Ай бұрын
That dude is never going to Germany. He will be living with mami and papi until they all get deported which will hopefully be soon.
@hmoobpnw8479Ай бұрын
I dont feel sorry for those who are kicking themselves out of the USA. You knew about Trump's policy, but you chose to support and and your legal family chose to vote for him.
@1963rfАй бұрын
the parents are to blame. Had they stayed in their home country their kids would not be facing deportation. The parents should self deport and take their family with them....but they refuse. No pity for them...they brought this onto themselves. Americans have a RIGHT to decide who is allowed in our Home. Period.
@BronzeSistaАй бұрын
We have 60 million Latinos in the United States, but only 35 million can legally vote.
@azsegrxdhtfgvijnkomlewrhtg9508Ай бұрын
You think all Latinos are related to each other? That's kind of racist.
@TC-uj6jcАй бұрын
@thisisanewusername466229 күн бұрын
@luccerioАй бұрын
I blame their parents
@louniece165024 күн бұрын
@luccerio, 💯💯💯
@effewe224 күн бұрын
Yes, their parents are LAZY! Won't even learn the language!
@zxdrty6 күн бұрын
Yup 👍
@GardeningSpirit4 күн бұрын
I became a legal US citizen. I paid the money, and went through the interview, tests, etc. I don't get to see most of my family because they live in Europe. I miss my mother. I never got to see my grandfather before he died. But I would never expect that they could come & live with me undocumented. The level of entitlement here is outstanding.
@JamesVaughn-pg4orАй бұрын
I'm sure their are laws in Columbia that I as an African American can not exploit. You simply have to wait in line and respect American sovereignty. 😮
@zxdrty6 күн бұрын
@karenramirez3007Ай бұрын
For me personally, the reason i am 100 percent against illegal immigration is that my experience with illegals have been very bad. My neighbor (an illegal that was ordered to self deport in 2007, but did not leave) is selling drugs, has at times run a drop house, has poisoned my dogs over a 21 year period, has damaged my cars and property, has broken into my propety, i have had to take him to court 3 times, had to install flood lights and security cameras, someone has to be home at all times. Holidays cannot be enjoyed by everyone. Its not right. I called every agency and got no where. Where are my rights?
@tomdrexel112Ай бұрын
Your story is fictitious and so is your name.
@ThinkClearly47Ай бұрын
@nativechique7589Ай бұрын
Hes probably not even illegal dufus. Esp if hes not gone already.
@danielscott4514Ай бұрын
So that's *one* bad experience with an undocumented immigrant - have you had others? (enough to form any sort of pattern). I'm certain that there are many others across the US with near-identical accounts of their own shitty neighbour, who just happens to be white trash instead of latino. Shitty people come from all racial backgrounds and immigration statuses.
@thisisanewusername466229 күн бұрын
Lol you're so deranged
@HikerChick11Ай бұрын
So you have to learn German to become a citizen, but folks get mad when Americans say you should learn English to become a citizen here? Yep, makes sense 🙄
@NecromancyyyАй бұрын
Maybe because English isn’t the official language of the US? Search up what the official language of the US before asking this next time.
@HikerChick11Ай бұрын
@@Necromancyyyit’s the common language, so I’ll stick by question (this time and next time).
@Lila9043529 күн бұрын
He said he wants to learn German to be accepted, not as a requirement for citizenship. Germany is not close to any Spanish speaking countries, so less people in Germany speak the language. As opposed to the US, where Spanish, a side from the Native dialects, was one of the first languages spoken here in US land.
@westchannel374729 күн бұрын
Yes when blacks migrate to mexico they had to learn Spanish
@thisisanewusername466229 күн бұрын
America is stolen land
@clintasamuelson650925 күн бұрын
By allowing those who enter illegally to stay, the government has created this problem at the expense of sovereign citizens. They could have saved many heartaches by applying to legally enter, or stopping at any number of countries between here and there while they waited for legal entrance an path to citizenship. Sam
@martingarcia3787Ай бұрын
Self deporting is bad, if you wasted your money while living/working in the US. It is your own personal fault/problem
@Dulcedeleche375Ай бұрын
I’ve been a good US natural born citizen of 60 years…… and I haven’t been repaid yet, so why do think you need a repayment.
@zxdrty6 күн бұрын
Same here!! Please explain it to me??? I’m listening 👂 🙄🙈🤬🫵🏻🫵🏻🫵🏻
@CatholicHousewife2017Ай бұрын
They should sue their parents for placing them in this terrible situation. It's a horrific thing to do to a child.
@GailBecker-MSED-CM-Author28 күн бұрын
This is crazy! No one should be treated this way! There are American citizens who cry and pray for you. It is just not fair to treat human beings this way! 😥😢😭
@cedarpoplarАй бұрын
She says, "My love for America has turned into anger." They gave you education, work, shelter, and care! Why don't you go back home and put to work the skills you've learned in the US? Haven't you learned anything of the American way? President, John F. Kennedy's inaugural address on January 20, 1961. “Ask not what your country can do for you-ask what you can do for your country” "The quote inspired many".. DACA students should take courage and love their own nation enough to do something. Home is where you go, not where you've been. Be humble and stay humble. Read, Joshua 1:9 in the Bible and keep your head up. You got this 👍
@thegrumpypapa5549Ай бұрын
Really a good example of some that you may not want to be here.
@terryowen6759Ай бұрын
They grew up here, not Mexico, there aren't the same opportunities in Mexico as there are in other countries
@zxdrty6 күн бұрын
Amen 🙏 beautifully said..💯👏💯👏
@fleabitten2247Ай бұрын
Maybe the American children can finally have a summer job at a ice cream shop or burger joint..
@WowDaniXАй бұрын
@allisonshaw9341Ай бұрын
As if. Americans are the laziest bunch of people on the planet. Let's see how many line up to work in the fields picking produce.
@RoadtobitcionАй бұрын
@zxdrty6 күн бұрын
Exactly 👍
@GarthNogalezАй бұрын
Nothing is ever for sure!!! Im sorry but life is not fair. America needs to clean house !!!
@KuttyJoeАй бұрын
When it does clean house, everybody with a name like Nogalez, and a face to match will be persecuted. Those people don't look any different than the people getting "cleaned".
@MariaGasca-ReyesАй бұрын
You mean every one leaving expect The Actual Americans The Native Americans 🧬🪶
@yestohappiness2721Ай бұрын
The level of cruelty and racism is unbelievable. These people haven’t done anything wrong, THEY ARE NOT CRIMINALS as Maga tries to portray them, they pay their bills etc but have no rights to social security or other benefits…
@peacefulself7848Ай бұрын
GOD is for sure!!! P.S. people must enter legally and that's the bottom line.
@terryowen6759Ай бұрын
Don't throw the baby out with the bath water...an old saying that fits here, Daca recipients grew up here, are educated and the kind of people we need...
@duckie4495Ай бұрын
I fell bad for the people getting deported but you voted for it.
@temamarshall92Ай бұрын
She said this country needs to give her what she wants cause she’s a good citizen. That was funny. 😅😂
@Chicago48Ай бұрын
There are about 500K DACA, that's 500K workers that will leave and no more taxes. You notice that all those people are working as nurses & doctors. That's talent that's leaving the US.
@AChoosen1Ай бұрын
@@Chicago48 or jobs for legal migrants and American citizens. Depends on how you look at it.
@crazybusdriver1Ай бұрын
@@AChoosen1 😂😂😂😂😂😂 your own citizens leave USA for Mexico because they cant afford to live there.
@lala2uАй бұрын
@@crazybusdriver1 Many are illegal too! The epitome of hypocrisy!
@Silverdurango215Ай бұрын
Seee yaaaaaaa
@Levi-cx2toАй бұрын
The American Dream: One has to be completely asleep to believe it.
@zxdrty6 күн бұрын
Exactly!! 👍 The American Dream died years and years ago. I believe they call it ‘GREED’!
@lovestodesign5 күн бұрын
@@zxdrty I’m living the American dream, and guess what? I’M an American!! It’s not greed, it’s working hard and enjoying the fruits of my labor. And I know lots of people living the dream, too. Not every person that has money is greedy. And I’ve heard of poor people who have murdered folks for the $30.00 in their cash register. Or for the shoes on their feet. Or in a drug deal gone wrong. Stealing money from their own mothers purse to buy drugs, and leave their own mother in a bind that could ruin her and make her homeless. And they don’t have a dime to their name…..See, that’s where many people get it wrong. They equate having money with evil and poverty with virtue. There are people with money who are very generous, but they don’t go around bragging about it. And there are stingy people in all walks of life….wealthy, middle class and even dirt poor. It’s more a condition of a persons heart than how much is in their bank account. Money does NOT automatically equal greed and being poor does NOT automatically equal being virtuous. (Or vice versa, of course) Instead of bashing everyone that succeeds, maybe learn something from them. If they got it dishonestly God will deal with them, and eventually the truth will come to light. I think of Bernie Madoff, for one. But there are others who got it honestly and had the grit to succeed.
@AChoosen1Ай бұрын
We would love to have you, just come legally. No criminal background. Hard workers only. No welfare.
@innal4363Ай бұрын
How are they gonna come with welfare. Shuuuush
@BenedirАй бұрын
How did ur ancestors got here?
@gloriacarballo59Ай бұрын
@@innal4363 they all want to arrive before theirrr baby is born, that baby s their golden ticket.
@watitiz188Ай бұрын
@@innal4363 he or she means once there here don’t apply for welfare not literally coming here with it.
@glow1815Ай бұрын
@@watitiz188totally agreed.
@genevieve730Ай бұрын
They need to pay ME because I act like a good citizen…how extremely narcissistic
@sophies6957Ай бұрын
The parents claim they came in only to give their children a better life and NOW that their kids are leaving. They are like “we hate to see you leave, but we will REMAIN in the U.S 😂🤥
@HansBjorgmanАй бұрын
Yeah. Their kids seem more American than they do. They actually learned English.
@danielscott4514Ай бұрын
Staying in the US might be a choice made by the parents, and it might not. I'm pretty doubtful that the parents would meet all the necessary criteria for a successful German residency application. Their age would count against them, and I'm guessing neither of them have any formal degree or trade qualifications. Most countries favour applicants with plenty of years of working life ahead of them, and in-demand skills. Sebastian's choice to study nursing will have been a very deliberate one.
@zxdrty6 күн бұрын
@postbyte1Ай бұрын
Your parents did this to you, not american citizens.
@InuchanConejitoАй бұрын
Thank you for shedding light on the realities some people face. However, I feel the title is exaggerated. I doubt that even a fourth of current DACA holders would actually leave the U.S. if the program ends. For many, it’s incredibly difficult to be away from family. Others might not have the education, language skills, or resources to migrate elsewhere-especially as many are now nearing their 40s, which makes it even harder. Another point I’d like to make is the lack of accountability from some of the parents interviewed. I don’t condemn the desire to bring a child to a place with better opportunities, but if someone immigrates without a legal pathway, it doesn’t seem fair to expect the U.S. to take full responsibility for the situation. It’s difficult to understand how some parents don’t see the impact of their initial decision. Because they immigrated without a legal path 20 years ago, their son now faces the difficult decision of leaving the U.S. to obtain legal status elsewhere. Essentially, he has to finish what they started.
@gloriacarballo59Ай бұрын
so why wouldn't they have the language skills if they are living here since childhood? I see their parents don't speak English after how many eyars here?
@glow1815Ай бұрын
@gloriacarballo59 some chooses not too because most live in in Spanish speaking community for example, my inlaws the Das was in the US since early 60s and one of the daughter came here since early 90s they can't communicate in English. They both live in Mexicans community and they don't feel the need to learn English. Most businesses Spanish speaking is available like our company. That is why. My inlaws are permanent residents still. Over 30 years they did not obtain their Citizenship smh and they are more then qualified.
@InuchanConejitoАй бұрын
@@glow1815 I can understand that, however it doesn’t make it right, I think is disrespectful to the country that you willingly choose to move to, to not try at least to assimilate with the entire population by learning the most common language. I wouldn’t appreciate if Americans moved to Mexico and only created their English speaking pockets or areas and refused to learn Spanish. Languages are beautiful and is a disservice to you to not even try to learn when you live in a country where the common language is other than your own. There are lots of resources in libraries and colleges and lots of opportunities to practice for free. Hispanics need to change their mentality and try to become bilingual like many other immigrant communities. We are falling behind.
@justsimplygoodcooking3176Ай бұрын
Don't nobody give a dam about all that
@b6ygАй бұрын
@@InuchanConejito I want to visit Japan and I can easily learn Japanese or use translation and other methods.
@sandrabartkoski18116 күн бұрын
Leave please if that is what you want. Why haven’t they been made a citizens?
@wynvee2228Ай бұрын
To that woman in the video: I, and certainly every other level-headed, law-abiding American citizen, do NOT owe you sh-t just because you are a "good citizen." That's not how it works. First off, you were never a citizen in the first place, and second, you need to EARN your right to be here. Also, your man had the right idea of learning the language and doing all that is necessary to prepare himself for Germany -- why can't you do the same? Hoping for the best without preparation is setting yourself up for failure, and quite frankly, it's just idiotic and lazy on your part.
@jovemgafanhoto4512Ай бұрын
That is not her point, she isn`t trying to say that the country owes her something, she is just saying, ``i`m good, its your loss`` and that`s it.
@OctaviaJackson-p6Ай бұрын
Well said
@donsolo4845Ай бұрын
@@jovemgafanhoto4512but it’s not though 😂
@l.a7183Ай бұрын
European has a opinion of this ppl oh OK Got it 🤦🤣
@jastrophotographyАй бұрын
@@wynvee2228 so what did you or your ancestors do to earn your right to be here?
@ms.v8616Ай бұрын
If my parents did that to me and my siblings i would feel some type of way. With them knowing that one day they are going to have to turn back. I would rather my parents to want to be in the country that they were raised in and building up our own country.
@azhiking4488Ай бұрын
@@ms.v8616 your ancestors probably lived something similar and most likely migrated for a better life.
@myranaam8562Ай бұрын
@@azhiking4488yes, and his ancestors probably built the country, while the current free loaders are coming to an established land and mooch off it.
@azhiking4488Ай бұрын
@@myranaam8562 how do you know if they were doing that? They could also be slave holders. 🤣
@myranaam8562Ай бұрын
@@azhiking4488 slave holders ancestors also started from the bottom being pioneers. Again, they struggled and established a country. Immigrants are establishing nothing.
@azhiking4488Ай бұрын
@@myranaam8562 I wouldn’t call them pioneers 🤣 the land had its rightful owners already
@allisonshaw934129 күн бұрын
So a man my oldest son went to school with is self-deporting. His parents fled Bogota when he was a baby, because they were threatened with death by cartels (they owned a business and refused to front for the local cartel). They entered as asylees, and his parents eventually got their green cards and became citizens. Jorge grew up here in the US. He excelled in school, always in the top of his class. Worked at his parents' business (yes, they started up another business here and have done really well). Graduated from Vanderbilt University and MIT in the top 5% at both schools. Now works for one of the nation's biggest engineering firms and makes upper 6 figures income. He has been trying since age 18 to get citizenship, has filed every 3 years and paid out an average of $7K each time he applied. He gets denied every time. Why? Because in high school, 2 guys tried to jump him and he defended himself, so he was suspended a week for fighting. THAT is why he can't get citizenship. Talk about petty. Not even letters of recommendation from his employer, pastor, and other who know him personally and professionally have worked in his favor. Well, he has applied for a transfer to his company's office in either Paris, France or Berlin, Germany and will apply for citizenship there. His American-born wife, an OB-GYN who graduated top 10% from Vanderbilt School of Medicine, will be going with him. Meaning that we will be losing a highly skilled engineer AND a highly skilled physician in a field that already has a severe shortage. Their children, both top students at their school, are also going. Her parents, both staunch Trump supporters, didn't care that their son-in-law might end up deported - they don't like him because he's Latino (actually, make that mostly Indigenous Quechua), and told her that if he got deported, then she could get a "real American" husband. That was the last straw and she's cut them out of her life. As she put it, it's not as if they'll miss their "half-breed" grandchildren anyway (and yes, they are horrible, bigoted snobs). As of now, she and Jorge are transferring assets to off-shore accounts because they think that the incoming government might try to seize those assets and they no longer trust US banks. Their house is going on the market, and their stock portfolio (which is actually fairly large) will be making money for them outside the US as well. So not only are we losing their vitally-needed skills, we're going to lose the tax revenues they would have paid into the system. His American-born siblings are worried that they will lose their citizenship because of their ethnicity, and are thinking about emigrating elsewhere as well. Oh, and they are all professionals with very good incomes as well. If they do, there go more highly educated and skilled people who add to the economy and quality of life.
@stephaniemurria553420 күн бұрын
And you told this long drawn out story to say....?
@allisonshaw934119 күн бұрын
@@stephaniemurria5534 That some people HAVE been trying to get citizenship legally, especially those brought in as children. Many of them have grown up, excelled in education as well as in careers and are valuable resources in our society. Many are married to US citizens and have children who are also US citizens. My son's friend is an engineer at one of the nation's top firms and does work that is vital for our infrastructure and economy. His American-born wife is a highly skilled OB-GYN, a field that has a fairly severe shortage. When he departs this country his skills - and income - go with him as does hers. Were he of European heritage, nobody would even try to deport him because all they're after are brown and black people. To protect himself, his family, and their considerable assets, they are self-deporting and his wife plans to rescind her US citizenship. Both will seek citizenship in either Germany or France, and indications from the consuls of those nations are very much in their favor. In short, due to America's racism, we lose 2 very educated and skilled people who can't be easily replaced, plus their income, assets, and the revenues they generated.
@jetv147118 күн бұрын
His parents became citizens so he is here legally so how cans he self deport ? He is a legal citizen… not buying the entire story esp earning in the high six figure range as an engineer ….
@hazelflatts740318 күн бұрын
Well I live in Paris and we would welcome him with open arms as I'm sure Germany would 😊we are not as hateful as some Americans
@allisonshaw934117 күн бұрын
@@jetv1471 He was a toddler when his parents came here, and by the time they got citizenship he was too old to be covered as a minor child. Also, his inlaws are from a very prominent family and hate his guts - you can bet they have been pulling some strings to keep his application being rejected. He is a very good engineer and a hard worker. He's pushed to get himself in that income bracket.
@audio3980Ай бұрын
Your parents put you in the situation you are in. They were having economic hardship (aka BROKE) come to America, and while being broke, decide to pull in yet ANOTHER MOUTH TO FEED….buts it’s all good, US Taxpayers will feed and house you, right? BYE FELICIA!
@Jy35448Ай бұрын
@derbywinner6316Ай бұрын
You are ignorant
@SergioTexMexАй бұрын
You're broke? I dont .. lol
@justsimplygoodcooking3176Ай бұрын
@slowmojo9355Ай бұрын
Actually the United States requires Migrants legal or illegal to maintain their economy....United States has always look for Migrants in Mexico ever since world war 2. And that ain't going to change any time soon😂😂
@celsodiaz4039Ай бұрын
The good thing is that if you have to go to the country you want, now you will benefit because you are highly educated, you speak two languages and you will enrich your country of origin. Thank you, United States. 😊
@zxdrty6 күн бұрын
Absolutely correct
@irfanahmed181Ай бұрын
You have to pay nothing is free we Americans pay fees for our kids
@JoseDisneyLyricsАй бұрын
First, take a basic sentence structuring course. Second of all, are you ignorant by choice? Daca people contributed $2.1 billion in taxes despite us not qualifying for any government assistance? I’m paying for a lazy American for their EBT. Not an illegal immigrant. I’m legal under daca and we can’t get government assistance. Despite us having a legitimate social security #. Which is needed for government assistance
@grayson309228 күн бұрын
I hope you don’t have any kids with the way you structured whatever the fuck that was supposed to be.
@dianeparshall18727 күн бұрын
This is very moving!! 😢. I wish all of these beautiful people the absolute best in their journey. They are inspiring!! ❤
@Charles-vl8xmАй бұрын
And just like that 500k jobs open up to Americans!!
@dariosav69Ай бұрын
Hope y’all ready to work the fields !😂
@Charles-vl8xmАй бұрын
@@dariosav69 Sorry the dems are losing their slave labor...again😆
@reymundorangel-wf8pkАй бұрын
why doesnt anyone ever talk about the companies and the consequenses they should face for giving immigrants jobs!!america needs to keep people in the shadows and working in fear for pennies...america is collecting plenty of taxes from these workers and now they want to send you back how pathetic...anericans blaming their problems on some stranger is now the new american dream
@latarshawinston7529Ай бұрын
Can't wait
@JohnnyMac-j8rАй бұрын
@@reymundorangel-wf8pk well said and so true. We desperately need their cheap labor but we dont want the to progress and then take our better paying jobs. The hipocracy of people is astonishing.
@JuandinggongАй бұрын
Why the hell these people think US owes them something!!
@dyahawadah24 күн бұрын
@clairemichel632321 күн бұрын
Wait, so we stole from natives Americans and expected them to teach us how to survive in this land. You obviously don’t know history
@zxdrty6 күн бұрын
🤯MIND BLOWING, isn’t it???????🙄🙈🫨🤬🫵🏻
@internetgangsta4543Ай бұрын
You can still have sweet DACA dreams in Mexico
@SergioTexMexАй бұрын
I suppose you don't know any English; they're not from Mexico. This family is from Colombia. It's a fact that Mexicans no longer rely on the United States. You might need a good update. Even Trump and Elon mentioned on their podcast that Mexicans don't care about the U.S. The majority of immigrants coming into the U.S. are from Asia and South America.
@lenard6910Ай бұрын
@jefegarcia921Ай бұрын
There not Mexican! Get your facts straight GOOFY
@internetgangsta4543Ай бұрын
@@jefegarcia921 yeah Trump is looking for you & yo mama
@manuelericmijangos499Ай бұрын
Not all of them are Mexican.
@WooHoo-itsGaryGnu26 күн бұрын
I hope Americans are prepared to work in those farm fields... Florida ost $12 billion in revenue for the coffers when they enacted their harsh immigration law, and it cost many farmers their businesses and a drop in crop growing and a rise in crop imports.
@Sunny-be1wg21 күн бұрын
Not true
@acr8615Ай бұрын
Why haven't you applied for permanent legal residents? Or Applied for other status? You want to be given citizenship freely, no! If you been here since a child and now adult shame on you for not trying to have any legal status
@henryakinnawo6145Ай бұрын
@@acr8615 Have you ever travelled overseas in your life? If not, you don't understand the rules of immigration and how they apply. An American said he has been living in a foreign country illegally since 1976 even though he tried to legalize his stay to no avail. Elon Musk and the President's wife came on student and visitor's visa respectively and they must have been out of status before they could become legal. It takes time depending on different circumstances.
@rickylow1655Ай бұрын
Dreamers cannot apply for permanent residency or citizenship. These pathways are closed to them, effectively leaving them stateless in the country they grew up in, and without anyway to change their status.
@edaenacaballero6208Ай бұрын
They can't apply for green cards,
@imdreamingofawhiteАй бұрын
If I understood the report, the DACA doesn’t allow the DACA recipients to apply for citizenship.
@terryowen6759Ай бұрын
There is no pathway to citizenship for any illegal immigrants which includes the Daca recipients
@timelessattractions9407Ай бұрын
I think 11 years as long enough to save a lot of money to live great where they’re from
@henryakinnawo6145Ай бұрын
@@timelessattractions9407 How much have you saved for the past ten years as an American?
@terryowen6759Ай бұрын
They grew up here...not Mexico, would you want to go back to a country that you never lived in?
@simplecookingwithdoris10 күн бұрын
@@terryowen6759hell yeah, if I had the option and spoke the language I'd go.
@zxdrty6 күн бұрын
@jermainemontgomery3869Ай бұрын
I think this sound like entitlement
@DiligoBarbaАй бұрын
That's EXACTLY what it is I say screw them.
@allisonshaw9341Ай бұрын
What it sounds like is people who have lived their whole lives here, graduated at the top of their class all the way through school and college, who have earned degrees in education, medicine, science, architecture, engineering, business administration, or have started up businesses are going to take their education, experience, strong work ethic, and income and assets out of the US and wherever they go will benefit from that. We'll be stuck with Americans whose educations and work ethics are sub par and who think that just because they are Americans they are owed a blue ribbon.
@StefanPigford-f5nАй бұрын