What's in my Hobie Tandem Island repair kit.

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Brett Thomas

Brett Thomas

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@thomasglenz9137 Жыл бұрын
Nice job Brett, got some good tips, thanks!
@CheekyMonkey888 Жыл бұрын
really good overview
@jasonzard Жыл бұрын
Hey Brett, great information. I just bought a used 2012 Hobie Tandem Island and we're taking it to Marco Island in Florida for Christmas. I'm going track the Hobie parts numbers down for the ones you recommend, but if you happen to have them handy I'm sure it would be awesome to have a list for myself and others. I haven't seen anything else like this so again, very helpful. Thanks either way.
@timwebb8153 Жыл бұрын
This is awesome Brett, thanks! I've never even seen a Hobie AI or TI, but there are tips and tricks here I can also use on my Rebel Spindrift 22 Plastic Fantastic ...
@chesapeaketjam380 Жыл бұрын
Good stuff brother! Just an FYI, my handle didn’t break, the screw that holds it on sheered. So no on the water fix. If you carry an extra steering crank you can fix it on land, otherwise you’ll have to MacGyver something. I’m making a new one with a thicker screw. 👍🏼
@ParabrisasMotocicletas Жыл бұрын
Hello Bred. Who likes to carry basically a second TI in parts on sailing events? I modified in addition: ● FILLING BOTH OUTRIGGERS WITH BUOYANCY FOAM. ● SEALED SHOT REAR HATCH. ● INSTALLED 2 AIRBAGS IN HULL ● INSTALLED AUTOMATIC BILGE PUMP ● INSTALLED OUTSIDE (rope less) RUDDER CONECT WITH POLE ● MAST TO HULL CONNECTED WITH ADDITIONAL ALUMINIUM BRACKET PLATES ....and much much more. ●●●●●● Just finished the 200-mile race in Spain 🇪🇸. Nevertheless.... truht be told. The Hobbie Tandem Island is definitely NOT seaworthy by any means. The lousy "D" rating speaks for itself. Racing with TI'S can be done, but a much higher risk is involved compared to my WINDRIDER 17, for instance. My TI is heavily modified, but the bottom line is that whatever you do, something has to give, and many things WILL brake People should take the Hobbie Tandem for what it is. Basically, it's a sailing kayak for sheltered waters in low wind and flat water. Way yo many issues. Way to many weak points. Simply way to overstated. Will I race on a TI again???? Absolutely not. There are many better choices available for much less money to spend to sail better, dryer, and most of all, SAFER on open waters. Thanks for sharing and fair winds.
Hobie Tandem Island Spinnaker modification.
Brett Thomas
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