Paying your stamp duty to Allah (sawt) for all that Allah (sawt) is giving & providing you with in life. 💯☝🤲❤☝🤲❤❤🤲☝❤🤲☝🎯
@J00Ls Жыл бұрын
If ur a Muslim, u don't hav to pay the stamp duty when buying a house in the UK! I never knew that!
@whoisthispleasefathmah8963 Жыл бұрын
Zakaria Is Hebrew word..Dr shabir.. Quran is Aramaic word Qalam us Aramaic word s wel
@muhammadnuralhafiz Жыл бұрын
@J00Ls Жыл бұрын
We'd like to but the government takes most of it in taxes:(
@ShadowOfSheikh Жыл бұрын
Since Christians are on here trolling. I'd like to ask them why they don't pay their own version of the Zakat the tithe (10% on earnings compared to 2.5% on qualified assets for zakat) 🤔 Just another case of Christians critical of something in Islam that their own book preaches 😅
@auycharxernaighn7893 Жыл бұрын
What if someone buys so much extra stuff they don't need or luxury items which are over-rated, should they pay extra zakat because they literally wasted money which could have been used for a good cause..
@charlesmuhmanson3928 Жыл бұрын
Buying products employs someone. Supporting gainful employment is good for all.
@QueenQaffir Жыл бұрын
This is a real question: if there’s nearly 2 bill muslims just today and every Muslim is obligated to pay 2.5% of their wealth, why are the world’s top 10 poorest countries Muslim?
@rkomarltd Жыл бұрын
You have got the data wrong. 1. According to Global Finance's annual report only 2 countries among the top 10 poorest country are Muslim. Somalia and South Sudan. These aren't Islamic countries btw. 2. Not all muslim are obligated to pay zakat. Only rich with a good amount of liquid savings are obligated. We all know rich to poor ratio. Also not all Muslims abide by the rulings of Islam.
@godisonegodhaswon Жыл бұрын
Your logic is awesome because you're just naming numbers of populations of people, not the numbers of the populations of people that actually have income, let alone a disposable income. faulty logic here, sorry.
@QueenQaffir Жыл бұрын
@@godisonegodhaswon that actually have income? As opposed to those that don’t? Ur only helping my point.
@QueenQaffir Жыл бұрын
My favorite part of zakat is that altho it took Mohammed 40 yrs, a hairy mole and a supernatural heart transplant bc he still lacked faith, the Muslim Jesus knew immediately after birth that he was a profit, had to be nice to his mother, and had to pay zakat lol. I’d say u can’t make this stuff up, but OBVIOUSLY it’s ALL made up. Now tell me what this Abdul Jesus preached?
@charlesmuhmanson3928 Жыл бұрын
Is there a way to give to Muslim charities without any fear of the money going to gee hawdi endeavors?
@QueenQaffir Жыл бұрын
As mentioned above, the world’s top 10 poorest countries are Muslim. It’s painfully obvious the money doesn’t go to the people. Outside of building mosques everywhere that muslims think proves dominance, where else do u think the money goes? Take Pakistan for instance. Just days ago 150 Christian homes were set ablaze and 5000 bibles were burnt. There’s ur gee hawdi. But when u have a god who says to fight and kll in his name and cause m, gee hawdi is expected. If u want to give and ensure the money goes to people, you’ll have to give to Christian charities. And yes, unlike the Muslim charities who make it very clear that non Muslims get nothing!, Christian charities go to Muslims too.
@godisonegodhaswon Жыл бұрын
1. Linguistically Allah Elahi Eloah Alaha are all linguistic cognates for the one God not "gods" ilah is generic God in Arabic Allah is The One God in Arabic eloh is generic God in Hebrew Elohim is plural so can be used for Gods Eloah or Eloheinu is The One God in Hebrew Hebrew prayers still use Eloheinu e.g. Baruch ata Adonai Eloheinu 2. Aramaic Hebrew Amharic and Arabic are all within the same family Semitic modernly or Afro-Asiatic 3. Factually Prophets such as Joshua Isaiah Elijah all praise YHWH ( btw YaHuWa in Arabic means "Oh He Is" or "Oh He Is the only one who ever was , is , and will ever be." HU and HUWA are referring to the Most High) 4. but what about all the -el prophets names in the Bible? Such as Ezekiel Daniel Ishmael these names praise Eloah or Alaha/Ilahi or Allah s.w.t. 5. Michael Gabriel also the Angels of heaven have -el names only 6. There are at least 72 names of God in Judaism and at least 99 in Islam many are identical Ar Rahman ArRachaman HaShem Hashim El Kodesh Al Quddus Ahad Echad Eloheinu Allah