What Sharks are HIDING in the Mediterranean?

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Just wanna quickly point out, there's a fair few people in the comments pointing to the Vladimir Popov incident in Egypt as the last Mediterranean shark fatality. While the north of Egypt does border the Med, Vladimir was attacked in Hurghada, which sits on the east coast of Egypt, bordering the Red Sea and not the Mediterranean basin. If you're keen to learn more about that incident, and specifically why it happened, make sure you check out the Shark Bytes video on it here: kzbin.info/www/bejne/gGLLhHShZr-cm7c
@NikhilChaudhariimbevda Ай бұрын
Hi please do video on Sharks found on Indian coastline
@billywatts4689 Ай бұрын
Delete the comments and block them from further comments
@brentohara491 Ай бұрын
Exactly- very different. There have been a number of attacks this century in the Red Sea
@stanislawjanaszak Ай бұрын
So hard to check where is Hurghada in google.
@Swamp_Lad Ай бұрын
@@stanislawjanaszak use airline website instead 😂
@hellboy7424 Ай бұрын
I'm Spanish and have been diving since I was a child. I'm old enough to say that I have seen how the Mediterranean has become one big swimming pool. It is not a sea, it is a desert. It's sad, but that's how it is.
@doobyfrooby7606 Ай бұрын
Yep, even I as a tourist noticed this. Always went to the same spot in Italy and snorkeld there. Big difference between late 90s / early two thousands and now... guess it's even more obvious you are older than me. Quite sad.
@klodd5328 Ай бұрын
I'm from Croatia but live in Germany. As a kid I loved snorkeling, there were lots of fish, crabs and corals (or at least things similar to corals, I'm no marine expert) there. Nowadays it's just grey. A few fish here and there and that's all. The word "desert" you used, probably describes it the best. This is partly due to water temperatures I would suppose. Another huge factor is tourism and boats. There was this cute island we used to go to, pretty remote. We swam over there and spent the day on the beach. There was one tiny bar where you could buy drinks and snacks and if you were lucky the guy would you take back to shore on his small boat he had. The water there was full of life, swarms of fish I've never seen before in the region, it was absolutely beautiful. Then more and more people started to know the place, signs showed the way for tourists, taxi boats were introduced and 4 more bars were built, blasting music. People drove there with their enormous yachts and sail boats. There is now not a single fish to be seen nowadays. It literally became lifeless.
@james6901 Ай бұрын
Amazing,,,the stupidty of Man,,,,,we destroy everything,,,well the short sighted greedy aholes that get elected,,,
@justsomerandomguywithoutam6704 Ай бұрын
@@klodd5328 man, I’m a biologist and a lot of people don’t really realize the importance of coral reefs are to our oceans. They provide so much for the ecosystem and the oceans thrive with them. But a lot of thrawling of boats and other stuff caused the corals to be destroyed, that’s probably why the ocean is so gray these days. Hopefully people can realize it sooner and bring back more life to the oceans.
@klodd5328 Ай бұрын
@@justsomerandomguywithoutam6704 the thought that always comforts me is that people might kill themselves off but nature and it's beauty will prevail. It may take some time but we won't be able to kill life off, only human life/society as we know it
@lethalchicken1173 Ай бұрын
I can't tell you how much I needed this today. My life is on the brink of falling apart, and there's nothing I can do now but wait and see. This video is a comfort. I love hearing a shark scientist discuss these animals and share insights into their habits, identifiers and populations. Also, looking up to realize you were holding a genuine shark jaw to illustrate your point really gave me a chuckle. Thanks again, Christian.
@rainbow_doglover8301 Ай бұрын
I hope things work out for you! If not I'm very sorry and I hope you get through it
Please keep going, I’m glad that sharks and this channel can give you some comfort. Remember, there is always light at the end of the tunnel - you can do it! 🦈
@retriever19golden55 Ай бұрын
Sorry to hear you're in a bad spot, hang in there! I find Kris comforting to listen to as well, he's smart, warm, and funny. If you're a fan of the Lord of the Rings books or movies, check out comedian Charlie Hopkinson's "watch party" videos with Gandalf, Elrond, Boromir, and others. He has Star Wars videos as well. Honestly very funny, Charlie can cheer me up a bit on a bad day. Hope you get on okay, catch us up in the comments once in a while, okay?
@elizabethgraceb Ай бұрын
oddly enough, i’m in the same boat today. hang in there❤️
@willtruth2462 Ай бұрын
Be well my dude. Whatever happens, all we can do is make the most of the cards we hold at that time, so remember, you are the one that holds your cards and decides how to play them. Persevere and keep going, we're still here buddy, Yma o Hyd
@cream9756 Ай бұрын
Hello Kris, thank you so much for covering my video suggestion! This topic has been on my mind for quite a while now and the Internet wasn't helping sadly, but now all my questions regarding this issue are answered. Thank you so much!
@lucasmancini2 Ай бұрын
My uncle is spearfishing near taranto for over 30 years, and his father even longer. He has seen 2 sharks in his entire life (Sandbar shark, and a spiny dogfish). He makes a living from spearfishing and he is in the water every day. (even weekends) that alone is very telling how dead the mediterranean sea is…
@TesterAnimal1 17 күн бұрын
I wonder why.
@Cheeky-fingers Ай бұрын
My brother in law is Greek and a fisherman. 20 years ago he said there was a lot of Great White interactions in the fishing trade. The Government made it clear that these incidents where not to be reported or get publicity as it could effect tourism trade. Nowadays it is very rare for any sightings.
@ginorobinson Ай бұрын
What a load of rubbish. Everyone knows theres no such thing as bad press. If greece had the only great whites in europe they would be shoutin about it!
@ravenchapman5965 Ай бұрын
The biggest white sharks, caugth in fishing nets, in the world where caught around Malta.
@ted5567 Ай бұрын
Shark attacks in greece? Iam greek never heard them.
I am Greek and i Love Sharks but If i am Correct we have 3-4 deaths by sharks the last 80 years so its nothing compare to other countries. Even if we have Great Whites, tiger etc I have never heard to be caught or seen. So either they are afraid of humans or they are so small in Numbers that they are only for reference.
@alonsoquijano9555 Ай бұрын
One of the reasons for people claiming to have seen bull sharks might be because in Spain they also name the Carcharias taurus as Tiburón toro (Bull shark). This other bull shark is a species of shark that tends to be shown in aquariums, and known also as sand tiger shark in other places of the world.
@andydavis8437 Ай бұрын
I'm from Cyprus, in 1975 a friend in the navy said they caught a tiger shark. My grandmother told me back around 1925 a "giant" shark was caught and hung up in the Harbour at Limassol - apparently many people went to see it. Personally I have never seen a shark there, only rays and remoras. My father took a photo of a dorsal fin between Cyprus and Lebanon in 1960.
@kerryevans7283 Ай бұрын
Wow, I live in Cyprus. I live in hope of seeing one.❤
@billywatts4689 Ай бұрын
Bull shit
@draganjagodic4056 Ай бұрын
When I was kid, back in 1970es, occasionally, after my relatives returned from fishing in central Adriatic, they would calmly but sternly say: "Don't swim too far".
@NIKB0Y Ай бұрын
Have they ever said we saw a shark today?
@NIKB0Y Ай бұрын
I'm just curious
@mariozd971 Ай бұрын
Here in Croatia the last shark attack was in 2008, a great white bit the foot of slovenian spearfisher but he survived, they even managed to save his foot, the last fatal was in 1974 near Omiš, central Dalmatia, on the beach , 100 meters from the shore , big great white too. I live in north Dalmatia, here locals caught 6 meters great white in 1976, when The Jaws film appeared. That shark probably accidentaly showed up there in Nin lagoon where the sea in very shallow, locals killed it with dinamite and dragged out. There are photos of that shark and many people around him, many kids were riding it 😂. Great white is the only shark involved in Croatia shark attacks, i think there are 11 or 12 known attacks, all but the last one were fatal. And that advice you got is the good one, you can swim all days long but why swim 1 km far when 100 meters is enough, although it's the minimal chance to get attacked by a shark. There are other dangers too, you can drown from a sudden faint, panic attack, spasm, some boat can hit you... Most common big sharks here are thresher sharks and blue sharks, threshers are totally harmless, blues are listed as potential dangerous sharks, there were never recorded any attack from them in Croatia and in Mediterrean but in the oceans are listed 4 fatalities.
@balexic Ай бұрын
I remember telling my cousin in Belgrade that there had been a shark attack near Rjeika, Croatia back in the 1960. A tourist had been killed. My cousin asked me… “was it a German tourist by any chance”? I told her “yes”. She said “they always say that in Dalmatia… and it’s almost always a German”. It because after the war resentment against Germans was still pretty strong and so when someone died from a shark, they would always say it was a German that was killed.
@currywurst2434 Ай бұрын
@@balexic Well, it mostly are tourists that are killed by sharks. I mean i do believe there was resentment, and imo there is still a little, mainly in a bit sarcastic way (or croats are just that way, i mean they talk bad about italians sometimes too), but i doubt they really invented german shark attack victims. I mean from some the names are even known. Also theres a czech victim and probably others too. I do wonder why its always tourists. Perhaps they are moving farther out and behave more stupid. Or perhaps they are not making that big of a fuss about native fishermen going missing. I can only guess. I do find it unbelievable too that countries like India have not more shark attacks like 1000 times smaller mediterranean countries, imo they just don't report them if its not a tourist or the western shark scientists just don't hear about it when its not big in the media.
@jorgeperez073 Ай бұрын
I am from Spain and really love this type of videos talking about the sharks that live around my country. Keep it up❤
@TheScarletView Ай бұрын
The last fatality in the Med was actually in 1989 in Piombino, Italy. Luciano Costanzo , a diver working on an underwater pipeline was taken and his body never recovered. His son and friend both witnessed the attack. There was suspicion shortly after that Coztanzo had been murdered for a life insurance policy but authorities discounted this due to the fact they found some of the articles he was using on the dive (weight belt, cylinder, a fin) which bore teeth marks commensurate with a bite from a large Great White. I discussed this at length with Ian Fergusson (of the then Eurpoean Shark Research Bureau) in the years after the attack and we both agreed, as did Dr Leonard Compagno that in all likelihood, Costanzo was killed by a GW
@billywatts4689 Ай бұрын
A lot of debate about it
@lexleyot9943 Ай бұрын
When I was a kid, we used to holiday in the South of Spain, one year we decided to travel across the strait of Gibraltar to Marocco for a little outing. We travelled on a big ferry, and while everyone was admiring the dophins playing a hundred meters or so off the portside, I was transfixed by a large dorsal fin following the ferry. I've been fascinated by sharks ever since.
@andreafranceschini3889 Ай бұрын
My wife's father is from Croatia and told me that when he was young (he is from the early '50) he saw a lot of shark, including a great white the same lenght of his boat (4-5 m) and a couple of shark right on the beaches near his home. The last one was probably more than 35 years ago 😅
@madmrssally5297 Ай бұрын
Great video! Sad to hear about such a decline in the marine ecosystem of the mediterranean. I would still love a video going over the differences between the shortfin and longfin Makos. They are often discussed interchangeably and I don’t always know which details are being attributed to which. How different are they really? Is there overlap in territories? How closely related are they? And so many more questions.
@BooksMusicMe17 Ай бұрын
There were humpback whales and grey whales in the Med back in the day too. Must have been a different ecosystem in terms of large species and nutrient cycling.
@elevatorisland Ай бұрын
Looks like I wasn't the only one asking about those tiger sharks. Awesome to finally see it.
@nekoizmase9 Ай бұрын
Living around Mediterranean and visiting almost every country in the Med, the only “commonly” seen potentially dangerous shark are Makos. They are pretty regular.
@lucasmancini2 Ай бұрын
Yes in deep waters. But I think it’s almost impossible to bump into one in the vacation in rimini 😅
@yaznool Ай бұрын
@@lucasmancini2 two were spotted in 2022 or 23 near the coast in Makarska, Croatia. There's videos here on YT showing them.
@MoSamArafat Ай бұрын
I'm pretty sure they eat Makos in Croatia. They're just on the menu at restaurants, so this makes sense to me
@nekoizmase9 Ай бұрын
@@MoSamArafat Yeah. People tell they taste good
@yaznool Ай бұрын
@@SaluteUrShorts I was only stating what I had seen. No need to be a douche. Fantasy? lol
@andrewbarton5590 Ай бұрын
I can remember swimming in Zante on a party boat in the middle of the sea to a little bay, and a massive figure swam past me I bricked myself and swam like Michael Phelps to the bay this was around 1998
@janlics Ай бұрын
I'm from Barcelona, and, although not afraid to go swimming because of sharcks, it have become farily common to see sharks in the summer ("tintoreras" mainly and one juvenile "peregrino" was indeed fished by accident a few years ago, btw, sorry for the spanish names) and the reason for having no attacks is because, as soon as a shark is spotted, all near beaches are closed like if one is saw in barcelona, almost all of the catalonian coast is closed just in case
@ely03cassandra Ай бұрын
Yes! I was one of the people requesting a video about this. I’m so happy how fast you’ve covered this topic. 💙
@davidbrook2776 Ай бұрын
I live in the Mani, Greece. A spear fisherman told they spotted a 5m mako in about 30m of water off the coast near Kardymili back in the summer and then a local boat captain showed me footage of a 2-3m shark circling a boat fishing at night. Big sharks are still here but rare.the fish stocks here are terrible so I was very surprised to hear about the sightings and can only imagine they were following tuna.
@RDroar3195 4 күн бұрын
In western coasts of algeria 40 km of the coast we usually spot bull sharks and orcas
@TheRealTomLauda Ай бұрын
I remember when i was a kid, in the eighties, we were in Greece (Peloponnese) and one day, we were told beaches are closed because of a big tiger shark spotted in the region.
@juanjodpr Ай бұрын
In the 70s and 80s in the Adriatic Sea there were encounters with Great White Sharks and the footage were disturbing to say the least, with very big sharks circling fishing boats. Makos are there but the GW has been spotted a few times although no fatalities have been recorded in a long time since Luciano Costanzo in 1989. In Greece I think the government pretty much ordered the fishermen not to report any encounter with GW in case it might scare the tourists.
@virtu81 Ай бұрын
Luciano Costanzo il 2/2/1989 fu attaccato e divorato da un grande squalo bianco di circa 6 mt nel Tirreno non in Adriatico, ma ad un miglio davanti il golfo di Baratti vicino Piombino in Toscana .
@fam.hunger5244 Ай бұрын
There are no GW in the Mediteranian Sea. Since decades!
@lucylovic Ай бұрын
One was seen in Uk waters recently​@@fam.hunger5244
@James007SAVS 20 күн бұрын
​@@fam.hunger5244the 70s and 80s were decades ago so what are u getting at?
@Chiller11 Ай бұрын
Several years ago I was presenting a paper at a surgery conference in Nice. It was my first time on the Côte d’Azur and I definitely wanted to swim in the Mediterranean. For some reason I thought there were no sharks in the Med so I had a lovely stress free swim. Unfortunately, now I know otherwise. I’ll still swim upon my return to the area but not so stress free.
@deerfootnz Ай бұрын
There are sharks everywhere. There is no fragment of salt water without sharks. And sharks like bull sharks will swim hundreds of kilometres up rivers....
@ChristineSaveTheFish Ай бұрын
Finally: there is it! „Welcome back to another Episode of shark bytes.“ we missed this entry during your well deserved holidays 😊😂❤ just coming back from dive holidays on Elba I really appreciate this episode.🙏
@marieta.s Ай бұрын
Two weeks ago there was a reported sighting of a Sphyrna zygaena in the Saronic gulf of Greece. A fisherman caught it on video and was analysed by the youtube channel Sharks in Greece. This was major news in the shark community because such a sighting hadn’t happened in decades. The guy behind the channel maintains also a site (or facebook page, not sure which is which) where people can report shark sightings.
@seherzadahuseljic Ай бұрын
Wait, what?? How is it possible that you post the exact thoughts and questions I had since yesterday and I MEANT to look if you ever created a video about tiger sharks in the Mediterranean, because I was always wondering why there are no tiger sharks in the Adria. Wow! 😅 Thank you for reading my mind and creating this video! 💯💯
@WeAreTheTrueMedia Ай бұрын
Scary how many people liked this post....
@ahmedsamy8406 Ай бұрын
i had the same thought too recently 🤔
@junebugjunebug4492 Ай бұрын
@Darby-qu6hz Ай бұрын
Because they are listening
@TheMattC9999 Ай бұрын
0:53 I always knew Italy looked like a boot, but I never noticed how much it looks like a hammerhead shark.
@DonnyRP Ай бұрын
I can remember years ago I jumped off an inflatable being towed by a boat in the middle of the med while on holiday and the boat didn’t realise. I was in the middle of the sea for about 15 mins. Never been so scared in my life. Very lucky really.
@marietalinda Ай бұрын
Ok this is my worst nightmare
@Lulusnotreadyforthis Ай бұрын
To add to the final point about Med tuna stocks recent recovery. It has been suggested there is a previously ignored tuna breeding/nursery ground between Northern Cyprus and Turkey. I personally believe I have seen a Great White off Southern Cyprus in the 90s while paragliding. It was massive and definitely not a mako. I feel like there's not a lot of research done on Cypriot waters as we're tucked so far away to the east. But with only Turkey recognising the North of Cyprus and presumably entering their waters, it makes sense to me that they would be calmer and therefore seen as good spawning grounds for fish.
@kerryevans7283 Ай бұрын
I live in North Cyprus, I really want to see a shark. I doubt I will see one, I can even see snakes. 18 years and I've seen 2 snakes.
@Lulusnotreadyforthis Ай бұрын
​@kerryevans7283 I've seen small (juvenile or just small???) sharks off Tatlisu about a decade ago but couldn't pin down the species - they weren't Great Whites or Tigers, I know that much. I've also seen plenty of grass snakes all over the island. If you can find an area with overgrown grass or meadows, you'll see them
@jaaj2303 Ай бұрын
I live on the adriatic coast, and I have house on mljet island. I've seen whales, dolphines and some small sharks, but I haven't seen large shark till until 2019. That year i started seeing basking sharks and in '20 I've seen my first great white. There are now 6 or 7 that afre often seen around the island during the winter, but they go away in the summer. Most of them are around 3 m, maybe 4m, but one is huge. My boat is 5 m and thecshark is longer then it. We were worried at first, but then we realised thatcshark are ignoring people. They never aproach boats, swimmers or divers. They just swim by them.
@banPersie Ай бұрын
If true, this is amazing! 6 or 7 great whites around Mljet??? Molim Vas snimite to :)
@jaaj2303 Ай бұрын
@@banPersieimam snimljena 3 videa. Nisam nista objavljiva jer skoro svaki tjedan neko objavi sliku i videa po portalima. biolozi s kojima smo pricali kazu da su po tim slikama i videima pobrojali barem 6 jedinki po razlicitim perajama. Kazu da je ovo tranzitna populacija koja prati tune koje vole bit oko mljeta zbog nacionalnog parka pa ih se manje lovi
@banPersie Ай бұрын
@@jaaj2303Hvala, odusevljen sam tim informacijama :) Mozete li poslati videa i slike na mail ako nije problem?
@ahmedsamy8406 Ай бұрын
I am a diver living in Egypt we indeed have shores on both Red Sea and Mediterranean and I have seen in the Red Sea tiger and white tip sharks numerous times but never ever seen one shark Or heard about it in the Mediterranean in my lifetime
@larsroodakker3845 Ай бұрын
I was at Rhodes last year while the brutal fires were going on, I was at the 'good' side of the island and could at least enjoy my holiday a bit. When I did a boat tour, the guy said he saw a 'weird' fin and told us to leave the water. When the weird fin came closer, it looked like a juvenile great white but was too deep down to confirm. The guy never made a comment about it again, scared for his business lol
@MyTing775 Ай бұрын
If you go to elli beach rhodes town there is a diving board about 100m out to see. Back in early 90s I was swimming out to it every day and spending hours messing about on it. One day we snorkelled out to it and something didn't feel right. Couldn't explain it but I didn't want to be out there. Days later a couple of greek guys we knew told us they had seen a 15ft possible great white swim under the diving platform. They are there. 😮
@sleverlight Ай бұрын
Love how well researched your videos are. Thank you
@blabla1976 Ай бұрын
Just the other day was debating whether there were tiger sharks in the Mediterranean. Your video was just what I needed, keep up the good work!
@AlisdairShepherd Ай бұрын
Whilst visiting Malta and the surrounding islands in the 1970s when chatting to local elderly Fishermen i would often hear tales of swimmers going missing and never being found with the main suspect being large great white sharks these were occasionally caught aswell in nets,I was told the size of some of these fish was enormous 20ft plus,It seemed the norm to these old boys so I think there was some truth in these tales.
@zingwilder9989 Ай бұрын
Well done...thank you for the researched information!
@Ghenesa Ай бұрын
I'm Slovenian, but my family had country house in Savudrija (Croatia). So we spent like 2-3 month per year there, when Yugoslavia still existed. I witnessed shark attack in Savudrija around 1985, woman was bitten in lower part of the leg while swimming (water is shallow and gets progressively deep and then suddenly very deep water). She was dragged on the pier by a man (me and my father were fishing from this pier) and obviously my father dragged me off as soon as he realized what happened, not to see to much. But i did see she was bleeding quite bad, but her legs was there, if i remember correctly (i was around 10) it was more of a huge bite and no meat was taken off. I never again went into that water more then above knee high again. Many years later i encountered dolphin while swimming in Umag (town on the same coastline, so this attack was always in my mind) and i almost shat myself. To this day I don't really enjoy sea anymore.... :) Croatia is really beautiful, but not for me.
@MilaOlga580 Ай бұрын
Great new video! Thanks for making these they always make my day!
Thanks for watching them!!
@elenagauf1599 Ай бұрын
​@@SHARKBYTES I wish you a nice weekend
@elenagauf1599 Ай бұрын
@@MilaOlga580 hhaalalalalszkzmz x zmzksk halloaoaaoaoaoaosaoaoaksk haaaaaaaaaaaaallooooo!!!!!! Ajakaosisksksososnxnxmzzmsksossossosksososkskssnsnzmzsow9snxnxmzManalapan visksosskskslslslslsxn viekwlwlwlslslddldk vielen lieben Dank für die liebe Nachricht liebe Peggy Peggy aus Leutesdorf am Rhein kaakslslsososslzlxmxmmxmzmzzmslhaaaaaaaaaaaaalooaooaaoaoaoaiskxmxmxmxlxlxkzlzxxxzllz haaaaaaaaaaalloaoapaooa9ajxxmmxlxkxxkdkxmdmxmdmdxmmdxllxslslkdkskss haaaaaaaaaaallooooooooooslslslslslskskssmsllsslkxxmxmzmsmskslslslslskslsosoxjxnzmamamqlqoxnxnxbxznakaooazkzmxhsjaaklaakakakalalalalaoaoaooqoqaoaoakakksmssmamakakhakamzsmalalxnxmlsslaoskxnxnzmamammas ajanamamakalalalskxmxmzslsxkxmzmaaalalalalslxmzhajsx x.al😀🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂👾👾👾👾👾👾🐣🦤🦆🦎🦆🦤🐸🐸🐦🐸🦡🦖🐸🐍🦜🦡🦅🦡🦅🐻‍❄️🐾🐰🐻🐰🐻🐰🐹🦤🦆🐔🐧🐻‍❄️🐨🐻‍❄️🐟🐻‍❄️🐼🦘🐼🦘🐼🐀🦣🦥🦡🦥🦡🐼🦡🐼🦡🐼🐓🦘🐇🐁🐇🐓🦘🐓🐥🐣🦤🦉🐓🦤🐔🦤🐔🐦🐻‍❄️🐾🐻‍❄️🐾🐻‍❄️🐾🐔🐾🐔🐬🦈🦈🐌🦈🐚🦈🐚🐡🐡🐌🐡🐌🦟💐🪰💐🪲🦋🪲🦋🐡🦭🦕🦭🦕🦭🐙🐌🐡🦋🐉🐛🐉🐟🐉🐟🐟🐉🐟🐉🐟🐟🦚🦚🐟🦋🦕🦈🦋🐞🐞🐛🐜🐛🐜🐛🐠🐛🐠🐟🐠🐟🐠🐠🐛🐠🐟🐟🐠🐠🐟🐠🐟🦕🦋🐞🐞🐞🐞🐠🐠🦋🐠🦋🐠🦋🐠🦋🐠🐛🐠🐛🐡🐛🐝🦋🐝🪳🐝🪳🐝🪳🐝🪳🐝🪳🦋🐝🪳🐝🐝🪳🐜🪳🐜🪳🐜🐜🕸🐜🐜🪳🐠🐛🐠🪳🐠🐜🪳🐠🦋🐡🪳🐝🦟🦟🪳🦟💐🌹💐🐜🪳🐜🐟🐝🐟🐠🐟🐟🐜🦋🦟🪰🪳🌹🦟🦟🐛🐜🦂🦋🦂🪳🦂🕸🐜🕸🐜🦂🪳🐜🐛🐜🐛🐟🐠🦋🌸🦂🦂🦂🦂🐛🐜🪳🐝🪳🐝🐅🦓🐮🐮🐖🐮🐖🐮🐖🐮👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👺👺👺👺👺👺👺👺👺👺👺👺👺👺👺👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹😹😻👺👺👺👺👺👹👹👹👹👺👹👺👺👺👺👺👺👺👺👺👺👺👺👺👺👺👺👹👺👺👹👹
@elenagauf1599 Ай бұрын
​@@SHARKBYTES tiger shark 🦈!!
@elenagauf1599 Ай бұрын
@@MilaOlga580 jsskkssllsksskslososzkkzzmzmmskslakwosjxmxmsmssmssmsmxmxmxmsowoxnxnjsskwkskdjndndnsnsmsnsnsnxnxsmkakwowsodjxnndndnskwk🦓🐺🦓🐺🐈‍⬛🐺🐈‍⬛🦍🦍🐈‍⬛🦧🦮🦝🐈🐴🐃🦄🐂🦌🐮🦓🐮🦓🐮🐖🐩🐖🐩🐺🐖🐑🐫🐁🐑🐁🐏🐀🐏🐫🦣🦏🐁🦣🐁🦏🐁🦏🐁🐑🐫🐂🦙🐮🐷🐴🦄🦊🦄🦊🐕🦊🦊🐕🐅🐈🐺🐈‍⬛🐅🦓🐑🐫🐏🐮🦌🐯🦁🐯🐕‍🦺🐮🦄🐷🐂🐄🐮🐷🐷🐅🐖🐅🐷🐅🐅🦌🐆🦌🐆🐩🦌🐺🦓🐆🦓🐫🐐🦏🐫🦏🐀🦣🐀🐿🐻🐿🦇🐿🦇🐆🐷🐷🐆🐆🐷🐅🐷🐆🐈‍⬛🐅🐕‍🦺🐅🦁🐆🦓🐆🦄🦊🐈🦊🐈🦍🦄🦝🦄🐂🐷🐑🐫🐏🐫🐮🐮🦙🐏🦙🐏🦙🐑🦙🐑🐑🐖🐑🦙🐂🦙🐂🐖🐮🦙🐂🐂🐖🐮🐖🐂🐖🐖🐂🐑🦙🐂🦙🐂🦙🐴🐖🐃🦓🦏🐷🐑🦙🐑🦙🐏🦙🦒🦣🦙🦏🦙🦏🦣🐀🦙🐑🦏🦙🐑🦙🐑🦙🐏🦙🐏🦙🐏🐗🐮🐗🐮🦌🦏🦣🦙🦏🐀🦏🐁🦏🐫🐑🐖🐱🐎🐖🐱🐱🦓🐴🦌🐂🦌🐑🦌🦁🐅🐯🦁🐅🦓🐷🐮🐆🐖🐺🦓🦊🦓🐏🐖🐽🦙🦣🦙🐇🐀🐇🐻🦥🦥🐻🦥🦇🐿🦇🐼🐻‍❄️🐓🐻🐓🦡🐓🦘🐣🦡🐣🦘🦥🪳🦋🐞🦋🦈🐡🦋🦭🦈🦭🦈🦕🦭🦖🦭🦋🦖🦭🦖🦭🦜🦕🦭🦭🦖🦭🐸🦖🐍🦖🦭🦖🐬🦖🐬🦖🦭🦭🦕🦋🦖🦋🦈🦋🦖🦋🦖🦭🦈🐡🦋🐠🦋🦤🦉🐝🐝🐤🐝🦎🐝🐬🐝🦋🐝🦋🐝🦋🐝🪳🪳🦟🦋🐝🐝🐛🐝🦋🪳🐝🐡🦋🦬🦬🦒🐏🦒🐏🦒🦣🦒🦣🦒🐘🦒🐘🦒🐘🦒🦒🐘🦣🦒🦣🦒🦣🦙🦣🦙🐏🐖🐏🐗🐏🐖🐏🐗🐏🐏🐗🐏🐗🐖🐏🐏🦙🐮🐖🐮🐖🐮🐗🐮🐖🐮🐗🐮🐮🦓🐮🐖🐮🐖🐮🐖🐮🐖🐯🐖🐩🐖🐩🐵🦌🐒🦁🦊🦌🐆🦓🐆🦓🐂🐑🐖🐑🦁🐑🐬🐬🐬🐮🦓🐮🐖🐮🐖🐮🐖🐅🐖🐂🐖🐮🦙🐏🦙🐏🐖🐏🦙🐏🦙🐏🐏🦙🐇🐀🐇🐀🐇🐀🐇🐀🐇🐀🐿🐀🐿🐀🐿🐁🐿🐁🦏🦣🐀🦣🐀🐀🦣🐇🐀🐰🦡🐔🦅🐦🦆🦤🦆🐤🦅🐥🐓🐥🦥🦘🦥🦇🦥🐻🦥🦥🐻🐿🦡🐿🐻🐿🐻🐿🐻🐇🐻🐻🐇🐻🐇🐇🐇🐀🐇🐀🐇🐀🐇🐇🐻🦥🦥🦡🐼🦡🐼🦡🐐🐃🐻🐄🐀🦒🐝🐖🐓🦡🐔🦡🐔🐦🐦🦅🦆🦤🦤🦅🐥🦅🦉🦆🦆🦃🐦🦅🐦🦃🐦🦡🦃🐔🦡🦃🦡🦡🦅🦡🐦🕊🦡🕊🦡🕊🦡🦡🦅🦅🐦🦅🐦🐦🕊🐦🦅🦅🐦🐦🦅🐦🦅🐦🐦🦅🐦🦅🐦🦅🐦🦅🐦🦅🦡🦅🦡🐔🐦🐔🐦🐔🦡🐔🦡🐔🐔🦡🐔🦡🐔🐦🐼🦡🐼🐦🐼🐦🐼🐦🐼🦡🐼🦡🐼🦡🐼🐼🐻🐼🐔🦡🐔🐦🐔🐦🦅🪶🦅🐦🦅🐦🐓🐥🐓🐥🐓🐓🦡🦥🐻🦥🦘🦥🦘🦥🦘🦥🐻🐇🐇🐻🦣🐻🐏🐀🐑🦙🦦🦇🐣🦘🦢🐥🦢🐥🦆🐥🦆🦆🐥🐓🦇🐿🐁🐿🐁🦥🐁🦥🦇🐓🦘🐓🦘🦥🦘🦥🦘🦥🦡🕊🦘🕊🕊🐥🦅🐥🦅🐥🦅🐥🐓🐥🐔🐥🐔🐓🐥🐔🦘🐔🦡🐔🦡🐼🐻🐇🐻🦣🐀🐿🐻🐓🦘🐓🦘🐣🦘🦥🐻🐿
@tatianasafi4458 Ай бұрын
Swam almost my entire life in the Mediterranean before moving out from there, never have i seen any of these sharks let alone 1 shark. :(
@GothPaoki Ай бұрын
It's fair to say they're extremely rare nowadays compared to 3-4 decades ago.
@bretloyd8097 Ай бұрын
Wonder how many saw you.
@James007SAVS 20 күн бұрын
They're usually far out in the deep
@igorsvacic217 Ай бұрын
I saw a gw while snorkling like almost 30 years ago. Maybe 2 and a half meters. Western coast of Istra, Croatia. Last attack here was in 2012 if I remember correctly, a Slovenian guy, diving or snorkling, a GW took his calf, survived. PS. Ika is pronounced EE-KA
@billywatts4689 Ай бұрын
Eight foot would that be a juvenile? Thank you for sharing
@igorsvacic217 Ай бұрын
@@billywatts4689 bro, to me it looked like megalodon and godzilla combined, I took my knife out immidiately 😂😂
@billywatts4689 Ай бұрын
@@igorsvacic217 yeah it's big enough I didn't mean to downplay it bro
@mrt.789 Ай бұрын
Hey 👋🏻 speaking from Italy here. I have to say I’m surprised about the tiger shark spotting in Lybia but as you say it can be a single female roaming around somehow entering from Suez or Gibraltar. Having said that I believe both tiger and white tip are highly unlikely to stay in the med simply because they are species who interact a lot (following boats searching for food or other opportunistic behavior) so there would have been plenty of sightings through the years by fishermen and other open waters regulars and that is not the case..
@kingsofnh Ай бұрын
New England has had a wonderful return of great whites over my lifetime. While the tuna fishers hate them, most New Englanders are happy to see them as a sort of ocean mascot.
@intercity_trainspotting Ай бұрын
I saw 3 basking sharks and a mako on a whale watch in cape cod bay
@vEGan1909 Ай бұрын
From the mid 70s to the early 80s, I often spent my holidays in the Med. When my uncle saw a catshark while snorkelling, I stopped going swimming in the sea. Back then as a child I had a panic fear of all sharks, influenced by the film Jaws. Fortunately there was a swimming pool nearby 😂 Thanks to you and Robert Marc Lehmann, The Malibu Artist etc., I now know more about sharks: they are not bloodthirsty, aggressive animals, but fascinating in their diversity and behaviour and extremely important for the marine ecosystem and therefore also for the climate. Stop finning! Everything is connected. 💙🦈
@cristian_rodriguez Ай бұрын
Hey, from Cristian to Cristian, I must be lucky to say that I've sight few sharks in the Med after over two decades working at sea. Those were blues, a basking, and another one that I still doubt if it was a great white or an insane monster mako...btw, thanks for all this shark info sharing, yt need more channels like this. If you ever fancy visiting Mallorca let me know, I collaborate on a fish tagging project lead by Imedea and I can link you to them😃. Cheers!
@davidstefanovic4368 22 күн бұрын
Im from Croatia and actually from the parts where attacks happened (Ika (i live here), and preluk) the attacks happened here because of a few reasons. Back then we had a lot of boats coming from Atlantic and a lot of sharks followed boats and came here. Plus we had in Ika fish can factory and all the fish waste went to the sea in front of the beach. Also on Preluk there was a slaughterhouse and also all the waste went to the sea so that were the hotspots of course for the sharks but all that was in the 60’. We all dive normally and there is no more great white ones and so on, just once a year we get that big 8m shark which eats planctoon and has no teeth. So no big danger here
@LeGaragedelaPoutre Ай бұрын
Hi, just to point out that, in the algerian part about Carcharias Leucos, it is associated with "Requin blanc" meaning "white shark" in french, so yeah, certainly some confusion right there :) A french follower, keep up the good work!
@Raiana75 Ай бұрын
Was actually gonna send the same comment!
@m05b-h7z Ай бұрын
Perhaps 'requin blanc' was a term once used by the French to refer to bull sharks. Carcharhinus leucos (the scientific name of the bull shark) is associated with 'requin blanc' in the document referenced in the video. The word 'leucos' derives from the Greek word leukos, meaning 'white' (which translates to blanc in French). Bull sharks are referred to as such because of their white belly. So 'requin blanc' makes sense.
@LeGaragedelaPoutre Ай бұрын
@@m05b-h7z you are perfectly right in your analysis, and I can only make a supposition saying that "requin blanc" was misused 😁 thanks for the explanation!
@patkelly8309 Ай бұрын
The White ~Shark population of the Med has dwindled and dwindled since the 1970s. Before that there were many, many sightings and interactions particularly within the Adriatic. Personally I agree with those who concluded this to be a birthing and Nursery area. As for Tigers, this is news to me but having learned of the predominance around the Red Sea area I fully believe it.
@stephenhollinrake916 Ай бұрын
Increase in orca in Gibraltar straights is probably not helping .
@ChrisHoward-ky8pv Ай бұрын
When I was a kid growing up in Gibraltar, there was allegedly a tiger shark caught during a fishing competition... No idea if it was true, but I remember being kept out of the sea for a few days.
@RosieBurgess-i6k Ай бұрын
The end is super sad but a reality, it would be an interesting video Kris for you to cover Octopus farming in Spain, not totally a shark video but I think important for awareness.
@dimisbam7725 Ай бұрын
I'm greek i swim almost all year and honestly didn't know we had so many sharks in our waters...now I'll always be skeptical when i swim lol
@CheerioDanHeng Ай бұрын
Duuuude, I live in Greece and I've been watching your videos for quite some time, I can't believe you picked us for vacation 😭✌️. Hope you had a great experience! Ps. Most people here are shocked when told there are sharks in the Mediterranean.
@jdx4174 Ай бұрын
Have a great week everyone!
@aporia82 Ай бұрын
They were regulars of the Bosphorus and the Marmara Sea, following the tuna and the bonito schools. Many photos of Great Whites were shot between 1920s and 60s which were caught around Istanbul... They had a huge population back then... A few attacks happened; the last one occurred around the 1980s when a doctor went missing around the Prince Islands of Istanbul while he was scuba diving. Due to heavy shipping traffic, they are no longer seen around Istanbul and probably wouldn't pass the Dardanelles. Also, tuna has drastically decreased in the last 40 years. You can find the photos when you Google it...
@TheAmateurEditor Ай бұрын
I'm from Greece and I distinctly remember a news story when I was about 9-10 (so mid 90s) about a fisherman in Crete catching a tiger shark.
@letsssgooo4618 Ай бұрын
The one picture with the boat in it, I think in Italy, has ti be the biggest shark I’ve ever seen. And it’s not even all stretched out from dragging on the shore by its tail or hanging it up in the air from its trail. Insane
@BugMagnet Ай бұрын
I have a book about Hans Hass' research journey in the mediterranean in 1943. He jumped into the water in Greece and saw silvertip sharks. They were just there. Since hen the whole ocean has been ravaged and devastated by unmitigated industrial fishing.
@drk321 Ай бұрын
In my life I spent a lot of time in the Sea of Cortez (Baja). 40 years ago I frequently saw dozens of sharks laying on the beach that the fishermen caught. Fast forward many years to about 15 years ago I was on a boat out of Las Palmas, we came across a dead sperm whale. This whale had no shark bites on it. Maybe it just died? Sharks hadn't found it yet? Nope. Three days later was came across it on the shoreline beached and rotting. Still no sign of sharks feeding off of it. I realized this was a very bad sign.
@leakoe3797 Ай бұрын
I saw a documentary recently with a shark with 6 gills..YES there was proof..which was amazing..doc..!!
@saraprva4172 Ай бұрын
I comment here before how my grandmother when young was at the beach & witness the attack on German tourist nr Omiš.This was 1974 and horrific but I think the last fatal attack in Croatia I know there was lots more fishing then & GW sharks were seen following boats - maybe that why we no longer see them in the Adriatic ?
@carlosroura7581 Ай бұрын
There are quite a good amount of Blue Sharks in the mediterranean, at least in the coast of Spain several of them are catched by fishermen or accidentally beach themselves every year (the NGOs try to save them when beached, but most times they are already dead when discovered or die shortly after) They hardly ever attack people, but they are potentially dangerous Although deffinitely not as big of a threat as white sharks or tiger sharks, being half the size of those beasts, they are still quite big: Adult blue sharks are about the size and weight of Shaquille O'neal and the largest of them can be a 50% larger than him. Imagine Shaq charging at you... scary. Now imagine him comming at you, but he's blue, with fins and a big jaw of serrated teeth... nightmare fuel
@Darillo182 Ай бұрын
Great video! Thanks :)
@maxkazzora4234 Ай бұрын
Great video. And not many people know that great white sharks do live in the Mediterranean Sea.
@raffam3559 Ай бұрын
Last spring we saw and filmed a 1.5-2m blue shark just off the coast of Tuscany as a species they are quite common.
@Preston241 Ай бұрын
4:32 what even is that map? Did AI write that text or what’s going on?
@colewarner4954 Ай бұрын
Fun fact, the largest great white shark ever was found in the Ionian Sea, like 6 miles off the coast of Gallipoli, IT in the 1970's. Over 6 meters!
@lordkitov8151 Ай бұрын
whoa i didnt even know there are great whites over there. Fascinating! Great video again!
@andrewamidala Ай бұрын
I was a professional diver in and around Malta in the early 1190's and there was a serious decline in marine life then. They had turned an old tug boat into an artificial reef called "the Rosie". We did some filming around there for a tv commercial and local divers warned us to always not hang around on the surface and slip in and out of the water as quietly as possible. To "not attract unwanted attention to ourselves" was the code word.
@Sotiger Ай бұрын
Yep! We¨ve got Great Whites aplenty in Greece. Us surfers occasionally have sightings.
@aritingis3797 Ай бұрын
odos ? dn tha kolumphsw pote twra
@seanedwards7047 Ай бұрын
I was on a Mediterranean cruise a few weeks back and was thinking about sharks in the Med and how it seems like there are fewer attacks there.
@metalmephit Ай бұрын
yet another awesome vid! cant really do membership at the moment, but would love to see DEEP BLUE SEA 2 commentary please
@JamieW-o7b 11 күн бұрын
We jumped off a fishing boat a mile from Corfu island for a swim. As I was swimming someone kicked me really hard under the thigh. I looked round but none of the others were near!!!! It hurt, but it felt dry and rough though underwater! 1974. Gold medal race to the boat!
@manosparavida3551 19 күн бұрын
When in Rhodes in 1988 people were talking about two Tiger sharks following a fishing vessel, about 7 miles offshore.
@songsmith31a Ай бұрын
I recall seeing a photograph in a publication that showed a huge shark on show after being caught in the Med. Somehow, the reputation as a holiday mecca has managed to see the existence of sharks in that part of the globe rarely addressed.
@cayesuomi Ай бұрын
Great White Sharks are pretty common in the straight of Gibraltar, mostly off the coast of Tarifa. However as for the other sharks in the Mediterranean, probably the dissapearance of Seals on the Mediterranean sea has a lot to do with having less and less sharks on it.
@user-cm9pt8bo3l Ай бұрын
The white sharks in that area of ​​the planet do not eat seals, but tuna.
@cayesuomi Ай бұрын
@@user-cm9pt8bo3l obviously, if seals dissapear they go for tuna. Seals disappeared from Mediterranean long ago.
@lianacrisp Ай бұрын
I live in Gibraltar, spent my entire life out at sea, I remember a hammerhead migration maybe 20 years ago but other than that, never seen a shark
@rawdog314 Ай бұрын
Just to correct you, the last confirmed white shark fatality wasn't over 50 years ago, a diver was taken off the coast of Italy in 1987.
@rajkumarrajamani4811 Ай бұрын
Feb 1989 off the coast of Elba, Italy 🇮🇹
@rawdog314 Ай бұрын
@@rajkumarrajamani4811 thanks for correcting my correction 🤣 I remember he was a diver and they never found his body.
@Spacegoat333-n7n Ай бұрын
@@rawdog314 if they never found the body how can they know it was a shark?
@wpjohn91 3 күн бұрын
It is theroised then, not confirmed
@rawdog314 3 күн бұрын
@@wpjohn91 nice job trying to appear clever but yes it was confirmed, the victims son was there aswell as others who saw the shark attack the victim, the bite marks on his diving equipment also indicated they belonged to a great white and they were the conclusions of the coroner, unless you can shed more light on the incident than the experts and people actually there?
@BrolyRajang Ай бұрын
While spear fishing in Marseille, i saw 10foot great juvenile White Shark
@jennitzka89 Ай бұрын
For me ocean = sharks. Any shark could be present. That's enough reason for me to stay at the beach and don't go in the water anywhere 😅 I love sharks, but don't wanna be in the water with them.
@tigerman1978 Ай бұрын
Ive been in the water with (or I should say close to) a variety of sharks. Some small, some large, some skittish, some curious. What they have in common is neither have attacked me or anyone Ive been diving with. That said, I scubadive and dont snorkel or swim and I REALLY wouldnt snorkel where I know certain species, like great whites or oceanic whitetips hang around.
@jennitzka89 Ай бұрын
@tigerman1978 yeah most of the time nothing happens, but sometimes it does and I don't want that experience 😅 I don't like the ocean. Sometimes you can't really see what's around you. It makes me feel uncomfortable. I love sharks. But don't wanna swim with them. I don't feel good in the waters, so it makes no sense to jump in 😅 Not just because of sharks, but it's one of the reasons.
@grouchygrundle Ай бұрын
Last time I was in florida my mom, aunt and gf went into the ocean off the coast of fort Lauderdale. They asked me to join them but I refused. I said " no reason for a 4th person to get bit by a shark" 🤣🤣 they asked what I would do if one of them got attacked my reply" get the lifeguards"
@jennitzka89 Ай бұрын
@grouchygrundle last time I was in the ocean nobody could've saved me 😅 I was in Badalona/Spain with my boyfriend of that time (5years ago). He wanted to go swim and I didn't, but he was so annoying that I did. But there were a lot of waves at the shore so we had to swim kinda far away from the shore...first I didn't realize how far it was. When I saw it I was like F*CK 😨 and you couldn't really see something in the water. It wasn't really murky but kinda dark-ish. That was another F*CK moment 😂 I told my BF I'm gonna go, cause that situation is not good. The way back took some time because of the waves close to shore. If something would've happened you probably wouldn't make it to the beach and you would just die 😅 it was a nightmare. And I don't even get the point of swimming in the ocean. You're not aware of the stuff happening around you in the water, how can people even enjoy this 🙈
@grouchygrundle Ай бұрын
@jennitzka89 yep that an F moment 🤣. I go out, dip under the water and go right back to land. I'm not a guy that's afraid of anything. Except getting bitten in half by a shark
@zeubilamouche02zeubilamouche02 18 күн бұрын
A 4 meters great white shark was spotted near the island of Porquerolles (Var) 600 m off the coast in early november. It made the headlines here in France.
@matthew_thefallen Ай бұрын
I have a great book literally called "Sharks, Rays and Chimeras of the Mediterranean Sea and Europe" 😂 I had a few friends that didn't believe me when I told them we have hammerheads in the Adriatic Sea (near where I live) and well... Also white sharks. I'd like to show you a picture of a white shark that was found in Gallipoli in Puglia during the 70's.
@Badnewsdave1 Күн бұрын
In the 90s In Corfu a speedboat driver reported a 16 foot tiger shark off the coast of Benitses when I was there on holiday
@Adiscretefirm Ай бұрын
I now assume bull sharks are everywhere the water is above 60F, salt, brackish, or fresh.
@mattyno964 Ай бұрын
Same. My baths are now far less enjoyable but far safer
@nanoreaper5002 Ай бұрын
is there any evidence of sharks using the Suez canal to transit in the Mediterranean
@Druzica18 Ай бұрын
Thanks for this video--my Sunday nights aren't complete anymore unless I'm learning about sharks from you!
@The_No_Victim_Zone Ай бұрын
I have always been fascinated by the white sharks of the Med and Adriatic. Everyone knows about the white sharks off the coasts of Australia, South Africa, as well as the west coast & northeast coast of the US, but the Mediterranean & Adriatic white sharks are much less studied. I wish there were more studies on them because from what I have seen of the ones that are caught, these white sharks are MASSIVE! Some of the largest white sharks ever caught have been off the coast of Malta and Tunisia. Not to mention of the attacks in Croatia, more than 1/2 were fatal. Ooh, I forgot about the white sharks in the Sea of Japan, which ironically have the same genetic profiles of the Mediterranean white sharks.
@HunterBelkiran Ай бұрын
I swam in the Mediterranean, believing mistakenly that there probably weren't very many dangerous sharks in it. Ignorance is bliss. Something about it being a nearly enclosed body of water vs. the open ocean felt less shark prone. Still not going to dissuade me from swimming there in the future, but I probably won't go as far out lol.
@lucasmancini2 Ай бұрын
You understood the video wrong. There are alot of different shark species but there are very very very few individuals. There is no Sea or Ocean where you are less likely to find a shark than in the mediterranean. My uncle is spearfishing every day since 30 years in south italy and he has seen 2 sharks (both tiny and harmless) in his entire life. I know so many divers that went there to dive with sharks and got dissapointed because they didn’t find any. It’s a very dead sea, with very very few sharks.. like he said, between 95-99% of all sharks there died…
@brawndothethirstmutilator9848 Ай бұрын
The Black Sea has fewer sharks. (As does the Caspian Sea, but mentioning it seems like cheating because it’s not connected to the rest of the world’s oceans.)
@Heavencloud19 Ай бұрын
Awesome video once again ;)
@tombrunner8181 6 күн бұрын
Whether in the ski resorts in the Alps or on the Mediterranean, where everything depends on tourism... Everything is covered up if possible. Suitcases and bags disappear and the tourist is reported as having left and then missing!
@Rodee78 Ай бұрын
The Mediterranean Great White gives birth to its young in the north of the Adriatic near Istria, and that is also where their nursery is supposed to be. The Blue Shark lives permanently in the Mediterranean, and I have personally seen one a few times. A Makko shark was also seen and filmed near Dubrovnik.
@danpovey Ай бұрын
"I've been expecting you, Mr. Bond" - A shark, in its underground lair
@user-cm9pt8bo3l Ай бұрын
Mako sharks, blue sharks that are VERY abundant in the Mediterranean, are fishing species that people eat and are easy to see in shops and fish markets. The white shark never misses an appointment in the South of Spain coinciding with the fishing of the great Bluefin Tuna, any fisherman in the area will be able to confirm this.
@jamesaelawson Ай бұрын
Hi Kris, are you planning to cover the recent shark fatality off the Canaries? Thanks!
@Car_Porn Ай бұрын
Yes that’s the 1 I’m hoping for atm that would be a good video
@asicdathens 4 күн бұрын
Trawlers, and dynamite fishing have decimated the marine life in Greek waters, Trawlers have turned the sea floor into a grey sandy mush that nothing exists. The scars of the nets being dragged are visible up to 200m depth
@tosbaga Ай бұрын
you can dive with "Carcharhinus plumbeus" in boncuk bay, near marmaris/turkey. and mako was filmed few times.
@HegyCsill 7 күн бұрын
10 éves voltam, amikor Fiumeban Horvátországban láttam egy női szobrot a tengerparton. Állítólag egy menyasszony volt, aki az esküvője éjszakáján kiúszott tengerbe és elvitte egy cápa. A vőlegénye állította ezt a szobrot. Meséltek egy hajóskapitányról is, aki a hajójáról fejest ugrott a vízbe és azonnal elvitte a cápa, a kikötőben. Állítólag a hajókról kidobált ételmaradékok után úsznak be a cápák a kikötőkbe. Az eredmény az, hogy én azóta is nagyon fékek a cápáktól, immár több mint ötven éve. Félve snorkelezek...Ha 100 évesen cápatámadásban halok meg, talán nem fogom bánni...
@KlausToth Ай бұрын
the fotographs of the slaughtered sharks are horrific. these pictures truly show, what humans do to these beautiful creatures. 🦈❤
@Tryingcounts Ай бұрын
I saw a shark while paddle boarding in Andalucía (i hasn't paid attention as to how far out i really was). I was quite worried but it just did it's own thing and swam away. Was a pretty special moment despite all the puckering.
@MRnautilus9 Ай бұрын
What about great hammerheads in the med ? 🤔
@saturnskull1242 Ай бұрын
A juvenile hammerhead was spotted in Saronikos Bay Greece a month back
@rocketraccoon1976 Ай бұрын
Don't forget my mother-in-law. She's going on a 14-day Mediterranean cruise soon. And she likes to swim. 💀🦈💀
@crazyfish9977 Ай бұрын
@morganjames777 Ай бұрын
Cool video. I have a set of Oceanic Whitetip jaws bought from a small beach side shack on the North West coast of Italy from the early 1990's. Unfortunately I can't say whether they were caught locally or not...which makes this comment rather superfluous! Cheers.
@andydavis8437 Ай бұрын
I bought Tigershark jaws in a shop in London (1978) I don't think they were caught locally, but the GWS jaws I got from Australia were.
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