What stunt did your D&D players pull that completely derailed the campaign?

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@liathedoll Жыл бұрын
That first story is AMAZING! I can almost feel the excited energy from the dm when one of the players asked what if they made replica!!
@alexwaddington9808 Жыл бұрын
Hard to think of one example, they derail the campaign weekly.
@CooperAATE Жыл бұрын
That sounds... kinda annoying tbh
@laziboi5285 Жыл бұрын
But kinda fun at the same time 😅
@Mr-__-Sy Жыл бұрын
give us the worst and funniest
@Jessie_Helms Жыл бұрын
More the _session_ but still hilarious considering my PC almost died. We were playing in my GM’s homebrew Pathfinder 2e world named Atrea. So we’re having a buddy-cop session (the human rogue Nimir and the human fighter Maxwell were the only ones there) and make our way to a town. In the tavern we see a missives board and Nimir, my character, checks them out. The DM offhandedly says, “Oh yeah, there’s one about a guy wanting someone to give someone a stern talking to for stealing his radish, another mentioning a lost dog… and then… you see a poster. You don’t even need to roll, you see, “Wanted, by the Cruena authority, ‘the Spider’, and you understand this to be Jenta, the girl you haven’t seen since the two of you escaped Barovia 10 years ago.’” My immediate reaction as soon as Nimir and Maxwell get to a private place, “Hey so there’s a MISSING DOG named Fluffy and we’ve GOTTA find fluffy.” I then rolled a _nat 1_ for deception, so Maxwell could plainly see Nimir was just trying to do anything else other than pursue the lead on Jenta out of dread of what he might find but literally just says, “I’m not one to judge your personal needs. I guess we’ll find that dog.” Cue at least an hour of the session of us tracking down the owner, getting a description and name, taking us back to his home, tracking down the dog, and finding it in a corn field. Nimir sees it’s chewed up a bunch of corn so I go to give him another ear. “Roll a fortitude save.” _Oh shit_ Turns out that specific corn stalk was the Pathfinder equivalent of a vine blight and Nimir pissed it off, getting Dazzled and grappled before he even got a turn. Now Nimir and Maxwell have the highest AC’s (21 and 20 perspectively) and the highest HP’s (48 and 60) in the party. This thing in 3 rounds takes Nimir to _11 HP_ and hits Maxwell for something like 20 damage. Maxwell gets a _52 damage crit_ in the form of a power attack immediately after I rolled a 10 damage attack. Oh, fights over right? 62 damage? NOPE. The thing had _90 FRICKIN’ HP_ and again was _1 turn away_ from killing Nimir. It falls dead and Nimir just looks straight at Maxwell and says, “We tell _no one_ about this” as the GM jokingly cuts to the Oracle and Cleric relaxing back at the Inn after sleeping in (the players missed the session). We bring the dog back and Tarner says, “oh fluffy! You’re pregnant!” Nimir got promised one of the litter once she has them and was given _a_ healing potion as thanks for finding the dog. _BEST SESSION EVER_
@billbishop6109 Жыл бұрын
I was running a homebrew campaign set in Wildemount. I had decided to use an adventure from Candlekeep Mysteries where the party finds a book that teleports them to a fancy spa which was actually being run by hags. The point of the adventure was to explore the spa, try some of the amenities, talking to people and then discover the hags and take them out. It didn’t happen that way. Upon entering the front door the party was met with the nice concierge, whom the paladin immediately cast divine sense on. He was a Cambion, so the party goes on high alert- roll initiative. Paladin goes first, pulling out his Iron Flask (why did I give him that) and proceeded to trap the Cambion in it. Once released he would be an ally for an hour, so he released the Cambion, who was now more than happy to help the party explore the spa and lay waste to its inhabitants. Every room was a slugfest but the party managed to survive. The Cambion did end up plane shifting away, but did return to get revenge.
@skylark7921 11 ай бұрын
The adventure hook was *supposed* to be my monk character meeting some people from a local monastery and getting asked for help. Unfortunately, the head guy of that monastery happened to annoy my character and she just… left. She and the other characters then decided to go break into a tavern, open it for business and pocket all the money, and then burn it down because the owner stole the wizard’s spellbook lol
@TranslucentHistory Жыл бұрын
Mr. VA, I absolutely live for the moments when you lose your composure and are fighting back laughs and giggles. I need to make sure I'm not drinking or eatting anything when it happens because I start cackling right along with you. Thank you kindly.
@Sweetrad Жыл бұрын
5:10 Oh fuck thats an anti-tank rifle OH FUCK THATS AN ANTI-TANK RIFLE
@AkrimaSablosang Жыл бұрын
I got that reference XD
@ebolachanislove6072 Жыл бұрын
In the Out of The Abyss module I kidnapped the drow priestess during our prison escape, eventually the matriarch and her honor gaurd caught up to us. . . and against all odds, I kidnapped her too. In another campaign after three sessions of hype we finally got to the dragons lair and as it was introducing itself to the party i told it to stfu and decapitated it in the first round of combat, (exact wording was "silence beast there is nothing left for you to do but die" )in order to try and save the drama the dm had the dragon's mate emerge from the cave, which i also told to stfu and immediately decapitated.
@bnaseams Жыл бұрын
Not me, but one of my friends, and not really derailing the campaign so much as prematurely speeding parts of it up. Some IRL context: There was a conference I was attending with said friend, and we were staying at my fiancee’s place. Sunday was DnD night for him and his friends, and my friend wanted to make a character for the meet. None of his friends had met her before, and did not know what she was capable of role-playing wise. Her character was an aasimar rogue assassin, Jolly, whose cover-up was as a clown (think full on circus clown with the outfit and face makeup) belonging to an assassins guild disguised as a traveling circus. The rest of the party was at a port town that specialized in airship design and building. One of the party members end goal was to build/own his own airship (important for later). Jolly’s assignment was to kill one of the main airship designers/builders (don’t remember exactly, this was a few years ago). So, the party meets Jolly in the local tavern…and they mostly ignore her. Her asking, “did you know the circus is in town” was mostly met with “that’s nice…moving on,” both in-game and IRL (they have no idea this is all a cover-up). Jolly then starts asking about the airships and wanting to see one up close as she’s new in town, which the party is much more interested in also doing given the other party member’s interest in airships. So, Jolly arranges for a parade by the rest of her ‘circus’ as a distraction while they sneak on the airship. She goes off on her own to ‘explore,’ and finds her target. By the time she starts rolling attacks and damage the rest of the players IRL start realizing Jolly is much more than my friend’s attempt at a silly first time DnD character. The rest of the party eventually realizes Jolly is gone and start looking for her. The airship’s security alarm gets triggered at some point during all of this as well. Eventually they find Jolly who has the head of her target in one hand and is about to jump out of one of the windows of the airship. She sees them, gives a jaunty wave, and with a final, “ did you know the circus is in town,” jumps out of the window into the water below. This is the point where the rest of the party realize just how screwed they are - security guards are closing in, they have a dead airship designer on board, and a story that doesn’t even sound plausible for how it all happened. Not to mention they have no idea what Jolly really looks like (clown makeup), her real name, or even if she is really female. So, the party makes the hurried decision TO STEAL THE AIRSHIP (which they succeeded at). The GM had planned on giving the party member whose goal was to make/own an airship at some point their own airship, but that was more of a Level 15-20 end goal - they were currently Level 3. That was a great meet, and everybody was very impressed at my friend’s ability to pull all of that off without anybody suspecting her at all until it was too late.
@TheOfficialPSI Жыл бұрын
Helm of Brilliance story reminded me of my own. I'll admit, this one was done by me as a player. But I really want to post it here because it never ended up happening, since the GM of this campaign joined the army and had to move away, ending the campaign. But when I told him the idea before he left, he told me it absolutely would've ended the campaign a few months early. This was a Pathfinder 1e homebrew. The final boss was the GM's lich PC from a previous homebrew campaign run by one of the other party members, a campaign which ended even more prematurely. My character was a magus, who was also my PC carried over from the same campaign, magically reincarnated each time they died. At the end of that previous campaign, the DM's lich essentially absorbed the power of a set of 13 powerful tears that the campaign was based around(maguffins of divine energy in this world, in which the nation the campaign took place was appropriately named "Tearfall") and each one granted him a divine level. Making him an almighty god of undeath, usurping Urgathoa and conquering the majority of Golarion in the 600 year timeskip between the 2 campaigns. He kept 5 of these with him at all times within a necklace he wore, but used the other 8 as symbols of status for his most trusted generals across the world. But even if we could destroy the tears, he would still have 5, making him an upper-tier demigod, and immune to attacks from mere mortals. The BBEG had also become known by the party for being an egomaniac, always answering to monologue about our uselessness when we would collect a tear, since he was divinely linked to them. Eventually, we had gathered 4 of these tears, and discovered our only hope to defeat the BBEG: Each of our 4 party members would have to conduct a ritual to return the divine energy to the tear, and merge it with our own souls, which wouldn't turn us into gods, since we weren't absorbing the energy, attempting to do so would utterly destroy your soul, but rather give us a mythic tier. The gem would be placed in an object like any jewel, and our divinely-infused soul inside it would essentially control our bodies like a meat puppet. We could also return the divine energies to the other tears once we had them, and destroy them, dissipating the energy inside without destroying ourselves. The object I chose...was a Helm Of Brilliance. Freshly crafted for my character, unused, and fully slotted with all 101 magical jewels, the tear included. Because of the tear's divine energy, my GM foolishly let all the spells within the Helm be treated as mythic. But I never used *any of them.* Shortly after we got tear 7/8 was when we had to end the campaign. But I told the GM my plan a few days after that, just to ask if it would work. My plan was simple: When we got the 8th tear(located at the start of the final dungeon), we would use it to call out the BBEG, and challenge him to take them from us. And I would approach him...alone. Then, when within range, and when my party was out of it, I would simply...cast a maximized fireball at my feet, and avoid any attempt to save against it. Setting off the Helm of Brilliance like a nuclear blast. Then all hell would break loose. 300d10 fireball damage. 40d8+260 wall of fire damage And 10 level 13 prismatic sprays for who *knows* how much more damage. The BBEG had spell resistance, but only 10 fire resistance, and no evasion. No matter what, myself, the BBEG, and everything in the general area, would've been absolutely decimated. My GM admitted as much over text. He gave me what I imagine was a rather shocked "Oh jeez." Then later explained that my character's sacrifice would destroy the BBEG, rendering all his undead minions in the final dungeon inert since he controlled them telepathically. My party would then have more than enough time to destroy the other 5 tears that the BBEG would have on him, casually stroll unhindered through the final dungeon, and destroy the BBEG'S phylactery before it had any chance to regenerate him. The final dungeon and the final boss, pretty much the last 4 or 5 sessions of the campaign, would've been nuked and done with in the very first round of combat. It would have been *glorious!* Tl;dr: Hello, undead god? You're fired.
@adromea5628 Жыл бұрын
one time one of our bards just made such a good argument to the guy who the dm planned on becoming the BBEG that without even needing a persuasion roll she convinced him to not do that and the dm was kinda left scrambling
@warrenokuma7264 Жыл бұрын
My players offed the big bad way too early, Lucky he had a more powerful brother, then a grandfather who was a lich, then an advanced Balor patron who decided to go for godhood. I have smart experienced players, so I need to adapt.
@Kuwasgirl Жыл бұрын
My group was trying to run Curse of Strahd. There were 4 of us, all level 5. We had implemented this tactic called Fate Tokens, where we could affect a d20 roll of ours OR another player’s to be either a Nat 1 or a Nat 20. Once the Fate Token was used, it couldn’t be canceled out by another Fate Token. One guy, a variant human Warlock, decided to give himself a Nat 20 on a religion check. In Ravenloft. He ended up making himself a permanent signal-boost for the attention of ALL the gods from EVERY plane while in the town of Valaki. Made praying to them very easy, but a VERY bad idea to do. Also somehow put up a bubble around the entirety of the town, so that Strahd didn’t notice what was happening. Naturally, making dumb-ass decisions is all we did for the next several minutes. It got to the point where the town’s population had been reduced by 90%. (Oopsie) Another player, I forget what his character of the week was, tried to lay claim to the Mayor’s house at the same time as the Warlock. After a battle of wills and glyph drawing, it ended up in a tie, so the house suddenly became walls of tortured bleeding flesh. My character, a Dwarven Cleric, saddened by the stupidity of her teammates, unthinkingly said out loud, “Mishakal bless this house!” at the same time as the drunken noble Dragonborn Wizard casting Dancing Lights on it. Insert utter chaos and multiple DM facepalms here… Long story somewhat shorter, the Mayor’s House is now bleeding tortured flesh that screams (in an oddly musical way), is constantly being hurt/healed from said torture, is brightly lit, is EXTREMELY fertile, fully sentient, and is blessed by a God of War. (Double oopsie) We may have also turned one of the very few survivors into a minor Deity of Vampire Hunting, and sent him and his horse packing… But the fun didn’t stop there! We then somehow set off the equivalent of a Holy Atom Bomb and destroyed the rest of the town and all but 2 survivors, not including Player Characters (although one guy did have to change characters anyway, because he failed his Dex save to escape the blast). We decide to take the survivors to another town and try to continue on our quest to return home. As we are on a bridge crossing a river, at the halfway point, Mr. New Guy deciders to say a prayer to his god. (Insert even more DM face palming here…) Turns out, the halfway point of this bridge was the very edge of the bubble cutting off Strahd, and that prayer just got us noticed. (Triple oopsie) We are then informed of the Celestial War we have accidentally started, and kicked out of the realm of Ravenloft by Strahd himself. Instead of ending the campaign there (because we’ve tried running it 3-4 times now and never make it anywhere productive), we made it through the mists that Strahd abandoned us to and came out in…The World of Warcraft! We just crash-landed on the Exodar and fought a Dragon, because the damn drunken Dragonborn had to tell the Dragon about said Celestial War instead of keeping his mouth shut… TL,DR; My group cheated fate to: get the attention of every last god, start a celestial war, and get sent to the World of Warcraft. Instead of dealing with Strahd. Because screw that guy. P.S. The Fate Tokens have since been changed. Instead of an instant Nat 1/20, now it’s just a reroll of the d20. It’s a learning curve…
@billcox8870 Жыл бұрын
A game A friend of mine was playing in some years back had this situation. The party he was in was facing a large number of Undead. He used holy word I believe it was, this was an earlier Edition, maybe second edition and rolled exceedingly well. It pretty much wiped out the encounter the DM had planned and he got mad. Things were a little Frosty between those two for a while.
@Hungry_Raccoon_ Жыл бұрын
In my DM's campaign, there are a ton of homebrew elements, including these powerful dragons that originated from 3.5, I think. When these dragons die, they drop their heart, which could be crushed and turned into a very powerful drug we call "dragon cocaine." We accidentally awakened one of the most powerful dragons while traversing a forest after a major fight in an unknown location. This happened after I had been trapped in a ring after ingesting some dragon cocaine. I should explain the effects of dragon cocaine. Dragon cocaine is a highly potent drug that, when ingested, makes you roll on a completely homebrew wild magic-style table (which I helped the DM create). A range of things could happen, from doubling your size to permanently gaining or losing stats, or even hearing "Baby Shark" in your head 24/7 for several days (which is a real option that could be rolled). Also, it was very, very explosive. I nearly killed the party with only 12 grams, and the DM had to improvise to save everyone after my character sacrificed themselves. So, imagine one of the biggest and strongest dragons was just slain, and to prevent your party from taking too much after a single attempt to take a chunk, a shield protects it from only them, and the rest can make an attempt. The heart was larger than a medium-sized creature, and a small chunk of it gave me nearly 1000 grams. So, imagine the horror my DM felt when I made the brilliant suggestion to blow it up and turn it all into dust for our use. I immediately saw the errors of my ways and screamed, "WAIT, NO! THAT WILL KILL US ALL!" before anything happened. That's when the idea was in everyone's head: "How big would that explosion be?" Our DM said, "Massive, like complete annihilation massive." So we developed a plan to detonate it and still live. One party member injected it and got teleported 45 THOUSAND MILES away, STILL ON THE CONTINENT. The continent being 45 thousand miles long will come in heavily important soon. We detonated the gem and killed EVERYTHING on the planet except some underground races. This is now the lead-up to the new campaign that we are in, a desolate desert landscape, very harsh but livable, with barely any water and scarce resources. Only a small hidden part of the world has grass, but it is hidden because our old characters, now BBEGs, would destroy it if they ever found it. This is how the once lavish and green lands of Everdyle became the harsh and barren lands of Nanon.
@IlloyedKater Ай бұрын
Why the f did u guys even think exploding it would be a good idea?
@Hungry_Raccoon_ Ай бұрын
@@IlloyedKater well my initial thought was process was “blow it up, turn it into a lot of dust” since it was a powerful material we could only collect so much, I immediately realized the error of that thought process and said we shouldn’t unless we wanted to do something really bad lol. One of us had the ability to teleport to another plane so we led a rope to a bomb that was right next to the heart, lit the rope and immediately went to a different plane
@mikewithington4755 Жыл бұрын
i honestly didn't expect my post to be made on the video. Thanks for adding it, i might add one hell of a story about some creative DM'ing on the subreddit. was writing it here but acidently cancelled it so i have to rewrite it. either way. once again an amazing video and stories
@justinbell7497 Жыл бұрын
I wrote a dungeon crawl campaign for the characters to return a stolen macguffin. The thing is, in order to make them care about said macguffin I had an army attack the town they were in to steal it first. Except the players DEFEATED an ARMY, and said item was recovered before it was stolen out of reach… Had to rewrite everything after the first session.
@logantharp6066 Жыл бұрын
I am doing Lost Mine, and my players didn't hear me when I described the initial post-fight scene. So they went to the town convinced there wasn't anything of note there, skipping the entire first dudgeon crawl
@watermelon5521 Жыл бұрын
1:28 what was that laugh😭
@Sku11m8t Жыл бұрын
Had a campaign where our party was supposed to be at the castle of Dracula, our DM wanted us to get there by train where we'd have to go through the front gate of the castle and get stripped of our weapons. Vampires were watching us on the train and we desided to hunt them. We managed to kick them off the train but not without destroying the controls for the train. This is how it de-rails. As the train sped up it rammed into the castle walls causing chaos and confusion. What was supposed to be a one on one conversation with Dracula turned into a brawl that ended in Dracula's death, a planned betrayal between two party members and the castle crumbling to the ground all because of the party breaking the controls of the train whal hunting some Vampires. Fun times.
@dietricranck3173 Жыл бұрын
Oh I got one. I was a Grung rouge with a group that had a fighter, druid, coffee-lock, and another caster class that I can’t fully remember that didn’t really help out much. (Not their fault just never had a chance to shine.) we had to investigate a bunch of kidnappings with the most recent being a literal month old baby. We find a camp of cultist and with a bit of a distraction from the fighter and coffee-lock I was able to sneak into the camp with super high stealth. I snuck all the way down a secret cave to find the baby on a sacrifice pedestal surrounded by cultists. I panic slightly and say that I want to sneak up and steal the baby and run. I roll stealth and crit! I sneak up and have the baby in my arms while all the cultists are bowing and are not looking straight at the baby or me. I use my Grung jump power to leap over the cultists and the baby wakes up from the jump and starts crying. The cultists finaly see me and I book it full speed out of the camp and say “GOT THE KID RUN!” To my party as I run past. I make it back to the town several turns before the party and the cultist army and manage to both tell the guard what’s happening and take the baby back to her mother. Then I make it back to the edge of town just in time to meet my party and cultist army with a much larger army of town guards who are ready and haven’t spent that past ten minutes sprinting through the woods. Dm rolls upon my asking to see if the cult was tired from the run and they fail the group con save and have a level of exhaustion but so do my party and I. Thankfully the guards are there to fight for us. The cult is smart enough to just surrender and we manage to end a cult with no casualties on either side and all kidnapped children accounted for. Turns out we were meant to alert the cult as we entered and they would teleport out with the kids to start the campaign but the charismatic fighter and coffee-lock kept any alarms from going up before I saved the baby that was part of the portal ritual… whoops!
@starbird3939 Жыл бұрын
Our bard, upset that he wasn’t killing as many enemies as the fighter, barbarian, and druid, decided the best course of action was to blow up a natural monument to crush the enemies. Not only did he kill all the enemies, but he also almost killed the party (the DM admitted to fudging the roll) and most of the party’s allies. Yeeeeeaaaaah.
@everythingsalright1121 Жыл бұрын
Hes a friggin bard what was he expecting...lol
@postapocalypticnewsradio Жыл бұрын
PANR has tuned in.
@22dolls19 Жыл бұрын
5:17 - I am getting strong Hellsing Abrigded vibes from that one
@GymbalLock Жыл бұрын
I had a sci-fi campaign where the players were to hack their way through the South American jungle on foot. I forgot a player had his vehicle equipped with a dozen mini-nukes. He use the nukes to carve a trail through the jungle in less than a minute. Then they just drove their vehicles through the rubble of fallen trees to the location.
@lotsaspaghetticodejr.6488 Жыл бұрын
He could have just said these spider webs were fire resistant because they were ✨ magical ✨
@Reverence561 Жыл бұрын
Grappling a dragons lower jaw. Surgically removing an crushing it with right tools for the job. Along with a decent amount of yanking and tanking it's breath weapon. Gynisis the warforged artificer sporting guardian armor, enlarge, and a giants belt is a nasty grappler.
@metalsasquatch3410 Жыл бұрын
Ya put tha bag of holding in tha bag of holding... instant problem solved
@samzilla1281 Жыл бұрын
Well my bard hasn't derailed the campaign, but he wanders off a lot. Because of this, in one part of Tyranny of Dragons, he wound up with a dragon's hoard and a Belt of Hill Giant Strength. The former because he wound up in the chamber while the dragon wasn't home and the latter after a short fight with three Ettins. A solo fight because the party was messing around with an altar and only heard the growls of the Ettins and the whooshes of three Fireballs. I should probably mention he's a College of Lore bard.
@blakeetter280 Жыл бұрын
This was me Walked into an inn and my DM spends about a whole minute setting it up, introducing the inn keeper, all that jazz. Asks us what we want to do and before anyone can answer I say “I walk up to the counter, slam my hand down and say ‘I need a room for the night and your wife for an hour’” the entire table was dying laughing, and this was like my first ever session of dnd so I had no idea what I was doing I just sorta knew memes. We had to leave and the DM was kinda pissed cuz that inn was important but I think it was one hell of an introduction to my character, a wall of meat fighter.
@ScottLafray-dd2fp 2 ай бұрын
We had a rogue thief in our party who decided to panic the moment he saw a dragon appear on the board and attack it. The dragon was supposed to be a maguffin to give us sage advice and steer us a certain way on our quest. Instead, it gets really peeved when a rogue jumps on its back and tries to stab it in the eye. The entire party got roasted... and eaten.
@MagicalMaster Жыл бұрын
Alright, this has a few parts to be fully understood. #1, we were using Pathfinder Crit cards for both crit failures and successes they spice things up a lot. As we were using these we came across a single card that said if you crit with a slashing weapon, there's a fort save or the target's head is coming off. We had a quick vote about having something so deadly in the cards and we agreed to keep it. Two months later, it shows up again. On an Umber Hulk's attack roll. Against my Paladin who had a several important plot McGuffins on him. This guy was a silver tongued beast with a sword who could talk us past check points and stand right in the Bosses' face without flinching. Also his Con Save, the equivalent of a Fort save. Was through the roof. Normally. I used my lucky feat, my normal roll and my action points to no avail. I failed to roll over a five on four different dice. So my paladin get's his head bitten clean off. He had the sword that was there to hurt the end boss, the map of everything, a personal journal on all the shit going on... and no one loots his body. He get's a respectful burial with all his effects and the DM has to think good and hard. When he can finally finish laughing about the fact that I argued the hardest to keep that crit card in, and it came straight for me.
@eldardrakeson Жыл бұрын
Raising a titan's corpse as a kaiju sized undead to fight a rampaging dragon...the problem is raising a 'barely controllable' undead, pointing it at the dragon, saying 'kill'....then botching the control roll. Oh, the titanbones followed the one command it comprehended - to the exclusion of all else. Dragon, orc tribes, several major cities. The group was then regarded as a far worse calamity than the dragon ever would have been. In a word - good job breaking it heroes
@dsimi415 Жыл бұрын
The first and only session I ever played, we got into an argument over what to do with some artefact we were meant to bring to some old man and ended up breaking the artefact so we decided to tell the man we had it and rob him for the reward anyway. One of the guys disagreed with this plan so we got into a brawl and we ended up tying him up and leaving him in the woods, essentially kicking him out of the session. We then proceeded with the plan and the old man turned out to be a god level mage and killed almost all of us
@wikitt5801 Жыл бұрын
In the first campaign I played I didn't really give my character a backstory to well. My party ended up skipping what was supposed to be thr next session and fought the boss early. The second session was supposed to give us most of the lore so my DM improvised and incorporated the lore into my backstory so I could give the group the clues to head to where we needed to go
@DianaShanandCo Жыл бұрын
I do have a little story. I was dming my homebrew campaign, The mysteries of ElvenHaven. My dad's character was a high elven fey wild barbarian. The derailment was that he,(after the party won the brawl and all the festival of the queen contests), decided to sleep with the queen. Who happened to be a paladin.
@baconthedarklord970 Жыл бұрын
If you're one of my players (excluding Elijah/Gouda's player, the PC towards the end who's aware of all this stuff), please turn back now. So, the BBEG was trying to basically start a ritual that would summon what is essentially an avatar of destruction and an elder god's right hand to the world. The plan was for him to succeed, then the players would get to fight something on the level of a god at 20th level. But this ritual required another servant of that elder god, and a number of artifacts. What happened was the players offered a non-lethal duel with the BBEG's group with artifacts as ante, and the bard decided to cast feeblemind on the servant who needed to preform the ritual, and he had already expended all of his legendary resistances, then failed the save. The bard then effectivly created a sandstorm to cover up him abducting and replacing the guy. Without that guy, the BBEG couldn't preform the ritual to summon the god-thing. And, realistically, he would have just attempted to assault the party's base. Which would have resulted in them all dying hideously, since his prior experiences with them let him know to take them seriously. The only way I could fix that was taking a week to consider what I could do, taking a PC's brother hostage, and he then traded himself for his brother, knowing it would be certain doom. So that's how one of my players has been effectively killed and possessed by an ally of the BBEG who was necessary for plot to happen.
@pupsicle5345 Жыл бұрын
Oh boy this happened today, our party got a spell to change a fact about a person, we got stuck fighting the equivalent of a secret boss, a brother of one party member, after fighting and getting our ass handed to us, they got to use that spell, they could have make him patient, they could have made him join us, but they choose to make him the younger brother....and that added all the power and curses the eldest got as a tradition to our party member
@Mathewfriescountdown Жыл бұрын
What a waste of a perfectly good immortal NPC I would have used him as a trap detector.
@MrInitialMan 9 ай бұрын
An update on the first story (The drider and the helm of brilliance). I ran into that then-young DM not long ago. Apparently, he still runs that campaign and has the possibility of the cave exploding *worked into it* now. You cast any fire or lightning spell, he will roll to see if you set the cavern ablaze (God HELP you if you're in it!). The Drider's chamber is even more dangerous--the Drider WILL try to use the fire-based spells in the helm, so there's still the possibilty of this blowing up in the party's face. If you do not keep him from using any of the fire-based spells, you have to have the helm repaired or replaced. He told me the party has to do full replacement most of the time---and at the end, they have to bluff their patron into believing this IS the original helm, not a replacement. Oh, and if you fail to take the ruined slag that is the original helm? It is found and brought back to the patron, and your bluff gets a LOT harder. And if you take the sorry slag back to your patron, you're ordered to replace it.
@poodn4559 Жыл бұрын
Curse of Strahd. I willingly became a vampire. Not a problem on its own, buuuuuut, one of my fellow PCs *hated* vampires. Our bickering got so annoying that Strahd tried(and succeeded) to kill us the very next time we entered his keep. Like, outside the door to the castle
@nicolasv6031 Жыл бұрын
So, this is when my friends and I were playing Apocalypse World (post-apocalyptic setting with weird psychic-maelstrom that let's people do freaky stuff). We'd played TTRPGs before, but this was my first time DMing, so I didn't know what to expect. With my friends... I should have expected the worst, to be honest, cuz that's basically what happened. The cast: Buddy, the gun-toting Gunlugger with half his face charred from an old grenade-explosion; Mal Practis, the Angel (aka medic) who dresses very much like a goth; Eisrin, the rifle-toting, sickle-tipped-chain carrying Battlebabe; and Mustang, the Driver with a very, very beefy Jeep (sadly, he later left the campaign, so I had to kill off his character with a cursed dagger they had just found :p). It started out with them having met up on the road, deciding to travel in numbers for safety, and arriving at this guarded town. After being guided by the guards to an empty home for lodging, they were told to expect the town leader to ask them for favors, in return for food, water, and housing. After exploring the town a little, on the next day, they finally met up with the town leader, Rufe, who asked that they go gather some food from the nearby woods, as theirs was running a tad low. However, he warned that people they'd previously sent with advanced weaponry (aka guns), had never returned, so he offered them the use of simpler, more quiet tools for the job. The group said they'd think on it. A few minutes, both irl and in-game later, what do they decide? To *raid and pillage the place, cuz screw going into the forest without guns!* DM.exe has crashed; please restart to proceed. To be fair, I *was* planning on throwing a couple monsters I made, inspired by a post-apocalyptic book I'd read. So, I quickly come up with some goons to throw at them as the group makes their way to the large building in the center of town, where they'd heard the food/weapons were stored. After running a few people over in Mustang's car, getting a tire shot out by a sniper, Buddy *sniping* the sniper back, and then mowing down the remaining baddies with the car's mounted SMG, they finally approach the side of the building, 2 of them unconscious (Eisrin from the crash, the Mal from trying to use the psychic maelstrom to heal him). A few more goonies were there by the entrance; not too many for them, but enough to slow them down long enough for reinforcements to arrive. Buddy, who is now driving Mustang's precious baby cuz the latter was injured in the crash, then proceeds to whisper, "Welp, I hope Mustang doesn't kill me for this," as he proceeds to *ram the car into the side of the building, through the interior, and out the other end*. DM.exe has crashed again, please restart to continue. I made him roll; he rolled well enough. So, they demolish the place, with Buddy and Mustang, who were in the front seats, now falling unconscious. Mal and Eisrin then wake up to this chaos, for an NPC I'd made as an interesting store-keep they'd met, now ushering them back into the car, saying he'll help them and give some supplies, as long as they take him with them. And that, was the first two sessions.
@dukeofbourbon3063 Жыл бұрын
We detonated an artifact inside of another artifact and sucked the party into the Astral Plane. *Spoilers for Rise of the Runelords* We were playing RotRL in Pathfinder 1e and our party was getting beat to hell inside the Runeforge, the Runeforge being an artifact and demi-plane created by the Runelords and occupied by their insane minions. As an example of their insanity, someone thought it was a good idea to set a perpetually firing Mage's Disjunction trap within a wing of the Runeforge. For those who don't know, Mage's Disjunction is the only spell that has a chance of brute-force destroying an artifact ... And they set this spell to fire continuously inside the Runeforge. This trap had been firing for centuries, and it was starting to show ... We were also dealing with a domineering artifact axe named Gilmore. The GM had introduced Gilmore a while back and it had fused with and was gradually taking over our fighter. Between Gilmore, the Runeforge, and the constant battering we were taking, the affected player and I came up with a plan to ease our suffering. Since the looney mages were so obliging as to provide a means, we decided that in the (inevitable) event our fighter died I would teleport his body (with Gilmore attached) into the Mage's Disjuction and then run. One more thing, we didn't tell anyone else about this plan. Sure enough the fighter died and I teleported him into the trap without a word to anyone else. After dropping his body I met the rest of the party in the main chamber and stalled them as best I could. The party wizard thought the axe was useful and wanted to recover it (because OF COURSE he did - all mages are crazy, my own not excluded). And as we talked, our fighter's player kept naming numbers and rolling a d100. By now our GM knew what was going to happen if the party didn't get to Gilmore in time. The look of horrified resignation on his face as '93' was called and rolled warms my heart to this day. With a tremendous explosion Gilmore's magic was sundered and released, rupturing the already weakened Runeforge and spilling the party into the Astral Plane. The following week our GM proved to be a Proctologist-Magician and proceeded to pull a new plot thread out of his @$$. I admire him greatly.
@LEWS316 Жыл бұрын
Yay my Dark conspiracy story made it into a video! We started Dnd5e this month, (simple first job deal with the bandits attacking merchants on the road and save a kidnapped city guard), after our first fight almost killed the rogue twice, using up all the druids spell slots to heal him (rogues shouldnt get inviolved in a stabd up fightat lvl 1 with 4 bandits), we havea long rest then find the ruin where the rest of the bandits are (bear in mind we are lvl 1 at this point) we sneak up in the treeline druid gets a sneaky crit on one bandit patroling the outside, i (warlock) used thaumaturgy to pull the next one over towards the rogue, using the old predatpr "over here" whisper noise, this gets two more bandits in a row. Dm rolls to see if any bandits are able to see us as they find a body, nope - heres where we kinda derailed the fight. The bandits knew somethuing was going on but it was nightime and we were hidden in the trees with high stealth checks and they failed thier passive stealth perception checks over and over. Paladin holds his turn so Druid can use produce flam to light his javelin on fire, then throws it hitting a guy in the chest and insta killing him. then my warlock shoots one with Eldritch blast, and rolled a crit nat 20, then a max damage roll and kinda blew apart the best armed bandit other than the boss. and that kinda set the tone for the fight the bandits shooting crossbows blind into the trees and missing us,while we sniped damn near everyone from the trees as they came out of the ruin. (the dm expected us to try being sneaky but not this much and she was having to throw more banits at us trying to draw us out of cover, that just for my wralock resulted in some amazing dice roll luck and lots of critical hits and insta exploded bandits (about 20 all in i think) When no one else came out we walked forwards and the bandit leader shouted at us to let him go. I used thaumaturgy to make him run out the ruin (by making his hidy hole stink like skunk spray!) he tries to escape, takes a thunderwave, two eldritch blasts and three arrows plus a javelin in the back. to go down. We find the kidnapped guard and free him who promptly throws up at all the bandits laminated across the ruins/pinned to the wall by critical bow shots. Not a massive derailment all told but the Dm said she was expecting us to climb on the roof and sneak in or something, Rogue said "Maybe but after that first battle i think we were all too nervous to show ourselves at first besides look at Warlocks dice rolls!" (considering I had made several nat 1's for sneaking before the fight even started we were lucky lol We are now level 2 after that and play again next weekend - overarching plot seems to be someone called Olaf has a problem with the local baron and his favourite whixky distilley so have to see what happens
@Mr-__-Sy Жыл бұрын
dibs on turning it in a capone in chicago type of story
@LEWS316 Жыл бұрын
@@Mr-__-Sy dont think thats what the dm is going for but we did kind of "explode" the bandits cheap rotgut distillery (they were labeling the rotgut as the local premium brand - all we know so far is that a bigger bandit boss has an issue with the baron and wanted the local distillery for himself
@Mr-__-Sy Жыл бұрын
@@LEWS316 you can always derail it into that
@Reepicheep-1 Жыл бұрын
DM, not the players, BUT: Playing over Discord, whenever we can log-in, effectively non-stop. DM had to walk away for a few hours and said pick any item from the Multiverse you want. Essentially, roll whatever you want from any Universe to equip. Now we were playing a roughly 5e horror campaign. I was attempting to be more or less Universe appropriate with my selections. However, when they started allowing Captain America Shields, Halo Spartan armor, and then Senzu beans, I said screw it, and I demanded access to all wizard, Druid spells, swappable on a short rest. Somehow, my selection was ruled overpowered... so the DM gave me an Arcane Mask of the Thespian (sortof) to swap any school of Magic on a short rest. I fully expect Cthulhu in power armor any moment, and a multiversal explosion in a week.
@sillykristy 6 ай бұрын
The party encountered a troll bridge. The DM expected us to negotiate with the troll for passage across the bridge. My chaotic good Sorceress, believing that all trolls are evil, launched a fireball across the bridge. The troll did not survive. Then the less-good members of the party went into the troll's house under the bridge and killed his wife and child. It was a relatively minor derail, but it's the only one I can think of that's specifically my fault. The DM then decided that these trolls were the adoptive parents of a powerful evil NPC we would face later - who we somehow convinced to work with us to defeat a lesser evil.
@marcopassera5900 11 ай бұрын
Not a player, but the DM: whenever he started reading a new Fantasy series, he would try to incorporate it in the campaign, completely changing our goals... We'd already gone from "seek divine artifacts" to "join a mercenary group", and if the campaign hadn't fizzled out, we would have soon been turned into vampires and switch system from D&D 3.5 to Vampire the Masquerade
@evanbaldwin2794 Жыл бұрын
Some spoilers for Waterdeep: Dragon Heist. I decided to run Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, using a mixture of Jaraxle and the Cassalanters as villians (Jaraxle only needed the Staff, Cassalanters only needed the money, so they could work together). The party had gotten though the first segment of the mystery segment at found the nimblewright detector. At this point, there are two locations the party could find themselves at: the Red Herring location, which was Jaraxle's ship (he has some unrelated nimblewrights), and the correct location where the nimblewright they were chasing was. They went to Jaraxle's ship first, and the intended story is to talk to the captain (a disguised Jaraxle), realize that they are at a dead end, and leave. Then they find the real nimblewright running away and continue chasing the adventure's McGuffin. However, somehow they got tipped off that this captain was not as he seemed (idk how, this was more than a year ago), and knew that the stone would eventually find its way back to the ship. So, they just waited. So, after some time (and some shenanigans caused by the seemingly rare good gremlin character), the nimblewright they were supposed to chase made it back to the ship, and they offer to find the secret vault the McGuffin was a map to for Jaraxle, with the intent of betraying him. And that is how my characters ended up skipping 50% of Dragon Heist by doing nothing.
@themegabigctoo Жыл бұрын
my dm is homebrewing smugglers shiv in dnd 5e. in our last session we faced the red mountain devil, the dm planed on having the devil escaping the first encounter than attacking the group whenever the the party splits up.......... we killed the red mountain devil before it could escape.
@mercuriogrimmalkyne2291 Жыл бұрын
Our dm for a world of darkness campaign was a real pos. He started using his game to manipulate people. So my bestie and I teamed up to use the in game mechanics to completely destroy his 3 year campaign. Our characters became vampire gods. My character stole another's plot armor, and we basicly became the big bads. For those familiar, my malkavian vampire had valorin 5, and presence 5. So broken.
@TheVindicar 7 ай бұрын
11:00 So they basically went full Minecraft on that village? =)
@johnscarborough9627 Жыл бұрын
So. The Derailment is currently ongoing, but my Character became King of Waterdeep So. We’re playing a somewhat homebrewed campaign set in Waterdeep. Our characters were tasked with delving into the dungeon under town to rescue people who are important to our players. The kender Fighter’s sister, the Dragonborn Warlock’s Daughter, and my (Warforged Ranger) Creator. During one of our return trips to the surface, we managed to lead a survivor out of the dungeon to the surface. Turns out that the survivor was the King’s daughter. After my character had an audience with the king and returning his daughter, he offered to equip our party with higher level gear for delving deeper into the dungeon Well. Fast forward to the end of the session, and we’re in the royal armory getting kitted out with gear, and we ask the head of the guard to take us to the king so we may thank him. The guard is hesitant, but after some pressing from the party, he relents and leads us to the throne room, where the king and his daughter have been slain. Now, important detail about my character. He’s a PI. Think Nick Valentine from Fallout 4. Gruff, Suave, and street smart. The Head of the Guard asks my character if he would help investigate the bodies, which i agree to, but only if we get a sealed statement showing that the party was not responsible for the deaths of the King and his Daughter, as well as an addendum stating that this edict cannot be modified once Stamped with the Royal Seal, which the guard agrees to. The royal notary, a small goblin called Jeremy, shows up and scribbles a quick note up, and after a few quick arcana checks, we find no traces of magical tampering, so the goblin is sent off to stamp the edict and we get busy investigating the scene. A few minutes later, the Goblin reappears with the, now stamped, Edict. After another high roll arcana check from my Warforged, we discover that the Royal Seal’s magic is… Flawed. The seal causes the edict to have the opposite effect, so it shows us as all being guilty for murder. We all panic, until the Kender remembers our addendum. Since it’s reversed, we can edit it! So we hustle into the notary office to save ourselves from a potential Patricide sentence when my Warforged has a thought. What if we wrote an edict that said that we weren’t Royalty. That the Warforged Wasn’t King, that the Kender wasn’t the Royal Advisor, that the Dragonborn wasn’t the head of the guard, and that the Lizardfolk Rogue, who was our 4th party member, wasn’t head of Intelligence. After a persuasion roll from the Warforged, promising Jeremy the Goblin that he would stay on as Royal Scribe, the notice was stamped. There was an incredible blast of energy, and i became Ruler of Waterdeep. We went from a party of 4, struggling to stay alive and nearly being jailed for Patricide, to becoming the rulers ourselves and having our own personal army
@lucifersatan8240 3 ай бұрын
I'm going to be playing as a DND version of the doom slayer for an upcoming campaign, and I'm probably going to ask for a bird or something to help my character remember the world they're fighting for. In the original source material, the slayer's journey started with the demons killing his rabbit. I hope to god that my DM knows not to kill the bird because then I'll be obligated to derail the entire campaign to commit genocide.
@joeykiz Жыл бұрын
Players were hired by a local crime boss as security for his 20-something princess trust fund daughter. Instructions were simple: keep an eye on her, don't let her get involved with a particular npc because he was her dealer. Keep a low profile. Don't let anything happen to the daughter. One player threw his return-at-will blade across the crowded night club and willed it to return to him because he saw the dealer but lost him in the crowd and evidently intended to kill him as a means of keeping him away from the client. They lost her in the ensuing chaos and when they found her she was with the dealer in the bathroom. Fight commences, same player goes to kill dealer with return blade with crime boss' daughter right next to him... rolls 1... she takes blade through torso. Next session was GTFO of town as quickly as possible rather than next mission in the underworld campaign I had written. It derailed everything, but became one of the more memorable campaigns our group had.
@H9O Жыл бұрын
Mr ripper or someone here reading: i am pretty sure i saw a story in this channel of a moon druid called Darwin, it was suposed to be a joke character but it evolved so good i want to take it as an inspiration to implement on one of my PC. If anyone can help me finding it...
@nicholashodges201 Жыл бұрын
5:59 don't you mean BMG? And I *don't* mean "Browning Machine Gun"
@fuzzyhughes3622 Жыл бұрын
All i did was wish for the weresharks stolen trident that controls the seas back... how was i supposed to know it completely deleted one whole questline and ruined 4 more and made it so we dont actually have to almost die raiding the main cult compound... well actually i did know this which is why it was what my Tortle wished for, and despite being my least favprite in terms of class/features cause bard, he has tied with Cthulu in arm wrestling, never failed a wisdom save, always won gambling, domed a leprechaun with an iron bullet and is now banging the wereshark alpha cause he is a himbo. Dumb, but lovable
@JacobL228 Жыл бұрын
11:10 You're thinking of the heavily restrictive original version of paladins that were only allowed to be lawful good. 5e paladins are all paragons, but what they're paragons of is up to the player. Maybe this one was a paragon of dickishness.
@gildedbear5355 Жыл бұрын
DM 1: If the combination of your set up and player actions would ruin the whole adventure/campaign, then retcon your set up. I'm impressed at the commitment to letting the whole place burn, but disagree with the decision. Simply say to yourself, "well, it only burns this much because there was always a gap in the burnable webs right here".
@Trindify Жыл бұрын
1:29 Holy cow, talk about an overreaction.
@zachmansfield6640 11 ай бұрын
I meant to type roof, not root.
@lukasdeitert5405 Жыл бұрын
I tried to wake up oure thiefling sorcerer with holy water. And she burnd down the castel/fort we were task wirh protecting that wasnt So bad we have been able to Put out the fire. But a dragon atacked in that Moment. So we flet the fort i steht witch send us on a 10 to 15 Session getting you Back to the point were you fucked up Part.
@KirillTinovitskii Жыл бұрын
"after the viiiid" - dislike just for that phrase
@qastrox Жыл бұрын
First? :P
@metalsasquatch3410 Жыл бұрын
@bobbiscub Жыл бұрын
Long story short, my Chain Snake character grabbed the party's 4 armed cat(who specializes in rapiers), and began cooling his body and winding himself into a spring. The boss was just watching for 5 turns and was distracted by the rest of the party. Once I was sufficient taut I started winding back down and launched the cat at the boss we were fighting. With advantage on both our parts, we ended up turning the cat into a Mach speed ball of bladed death. The "Bladed Fast Ball was immediately banned after the DM allowed us to do this. Thankfully it caught the interest of the God of our cleric and gave the cat invulnerability for that round, with the success of both of us getting Nat 20's. The boss was at nearly full health when I launched the cat. When the dust settled everybody was still there, but the boss was a fine red paste on the ground, walls, ceilings, and mist in the air. All in all, 10/10 session.
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