It is worth considering taking an extra ghoul instead of the bribe, it's nice to have a yolo ghoul, it also counts as half a bribe because you now have a deep bench for fouling :) 3rd reroll is also nice Finally, when you have the flesh golem on the corner in then 1, you can move 1 zombie up to make it 3d.
@tzeentchling11 күн бұрын
-AV on a wolf isn't the worst and not a reason to fire them or restart the team! Not like any of the other main 3 stats.
@JanCRefsgaard12 күн бұрын
You should keep the team, a gaurd wraith is so valuable, I would play my next game with 11 man, just get the ghoul to blodge, dont even try to win, buy a wolf next round and then score on the wolf, you are garuenteed a wolf, you have 6 fans, thats 30k gold, even if you play soneone with 1 fan, and you both roll a 1 and you score 0 td you get 45k, that is enugh for a new wolf. In the current ladder my wolf died the game it acores its 2nd touch down, so it took me 6 games to get to 2 wolves, I got mvp on a golem which was my only reason to not restart, Finally, being a wolf down you are almost garuenteed to be able to induce a ghoul, there is even a good chance you can give it block if you are 155 tv down.