What You Haven't Been Told About Your Grip

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Online Archery Academy

Online Archery Academy

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@OnlineArcheryAcademy 2 жыл бұрын
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@pascalcharmolu 2 жыл бұрын
I wonder why there has not been any video updates lately...miss those a lot!
@kiktkikt2863 4 ай бұрын
Wow I am new to archery and improving so much in the last 6 months because of just great people giving me tips. But no one online has mentioned this. It’s one of my recent discoveries that I was doing. I blamed myself being a newcomer but this describes exactly what I am feeling. This was a great video for me. Thank you so much sharing and for your videos that make sense to me 👍🙏🏹
@stephandelarue9379 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks again Ashe for that video …I like these tips cause like you said no one is telling you such Important things …thank you 👍👍👍
@13malevich Жыл бұрын
Superb. Thank you. Wish I would have know this s
@13malevich Жыл бұрын
Opps a few years ago 👍😅
@lindasharaf 3 ай бұрын
Great tip Ashe
@magicknight8412 10 ай бұрын
This grip advice was really helpful, I have been wrapping my fingers all the way round the grip trying not to do a death grip. I adjusted yesterday to keep the fingers as you mention and it really helped my groupings and holding the bow steadier.
@malditomigue 2 жыл бұрын
Very clear , and informative as always. Thank You.
@SteveLikeUke 2 жыл бұрын
Very helpful explanation, thank you.
@gneissnicebaby 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for explaining all of this so clearly! I tore the sheathing around one of the ligaments for my thumb a few months ago and the way I was holding the bow during my first lesson definitely aggravated it. Hopefully, with better technique, it won't be so bad, and will actually help heal and strengthen my hand back up!
@HandyL 2 жыл бұрын
Very keen insight to something I never thought about. I always looked at it as one singular point as you stated but in fact there is a pivot point (webbing) with a force (pressure point) applied a distance away from that point. That in essence is an example of the torque equation in physics the same as turning a wrench or pulling a lever. Great video!
@kympinskyritarosa Жыл бұрын
Hello, thank you for the great lessons.... How would one get a recognition certificate please.....
@JustInTime0525 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for all your archery videos! Can you share your thoughts/ experiences on group shifting? I'm pretty confident about my anchor point, but sometimes my groups will be shifted up or down (left-right happening less so) without getting wider (shooting 45 pounds, size of a palm at 22m), so I assume it's not me getting worn out physically and shooting looser. My best guess right now is how my tab is engaged with the arrow, since it can slide vertically along the string a small amount. What I do now is to make sure my index tab leather touches the arrow nock when I draw. I would like to know: 1. if there should be gap between the nock and tab, if so then why does nobody talk about managing it consistently 2. what other reasons could cause my groups to shift Appreciate any thoughts or comments!
@dylanmurphy3 2 жыл бұрын
Informative as ever Ashe. Do you have any thoughts about aftermarket grips, high vs low wrist grip and grip customisation? Personally, I chose my riser mainly because I really liked the fit of the grip on it in my hand. I’m trying to concentrate more on form than kit, but is there any merit in trying different grips?
@jonathangriffith3851 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks...I was not sure what to do with the pivot point ; P
@mehulchauhan3627 2 жыл бұрын
Sir please make video on loosing hook Which is most important for beginners ... So chalanging
@axiong1036 2 жыл бұрын
Well said. I shoot compound and nobody ever mentions about maintaining contact at both the webbing of the hand and the padding of the palm. I'm so glad I saw your video. Any tips to reduce bowhand torque?
@srishtijaiswal4679 2 жыл бұрын
Very informative video.👍😊 I am facing a problem with my release. Their is a jerk in my body when I release the arrow and also when I expand at that time I loose my pressure I am trying hard but still it is not getting correct I can feel the pressure is losing and then I tight it again but I am currently not able to correct it. How can I correct it?
@bartangel4867 2 жыл бұрын
Good video and I'm glad to receive this info. But what I'm about to ask has nothing to do with this particular video. But what kind of exercises can you do to improve your archery strength and stability? (especially the ones that allow you to connect throughout your body as one linked chain if that makes sense) would rows for example be a good idea?
@VijaySingh-qz6gp 2 жыл бұрын
Thank for all vedio sir , Sir , I do my Olympic style recurve bow tuning . And I find my perfect tuning in negative . My uper limb ( tiller difference is 18 ). And lower limb ( tiller difference is 18.3) And my knocking point on 7. In measurements I get my baresaft arrow in my fletching arrows group . But when I start aim on 70 m , I find that my long bar is come in the middle of my aim. And when I do knowing point at 5 . And tiller difference in postive (1 ). Then my baresaft arrow go 12 o'clock blue in target 🎯. What should I do sir 😢
@cowaynecomarcho3883 2 жыл бұрын
Can you do a video on wet hand palm? What can be done to prevent wet palm.
@luciochambisoria1121 2 жыл бұрын
1:51 balance ok😯
@hutchieboy242 2 жыл бұрын
Hello Ash, I have a long-winded question. Measured the distance from the top of the arrow rest ( middle of nock point) to the ends of the limbs and found out the lenghr of the lower half of the string was 4 inches longer.. ...previously I was having a problem with the adjustment of the nock height. If the upper and lower portion of the string is moving through different distances in relation to the nock point how does that affect trajectory? I remember the Kyudo bows having a lower distance on the bottom string, is there a relationship?
@monom 2 жыл бұрын
Is the thumb on the grip relaxed or stiff and extended towards the target? if its extended I create a side pressure to the bow (is that ok?), if its relaxed I noticed that my stabilizer is pointing on the right when at full draw and possibly causing my group to change all the time.
@BaoBao-im4zv 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this informative video, just today i had a trouble with my grip and my coach told me to fix it. I am planning to buy my own olympic bow and i am not sure if i should buy 23 inch riser or 25. I am 5'3(160 cm) my coach said 23 would be a better fit but i want to go with regular 25. If i buy 25, would it be a problem later in my archery? I am planning to be a professional and get in the national team.
@garyhiggins6718 2 жыл бұрын
Hi, excuse me for giving an answer when you have asked Ashe, but in this case your coach is right! At 5'3", a 25" riser would be a waste of Energy, because at what is likely to be your most efficient draw length, with a 25" riser, you would not be utilising the most efficient force curve of the limb! For speed, go for a 64" limb, for comfort a 66" limb! Unless you are a youth archer and expect to 'grow into' a longer bow? In that case, go for a 25" riser and start with short limbs!
@BaoBao-im4zv 2 жыл бұрын
@@garyhiggins6718 Thank you for your advise but just one week after my comment, my coach measured my arm length and advised me to use 25" riser so i bought 25". Right now i will use it with 66" limb.
@ricardofranco-duarte346 9 ай бұрын
Hi. Why did you stop doing videos? Will you get back? 💪💪
@typhoon2827 Жыл бұрын
Good stabilisation is helpful here. Too much on the long rod encourages heeling.
@emiliaherrera1212 Жыл бұрын
You know if you want to have a business and get to know a beautiful and different country, you should open an archery academy in Guatemala, specifically in La Antigua Guatemala. I'm just saying that, because I would go and take classes! 😅😉🤗🏹✨🙌🏻
@chetanbhurewal76 2 жыл бұрын
Sir what could be the reason if our bow string still hits our bow arm elbow even we rotate our bow arm??
@mikepedder7040 2 жыл бұрын
Seems it doesn't matter how I position my hand, my thumb knuckle/ball joint always rubs and gets a callus (RH acrcher). Any ideas?
@mrnice752 2 жыл бұрын
Try filling the void between the top of your grip and the webbing of your thumb with putty so you have a larger contact point.
@machinpetrus3038 Жыл бұрын
Soverry nice
@orowoodworks5413 2 жыл бұрын
Maybe it should be called a pressure line instead of point. A line from the web down to the thumb pad.
@Sangey_archery Жыл бұрын
Your videos are way too long. Please make as many KZbin shorts as possible. Btw I am an intermediate archer and that is why my demand for short videos.
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